Page FOUR THE PILOT—Southern Pines, North Carblina Women’s Activities and Sandhills Social Events BESSIE CAMERON SMITH, Editor TELEPHONE 2-6512 BALL SPONSOR Miss Dorothy Ann Swisher * has been named as a sponsor for the Inaugural Ball to be held in Raleigh on next Wed nesday night, and she has also received an invitation to attend the inaugural cere mony. Miss Patsy Blue, daughter of Rep. and Mrs. H. Clifton Blue of Aberdeen is also a . sponsor. Hollywood Hotel Guests Entertain At Luncheon and Bridge Mrs. George B. Graff of New ton Centre, Mass., a season guest at the Hollywood Hotel, enter tained at luncheon and bridge last Friday. Her guests were Mrs. Ada Williams of Nahant, Mass., Mrs. P. P. Pelton of Southern Pines, and Mrs. Frank M. Thompson of Pinehurst. Mrs. Charles N. Fitz of Chat ham, Mass., entertained Miss Mary Davidson of Tomkins Cove, N. Y., and Mrs. James S. Milli- ken and Mrs. Henry F. Allen, both of Southern Pines, for lunch and bridge at the Hollywood, Saturday. EDUCATION JOURNAL EDITOR SPEAKS TO NCEA GROUP AT JOINT MEETING HERE the local Parent-Teacher Associa tion, and school board members. The meeting opened with group singing of “Hello Everybody” led by Lynn Ledden with Miss Mary Logan as accompanist. Dr. Wof ford C. Timmons gave the invoca tion, and Mrs. Farrior greeted the assemblage. Lewis Cannon, superintendent of the Pinehurst City Schools, in troduced Pinehurst faculty and guests, and Dr. Dawson, Irie Leonard and Don Moore of the lo cal sdhool faculty introduced the Southern Pines faculty and guests. Other features of the program were a song by Roger Gibbs, with Mrs. Ina Bullock as accompanist, and a humorous reading by Dr. Timmons. Dinner was served by ladies of the Southern Pines Methodist Church. A joint dinner meeting of the Southern Pines and Pinehurst units of the North Carolina Edu cation Association was held last night in the cafeteria of the Sfauthern Pines school, with Mrs. Grace Farrior, president of the lo cal unit, presiding. Dr. Amos Abrams, editor of the North Carolina Education Associ ation Journal, was the speaker of the evening. His subject was “School Legislation,” and he stressed very forcefully the value of pubUc schools. Dr. A. C. Daw son, local school superintendent, introduced the speaker. Other special guests were; Miss Madeline Tripp from the State Department of Education; Mrs. Abrams, wife of the featured speaker; Gordon Cameron of Pinehurst, chairman of the Moore County Commissioners; officers of Ruth Class Meets With Mrs. Howard; Plans Valentine Party The Ruth Class of the First Baptist Church met Monday night at the home of Mrs. Bob Howard on Ridge Street. Mrs. Calvin Howell, class president, conducted a business session dur ing which plans were made to hold a Valentine party for mem bers and their husbands in the church recreation room on Feb ruary 16. The meeting opened with de votions led by Miss Jeanne Saun ders, and ended with a social period during which the hostess served refreshments. Members attending were Mrs. George Little, Mrs. Harold Fow ler, Mrs. Tom Hayes, Jr., Mrs. Norman Caudle, Mrs. B.. M. Weeks, Mrs. Herman Shaw, Mrs- Hoke Coon, Mrs. Howard Allred, Mrs. Grady Wright, Mrs. M. G. McRae, Mrs. James Clayton, Mrs. B. C. McWhite, Miss Saunders, Mrs. Howell and Mrs. Howard. Church of Wide Fellowship News The Church of Wide Fellow ship’s next Church Night dinner meeting is scheduled for the first Thursday, February 7, at 6:30. This is the time for the .quarter ly meeting of the expanded Chiuch Council, which includes all officers, trustees, deacons, all heads of departments and com mittees. This will be a very im portant meeting of the council, not only for reports but also for statements of future plans, es pecially for the Lenten season. The Council urges that all of the church people ^ save this time to attend, bringing friends and a covered dish. Assistant County Agent Scheduled To Speak To Civic Garden Club Thomas Hall, assistant farm' agent in Moore County, will be guest speaker at the Civic Gar den Club’s meeting at 3 p. m. next Thursday, February 7. Mr. Hall’s, talk on gardening is ex pected to be of especial interest to club members at this particu lar time when thoughts are turn ing to spring planting plans. Vis itors are