Page FOUR THE PILOT—Southern Pines. North Carolina THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 20. 1956 Women’s Activities and Sandhills Social Events BESSIE CAMERON SMITH, Editor TELEPHONE 2-6512 MISS CLARA JEAN GARRISON IS WED TO JAMES V. HATCH IN DOUBLE RING RITES Miss Clara Jean Garrison, dau ghter of Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Gar rison of Pinehurst, became the bride of Airman James V. Hatch, wearing a ballerina length dress of blue lace with matching ac cessories. Her flowers were white orchids. After the ceremony they left on Looking Ahead New Heir-rivals McLean Style Shop’s Fall Fashion Show Is Big Success Something different and highly pleasing in the way of fashion shows was staged by McLean Style Shop in Aberdeen Monday night, when an outdoor showing of their new casual and sport clothes was held. A dozen lovely models stepped from show win dows decorated with yellow chry santhemums and proceeded out to the sidewalk, which served as a stage. Spectators, estimated at several hundred, were seated out side. The improvised stage formed an especially attractive setting for the models. The sidewalk was covered with grass mats, and banks of pines served as a back ground for colorful fresh flowers. Organ music was furnished by Mrs. L. D. McDonald of Southern Pines and Mrs. Nancye McClellan was commentator. Mrs. Bill Benson of Southern Pines won the door prize, and the consolation went to Miss Virginia Tribble of Aberdeen. MISS GERALDINE BETHEA SPEAKS VOWS WITH CORDELL HOPPER IN CHURCH RITES Mrs. Arthur Thomas And Mrs. Vann Are Hostesses To Club The Manly-Southern ' Pines Home Demonstration Club met Monday night at the home of Arthur Thomas in Pine hurst, with Mrs. Thomas Vann as co-hostess. Twenty members and guests were present. Mrs. Robert F. Shaw led the devotions and Miss Flora Mc Donald, home agent, gave an in teresting yeast bread demonstra tion. The finished product was highly praised, after members had given it the taste test. Miss McDonald also displayed beauti ful pine cone and acorn arrange ments. Meeting for the first time in the Pinehurst home of Mrs Thomas, who formerly lived in Southern Pines, the members were greatly interested in the decorative work she had achiev ed and in her handmade rugs, the colors of which were so effective with the fall flowers which she had arranged. Officers for 1957 are: Mrs. J. B. Cameron, Manly, president; Mrs. G. H. Wright, Southern Pines, vice-president; and Mrs. Kather ine Monroe, Manly, secretary- treasurer. The hostesses served canapes, cakes and punch. The October meeting will be at the home of Mrs. Mildred P. Miller in Pinehurst. son of Mr. and Mrs. P. V. Hatch' a wedding trip through of Southern Pines, at 6 p. m. Fri- Smoky Mountains. the In a private ceremony at the First Baptist Church at 4 o’clock Sunday afternoon, September 16 with relatives and a few close friends in attendance, Miss Ger aldine Bethea became the bride of Airman 2|c Cordell Hopper. The Rev. D. Hoke Coon, church pas tor, officiated using the double ring ceremony. Msis Jeanne Saunders, organist, presented the wedding music. The couple entered together, unattended, the bride wearing an afternoon dress of Capri blue silk with navy and white accessories. Her corsage was of Royal Bouquet white orchids. Following the wedding an in formal reception was given by Mr. and Mrs. Fred Woodruff, uncle and aunt of the bride, at their home. Mrs. B. W. Harris served the cake and Mrs. Mary Hendricks presided at the punch bowl. Mrs. Hopper is the daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Walter Be thea of Southern Pines. She is a graduate of Southern Pines High School and Kings Business Col lege in^Charlotte. Since complet ing her business training she has been employed as secretary by the Southern