Page TWELVE THE PILOT—Southern Pines. North Caroline THURSDAY. OCTOBER 4. 1956 CARTHAGE NEWS Homecoming Observed Michael, of Seymour Air Base, The Carthage Presbyterian Goldsboro, spent the weekend! Church observed its first home- with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.' coming Sunday with the Rev. Frank Boing, and attended the William M. Currie, a son of the homecoming service Stinday church and now associate pastor morning at the Carthage Presby- of the First Presbyterian Church terian church, in Greensboro, giving the 11 Mrs. A. R. Eller of Fayetteville o’clock message. I visited friends here Sunday. A long table under the pinej Little Karen Seawell, daugh- trees on the church lawn was ter of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Sea^ well, has returned home from a visit with her aunt, Mrs. Betty Seawell Davis, in Charlotte. She accompanied home by her on laden with delicious food pre pared by the ladies of the con gregation. The day was perfect, with warm fall sunshine, and the con gregation with a large number of invited guests and former members back for the day en joyed the dinner and fellowship. The committee in charge of ar rangements left nothing to be wished for. One group served coffee and another poured lem onade. Services will be held each night at 7:30 through the week with the Rev. Mr. Currie as guest preacher. Personals Maj. and Mrs. Frank Boing and children, Donna and was grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Gil mer Seawell, and uncle, BiU Sea well, who spent the weekend with G. B. Davis and family. Dr. and Mrs. George Heinitsh and Mr. and Mrs. Henry L. Graves of Southern Pines attend ed the homeconving service at the Carthage Presbyterian Church Sunday. * Mr. and Mrs. Harold McKeith- en and daughter and his mother, Mrs. Ella May McKeithen, all of Winston-Salem, visited Mrs. N. A. McKeithen Sunday. Miss Callie Battley of Pine hurst was the Sunday guest of JM^UUU wilka PINT so PROOF CHARLES JACQUIN et Cid, Inc. PHILADELPHIA, PA. Miss Margaret Kelly. Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Caddell at- ^ tended the homecoming service lat White Hill church Sunday. Mrs. Lynn Mclver of Sanford and Miss Mary Logan of the Southern Pines school faculty were Sunday geusts of Miss Mary Currie. Mrs. Ruth MacLeod and sons, N. A., Curtis and Charles, and Miss Janie MacLeod went to Hamlet Sunday to attend the funeral service of Mrs. Mac Leod’s brother, William K.’Pleas ants, who died Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Blue and sons of Rockingham were Sun day gusets of Mrs. Norman Car ter. Mr .and Mrs. Neill A. McKeith en, Jr., of Lumberton visited his mother, Mrs. N. A. McKeithen, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Roberts and children of Wilmington were weekend guests of his mother, Mrs. J. K. Roberts. Miss Ann Ciurie of the Char lotte City School faculty spent the weekend at home witn her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Cur rie. Mrs. W. G. Benner and son Penn, Mrs. Emma Cole and Miss Mildred Sinclair were in Raleigh last week to view the Ice Ca pades. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Alexander spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. O. U. Alexander and at tended Sunday services at the Presbyterian Church. Charles Barringer and daugh ter. Ann Edwards, of Robbins, Mrs. Jerry Nowell of Raleigh, Mr; and Mrs. Allen Thacker and children of Altamahaw and John Barringer of Winston-Salem were all with their parents, Mr and Mrs. C. F. Barringer Sunday for homecoming. Mr. and Mrs. Swaim Stephen son and daughter. Hunter, of Halifax were guests of Solicitor and Mrs. M. G. Boyette over the weekend. Mrs. R. G. Ridge of High Point and Miss Josephine Cole of Ra leigh were guests of their moth' er, Mrs. Emma Cole, for the weekencj. The Rev. C. K. Taffe of Cam eron, a former pastor of the Car thage Presbyterian Church, at tended the homecoming service of the church Simday. Miss Margaret McQueen of Dunn and Miss Vera McLean of Cameron spent a day and night last week with Mr. and Mrs. P H. McDonald and Miss Flora Me Donald. Larry Riley, student in High Point College, spent a recent at Bethesda Church, weekend with his parents, Mr. palce in the Fairmont Methodist and Mrs. J. L. Riley. Mrs. Margaret Penn of Fort Bragg was home this week for a visit with homefolk. Mrs. U. L. Barrett accompanied . - -d 4.u j i. • - Mr. and Mrs. Bob Barrett and " h^^^esda homecoming daughter. Miss Beatrice Barrett, Sunday and heard the address by of Pinehurst to Raleigh Saturday afternoon to attend the Terrill- Barrett wedding which took place in the Fairmont Methodist Church, and the reception which followed at the Sir Walter Hotel. Miss LiUie Ellen Wise, Mrs. Robert Gavin and chil dren of Sanford, Mrs. Alonzo Blue, John and Malcolm Pink ston attended the afternoon ses- Dr. Fontis W. Johnston of David son College. ant home agent in Chowan County, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Garrison. Misses Annie and Frances Mc Keithen were in Aberdeen Sun day attending the homecoming The Cooperative Extension Service helps provide farm peo- assist-!ple with the latest experimental findings, technical advice, and successful methods of farming and homemaking, and to provide them with the knowledge that will make them well-informed citizens. CHRISTMAS CARDS ARE HERE! Elegant English Cards Religious Cards Smart Modern Designs CALENDARS, too! . . . Something to every taste Bennett & Penna. Ave. Telephone 2-3211 WATCH The World Series ON THE — Biggest TV Value of the Year! New RCA Victor 21" with “Golden Throat” Fidelity Sound “MEDALIST 21” ONLY $209.95 S MASTErS VOICE" RCA Victor 21-ineh "Medallct 21". Ebony finished table TV. Matching stand available, extra. Model 21S501. The new "Medalist 21" is RCA Victor’s lowest priced 21-inch television! 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