« ‘I • )♦ Page FOUR THE PILOT—Southern Pines. North Carolina THURSDAY. OCTOBER 4, 1956 Women’s Activities and Sandhills Social Events BESSIE CAMERON SMITH, Editor TELEPHONE 2-6512 ENGAGED Local Clubwomen Enjoy Open House At Children’s Home The Greensboro Junior Woman’s Club and the Children’s Home So ciety entertained at an open house at the Children’s Home on Cypress Street in Greensboro last Thurs day from 1:00 to 4:00 p.m., and five members of the local Junior Woman’s Club attended. They greatly enjoyed visiting the babies at the Home, meeting the respresentatives of the Chil dren’s Home Society, and young clubwomen from throughout the State of North Carolina. Work for the Children’s Home is one of the major projects of Junior Women’s Clubs, and this opportunity of visiting it added to the already keen interest of the. local clubwomen. Those attending the open house were Mrs. Norris L. Hodgkins, Jr., club president; Mrs. Victor Shep herd, club chairman of Children’s Home Society; Mrs. John Tullett, Mrs. Stanley Austin and Mrs. Nor man Caudle. Miss Polly Dix Speaks To Circle On Puerto Rico Miss Polly Dix of Southern Pines, who formerly did mission work in Puerto Rico, was guest speaker when Circle 1 of the Methodist Woman’s Society of Christian Service met Tuesday morning at the home of Mrs. Lloyd Graves on May Street. The speaker discussed the geo graphy, climate, government, school system and other subjects pertaining to Puerto Rico which her hearers found most informa tive and interesting. Mrs. Norman Calcutt introduced Miss Dix and Mrs. John Lowder- milk. Circle chairman, presided over the business session. Mi Mr. and Mrs. Leo G. Lewis of Silas, Ala., have announc ed the forthcoming marriage of their daughter, Joyce Lee, of Fayetteville and Si las, to First Lt. Frederick Carl Patton of Fort Bragg, son of Mr. and Mrs. Finis C. Patton of Eunice, N. Mex. The wedding will be solemn ized in Brownson Memorial Presbyterian Church in Southern Pines on Saturday, November 10, at 4 p. m. Friends of the couple are in vited. Miss Lewis was formerly employed bjl the Southern Pines Pharmacy and has many friends here. V VFW District Meeting To Be Held Here 'Va At the regular meeting of the VFW Auxiliary Wednesday, Oc tober 3, it was announced that the next meeting of the 9th Dis trict for the Veter^s of Foreign Wars will be held' in Southern Pines at the John Boyd Post 7318, Sunday, October 14, at 2:30 Officers’ Wives Club Entertains Guest; Has ‘Overseas’ Program Six Churches Are Represented At Quiet Day Here MISS VELLE DAVENPORT GOTHNER-DAVENPORT BETROTHAL TOLD; WEDDING AT “PICKRIDGE” IN NOVEMBER The announcement of the The annual Quiet Day for Episcopal Woman’s Auxiliaries of the Richmond District was held at Emmanuel Church here on Wednesday of last week, and in spite of the rainy weather, members were present from Hamlet, Laurinburg, Albemarle, Rockingham and Carthage to join with the hostess group in the observance. Quiet Day started at 10 a. m. with Holy Communion, at which the rector, the Rev. Martin Cald well, celebrant, was assisted by the Rev. John C. Mott, rector of Holy Trinity Church in Greens boro and guest speaker for the occasion. A short coffee period followed in the parish hall. At 11 o’clock all returned to the church for three talks by the Rev. Mr. Mott, who had as his subject “New Life in Christ.” He divided it into three parts; “The Way,” “The Truth,” and “The Life.” Each talk was followed by quiet meditation or silent read ing on the subject from books and pamphlets placed at the rear of the church. A box luncheon was served in the parish hall at 1:30 p. m. Everyone seemed to feel that the day had been most satisfying. Mrs. Matthews Is Paid Birthday Honor engagement of Miss Velle Davenport, daughter of Mrs. William Kyle Davenport and the late Mr. Davenport, to Karl-Folke Gothner of Soder- hamn, Sweden, and New York City, is of interest in