welcome to attend the meeting, which will be at the Civic Club building, comer of Ashe Street and Pennsylvania Avenue. Local Woodmen Grove Wins High Rating Mrs. Florence E. Perham, pres ident of the local Woodmen Cir cle, has just been notified by National President Florence Jensen that Dogwood Grove No. 253 of the Supreme Forest Wood men Circle has been selected as the “Most Outstanding Grove in the State.” In view of this honor, the grove will be presented, at the state convention to be held in Charlotte in April, a white Bible with the society emblem in gold on the cover, a white satin altar cloth, and a royal purple altar drape trimmed in gold, also an Achievement Award certificate. The grove is only three and a half years old. MISS SANDRA GALE HARRIS is the daughter of Maj. and Mrs. E. S. Harris of San Antonio, Tex., who announce her engagement to Mark J. King HI, son of Mr. and Mrs. Mark J. King, Jr., of Boiling Springs Circle, Southern Pines. The wedding will take place on February 9 at Trinity Episcopal Church in San Antonio. Miss Harris attended high school in Southern Pines while her father was stationed at the USAF Air-Ground Operations School here, and later, in England. She at tended the University of Maryland, San Jose State Col lege in California and Southwest Texas State 'Teachers’ College in San Marcos. She is a member of Kappa Pi art fraternity. The'bridegroom-elect was graduated from Southern Pines High School and recently returned to Southern Pines following a tour of duty in Hawaii. E. MORELL GIVES PRUNING LECTURE AND DEMONSTRATION FOR SP GARDEN CLUB Mrs. Claude Reams, president of the Southern Pines Garden Club, was hostess to the club at her home Monday afternoon when a program of unusual in terest and practical value was given. Mrs. L. T. Avery, chairman of the program committee, present ed Ernest Morell, well-known authority on plants and landsca ping, who gave a “living lecture” on the pruning of shrubs and \trees. On the grouJnds of the Reams home, with garden club bers as interested listeners and observers, he explained and dem onstrated the pruning of various varieties of plants, discussing the proper time and methods. He also discussed grafting and showed a flowering peach tree that had been grafted. , During the business session which followed Mr. Morell’s lec ture, Mrs. George Leonard, pro- ANNUAL BUFFET DINNER AND CARD PARTY FOR ST. JOSEPH’S SET FOR WEDNESDAY Montesanti, Mrs. J. Watson Smith, and Mrs. Jerry Healy, Southern Pines; and Mrs. Fran cis L. Owens and Mrs. J. H. Thompson, Pinehurst. Mrs. Peter Blasco of Southern Pines heads the sales committee in charge of the door prize. Tickets will be available at the door, also. ^ The door prize will be a $25 U. S. Savings Bond and a new double deck of cards will be given as a prize at each table. 'The anaual buffet dinner and evening of cards at St. Joseph’s Hospital, a social event of the winter season which never fails to attract a large gathering of various ages, will be held Wed nesday, February 6, begining at 6:45, it is annoimced by St. Joseph’s Guild, the sponsor ing organization. The entire pro ceeds are for the benefit of the hospital. Ticket sales are in charge of Mrs. John Buchholz, Mrs. Dante jects chairman, outlined several suggestions that had been made for - civic improvement. These were taken under consideration, as the club always welcomes sug gestions from non-members who share the club’s interest in pre serving and adding to the town’s beauty. Tea was served at the close of the meeting. Members attending were: Mrs. Avery, Mrs. R. M. McMillan, Mrs. E. Nolley Jackson, Mrs. J. R. Marsh, Mrs. N. L. Hodgkins, Mrs. F. B. Howland, Mrs. John Os- trom, Mrs. Audrey K. Kennedy, Mrs. Marion Brawley, Mrs. George Leonard, Mrs. A. V. Ar nold, Mrs. William F. Hollister, Mrs. R. E. Rhodes, Mrs. Robert Ewing, Mrs. Clarence "Von Tacky, Mrs. J. S. Milliken, Mrs. Charles Crowell, and Mrs. R. B. Hill, with the hostess bringing the number to 19. Duplicate Club Holds Meeting Two dozen players turned out for Tuesday night’s meeting of the Sandhills Duplicate Bridge Club, held at the Southern Pines Country Club. High scorers were Mrs. Roy Grinnell and Dr. R. M. McMillan. In second place were Mrs. John W. Neal and Miss Katherine Wiley, and in third, Fred Brindley and Dr. C. R. Van- derVoort. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Markham of West End and Mrs, W. L. Poole and Miss Louise Blue of Raeford tied for fourth place. Thistle Club Has Five Guests At Wednesday Meeting Four guests were present at Wednesday’s meeting of the This tle Club, held at the Civic Club building with five tables at play. Guests were: Mrs, Rene Welsh, Mrs. Chan Page, Mrs. Charles Rowe, and Mrs. Rene deMilhau. 'High scorers were: Mrs. Amie St. Clair, Mrs. J. G. deBerry, Miss Marguerite Wolf, Mrs. Mary Loup and Mrs. W. A. Carpenter. New Heir-rivals STUART ALEXANDER SHORE Mr. and Mrs. Bill Shore are the parents of a son, Stuart Alexan der, born Monday, January 21, at Moore County Hospital weigh ing eight pounds, two ounces. The Shores have two other chil dren, Tom, five years old, and Susan, four. ^URSD^^NU^^3M^ MUCH ENTERTAINING CENTERS AROUND FIRST IN SERIES OF MUSIC PROGRAMS Prior to the concert of Freder ick Salhmann, pianist, which opened the current season of the Sandhills Music Association last Thursday night, a number of din ner parties -were held at the Hol lywood Hotel. Dr. Fred Langner, president of the Association, and Mrs. Lang ner had as their guests Mrs. James Boyd and her sister, Miss Elizabeth Lamont, who is here from Millbrook, N. Y., Mr. Salh mann, and Roger Gibbs. Dr. and Mrs. William F. Hol lister, Dr. ^and Mrs. Bruce War- lick, Mr. and Mrs. N. L. Hodg kins, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Bert Premo, and Mr. and Mrs. Law rence Johnson of Aberdeen com prised another party. Mr. and Mrs. N. L. Hodgkins had as their guests Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Jellison. Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ivor S. Davies were Mr. and Mrs. Charles Picquet and Mrs. A. W. Atherton. Mr. and Mrs. Harold A. Collins, their son Harold, Jr., at home from Duke University, Miss Dor othy Ann Swisher, and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Collins of Pinehurst were together. Mr. and Mrs. George Pottle had as their guesf^ Dr. and Mrs. R. M. McMillan and Dr. and Mrs. A. C. Dawson; Mr. and Mrs. John S. Ruggles and Mr. and Mrs. James Baird comprised an other party. Other local tableholders inclu ded Mrs. J. B. Boyle, lyir. and Mrs. Paul Landis, Dr. and Mrs. John E. Elmendorf, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Dean Dorman, and Miss Carol Day. A party of four from Pine- hurst, Mr. and Mrs. L. K. Huff and Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Jordan, dined at the Hollywood, and a party of three included Miss El len Merrow of near Biscoe and her guests from the North, Mrs. Ruth M. Rookwell and Miss Anna Dillingham, who have taken a Mayfair apartment for the re- niainder of the winter. Following the concert Mrs. James Boyd was hostess to friends of the artist and directors of the Music Association. MR. AND MRS. DWIGHT W. WINKELMAN II, WED FRIDAY, ON JAMAICA HONEYMOON Miss Charla Carolyn Coa^s of Skaneateles, N. Y., and Dwight William Winkelman H of South ern Pines and Skaneateles, whose engagement was announced last week with “no date set for the wedding,” are now Mr. and Mrs., honeymooning in Jamaica. They were married last Friday in South Carolina. Uncle Sam was responsible for the early wedding date. Mr. Win kelman, a student at Syracuse University, has orders to report for service on the day following his graduation June 2, which, if the wedding had been scheduled for later, would have allowed no time for a wedding trip, so the young couple, both students, de cided on a mid-term ceremony. They spent Saturday and Sun day at the home of his pEments on Massachusetts Avenue, and left by plane Sunday on their honey moon trip. They will return to Southern Pines this weekend, and on Satur day, from 4 to 6 p.m., Mr. and Mrs. Winkelman will entertain at a tea dance at the Mid Pines Club in the young couple’s honor, to give friends an opportimity to meet the new Mrs. Winkelman, who is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Chester Charles Coats of Skaneateles. Hollywood Club Lists Winners The Hollywood Bridge Club met Tuesday afternoon at the Hollywood Hotel, with four tables playing. Winners of high scores were Mrs. P. P. Pelton, Mrs. J. I. Neal, Mrs. Everett