Page FOUR THE PILOT—Southern Pines, North Carolina THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1957 V Women’s Activities and Sandhills Social Events BESSIE CAMEKON SMITH, Editor TELEPHONE 2-6512 Mrs. William Lee Feted At Shower Given By Aunts Mrs. William H. Lee of Crest- view Road was honored at a stork shower Tuesday night giv en by her aunts, Mrs. Alma Gay and Mrs. Sue Ivey. After the gifts had been duly admired, the hostesses served refreshments. Guests were: Mrs. Howard Mc Neill, Mrs. Cass King, Mrs. James Hall, Mrs.' EsteUe Jones, Mrs. Clyde Tew, Mrs. Grady Wright, Mrs. Julian Lane, Mrs. Fred Hall, Mrs. Doris Warren, and Mrs. Howard Allred. DR. ELMENDORF DISCUSSES MEDICAL WORK IN LATIN AMERICA AT CIVIC CLUB Mrs. Hartshorne Is Honored By Does With Miscellaneous Shower At the conclusion of the regu lar meeting of Drove 42 BPO Does on Tuesday night of last week, a surprise shower of miscellaneous household articles was given Mrs. James Hart- shome. A large basket filled with attractive gift packages was brought in and placed before Mrs. Hartshorne, who opened and displayed the many lovely linens and useful gadgets given her to replace the things which she lost in the Highland Pines Inn fire. Refreshments were served. Dr. John E. Elmendorf, Jr., of Midland Road was guest speaker at the February meeting of the Southern Pines Civic Club, held Monday afternoon with the presi dent, Mrs. J. B. Boyle, presiding, and with a number of visitors present to hear the’ speaker. Dr. Elmendorf had as his sub ject “Medicine and the Rockefel ler Foundation in Latin America.” He gave a vivid word picture of what work for the Rockefeller Foundation in the jungles of Bra zil means in research and hard ship, tracking the germ of yellow fever in people living or dead and in animals, and making serums with which to fight it. From 1920 to 1952 he visited every country in South America, his work tak ing him among tribes where epi demics were rampant. His talk aroused in his hearers a feeling of profound gratitude to all pioneers who risk their lives in working to eradicate dread dis eases when they could be practic ing in the cities and living in comfort; to the Rockefeller Foun- Mr. And Mrs. Best Come From Canada To Reside Here New residents' of Southern Pines who are this week getting settled in their newly purchased home—the Major Price house on Maples Road—are Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Best, who came from Windsor, Ontario, Canada, where they had resided for 20 years. They have been staying at Brae- bupn Hall since arriving in the Sandhills. Mr. Best recently retired from his position as Canadian ihanager for Standard Products Company of Cleveland Ohio. He and Mrs. Best had been down here twice before, spending about a month here last spring. They liked the place so much that they decided to make it their home, so here they are—an enthusaistic addition to the host of Sandhills boosters. dation and its courageous volun teers in the cause of science and humanity. The speaker was introduced by Mrs. Boyle. Mrs. Elmendorf was present at the meeting, and she was presented a corsage. Another interesting feature of the meeting was a brief talk by Mrs. Fred Carmichael, of the Car avan Theatre, which is opening its first season at the Caravan- Pinehurst Theatre next week. Mr. and Mrs. Carmichael head a stock company that has been playing in Dorset, Vt., and she told a little about their work and expressed the hope that the people of this community will derive pleasure from their plays. Tea and a social hour followed Mrs. M. Y. Poe, Mrs. Wade Stev- ick and Mrs. Ernest M. Poate were hostesses. The tea table was centered with a beautiful bouquet of flowers arranged by Mrs. Dean Dorman. Mrs. Russell Simons and Miss Louise Haynes poured tea. MISS WILEY DIRECTS FINE DAY OF GOLF AND ENTERTAINMENT FOR TAR HEEL WGA Sixty players from the 10 clubs which make up the Tar Heel Women’s Golf Association com peted in a tournament played last Friday at the Pine Needles Club in Southern Pines, and en joyed the hospitality of Miss Kitty Wiley, of Tot’s Toggery, sponsor of the entertainment part of the day’s program. The affair proved a great success both from golfing and social stand points. Mrs. Pearson Menoher of KnoUwood won the low gross prize in the first flight, with 81. Tied for net honors were Mrs. Little and Mrs. Gravely. Mrs. Johnson had the low gross in the second flight with a 92 and Mrs. Resch and Mrs. Dunn tied for low net with 76. In the third flight, Mrs. George Pottle, with 110, was low gross, with Mrs. Hodgkins, 80, and Mrs. McMillan, 82 taking the net awards. Mrs. Altibellis and Mrs. Mangrum tied in the putting competition, each with 27 putts. Miss Alice Baxter Takes Advertising Work In Charlotte Miss Alice Baxter left Sunday for Charlotte to take a postion in the advertising department of Belk Brothers store, where she worked in 1950-51. She has had similar experience