Friction Material Com pany in Charlotte. The bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hopper of Urbana, Ill. Soon after complet ing high school he entered the Air Force and is now stationed at I Shaw Air Force Base in South j Carolina. I After a wedding trip to Urbana, j Ill., the couple will be at home in I Sumter, S. C. For travel the bride wore a blue-grey suit with beige and navy accessories and her wedding corsage. Social Courtesies Mr. and Mrs. James Pate, uncle and'aunt of the bride, entertained the couple and Miss Fay Lewis of Charlotte at dinner Saturday. Mrs. Lela Lawrence entertained Miss Bethea, Airman Hopper and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Woodruff and family at luncheon on Sunday. day, September 14 The Rev. Tom Young officiat ed at the double ring ceremony which was performed before an improvised altar in the living room of the Culdee Presbyterian Church manse, decorated with greenery, candles and arrange ments of white gladioli. Families of the couple, rela tives and close friends were pres^ ent. The bride and groom entered together, unattended, the bride The bride is a senior at Pine hurst High School, where she plans to continue her studies un til graduation, after which she 'will join her husband at his base. Mr. Hatch was graduated from Southern Pines High School in 1954 and entered the Air Force in January, 1955. For the past year he has been stationed in Saudi Arabia. He came home the last of August, and is to report to Ellsworth AFB, Rapid City, S. Dak., October 8. BEULAH HILL CHURCH WOMEN ORGANIZE MISSIONARY SOCIETY AT RITTER HOME .Thirty-lfive ladies of Beulah'?: president, Mrs. Joe Wiseman; Hiir Church met at the home of vice-president, Mrs. Altha Mor- Mrs. C. H. Ritter Monday for the gan; secretary, Mrs L^erne Co^e, nurnose of organizing a mission- , treasurer, Mrs. Alma Ritter, song ary society. Mrs. Max Gilmore leader, Mrs. Altha Morgan; chair- presided and gave a talk on mis-man of prayer, Mrs. Minnie Mor- skin work. gan; program. Mrs. Dan Lewis; LEARN MORE CLASS The Learn More Bible Class will meet at 8 p. m. Monday at the home of Mrs. Jack Reid on North May Street. EXECUTIVE BOARD The executive board of Brown- son Memorial Presbyterian Wom en of the Church will meet at 8 p. m. Monday in the church par lor. BAKE SALE The Junior Woman’s Club of Southern Pines will hold a bake sale on the porch of the Jeffer son Inn tomorrow (Friday), be ginning at 9 a. m. WOODMEN CIRCLE Dogwood Grove No. 253 of the Supreme Forest Woodmen Circle Will meet Wednesday, September 26, at 8 p. m. in the Woodmen hall. Election of officers will be held and all members are asked to be present. KIMBERLY ANN RYAN Capt. and Mrs. William J. Ryan are the parents of a daughter, Kimberly Ann, bom at Moore County Hospital Thursday, Sep tember 13, weighing eight pounds two ounces. Their other children, are Ricky, four years old, and Kevin, two. Miss Doris Moore was guest speaker. She gave an interest ing account of her mission work in Africa, telling of her exper- Mrs. fences in working with the Afri- Mrs. BAPTIST WOMEN ELECT OFFICERS AND REORGANIZE CIRCLES FOR NEW YEAR An enthusiastic meeting of the Women’s Missionary Society of the First Baptist Chufch was held Tuesday night at the church, with a program on State Missions, re ports of committees and election of officers on the agenda. Around 45 women attended. Mrs. William Dale, program leader, was assisted by Mrs. Bill Thomasson and Mrs. Hoke Coon in presenting the program. Mrs. Jack Davenport was re elected to the presidency, and chosen to serve with her were: Mrs. C. D. May, 1st vice-president; Mrs. Norman Caudle, 2nd vice- president; Mrs. Henry Clayton, recording secretary - treasurer; Mrs. Perry Frye, corresponding seci;etary - literature chairman; Mrs. Ben Steen, young people’s director; Mrs. Raymond Parker, mission study chairman; Mrs. Harold Fowler, stewardship chair man; Mrs.