Page SIXTEEN THE PILOT—Southern Pines, l^orlh Carolina THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 1. 1956 '' - For Governor* Luther H. Hodges For Vice President Estes Kefouver For President: Adloi E. Stevenson THE PARTY FOR YOU-HOT JIIS n m' See for yourself who has benefited most from the GOP Prosperity which side of the fence have you been on ? , General Motors' profits are UP 113% U. S. Steel's profits are UP 158% General Tire's profits are UP 57% "Take-home pay" of all corporations is UP 35% BUT— "Take-home pay" of the average . person is . - UP ONLY 4% —while the cost of living hit the highest point in lustory! Small business loses out, too, under the Republican administration. Failures are up 25%, investors’ returns are down 41% (while big business investors’ returns are up 24%). , Look at the record on the SOCIAL SECURITY program: Ninety-nine percent of House Republicans voted against the original Social Security bill proposed in 1935 by President Roosevelt. Since then the GOP has consistently tried to cripple or prevent the expansion of the program. The most recent Democratic proposal, to lower the benefit age for women and disabled persons, has been opposed by the Eisenhower admin istration. On the crucial vote, here is how the two parties lined up; / For Disability Benefits Senate Democrats —- - 41 (85%) Senate Republicans 6 Against IXsability Benefits 38 (84%) BE FAIR TO YOURSELF AND YOUR FAMILY VOTE (X) DEMOCRATIC ALL THE WAY! THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY OFFERS THE GREATEST HOPE AND OPPORTUNITY FOR YOUNG AMERICANS (This advertisement is inserted for a better America by the Young Democratic Club of Moore County) ■r-