at Efird’s and the Deadwyler Advertising Agen cy, both in Charlotte. She receiv ed her commercial art education at the Ringling School of Art in Sarasota, Fla. For the past year Miss Baxter had been doing art ■ work here in the Training Aids Section at the USAF Air-Ground Operations School, which has now moved to Biloxi, Miss. From May 1953 un til March 1956 she! was executive secretary for the Southern Pines Chamber of Commerce and was in charge of the branch office of the Carolina Motor Club, issuing automobile license plates here. Active in the work of the Sand hills Business and Professional Women’s Club, she edited a monthly bulletin. The Sandpiper, for the club. Her address is: Apt. 207, 712 Louise Avenue, Charlotte 5. Brilliant Hunt Ball And Dinner Hold Top Place On Calendar Holding top interest on the so cial calendar for February is the formal Hunt Ball to be held this Saturday night at the Southern Pines Country Club, following the annual Hunter Trials spon sored by the Moore Coynty Hounds. The traditional Hunt Ball and dinner will begin at 8 o’clock and music will be furnished by Dave Brown’s Orchestra from Raleigh. The dining room and ball room will be de,corated in the brilliant Moore County Hunt Colors— hunting pink and royal blue. There will be guests from Cen tral New York State, Connecti cut, Pennsylvania, Massachusetts, Ohio, Virginia, and South Caro lina, as well as from the Sand hills section. Sweethearts Ball . To Be Held Tonight Sponsored By Beta Club A “Sweethearts Ball” will be held tonight at the Southern Pines Country Club under spon sorship of the Southern Pines Beta Club chapter. Decorations will be in the Val entine motif and refreshments v/ill be served. The party is for students of the high school and their dates, and stags. This is an annual project of the Beta Club to raise funds for scholarships which it offers and Other needs. Officers Wives Hold Farewell Luncheon At Carolina Hotel Members of the USAFAGOS Officers’ Wives Club held a fare well luncheon at the Carolina Hotel in Pinehurst a day last week, attended by 34 members, most of whom were leaving within the week. Mrs. John Cor ley and Mrs. James Purdy serv ed as hostesses. Miss Jean Adams And Mr. Bowers Are Wed In Sarasota, Fla. Mr. and Mrs. Nathan L. Adams announce the marriage of their daughter, Mary Jean, to Morrie E. Bowers on Saturday, January 26, 1957. The wedding vows were spoken in the parsonage of the Methodist Church in Sarasota, Fla. The bride’s cousin, Mrs. Robert Angers, and uncle, Joseph Molella, attended the bridal couple. Mrs. Bowers had been living in Southern Pines with her parents for several years before going to Sarasota a year ago. Mr. Bow ers, now a resident of Sarasota, formerly lived in Toledo, Ohio. The young couple will make their residence in Sarasota. Valentine Motif Used At Thistle Club Meeting The Thistle Club met for an afternoon of bridge at the Civic Club Wednesday. High scorers were: Mrs. H. E. Thrower, Mrs. Charles Loup, Mrs. J. D. Sitter- son, and Mrs. J. G. deBerry. Refreshments are served at each meeting by the Civic Club and Wednesday’s featured the Valentine motif, adding a real party note to the occasion. Club members expressed their thanks for this extra thoughtftilness on the p2urt of the Civic Club com mittee. Devins Family Sails For Italy Lt. and Mrs. J. Herbert Devins sailed Tuesday on the Constitu tion for Geneva for a three-year tour of duty in Italy, taking with them their German police dog, Katinka. Lt. Devins will be sta tioned at Vicenza. After spending three weeks here with Mrs. Devins’ mother, Mrs. Edward Gordon-Mann, and family, they spent the final two weeks before their departure with Lt. Devins’ parents in Flushing, N. Y. Mrs. Butler Is Dinner Hostess Mrs. Howard Butler had as her dinner guests at the Hollywood Hotel Wednesday evening Mrs. H. C. Bleckschmidt, Mrs. John Reagan, Mrs. George Heinitsh, Mrs. Walter Harper and Mrs. R. S. DuRant. J Mrs. Jean Edson, Mrs. Roy Local friends will be faiterested. Grinnell and Mrs. James • Pleas-1 to know that Mrs. B. J. Kimbrell ants spent last weekend with of Aberdeen, a patient at Moore Mrs. Grinnell’s sister. Miss Ali- mae Temple, at Lake View, S. C. County Hospital, nicely. IS recovermg IliiiMfci tfra<|S MISS MARIE ELEANOR KEHOE is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John J. Kehoe of Southern Pines, who announce her en gagement to Larry Evans Hartsell, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest J. Hartsell of Pinehurst. A fall wedding is planned. Miss Kehoe graduated from Notre Dame High School in Greensboro. Mr. Hartsell was graduated from Pinehurst High School in 1953 and served in the United States Army in Korea and Japan. CIVIC GARDEN CLUB HAS MR. HALL AS SPEx-VKER; HONORS MEMBER WITH SHOWER of the program. Mrs. James ^at- Hairdressers Guild Is Planned For Moore County Representatives of several beauty shops in the county held a meeting at the Agnes-Dorothy