the Carolinas and Florida where Miss Davenport formerly re sided. She is the granddaugh ter of the late LyUian Davis Collins and John D. Collins of Spartanburg, S. C., founder of the chain Collins Stores in the Carolinas, and the late Mr. and Mrs. Travis Davenport of Gaffney, S. C. The wedding will take place in November at “Pickridge,” the home of her maternal uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Harold A. Collins, at Southern Pines. Miss Davenport received her formal education at Flori da State University and her dramatic training at the American Academy of Dra matic Arts and Yhle Drama School. She is now a weU known actress, having starred in national theatrical compa nies and in network televis ion. She is currently the lead ing lady at the Lake Whalom Playhouse, the second oldest summer theatre in the United States. Mr. Gothner, the son of Mrs. Folke Ivan Gothner and the late Mr. Gothner, is a graduate of the Stockholm Technical Institute of Stock holm, Sweden, and served as an officer in the Royal Engi neering Corps of the Swedish Army. He is associated in business as an executive tech nical specialist with Rosen- blad. Ltd., of Canada and the Rosenblad Corporation of New York, both of which are branches of the parent com pany in Sweden. Mrs. Henry Jones and Mrs. Matthew Toia were hostesess at Tuesday’s luncheon and business meeting of the USAFAGOS Offi cers’ Wives Club, which was held at the Highland Pines Inn. A special guest at the meeting was Mrs. Norman Schwartzkopf, whose husband, Maj. Gen. Schwartzkopf, is at the school Ithis week. She was introduced by Mrs. James Newkirk, who con- j ducted the business session and presented the speakers. The table centerpiece was a fall arrangement of chrysanthe mums. This was later given as a door prize and Mrs. Schwartz- Ikopf was the winner. The program was based on ‘Overseas Assignments,’* and the guest and a number of members [spoke and displayed articles which they had brought home from various countries. Mrs. Schwartzkopf, whose topic was Iran, displayed interesting pieces of silver jewelry. I Mrs. Daniel W. Jenkins show ed a collection of antique silver from Germany and England. Mrs. Nelson Monson had Mexi co as her “assignment,” and she showed glassware and told some- 1 thing of how it is blown. Mrs. Tom Nicholson showed colored slides of Japan and dis played an assortment of Japan- lese art, including silks, carvings land other things. • Mrs. Charles Brown had ar- 1 tides from England, most-inter esting of which was what ap peared to be just a stool, but the top opened to disclose a tiny I recessed tub, forerunner of to day’s baby bathinet. Mrs. John Daunt displayed a I bracelet of scarabs from Brazil, also a collection of butterfUes and carved quartz. The program proved to be one of unusual interest to all present. i MRS. VERNON RUSSELL WILSON MISS BILLIE H. CALLICUTT IS BRIDE OF MR. WILSON IN CANDLELIGHT CEREMONY MUSIC BY DEAF CHOIR ONE FEATURE OF EPISCOPAL WOMEN’S DISTRICT MEETING The fall meeting of Richmond District of the Woman’s Auxil iary of the Episcopal Church will be held in Emmanuel Church, Southern Pines, next Wednesday, October 10, beginning at 10 a. m. There will be a Communion service with the Rev. Martin Caldwell of Southern Pines as celebrant and the Rev. C. E. B. Robinson of Rockingham assist ing. After the service there will be a business session. Mrs. Walter Bade of Greensboro will report on the Provincial meeting in Miami, Fla. A color film stressing Girl Scout News the program of the church for the coming year will be shown. At noon the Rev. James For tune of Greensboro, missionary to the deaf, will talk on his work. Mr. Fortune is 1st vice president of the conference of church workers among the deaf for the Episcopal Church in the United States. He is bringing with him members of the choir of the School for the Deaf at Morganton and they will present some