THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 28. 1957 THE PILOT—Southern Pines. North Carolina Page ELEVEN VICTIM RECOVERED V. i a & Robeson County Woman Freed Of Shooting Charges In Court Monday Jessie Bell Oxendine Kilgore, Gook, suspended on payment of CARTHAGE NEWS 27, an Indian woman from Robe son County, was found not guilty in Moore Recorder’s Court Mon day on charges of shooting Charles Maples in a roadhouse in the northern end of the county earlier in the month. The woman, who had told offi cers when she was arrested that Maples had “bothered” her, did not deny the shooting Monday but reaffirmed her previous rea sons. Maples, who has recovered from his wounds, told a complete ly different version on the stand. He said he had not bothered her and could give no reason for the shooting. Both were employed at the Car olina Pines roadhouse on US 1 close to the Lee County line. Mrs. Kilgore had been free on $1,500 bond for her appearance in court. Other cases disposed of: Fred Childress, Route 1, Star, speeding, improper muffler, $25 including costs. Euthenia Jesse Wright, Raeford, speeding, d ing on wrong side, $25 to inch .d costs. Kenneth Callicutt, speeding, $25 to include costs. Jackie Hunsucker, Robbins, careless and reckless driving, ac cident, $25 and costs. Russell Bristow, Robbins, driv ing drunk, 60 days on roads, su# pended on payment of $100 and costs, license suspended twelve months. George A. Davis, High Point, public drunk, unlawful possession of tax paid whiskey, $10 and costs. Jesse Davis, High Point, care less and reckless driving, speed ing 60, driving on wrong side, $25 and costs. C. E. Brady, Highfalls, unlawful possession of illicit whiskey, pub lic drunk, $15 and costs. Thomas E. Cook, Route 2, Car thage, driving drunk (second of fense) three months on roads, li cense suspended two years. Thomas E. Cook and Joe Smith, Route 2, Carthage, larceny of two automobile floor mats and a ham mer. As to Sniith, not guilty. Three months on roads as to NOTIOE OF PUBLIC HEARING ON LEVY OF ASSESSMENT TO INSTALL PERMANENT STREET IMPROVEMENTS Pursuant to authority contain ed in the North Carolina General Statutes, notice is hereby given that a Public Hearing w'll be held in the Council C’-' ^er at the Town Office in the Town of Southern Pines, Moore County, North Carolina at 8:00 P. M. on the 12th day of March, 1957, for the purpose of hearing any pro test or objeation to the levying of an assessment at the rate of $1.25 per front foot against the adja cent property owners on: The west side of Crestview Rd. be tween Saylor St. and Midland Rd. in the Town of Southern Pines, to defray a portion of the costs of installing curbs and gut ters, on the above mentioned street or streets; that interested parties may inspect assessment roll on file in the Office of. the Town Clerk at any time between the hours of 9:00 A. M. and 5:00 P. M. on any day from Monday through Friday and between the hours of 9:00 A. M. and 12:00 Noon on Saturday. This 19th day of February, 1957. LOUIS SCHEIPERS, JR. Town Clerk f21,28 costs and good behavior condi tions for next three years. Joseph Clayton Phillips, High- faRs, speeding, driving on wrong side, accident, prayer for judg ment continued on payment of costs. James A. Smith, assault and battery, threats. Court finds pros ecution is frivolous and taxes prosecuting witness with costs. Cecil Smith, trial set for March 4. Jessie Belle Oxendine Kilgore, Fairmont, assault with, a deadly weapon, inflicting serious and permanent injury, not guilty. Sam Wilson, High Point, lar- cenw of switch box, not guilty. Lacey T. Smith, larceny of hogs, nol pros with leave. Costs taxed against the prosecuting witness, Mary BeUe Ingr£im. Lena Dowd, assault with a deadly weapon, (ice pick), nol pros with leave. John Holmes, Pinebluff, driving without registration card, prayer for judgment continued on pay ment of costs. Norman Goins, failure to com ply. It appearing to the court that defendant failed to comply with commitment to issue in pre vious case, it is ordered that sen tence of three months on roads be put into effect unless he complies by Wednesday, February 27, the sentence to run concurrently with sentence he received in case where he was convicted of driv ing drunk. Lawton Leo Hatch, Southern Pines, careless and reckless driv ing, driving on wrong side of road causing accident and property damage, prayer for judgment con tinued on payment of costs. Lewis C. McLean, Wagram, driving without license, carrying concealed weapon, driving with expired New York tag, 30 days on roads, suspended 12 months on payment of $50 and costs. John D. Harrington, Cameron, assault and battery, threats, war rant amended to charge abandon ment and failure to support wife and children, guilty of assault on wife and failure to provide sup port for her and two children, 60 days ob. roads, suspended on pay ment of costs and payments of $20 per week until, further order of court. Harold Floyd Murphy, Laurin- burg, speeding, $25 to include costs. Marian Taylor, Route 2, Cam eron, speeding 70, driving on wrong side, $35 to include costs. J. Wilson Reeves, speeding 65, $28 to include costs. James Albert Byrd, speeding 55 (truck), $28 to include costs. James A. Hay ley, assault and battery,, driving without opera tor’s license, nol pros. Queenie Hayley, Fayetteville, driving without operator’s license, driving on wrong side, nol pros as to first charge, capias issued on second charge, trial set for next Monday, bond fixed at $25. Dope Jeter, unlawful possession of non-tax paid whiskey, nol pros with leave. Charles Lemonds, allowing in toxicated person to drive his auto, nol pros. Henry Lomax Bost, speeding 55 in truck, $50 cash bond forfeited. H. C. Cheek, set for trial March 4. Marvin Eugene Cornelius, call ed and failed, capias issued, re turnable next Monday, bond fixed at $100. William Ledbetter Crepps, speeding, $15 and costs. Mabrye L. Woody, speeding, improper passing, $40 to include costs. Straight BOURBON Whisky $0.10 PINT 4/5 QUART »www| Dunum oomfant DD^KMvcmr By MRS ALONZO BLUE Celebrates 75th Birthday Mrs. C. C. Wallace honored her husband last Sunday at their home in West Carthage on his 75th birthday with a turkey din ner and all the trimmings. A huge decorated birthday cake graced the cewter of the table. The guest list included Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Wallace and son, David; C. C. Wallace, Jr., and children, Judy and C. C. Ill, of Wilmington; Mrs. Rosa Lee Douglas and daughter, Nancy, of Sanford; Miss Margaret Jessup Winston-Salem; Mrs. J. R. Royal, High Point; Miss Erma Jessup, Asheboro; Mrs. Sudie Britt, Lumberton; and Mr. and Mrs. .W. G. Benner and son, Penn, Car thage. Mr. Wlallace was remembered with many useful gifts. Personals Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Goodman of Raleigh visited her sisters, Mrs. H. L. Maness here and Mrs. Walter Lambert in Vass, Satur day. Mackie Caldwell of Morehead City visited his grandmother, Mrs. N. A. McKeithen, Sunday. Mrs. