I 0 o THURSDAY. AUGUST 9. 1956 THE PILOT—Southern Pines. North Carolina Page SEVEN \ News and Personals from Vass Bessie Cameron Smith. Representatiye — Telephone Vast 2171 Special Service The Rev. O. L. Ha1;haway, su perintendent of Fayetteville Dis trict Methodist Churches, will preach at the Vass Methodist Church at 7:30 p. m. Sunday. The service will be followed by the first quarterly conference. Buffet Dinner Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Parker, Jr., gave a buffet dinner at their home Friday evening, honoring Miss Bert Wlilson on her birthday. Others present were Mr. and Mrs. D. G. Coffey of Sanford, Mrs. A. B. Parker, Sr., Emery Parker, and Barbara Parker, daughter of the hosts. Attends Study Mrs. W. A. Muse of Vass was one of several special guests of Mrs. Jewell Hemphill of Cam eron, spiritual life leader of the Cameron Presbyterian Women of the Church, when she entertained the group of church women at their Bible study and a buffet supper following. Mrs. Warren Thomas taught the study of the book of Deuteronomy and she is reported to have done an excel lent job. Around 36 were present for the study and the delicious supper. Visit Here Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Graham of Ruffin, S. C., spent the weekend visiting relatives in this commu nity and Southern Rines. They called on Mrs. W. B. Graham Monday. They were en route to Norfolk, Va., to visit Mr. Gra ham’s sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Percy Futrell. Mrs. Futrell is still wearing a brace as a result of an injury she sustain ed in a fall last spring. Stork Shower Mrs. J. B. Parker, Mrs. Ray Griffin, Mrs. Lacy McRae and Mrs. Paul Jones were hostesses at a stork shower for Mrs. Roland Ferguson Friday evening in the reception room of the Baptists’ new educational building. A color note of pink was used in the dec orations, which consisted of glad ioli, cosmos, and other garden flowers. Contest winners werq Mrs. Al bert Crissman, who presented her prize to the honoree, and Mrs. Ferguson. Mrs. Ferguson was presented a corsage made of baby socks arranged to look like rosebuds. Shower gifts were placed in a bassinet from the church nursery and wheeled before the honoree, who opened and displayed them 'with many expressions of admir ation and appreciation. The hostesses served cake squares decorated with baby faces and storks and frappe. There were about 20 present. Honor Guest Honoring their house guest, Mrs. N. G. Grahami of Charlotte, Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Autry enter tained several relatives and long time friends at dinner Monday night. Included were Misses Kate and Eva Graham of Southern Pines, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Gra ham of Route 1, Cameron, and Miss Bessie Cameron and Mrs. W. H. Keith of Vass. Personals Russell Bullock, who is on the tobacco market in Pelham, Ga., spent the weekend at home. Satisfaction !s what you really want in beerli Day after day the supreme quality^ of Schlitz gives more satisfaction to more people than any other beer in the world. Ask for Schlitz, the greatest name in beer.^ ijOif' Just the hiss of the hops.. I bitterness. Disbibuled By BICHMOND DISTRIBUTOTG CO. < PfaemlSS HAMLET. N.C. 245 Bridget Si. Dennis Allen is the name which Mr. and Mrs. Allen Thompson of Crossnore have given their son, born last week in a hospital at Marion. Mrs. Thompson is the former Mrs. Opal Baker McGill. Mrs. Roby Futrell and little sons, Nicky and Andy, visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Demott, at Charlotte Court House, Va., from Tuesday of last week until Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Morgan and family were weekend guests of Mrs. Annie Shankle in Anson- ville. Mr. and Mrs. T. L. McNair have entertained several guests during the past week. Misses Kate and Eva Graham of Southern Pines, Mrs. T. Frank Cameron of Cam eron Route 1, and Mrs. R. G. Ros ser had dinner with them Thurs day. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Forrest and son, Billy, of Portsmouth were with them over the weekr end, and additional Sunday guests were Mrs. Ed Maness, Mrs. Bill Maness, and Mrs. Charlie Peele, all of Carthage. Mr. and Mrs. C. P McMillan had dinner with his cousin. Miss Myrtle McMillan, of Red Springs Sunday. The occasion was a fam ily reurtion honoring relatives from Virginia. Mrs. N. G; Graham of Charlotte has been visiting in the home of her brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Autry, for several days. Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Bettini and children of Southern Pines were Simday dinner guests of his mother, Mrs. T. J. Smith. Mrs. J. R. Laubscher and sons, Johnny and David, returned to their home in Essex, Md., last week after spending several days with the boys’ grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Laubscher. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Jones had as their guest from Monday until Friday of last week Mrs. Riley Clark of Charlotte. Mr. Clark brought her to Vass and came back to accompany her home staying over for a brief visit. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Byrd of Phoenixl Alrizj, arrived last Thursday at the home of his sis ter, Mrs. G. W. Griffin, and on Saturday the three went to Al bemarle to attend the Whitely- Josey wedding and remained for a visit of several days with rela tives. Mr. and Mrs. Byrd expect to spend the greater part of Au gust visiting relatives in North Carolina. Miss Bessie Cameron had as her spend-the-day guests last Fri day her cousins. Misses Mamie, Minnie and Jacksie Muse of Cam eron and her sister, Mrs. W. H. Keith of Vass. Mr. and Mrs. F. X. Credle spent last weekend as guests of her son-in-],aw and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Harrill, at their cottage at Lake Lure. The Har- rills live in Forest City. Mr. and Mrs. Odell Crissmaq and children, Bobby and Barbara Jean, of Baltimore, Md., arrived Monday to spend their vacation with Mr. Crissman’s mother, Mrs. A. G. Crissman, and the Albert Crissmans. Mir. and Mrs. C. E. Spalding, who had veen vaca tioning with the Crissmans, left Saturday for their home in Balti more. Their daughter, Jeannette, who has been here for several weeks, is remaining until the end 90 PROOF PINT $3.85 4/5 Qf. Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey THE HILl & HILL COMPANY, LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY. of her vacation from school. Mrs. Pearl Bennett of High Point and Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Bailey and Mrs. McQueen Bailey, of Route 3, Carthage, visited Mr. and Mrs. D. F. Cameron Sunday night. Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Cameron, their daughter, Mrs. P. B. Irby, and her children, Susan, Chip and John, returned Thursday from a delightful vacation trip. They went to Englehard, where they visited the Camerons’ son and family, the Rev. and Mrs. Angus M, Cameron and baby, over the weekend. All of these and Mrs. Angus M. Cameron’s sister. Miss Jean Maynard, of Smyrna, N. Y., who was visiting there, went to Hatteras on the Outer Banks for two days, thpn back to Englehard where the Vass group remained until Thurs day. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Waddell and children of Albemarle and Mr. and Mrs. James Yow of Sanford visited Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Smith Sunday. The Yows called on Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Callahan, also Mrs. P. A. Wiilson returned Sat urday from a week’s visit to Wil son relatives at Charlotte and Ellenboro and friends in China Grove. She was accompanied home by her niece. Miss Brenda Mayer. Miss Bonnie Jean Hicks spent the weekend visiting relatives at Carthage. Mrs. Riley B. Reese of Durham: was here for a weekend stay with her mother, Mrs. R. L. Oldham. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Rabom and sons. Woody and Glenn, of Aiken, S. C., spent Sunday and Sunday night with the W. H. Fryes. Mrs. C. P. McMillan returned home from BOone last week after taking a two weeks’ course at Ap palachian State College. With her at Boone was a friend of long standing. Miss Essie Cunningham of Franklin, who teaches at Pine- hurst. FOR RESULTS USE THE PI LOT’S CLASSIFIED COLUMNS SOUTHERN PINES WAREHOUSES, Inc. RE-ROOFING? We have You’ll feel safer If you can say • • • •f.w Johns-Manville Asphalt Shingles are made to the highest standard of quality. They’re avail able in a wide range of colors and blends. Whether for a new house or new farm build ing or for re-roofing your present home or farm buildings these colotful shingles give you long years of protection and safety against fire, weather and wear. Ewy to apply, Johns-Manville Asphalt Shin gles bring color and beauty to your home. Eco nomical in cost, they provide long life and en hance the value of your buildings. \ let us show you styles and colors HEADQUARTERS FOR JOHNS-MANVILLE BUILDING MATERIALS EASY MONTHLY PAYMENTS CAN BE ARRANGED Southern Pines Warehouses, Inc. Phone 2-7131 "Everything For The Builder" OUR 32nd YEAR Southern Pines, N. C. Pleatyof^ atajupofapme fit's 8. ffiBSt tune to buys Buick!J transmission in the world with the ^ ^ cruising thrift and the switch-pitch safety- surge taken from the modern plane’s propeller. So WHY WATT any longer—when the time to take action is novo, so you can start enjoying all the golden months of summer and fall in a new ’56 Buick? S eriously—where else can you get so much ' snap and ginger at such a peach of a price? Where else can you get a big, high-powered, steady-riding hardtop like this ’56 Buick Riviera—at a figure that’s pretty close to what they’re asking for similar models of the well- known smaller cars? Nowhere else that we know oi—which is one big reason why Buick outsells all others cars in America except two of those smaller cars. But RIGHT ALONG with low price is something else behind Buick’s big success: Buick is a lot more automobile for the money. It gives you more room and luxury—more zip and power thrill—fine handling and sure footed stability. And it gives you something you can get in no other car—today’s advanced new Variable Pitch Dynaflow.* It’s Now—when Buick prices are as low as— perhaps lower than—they’ll ever be again. Now—when your present car is at its peak of worth—and when today’s high volmne ’56 Buick sales permit us to make you an even better trade-in allowance. Come see us—and look into the car that puts you years ahead right now. Come see us today—and discover the dilly of a deal that will make you wonder why on earth you waited as long as you did. *New Advanced Variable Pitch Dynaflow is the only Dynaflow Buick builds today. It is standard on Roadmaster, Super and Century— optional at modest extra cost on the Special. Buick Special 6-Passenger 2-Door Rivlerd Best Buick Yet SEE • JACKIE GLEASOM * I ON TV • Every 5oturd«y EvenTAg • •WHEN BETTER AUTOMOBILES ARE BUILT BUICK Wi^LL BUILD THEM- MARTIN MOTOR COMPANY SOUTH STREET N. C. Dealers License No. 2486 ABERDEEN. N. C.