Beauty Shop in Southern Pine^ on Wednesday night of last week for the purpose of forming a lo cal unit of the National and State Hairdressers and Cosmetologists Guild. Philip Shehan of Phillip’s Beauty Salon in Raleigh, mem bership chairman and vice presi dent of the State Council, was principal speaker, discussing the advantages of the organization. Joe Snotherly of the Sir Walter Raleigh Hotel Beauty Salon in Raleigh, who is second vice pres ident of the state organization, also spoke briefly. A second meeting was sched uled for Monday, February 18, at which time officers will be elect ed. Mrs. Johnson of the Agnes- Dorothy shop served refresh ments. Attending the meeting were: Catherine Blue Edwards and Tecia Graham of the Vass Beau ty Shop; Edith Gotch, Juanita Kirby and Margaret Nance of The Vogue, Southern Pines; Helen Johnson and Lillian Par- shley, Agnes-Dorothy Shop; Frances Flack and Thelma Lock lear, Franthel Beauty Shop, Southern Pines; and Jean Tate, Carolina Hotel Shop, Pinehurst. Thomas Hall, assistant Moore County farm agent, spoke to the Civic Garden Club at its meet ing last Thursday afternoon, giv ing much information on pruning shrubbery, the planting and care of bulbs, landscaping home grounds, and the planting of veg etable gardens. A question and answer period followed, in which members received help on their individual gardening problems. ' The speaker was introduced by Mrs. Frank Hale, club president. Mrs. Hale, who recently enjoyed a Florida vacation, told of the pleasure she derived from visit ing the Pahokee Garden Club in Florida, which met outdoors in a beautiful setting of trees and blooming plants. Miss Helen Butler told of plans for landscaping the Alston House grounds. Plans are being made for a spring flower show, which will be announced later. Colorfxil flower arrangements were on display, with blue and red ribbons attached to those judged to be the best, and these formed a pretty setting for a surprise feature of the meeting a surprise for one member, that is_which came at the conclusion liff and Miss Helen Butler left the room to reappear moments later rolling a wheelbarrow beautifully decorated and filled to overflowing with shower gifts for Mrs. James Hartshorne from club members and other friends. The Civic Garden Club meets on the first Thursday of each month at 3 p. m. at the Civic Club, and visitors are al ways welcome to attend. . Holl3rwood Club' Meets Tuesday The Hollywood Bridge Club met Tuesday afternoon at the hotel whose name it bears, with four tables at play. Winners were Mrs. F. Trimble, Mrs. Florence Graff, Mrs. M. Barnes, and Miss Mary Davidson. Local People Attend Friend’s Debut At The Metropolitan Mrs. Arch Coleman of “Sky line” and her daughter, Mrs. Wolfgang Langwiesche of Lake ville, Conn., left Tuesday night for New York City to attend the debut at the Metropolitan Opera on Wednesday night of Mary Cur tis Dema, their long-time friend and Mrs. Langwiesche’s former roommate in New York. For the past eight years she has been singing in Italy. Mr. And Mrs. Sitterson Give Family Luncheon Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Sitterson of North Ashe Street entertained at luncheon Tuesday honoring their daughter-in-law, Mrs. J. D. Sit terson, Jr., of Fort Bragg and her mother, Mrs. Thomas Hopkins, of Wilkes-Barre, Pa., who is a guest of the junior Sittersons at Fort Bragg. Others attending the fam ily luncheon were the Sittersons’ daughter, Mrs. Jamie Guin, and little Jimmy, of Greensboro, who are visiting here this week. Mrs. Chandler And Mrs. Dale Are Club Hostesses The Past Matrons and Past Pa trons Club of Magnolia Chapter 26, OES, was entertained at the home of Mrs. R. L. Chandler, Sr., with Mrs. William Dale as co hostess Monday night. Mrs. E. L. Finch is president of the club. After a business session, there was a social hour topped off with the serving of an array of delec table refreshments. WHY SUFFER WHEN WE HAVE THE NEWEST AS WELL AS THE OLD RELIABLE COLD REMEDIES? Coldene — Super Anahist Coriodin — Kriptin — Resistabs Emprin Compound 4-Way Cold Tablets — Vick's Medi-Mist Norwich Children's Nose Drops Guard Cold Tablets — Bayer Aspirin T-Mist Nasal Spray St. Joseph Anti-Histamine Darol Capsules — Stanback Bromo Quinine — Children's Aspirin Benzidrex Inhalants WE WILL BE OPEN SUNDAY, FEB. 17 REMEMBER THE HUNTER TRIALS . SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 16th Sandhill Drug Company SOUTHERN PINES SOUTHERN PINES HAIRDRESSERS Celebrate NATIONAL Beauty Salon WEEK itcaiei >o .ore ^eauhiui omen VISIT YOUR FAVORITE BEAUTY SHOP THIS WEEK AGNES-DOROTHY BEAUTY SHOP 110 N. W. Broad—Tel., 2-2701 FRANTHEL BEAUTY SHOP 120 S. W. Broad—TeL 2-4282 MARENNE .BEAUTY SHOP 114 W. Penn. Ave.—Tel. 2-4831 TATF'5* BEAUTY SHOP 157 E. New Hampshire—Tel. 2-8421 VOGUE BEAUTY SHOP 117 W. Penh, Ave.—Tel. 2-8711 Give Yourself A New Lift For The Spring Season

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