* David Gamble, com munity missions chairman; Mrs. S. S. Thompson, Mrs. William Dale and Mrs. Hoke Coon, prayer chairmen; Mrs. William Darden, social chairman; and Mrs. George Little, publicity chairmsm. Circle chairmen were elected for the coming year,, and they, in turn, drew names for Circle mem bership. Mrs. C. R. Mills is chair man of the afternoon group; Mrs. Don Traylor, of the morning Cir cle,^ and those meeting at night have the following chairmen: No. 1, Mrs. Tom Howerton; No. 2, Mrs. Ray Schilling; No. 3, Mrs. James Pruitt; and No. 4, Mrs. Nellie Mann. enlistment, Mrs. Lou Weather- spoon; community missions, Mrs. Mildred Ritter; mission study, Emily Cole; stewardship, Flossie Currie; publicity. can people. She expressed her Mrs. Lexie Smith; ^d social thanks for the prayers offered for chairman, Mrs. Floyd Cole, missionaries, and inspired her| The next meeting will be at the hearers to have a greater desire home of Mrs. Ed Cole at 8 P- to aid the mission cause. | October 11. At this meeting the The group elected the follow- group will be divided into fir ing officers, who are to be install- cles. fed at the 7:30 p. m. service at I Refreshments were served at the Beulah Hill Church on October conclusion of the meeting. CHURCH OF WIDE FELLOWSHIP MAKES PLANS FOR NEW YEAR’S ACTIVITIES TEACHERS ARE GUESTS OF PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH WOMEN AT PROGRAM, RECEPTION Members of the Southern Joyce Little Is Honored At Party On Seventh Birthday Joyce Little, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George B. Little, was honored at a party given by her mother on Wednesday afternoon of last week in celebration of her seventh birthday. Joyce and 14 of her friends had a good tiine playing games and engaging in contests. Prizes were won by Carolyn Jean McRae and Mary Wright. Birthday cake and ice cream were served, each child was presented a favor, and the hon- oree was showered with many in teresting gifts. Guests included Anelle Frye, Linda Buchan, Joan Reid, Betsy Leonard, Jane Harris, Susan Tru- dell, Danny and Carol Nicely, Mary and Geraldine Wright, Dou- gie Donnell, Carolyn Jean Mc Rae, David McKenzie and Mike Bettini. Mothers attending were Mrs. B. W. Harris, Mrs. C. H. Donnell, Idrs. Bill Nicely, and Mrs. Eugene McKenzie. Episcopal Nursery School, Kindergarten Opens Next Monday Next Monday will be school time for tots attending the Epis copal Nursery School and Kinder garten, taught by Mrs. J. S. Mc- Lauchlin -and Miss Barbara Bet- terley. The school will open at 9 a.m. and run until noon. Pines faculty were guests at the monthly meeting of Brownson ,Memorial Presbyterian Women of the Church, held Monday night in the church sanctuary with the president, Mrs. George Heinitsh, presiding over a brief business session. Mrs. Joe C. ’Thomas led the opening devotions and Mrs. Avery Evans, chairman of Christian Education, presented a program on religious education. A panel composed of Mrs. Wayland Blue, Mrs. L. L. Wool- ley and Mrs. James Stephens dis cussed “You Are a Pupil and a Teacher Every Day.” After the program the group gathered in the fellowship hall for an informal reception honor ing the teachers. The table was coverd with a white linen cloth and centered .with a floral ar rangement in yellow, green and white, the color motif further emphasized in decorations and refreshments. Yellow candles were used. Attractively arranged on the table were trays of party sandwiches, cookies, nuts and mints. Mrs. Henry L. Graves and Mrs. Harvey Home presided at the punch bowls. Mrs. Edwards’ School Opens For Fall Term Mrs. Walter Edwards’ First Grade School opened last Thurs day, and children are still being enrolled