THE AMAZING WORLD OF \ JOHN SCARNE. A Personal His tory (Crowne Publishers, $5). John Scarne’s reputation as the: world’s number gambling is well established.. Gambling casinos of the.„worldl_ know him as The Professor be cause of his mathematical wiz ardry—his figures and percent age tables are The LaW in gamb ling, professional as wtell as ama- teur. The publishers of this book, a I handsome volume that takes you I through Scarne’s earliest boy-i hood days to his recognized emi-i nence in the gambling world, say ] in a note that it is “perhaps typi-,i cal of the fantastic world of gam^ bling that its foremost experl and authority, its unofficiaj ‘Judge Landis,’ is not a gambleni And the reason for Scarne’s abl stinence from the loaded dice! marked cards and rigged rouletti wheels? Well, the publishers sajP that’s part of the story. I And part of the story it is inH deed. Scarne got his earliest taste! of the inside world of the gambj lers by running errands for • ep manufacturer of crooked appara-J tus. He decided then, he tells UM to make gambling his life worM A natural bent for calculation^ helped him with his decision. The book has so many persona reminensces that to cite any on of them would not give you thj entire picture of this geniua one or two experiences with nold Rothstein, the infamq Pruning - Cablinl Cavity Wq WRITE OR CALL SOUTHEASTE] LLOl Phone Aberdeer Phone 8712 - Bu< JAMES 30 Years and StoreJ Thl Where Cleaninj Eastman Dillon] Members NeJ 105 East Soutl Telephone; Sout] Complete Investr Direct Wire to 61 A.