Page TWELVE THE PILOT—Soulhern Pines, North Cai'ollna IN RECORDER'S COURT Youth Sentenced To Three Months On Roads For Speeding 100 MPH Robert Edward Oakley, 18, Route 3, Asheboro, speeding, was given a straight three driving on wrong side, careless months road sentence in Record er’s Court Monday on being con victed of speeding 100 miles per hour. In passing sentence Judge J. Vance Rowe said he was taking into consideration the excellent character references given Oak ley by a number of prominent citizens in Cameron, where he lives, and the fact that Oakley was so young. The youth had, been spot ted in Carthage by police there December 23 and had been chas ed a number of miles. A State Highway Patrolman had joined the chase out of town and clock ed Oakley at the 100 mile per hour speed. Oakley, it was indi cated by testimony, had wrecked his car. Judge Rowe, who has been sending extremely high speeders to the road recently rather than giving them a fine and suspend ed sentence, hinted during the proceedings that he was inclined to give Oakley six months. Solic- THURSDAY, JANUARY 10, 1957 judgment continued on payment of costs. Carrell Comer, speeding, call ed and failed, capias issued, re turnable Monday, bond fixed at $50. Phil Moore Olive, Sanford, un lawful possession of illicit whis key, capias issued, returnable next Monday, sci fa on bonds man, new bond of $200 ordered for defendant’s appearance Mon- and reckless driving, driving drunk, six months on roads, sus pended for two years on payment, of $100 and costs, payment ofifl^y, $200 to Mordecai Shamburger to| Ernest Arnold Durand, Fort cover hospital and medical ex-1 Bragg, careless and reckless driv- pense, and not violate traffic laws ing, improper equipment, $25 and next two years. Driver’s license costs. PrNEHURST NEWS By MARY EVELYN de NISSOFF of Winston-Salem spent the weekend with his mother, Mrs. H. P. Hotchkiss, and his sisters. Misses Carole and Anne Hotch- suspended twelve months. Clyde Simmons, Robbins, care less and reckless driving, no operator’s license, $25 and costs. (Not guilty of careless and reck less driving). Sherrill Pierce Cole, Pinehurst, speeding 80, 60 days on roads, suspended on payment of $70 and costs, license revoked as required by law. Wayne Davis, Southern Pines, speeding, causing accident result ing in property datnage, 30 days on roads, suspended on payment of $50 and costs. J. C. Partin, Olivia, driving drunk, called and failed, capias for defendant, sci fa On bonds man returnable next Monday. Robert Edward Oakley, Cam- itor W. Lament Brown, who vig- cron, speeding 75 in 35 zone, fail- orously prosecuted the case, told the Judge that, considering the excellent character reputation Oakley had been given, a six months fine was, in his opinion, too much. In another case two young women employed in Lee’s Stores in Southern Pines pleaded guilty to having taken several items of merchandise while employed there during the pre-Christmas selling season. When a third woman employee, Mrs. Mamie Furr, of Route 2, Vass, denied guilt, the two rose up and tried to implicate her. The two young women were Mrs. Gleorgie M. Curtis, 20, and Mrs.-Lois French, 17, both wives of servicemen. Leroy Lee, owner of the store, said he had decided to inspect cartons December 14 that the women had been unpacking, and putting outside as empty. Lee said the cartons contained mer chandise and had been stored in Mrs. French’s car. Mrs. Furr denied taking part in the theft. Judge Rowe sentenced Mrs. Curtis and Mrs. French to 30 days in jail each, but suspended the sentences for 12 months on payment of a joint fine of $25 and costs, and warned them not to violate the larceny laws dur ing the next 12 months. Mrs. Furr was adjudged guilty of aiding and abetting and prayer for judgment was contin ued for her on payment of costs. Other cases disposed of: Jack Gibson, Jackson Springs, escaping from prison, three months on roads, sentence to be gin at expiration of sentence now being served Defendant appeals to Superior Court, bond fixed at $300. Herbert Lee Price, Vass, un lawful possession of tax-paid whiskey for sale. Three months on roads, suspended on payment of fine of $50 and costs and not violate prohibition laws during next two years. Tom Robinfeon, Southern Pines, driving drunk, $100 and costs, li cense revoked 12 months. Mrs. George M# Curtis and Mrs. Lois French, both of South ern Pines, larceny of merchan dise from Lee’s stores, 30 days in Moore bounty jail, suspended for 12 months on payment of joint fine of $25 and costs, and on fur ther condition defenciants not violate the larceny laws during the next 12 months. Mrs. Mamie’ Furr, Route 2, Vass, larceny of merchandise from Lee’s store. Guilty of aiding and abetting in committing lar ceny, prayer for judgment con tinued for 12 months on payfnent of costs and not violate larceny laws. Lester Doby, Route 2, Carth age, selling mortgaged property or otherwise disposing of it. Sixty days on roads, suspended on following conditions: paj the costs, pay a fine of $50, of which the Clerk of Court is to pay $43.69 to prosecuting witness to cover cost of property (tires). Frank Wagner Snell, Fort Bragg, speeding 70, $20 and costs. Charlie Edward Maness, Ashe boro, speeding 88, 60 days on roads, suspended on payment of $75 and costs, license revoked as required by law. V. J. Flowers, Asheboro, speed ing 70, $20 and costs. Johnny Leroy Smith, Route 2, Cameron, speeding 80, passing on hill, 60 days on roads, suspended on. payment of $70 and costs, li cense revoked as required by ^ , Herbert Carson Sanders, ure to stop at officer’s signal, three months on roads, sentence suspended for two years on con dition he not violate traffic laws next two years, license suspen ded as providedfby law. Robert Edward Oakley, Cam eron, speeding 100, careless and reckless driving, three months on roads (sentence reduced because of defendant’s good general repu tation and his youth). Defendant appeals to Superior Court, bond fixed at $500 (these two offenses were committed on the same trip and he appealed only the last one). Charles June Bud Hussey, Al- fonza Cole, James Fletcher, West End, unlawful possession of il licit whiskey and public dmnk, guilty as to Cole and Fletcher, not guilty as to Hussey, 30 days on roads as to each, suspended on payment of fine of $10 and one-half the costs each. Eddie Alfonza Cole, Carthage, violation prohibition laws, 60 days on roads, suspended on pay ment of $25 and costs. Martin Franklin Pratt, Vass, careless and reckless driving, ac cident, prayer for judgment con tinued on payment Of cosfs. Jasper Russell, Pinehurst, speeding, accident, prayer for Alexander Nivens, Carthage, driving without operator’s li cense, $25 and costs. Ted Howard Rosser, Vass, un lawful possession of illicit whis key for sale and transporting, guilty of all but for sale, $25 and costs. James L. Britt, Route 1, Bunn Level, public drunk, aiding and abetting in possession of illicit whiskey and transporting, $10 and costs. Leo Porter, Loris, S. C., driv ing drunk, no valid operator’s license, no registration card, $100 cash bond forfeited. Joe Clinton Greenwood, Route 1, Sanford, driving drunk, care less and reckless driving, 60 days on roads, suspended on payment of $100 and costs, license revoked 12 months. Harris Little Rush, Jr., Candor, driving drunk and careless and reckless driving, called and fail ed, capias issued, returnable next Monday, bond $300. Robert Eugene Richardson, Fort Bragg, speeding, driving on wrong side of road, accident, capias returnable January 19. John M. McEroy, Worcester, Mass., careless and reckless driv ing, $40 and costs. Carl Raymond Whitaker, Can dor, speeding 54 in truck, $5 and costs. Cornell McArthur, Vass, as sault and battery, nol pros with leave. Capias for Elisha Bullock, requiring him to'appear in court and show cause why prosecution should not be found frivolous and malicious and be taxed with the costs. Edward John Thanbald, speed ing 65, $12.50 and costs. Franklin E. Williams, Fort Bragg, careless and reckless driv ing, failure to stop, capias return able Monday, bond $200. David Faulk, careless and reck less driving, continued to Mon day. Ellsworth C. Snyder, speeding, $35 cash bond forfeited. Capias were issued for the fol lowing: Henry Dale Waters, El- Mrs. Lionel Taylor returned to her Montreal, Canada, home Monday following a holiday visit with her daughter and son-in- law, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Rudel, and Mrs. C. M. Rudel. Mrs. Mulford Horr leaves next week for a three-week visit to Montclair, N.' J., New York City, and Boston, Mass. W. Fay Neville has returned to the village following a vacation with his mother, Mrs. Livingston L. Biddle, II, and Mr. Biddle in Pompano Beach, Fla. Mr. and Mrs. Anton H. Rice, Jr., of Irvington-on-Hudson, N. Y., were weekend gnests of the Rev. and Mrs. Adam W. Craig. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur E. Lacey leave Friday for New York City whence they sail for Venezuela and a three weeks’ stay with his daughter, Mrs. Keith Brown, and Mr. Brown. Mrs. Edwin J. Bevan and her daughter. Miss Georginna Bevan, have left for a visit fet The Breakers in Palm Beach, Fla. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hotchkiss kiss. Mrs. Samuel G. Allen has re turned to her Midland Road home following three weeks with her nephew. Dr. Robert F. My ers, and Mrs. Myers in Evanston, HI. Mrs. Myers ,and her daugh ter, Paula, returned with Mrs. Allen and are spending this week as her house guests. Mr. and Mrs. Alvan Markle and their children, Cappy and Margaretta, left Saturday for their Ardmore, Ra., home after spending the holidays at the home of her sister, Mrs. S. Dav idson Herron. Mrs. W. A. Leland McKeithen left last weekend for g fort night’s stay with her mother, Mrs. B. F. Weldon, in Middle- town, N. Y. Mrs. Marie Aikens has return ed to Charlotte after a stay with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Worth Faircloth. Another daughter. Miss Phyllis Faircloth, after a visit with her family, has return ed to Jacksonville, Fla. Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Boatwright, Jr., and their children have re turned from holiday visits with their families in South Carolina. Lt. Clyde Garner spent Mon- North Carolina has a total area of 52,712 square miles, 3,570 of which are water. The rainfall measuring station in Wilmington, N. C., has been in operation for 85 years, longer than’ any other in the State. Approximately 34,000 gallons of water are needed to irrigate one acre of farm land one inch deep. North Carolina boasts more than six million acres of water and wetlands. ci lerbe; Charlie Quick, Hamlet; Willard Jackson Myers, Durham; James Arthur Thomas; and Ernest Goins. William Arthur Stevens, Texas, speeding 70, $20 and costs. Thomas N. Taylor, New Jersey, ‘ clay with his parents, Mr. and careless and reckless driving, $50 and costs. Frederick Amil Schultz, Mary land, speeding, $45 cash bond forfeited. John Thomas Amos, South Carolina, speeding, $45 cash bond forfeited. Caesar Leaphart, Michigan, speeding 70, $45 cash bond for feited. J. H. Hooker, failure to com ply, it is ordered that capias be issued for defendant returnable next Monday. Mrs. Wiley Garner, before leav ing for his new station, Langley Field, Va., where he will attend flight school. Mrs. Heizmann Mudgett re turned Sunday from a visit of several weeks with her daughter, Mi'S. H. M. Dingley, and Mr. Dingley in Auburn, Me. Mrs. William Moore and daughter, Karen, and Mrs. Alvin Moore and children, Diane and 'Pommy, all of Miami, Fla., are visiting y4heir parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mac Graham. Flowers . . the perfect ■way to convey your get-weir wishes Choose from our Potted Plants or Cut Flowers Telephone 2-3111 Southern Pines Florist 570 S. W. Broad St. STATEMENT OF CONDITION SOUTHERN PINES BUILDING & LOAN ASSOCIATION of Southern Pines. N. C.. as of December 31. 1956 ASSETS The Association Owns: Cash on hand and in banks $ 84,779.25 State of North Carolina and U. S. Government bonds r 39,844.87 Stock in Federal Honre Loan Bank 9,000.00 Mortgage loans 532,965.51 Money loaned to shareholders for the purpose of enabling them to own their homes. Each loan se cured by first mortgage on local improved real estate. Share loans 176.00 * Advances made to our shareholders against their shares. No loan exceeds 90% of amount actually paid in. Office furniture and fixtures 384.75 TOTAL '. $667,150.38 LIABILITIES The Association Owes: To Shareholders Funds entPusted to our care in the form of payments on shares as follows: Installment shares $369,700.00 Running shares 258,645.87 Other shares 28.38 628,374.25 Undivided profits 710.84 Earnings held in trust for distribution to share holders at maturity of their shares. Federal Insurance reserve (If insured) 2,600.00 ^ Reserve for contingencies 29,399.37 To be used for the payment of any losses, if sus tained. This reserve increases the safety and strength of the Association. Other liabilities 6,065.92 TOTAL $667,150.38 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA. COUNTY OF MOORE, ss: r < Mary McL. McCallum, Secretary-Treasurer of the above named Association personally appeared before me this day, and being duly sworn, says that the foregoing statement is true to the best of her knowledge and belief. MARY McL. McCALLUM, Secretary-Treasurer Sworn to and subscribed before me, this 9th day of Janu ary, 1957. LETA McBRIDE, Notary Public My commission expires April 19, 1957. :— ' - ' ••• This Beautiful Home Located In The Country Club Area Is Open For Your Inspection + 3 BEDROOMS + 2 BATHS t GARAGE + COMPLETELY LANDSCAPED + LARGE CORNER LOT cJ ALREADY FHA HNANCED - TERMS TO SUIT YOUR CONVENIENCE Let us discuss it with you-No obligation Graves Mutual Insurance Agency Graves Building FIRE INSURANCE LIFE INSURANCE East Pennsylvania Ave Phone 2-2201 Southern Pines, N. C. \