for the fall term. School hours are 8:30 a. m. to 12 noon. re Dr. Heinitsh Attends Meeting In Asheville Dr. George Heinitsh has turned from Asheville, where he attended the annual joint meet ing of the North Carolina and South Carolina Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Societies, held Sep tember 16-19th. Episcopal Women Of Richmond District To Hold Quiet Day Here The annual Quiet Day service for the Richmond District will be held at Emmanuel Church next Wednesday, September 26, be ginning with Holy Communion at 10 o’clock with the Rev. Mar tin Caldwell as celebrant. The Rev. John C. Mott of Holy Trinity Church in Greensboro will be the clergy leader for talks at 11:00, 11:45 and 12:30, using the theme “New Life in Christ.” All members of the Woman’s Auxiliary and friends of the .church are cordially invited to .attend. Lunch is planned for 1:30 p. m. in the parish hall and each person is asked to bring her own box lunch. Beverage and dessert wiU be furnished by St. Mary’s Guild. Mrs. Grey’s School ^To Open October 1st Mrs. Maxwell Grey’s school will open Monday, October 1, with an enrollment of 24 boys and girls. Mrs. Gray announces that Mrs. Roger Gibbs will again be with her to assist with the school. Mrs. Eugene Schaefer of Ashe- boro is spending this week with — her sister. Miss Katherine Wiley, which followed the program. Methodist Woman’s Society Holds Monthly Meeting At Parsonage The Methodist Woman’s Society of Christian Service held its monthly meeting Monday night at the parsonage, opening with the WSCS purpose repeated in unison by the members. Mrs. J. S. Hiatt presided over the business session, during which reports were heard and final plans for the public supper held this Wednesday night completed. Mrs. R. L. Bame announced that the prayer groups will meet at the parsonage next Thursday, the 27th. Mrs. Ralph Franklin was pro gram leader. Theme for the new quadrennium just beginning is “The Spirit of Christ For All of Us.” Goals! for the four-year pe riod were presented. Fifteen members attended, and there was one visitor, Mrs. Norma Jean Howell of Charlotte, guest of Mrs. Allan W. Shaw, Jr. Legion Auxiliary Installs Officers, Hears Reports The American Legion Auxil iary met at the Legion Hut Tues day night for a business session highlighted by the installation of officers. Miss Grace Donaldson gave a report on the department conven tion held in Charlotte, and Miss Jloan Howarth, the Auxiliary’s ^representative at Girls State, told of this. In an installation ceremony tonducted by Mrs. J. S!. Mc- Lauchlin, the following were in ducted into office: Mrs. Veta E. Gorman, president; Mrs. L. L. Woolley, 1st vice-president; Mrs, F. M. Dwight, 2nd vice-president; Miss Grace Donaldson, secretary; Mrs. David MciCallum, treasurer. Also, Mrs. Dan R. McNeill, his torian; Mrs. G. L. Culler, chap lain; Mrs. L. A. Des Pland, ser geant-at-arms; Miss Ethel Blue Britt, child welfare chairman^ and Mrs. James A. Springer, re habilitation chairman. Manly Church Circle Meets With Mrs. Vann Circle 3 of Manly Presbyteri an Women of the Church met Wednesday night of last week with Mrs. Thomas Vann in Southern Pines. Mrs. G. L. Cul ler, Circle chairman, led the pro gram and Mrs. D. E. McDonald presented the Bible lesson, which was a study of “The Home in Bethany,” of Mary and Martha. Refreshments were served by the hostess during the social hour September meetings of the vari ous Circles of the Woman’s Socie ty of the Church of Wide Fellow ship were busy ones, with election of officers and planning for the new season highlighting the busi- n6ss. The Ruth Burr Sanborn Circle, which met Monday in the home of Mrs. Robert Leland, elected the following: chairman, Mrs. Leland; secretary, Mrs. Veta E. Gorman; treausrer, Mrs. Bryan Poe. Meeting with