of the music of the church. The public is invited to come at noon for Mr. Fortune’s part of the program. When Mrs. W. D. Matthews, whose birthday was Saturday, returned from church Sunlay, to her surprise she found a nice birthday dinner on the table and most of her family there to help /enjoy it. Her daughter-in-laW, Mrs. J. A. Matthews, had planned the celebration and she and Mrs. Harry FuUenwider had pre pared the dinner. There was a decoAted cake and the honoree was presented gifts. There for the occasion were Mr and Mrs. J. A. Matthews and children. Dee, Buddy and Emily, and Mr. and Mrs. Harry FuUenwider, Janet and Jon, all of Southern Pines; and Warren D. Matthews and sons, Duncan and Mike, of Fayetteville. Mrs. Warren Matthews and daughters, and Preston Matthews who is in Alaska were the only absentees. Presbyterian Circles Meet Circle 8 of Brownson Memorial Presbyterian Women of the Church met Monday night with Mrs. Avery Evans with nine mem bers present. Mrs. Dan S. Ray conducted the Bible study and Mrs. Wayland Blue presented the program article from Presbyterian Women. Lorensons Are Back From Myrtle Beach Church Of Wide Fellowship Notes Church of Wide FeUowship Circles will hold their monthly meetings next week. The Ruth Burr Sanborn group will meet Monday evening at 8 o’clock at the residence of Mrs. W. C. Timmons, 260 North Ridge Street. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Lorenson returned Monday from Myrtle Beach, S. C-, where Mr. Lorenson attended a meeting of the 1957 Convention Committee of the North Carolina Society of Ac countants. The North Carolina Society will meet in joint session with the South Carolina Association next June at the Ocean Forest Hotel at Myrtle Beach. Mrs. Davis Salmon and JVErs. Howard McNeill were hostesses to Circle 4 Monday night at the home of Mrs. Salmon. Ten members were present, and one visitor, Mrs. George Heinitsh. Mrs. Harvey Horne led the Bible study and Mrs. Walter Harper gave the Pres byterian Women article. Circle 2 m'et at the home of Mrs. W. C. Hilderman Tuesday after noon with 13 members present. Mrs. Joe C. Thomas led the Bible study and Miss Ethel Britt spoke on “Church Extension.” Circle 1 was entertained at the home of Mrs. Dan R. McNeill Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. R. P. Brown conducted the Bible study and Mrs. Frank Warner presented the Presbyterian Women maga zine article. Fourteen members attended. Four Circles will meet Thurs day afternoon, the 11th, as fol lows; The Margaret White Circle at the home of Mrs. P. P. Pelton, 670 N. W. Broad Street, at 3 o’clock. The Loyalty Circle at the home of Mrs. W. C. Timmons at 3 o’clock. Pvt. James C. Hackney and a friend were here from Fort Jack- son, S. C., Sunday to visit his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Hackney. The Lena Sweezy Circle will meet in the church parlor at 2:30 p. m. for a short business session and at 3 o’clock will be joined by the Friendship Circle members for a study period on “The Phil ippines.” Mrs. W. D. Matthews will lead the devotional service. Mrs. Harry L. Brown and Mrs. Harry H. Pethick will be hostess es. The final session of a basic training course for Girl Scout lecid.6rs 3nd. tli6ir sssistants will be held at 7:30 p.m. Monday at Brownson Memorial Presbyterian Church. Other meetings were held on Monday and Wednesday nights of this week. Attendance at this course is very important to the work. The 22nd Regional Conference wiU be held in Savannah, Ga., Oct. 16-19. Savannah is the birth place of Juliette Lowe, founder of Girl Scouts of America. Her home has been restored and will be of ficially open during the confer ence. Attending the conference from local Troop 48 will be Senior Scout Carol Staples, an official delegate, who was also an alter nate for the Big Round-Up held in Michigan during the summer, to which Phyllis Garzik of Southern Pines was a