V/alker and Mrs. Florence Graff. Looking Ahead Mrs. Katherine McColl Elected To State Office Of Republican Women Mrs. Katherine N. McCoU, was elected second vice-president of the North Carolina Federation of Republican Women at the annual meeting held last Saturday in Winston-Salem. Mrs. J. D. Strat ton of Charlotte was made presi dent of the organization, and Mrs. A. E. Verbyla of Lenoir, first vice president. Reid Benson, son of Secretary of Agriculture Benson, was the principal speaker at the conven tion. Five members of the recently organized Southern Pines Chapter of the NCFRW attended, those be sides Mrs. McColl being Mrs. Rob ert Ewing, Mrs. David Little, Mrs. Richard Earle and Mrs. William Morris. Members of the local group are greatly pleased that the Southern Pines Chapter, youngest of the 12 active clubs in the State, was honored by having one of its members elected to office in the State organization. Joan Grover Honors Two Girl Friends At Coke Party Joan Grover was hostess at a Coke party at her home Satur day afternoon honoring two of her young friends, Janet Van Pelt, who is to leave Southern Pines soon, and Donna Dawson, who was celebrating her birth day. The girls spent the afternoon playing games, listening to rec ords, making tape recordings, and enjoying sandwiches, cake, and other goodies. Each honoree was presented a gift from the group. Joan’s guests, in addition to the two speciai honorees, were Linda Williamson, Betsy Schei- pers, Peggy Worth, Rosie Chand ler, Jeanne Bachman, Mary Eliz abeth Chappell, and Martha Camp. Diana Bridges was unable to attend. Grove Celebrates 66 th Anniversary of Parent Organization Members of Dogwood Grove No. 253 of the Supreme Forest Woodmen Circle celebrated the 66th anniversary of the Circle by entertaining six guests at a covered dish supper in the Wood men hall Wednesday evening. Guests were Mrs. Ethel Donald son, national committeewoman and state manager, of Charlotte, Mrs. L. E. Smith and grand daughter, Miss Barbara Adcox, of Pinehurst, Mrs. J. B. Whit tington, Miss Pauline Crain and Mrs. C. E. Newton. Each guest was presented a corsage characteristic of the grove’s name and the circle’s colors—a dogwood flower with green and violet streamers. Following the supper president Florence E. Perham called the meeting to order. During the business session the members voted to contribute to the March of Dimes campaign, and at the appointed time each member and guest joined in a march to the president’s station and deposited her contribution. Plans for a Valentine party for the junior members were discuss ed. Mrs. Perham introduced Mrs. Donaldson, who spoke on insur ance protection for the indivi dual, the home and loved ones. She stressed especially the im portance of young people being fully insured as security for the future. After citing several specific cases, the speaker concluded: “Insurance is the “best policy’ after all.” LEARN MORE CLASS The Learn More Class will meet at 8 p. m. Monday at the home of Mrs. M. G. McRae. The class has just started a study of the Book of Revelation and will welcome new members who are interested in this study. BAPTIST CIRCLES The following meetings of Baptist Circles are scheduled for Tuesday of next week: Willing Workers, at 8 p. m. with Mrs. W. S. Thomasson. Dorothy Wonderly, at 8 p. m. with Mrs. Robert Kyle. Harriet Witte, at 8 p. m. with Mrs. James Clayton, I Helen Fowler, at 3 p. m. with Mrs. William Dale. PRESBYTERIAN CIRCLES Seven of the Circles of Brown- son Memorial Presbyterian Wom en of the Church have their Feb ruary meetings scheduled for next week, as follows: No. 1, Tuesday at 3 p.m. with Mrs. Mary Loup. No. 2, Tuesday at 3 p.m. with Miss Grace Thwing. No. 4, Monday at 8 p.m. with Mrs. Harvey Horne. No. 6, Thursday at 8 p.m. with Mrs. Joe Bennett. No. 7, Thursday at 8 p.m. with Mrs. Hubert Cameron. No. 8, Monday at 8 p.m. with Mrs. Joe Currie. No. 9, Thursday at 8 p.m. with Mrs. Joe Marley. , MOVE TO VASS Mr. and Mrs. D. N. Jones and daughter, Isabel, moved from Charlotte this week to the house in Vass recently vacated by the Julian Smith family. Mr. Jones, who is connected with Jones, Inc., has been in Vass since last summer, staying at Dixie Inn. ST. MARY’S GUILD There will be