Mrs. E. V. Walk er Thursday afternoon, the Friendship Circle chose Mrs. Walker as chairman; Mrs. Clayton McAdam, secretary, and Mrs. Sam Richardson, treasurer. The Loyalty Circle held its meeting in the church parlor Thursday afternoon. Selected to lead the work of this group were: Mrs. James Besley, chairman; Mrs. Carl Foss, secretary; and Mrs. L. M. Daniels, treasurer. Mrs. M. Y. Poe was hostess to the Margaret White Circle, which elected Mrs. Marshall Palmer, chairman; Mrs. Fred M. Trimble, secretary; and Mrs. Wade D. Ste- vick, treasurer. The Church Night covered dish dinner Friday, with the Ruth Burr Sanborn Circle as hostess, is re ported ^ls a success from every standpoint—good attendance, good food, good fellowship. Tomorrow (Friday) and Satur day are the two days on which the ladies of the church will hold all day rummage sales in the church basement. Articles for the sale may be left at the church today, Friday or Saturday between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m., or if Mrs. Bryan Poe, telephone 2-3881, is called, she will arrange to have the do nations collected. Next Sunday, the 23rd, from 4 to 8 p.m., at the church, a setting up conference will be held. All trustees, deacons, officers and teachers of the church school, all standing committees and officers of departments are asked to be present to aid in setting up the programs and schedule of activi ties for the fall months. The 11 a.m. service Sunday will ^be in preparation! for this conference.' Dr. Timmons will have as his sub ject “The Genius of Jesus.” The Women’s Society will hold its monthly meeting at 8 p.m. Thursday, September 27, in the R. L. House chapel. Mrs. Harry H. Pethick will give a background talk preparatory to the study of Southeast Asia, the subject of the mission study selected for the year by the National Council of Churches. Anyone who is inter ested is invited to attend. RUMMAGE SALE ■ St. Anthony’s Guild will hold a rummage sale at St. Anthony’s School auditorium just back of the Colonial Store, on Friday and Saturday, September 28-29, from 10 a. m. to 5 p. m. for the benefit of the new school. Plans for the sale were made at the first fall meeting of the Guild. BAPTIST MEETINGS The Sunbeams of the First B'aptist' Church will meet at 3 p. m. Tuesday at the church. The Brotherhood will meet at 7 p. m. Tuesday at the church. Circle 4 will serve the supper. Mrs. Boyd Returns, Visiting Relatives On Way Back Home Mrs. James Boyd returned to Southern Pines Tuesday after an absence of several weeks, the greater part of which time was spent at her summer place in Sorrento, Maine, on Frenchman Bay. On the trip down she stopped in Millbrook, N. Y., to spend a couple of days with her sister. Miss Eliabeth Lament, and in Paxtang, Pa., to visit her nephew and family, Mr. and Mrs. Alec Boyd and Jackson Emory Boyd, known to his friends as “Jeb.” The Boyds are living in the little white house which was the birth place of James Boyd. Mrs. Alec Boyd drove her to Newville to have lunch with Miss Lucy Hayes, who spent many winters in Southern Pines with Mrs. John Y. Boyd, mother of James and Jackson Boyd. INS AND OUTS Mr. and Mrs. Tom Grey and baby, Cynthia, have gone to Greenville, where he will com plete his senior year at East Car olina College. Mrs. W. D. Fullenwider of Monroe arrived Tuesday to spend some time in the home of her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Fullenwider, who are now occupying a place on Morganton Road, which they recently purchased. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Schmelzer and daughter. Miss Blanche Sherman, have returned from a three weeks’ vacation spent in the Finger Lakes section of Nev.>^ York. Mr. and Mrs. D. E. McDonald visited Floyd Snipes and family in Burlington Sunday. 