delegate. Others attending the Savannah conference will include Miss Kathryn Creasman of Sanford, ex ecutive; Mrs. easy Fowler, senior leader, of Lillington; Mrs. J. M. Caddell of Sanford, staff and of fice chairman; Mrs. Roy Morris, membership and program com mittee; Mrs. E. L. Morgan and Mrs. J. D. Lynch of Sanford, com munity chairmen J and Mrs. P. R. Jackson of Pittsboro, 2nd vice president. Candace McDonald of Carthap is another Moore County girl among the six Scouts selected from this area to attend. Troop 48 has as its leaders Miss Carolyn Chester and Mrs. Mil dred Merrill. Mrs. Garland Pierce is committee chairman and serv ing with her are Mrs. O. H. Raw- linson and Mrs. Donald Wellman. Patrol leaders are Phyllis Gar zik and Sandra Bailey; assistants, Carol Staples and Johnsie Mc- Crimmon. Other troop members are; Con nie Pierce, Karen McKenzie, Alice Farrior, Greta Newkirk, Betsy Scheipers, Nancy Rawlin- son, Dornia Poole, Becky Traylor, Linda Wellman, Jan McDonald, and Pat Farrior. Troop 48 started selling Girl Scout calendars today. Miss Billie Harlene Callicutt, daughter of Mrs. June L. Callicutt and the late Mr. Callicutt of Rob bins, became the bride of Vernon Russell Wilson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Gurney L. Wilson, also of Robbins, in a candlelight cere mony at 6 p.m. Saturday, Septem ber 29, at Acorn Ridge Baptist Church. The Rev. William F. Hancock officiated, assisted by the Rev. Edward Dupre. The church was decorated with baskets of white gladioli and mums against a backgroimd of greenery, interspersed with can delabra holding lighted tapers. At the center of the setting was a white prie-dieu. A program of wedding music was presented by Mrs. Lenton Kidd of Highfalls, pianist. Miss Frances Lambert of Robbins, who sang “O Promise Me” find “WTiith- er Thou Goest,” and Herbert Lam bert, also of Robbins, who sang “Seal Us,. O Holy Spirit” as a benediction. The bride’s gown was of white shpper satin, fashioned with fitted bodice and full skirt extending into a sweeping train. Clusters of seed pearls trimmed the round neckline. Her veil of silk illusion was attached to a crown of pearl- ized orange blossoms, and she car ried a cascade bouquet of white rosebuds and stephanotis centered with a purple-throated white or chid. Miss Clara Callicutt of Washing ton, D. C., was her sister’s maid of p. m. James Wallace, district senior vice commander, wiU be the pre siding officer for the Post and Mrs. Carolyn Rassette, district president, will be the presiding officer for the Auxiliary. It is planned for the Auxiliary to meet in joint session with the Post, after which separate meet ings are to be held. All members of the Post and AuxiUary are urged to attend. In addition to plans for the 9th District meeting, a goodwill trip to McCain Sanatorium was scheduled for Wednesday, Octo ber 10. Plans were also made for a membership party in the near future. Bridge Club Lists Winners For Week [the bride. They were in pink crystallette and carried bouquets of pink and white carnations. Janice Ellen Callicutt, sister of the bride, was flower girl and Lloyd Arnold Callicutt, a brother, was ring-bearer. Earl Brady was best man and ushers were Donald Phillips, Jim my Ray Wilson and Monroe Wil son, cousins of the bridegroom, and Charles Short. The Sandhills Duplicate Bridge Club had five tables at play Mon day night at the regular weekly meeting held at the ^uthem Pines Country Club. Winners were; 1st, Dr. R. M. McMillan and Mrs. Roy Grinnell; 2nd, Don Moore and Mrs. Frank de Costa; 3rd, Mrs. James Besley and MrSi C. b. May. . A master point game is schedul ed for next Tuesday. The club welcomes visitors and extends an invitation tq winter guests and army people. Persons wisning to play should be at the club at 7:45 as the game starts promptly at 8. Looking Ahead Mrs. Callicutt, mother of the bride, wore a rust and brown dress with black