a monthly busi ness meeting of St. Mary’s Guild Of Emmanuel Church at 3 p. m. Monday in the parish haU. BPO DOES Drove 42, BPO Does, will meet at 8 p. m. Tuesday at the South ern Pines Country Club. Mr. and Mrs. Leon Syler and daughter, Becky, formerly of New Mexico but now changing their place of residence to Tennessee, are spending a few days with Mrs. Syler’s sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Warren, on Crestview Road. INS and OUTS staff Sergeant and Mrs. Nor- velle B. Allen and little daugh ter, Debbie, who are now sta tioned at Seymour-Johnson AFB at Goldsboro following overseas duty, spent last weekend with Mrs. Allen’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. E. McDonald. L. D. Quin entered Moore County Hospital last Sunday and on Tuesday underwent surgery. He is reported to be making sat isfactory progress. Mrs. L. A. Russell of Newton, Iowa, and Mr. and Mrs. I. W. Salisbury of Winston-Salem vis ited Mrs. R. S. Durant last week end. Miss Martha Lee of NashviUe, Tenn., a student at Duke Uni versity, Durham, was the guest of her cousins, Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Rhodes, from Wednesday un til Monday. Col. and Mrs. J. P. B. Strode and daughter, Rebecca, are visit ing Mrs. Strode’s mother, Mrs. C. H. Burkhead, en route from a station in San Juan, Puerto Rico, to Fort Leonard Worth in Mis souri, where Colonel Strode will command an army hospital. Mrs. M. L. Howard, who un derwent surgery at Memorial Center in New York two weeks ago today, is recuperating at the home of her daughter in that city, and hopes to return to Southern Pines soon. She ex presses thanks for the many cards and letters sent to her dur ing her illness. Bill Marley of N. C. State Col lege, Raleigh, and Joe Marley, a student at Campbell College, Buies Creek, were here for a long weekend visit to their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Marley. Also spending the weekend at the Mar- leys’ were Mr. and Mrs. V. W. Idol and daughters, Ann and Kay, of High Point. Mrs. John McPhaul and Miss Kay Buice of the local school fac ulty have been on the sick list. Mrs. Joe Marley substituted for Mrs. McPhaul and Mrs. E. H. Hines, Sr., taught for Miss Buice. Capt. and Mrs. Roland Jager and five sons arrived from Law- ton, Okla., Sunday morning. Capt. Jager, at the end of his present leave, will have a tour of duty overseas and Mrs. Jager, who is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Newton, and the children will re side here for a while. Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Haynes of Clinton, Conn., are spending a few weeks with their sister. Miss Louise Haynes, at her home on South Bennett Street. ■ Three Hostesses Entertain Honoring Mrs. M. L. Whitesell The Arnold home was the, scene of a stork shower Wednes day night given by Mrs. M. B. Arnold, Mrs. Raymond Cameron and Mrs. M. G. McRae honoring Mrs. M. L. Whitesell. Games were enjoyed by all, with Mrs. W M. Johnson, Mrs. George Lit tle and Mrs. Dave Castro as win ners. The honoree received many lovely gifts from those present and from others who were invi ted but cQuld not attend. Guests present were: Mrs. Whitesell, the honoree; Mrs. Joe Garzik, Mrs. Charles' Bridges, Mrs. W. M. Johnson, Mrs. Robert Howard, Mrs. Don Jones, Mrs.. C. L. Worsham, Jr., Mrs. Walter Coffin, Mrs. Dave Castro, Mrs. Frank Buchan, Mrs. Ralph Wal lace, Mrs. Marvin Wicker, Mrs. • L. T. Hall, Mrs. Eugene McKen zie, Mrs. George Little, Mrs. Max Whitesell, Mrs. Leonard White sell, Mrs. D. H. Whitesell, Mrs. D. H. Whitesell, Jr., IHrs. Larry Uphole, and Mrs. Vernon White sell. CRITICALLY ILL T. J. Smith of Vass is critically ill at The Anchorage here, where he has been since before Christ mas, it is learned as we go to press. His condition became worse Wednesday. Tell her how sweet she is with a gift of candy Delight your Valentine with a gift as sweet as she is . . . fresh, delicious and sure-to-please Candies ... in beautiful Valentine Gift Boxes. Come in and choose the perfect one for Her. send valentih^^ Romance is in the cards when you choose your Valentine Greetings from our assortment. Cute . . . sentimental. WE WILL BE OPEN SUNDAY. FEBRUARY 3 Southern Pines Pharmacy LOU CULBRETH GRAHAM CULBRETH SOUTHERN PINES. N. C.