'The two men were buddies in World War I and have kept in touch through the years. Shop Sprott Bros. FURNITURE Co. Sanford. N. C. For Qualify Furniture and Carpet • Heritage-Henredon • Drexel • Continental • Mengel • Serta and Simmons Bedding • Craftique • Sprague 8z Carlton • Victorian • Kroehler • Lees Carpet (and all famous brands) • Chromcraft Dinettes SPROTT BRQS. 1485 Moore St. Tel. 3-6261 Sanford, N. C. Duplicate Bridge Club Has Good Attendance At Tuesday Meeting With an unusually large at tendance the Sandhills Duplicate Bridge Club met Tuesday night at the Southern Pines Country Club. In North-South, Mrs. Roy Grinnell and Dr. R. M. McMil lan were tied for first place with Miss Louise Blue and Mrs. W. L. Poole of Raeford, and in third place were Mrs. Agnes Johnson and Mrs. Graham of Raeford. East-West winners were: 1st, Mrs. Frank Roberts and Mrs. Lament Brown; 2nd, Mrs. G. W. Coleman and Mrs. Robert ^trouse; 3rd, Mrs. Curtis Town- shend and Mrs. Jean Edson. Mr. And Mrs. Hal Adams Honored At Parties Dr. and Mrs. Harrell Johnson entertained a number of friends at a dinner party Friday even ing honoring Mr. and Mrs. Hal Adams, who will be leaving soon to make their home in Hartsville, S. C. Mrs. Adams was again honored Tuesday morning when Mrs. J. P. Shamburger and Mrs. Paul Btitler were joint hostesses to around 50 guests at a Coca-Cola party at the Shamburger home in Knollwood. Miss Page Sham burger, who is here from Great Barrington, Mass., to spend a- va cation with her father, Frank Shamburger of Aberdeen, was a special guest. CONTRACT PAINTING "IT COSTS MORE NOT TO PAINT" SHAW PAINT & WALL PAPER CO. Phone 2-7601 SOUTHERN PINES Officers Wives Club Resumes Meetings The USAFAGOS Officers’ Wives Club held its first fall luncheon and business meeting this week, with officers elected last spring filling their posts. New members were introduced, also a guest, Mrs. Wooten, who is visiting her niece, Mrs. G. W. Porter. The table was decorated with an arrangement of miniature chrysanthemums, which was la ter given as a door prize to Mrs. A1 Clark. Mrs. Ed Kitchens was _ winner in a game and her prize guests. was a glass decanter. Hostesses for the meeting were L . Mrs. John Mims and Mrs. Rob.ert FryC KeUIllOn Price. Held Sunday Emmaday Collins Is Honored At Going Away Party Members of the younger set en joyed an outdoor party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Don F. Traylor, Jr., Saturday evening, given by Misses Becky Traylor and Frances Harper as a sur prise honor for Miss Emmaday Collins prior to her departure for Charleston to ent^r Ashley Hall. Dancing and refreshments were enjoyed on the terrace and the honoree was presented going- away gifts by the hostesses and guests. There were about 50 Exciting Magic! That’s -what -we -work, •with face-flattering Coiffures, for the girls who wear glasses . . . as well as for those who don’t. Let us prove it! VOGUE BEAUTY SHOP 117 W. Penn Ave. Tel. 2-8711 Southern Pines Attend Funeral Of Mrs. Wiley Mr. and Mrs. Tom Holland and Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Hinnant, Jr., of Richmond, Va., and Mrs. T. A. Roimtree and Miss Penny Ful ler of Lumberton were here to attend the funeral of Mrs. Verdie Wiley. The annual reunion of descend ants of A. Bragg Frye was held Sunday afternoon at the Amer ican Legion Hut near Carthage, with a picnic supper. Attending from Southern Pines were Mr. and Mrs. Graham Culbreth, Tom Culbreth, and Mrs. J. B. Eastwood. They were accompanied by Mrs. J. ‘ S. Massenburg and Miss Johnsye Massenburg, who came down from Raleigh. HUMPHREY’S STUDIO IS now open on full time basis Portrait. News and Commercial Photography Photo Finishing HUMPHREY’S STUDIO EMERSON HUMPHREY. Photographer 240 S. W. Broad St. Tel. 2-3611 SOUTHERN PINES

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