accessories, and the groom’s mother was dressed in navy crepe. Each had a white carnation corsage. Following the ceremony a re ception was held at the home of the bride with Mrs. Everette Shef field and Mrs. Frank Allred as hostesses. For their wedding trip to an un disclosed destination the bride wore a navy blue suit with winter white accessories and the orchid from her bridal bouquet. Upon their return they will be at home on Route 1, Robbins. The bride attended Strayer’s Business College, Washington, D. C., and has been employed by Amerotron Corporation in Aber deen as secretary. The bride groom attended High Point Col lege and is employed in a family business. CHURCH CIRCLES Three Circles of Brownson Me morial Presbyterian Women of the Church will hold their meetings next Tuesday morning at 10 o’clock, as follows: Circle 3, with Mrs. D. W. Jen kins. „ XT . Circle 5, with Mrs. Foy Horton. Circle 10, with Mrs. John Cline. BAPTIST MEETINGS Circle 4 of the First Baptist Church will meet at 8 p.m. Tues day with Mrs. Nellie Mann. The Sunbeams will meet at the church at 3 p.m. Tuesday. honor. She wore a ballerina- length dress of twilight cham pagne satin and matching head dress. Her cascade bouquet was of red rosebuds. Miss Leona Callicutt, sister of the bride, and Miss Carol Wilson, sister of the bridegroom, were bridesmaids. Their dresses were of ice blue taffeta and they car ried bouquets of blue and white carnations. Junior bridesmaids were Ruby and Shirley Callicutt, sisters of LEARN MORE CLASS Because of the illness of the teacher, Mrs. C. C. Kennedy, the Learn More Class will not meet next Monday night. Mr. and Mrs. D. T. Reed of Ply mouth are expected tomorrow for a weekend stay with her parents and sister, Mr.' and Mrs. W. A. Moore and'Mrs. Mildred Merrill. St. Anthony’s Guild- Reports Activities Mr. and Mrs. Virgil P. Clark had as weekend guests at their mountain place, “Wildwood,’^ near Asheville, Mr. and Mrs. William J. Stratton. Success of a recent rummage sale, the Guild’s first project of the season, was reported by Mrs. Mary C. Sharpe, chairman, at the October meeting of St. Anthony’s Guild held Tuesday afternoon at the St. Anthony’s parish hall. Mrs. Sharpe reported she had had a number of calls since the sale asking if donations might still be made, and it was decided that gifts of clothing, household items, etc., would continue to be received at her home, looking to ward another sale in the future. Mrs. Catherine Duyk, presi dent, led the meeting. Report of the treasurer, Mrs. John Hunne- mann, read in absentia, showed a balance of $219.19 on hand, for use in approved projects benefit ing the Catholic parish and school. The selection of the major pro ject for the year was postponed until the parish meeting of next Monday night, in case a parish wide project should be adopted in which all the church organiza tions will cooperate rather than working separately. Mrs. Duyk appointed Mrs. Stephen Van Camp to confer with Father Denges on a regular ■day and hour for the monthly mass said for the Guild members and their intentions, the time to be announced so the Guild may attend in a body. Lee Powers Southern Pines 2-3141 A COLLECTION of DYED TO MATCH COORDINATES Skirts in flannels and beautiful tweeds Sweaters in Orion and Fur blend fiber WOOL JERSEYS Skirts and tops dyed to match Also this season’s fashion in blouses “THE BLOUSON” both in jersey and cotton PHARMACISTS TO THE MEDICAL PROFESSION ASK YOUR DOCTOR ABOUT OUR STORE Let us fill your next Prescription OPEN SUNDAY BROAD STREET PHARMACY Prescription Headquarters Phone 2-5411 Southern Pines. N. C. PHARMACISTS ON DUTY Jerry Rhoades Joe Monlesanli. Jr.. Prop. INSTALLA'nON A public installation of officers of the Order of the Rainbow will be held in the Masonic Hall at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, October 10. Par ents are especially invited and [urged to attend.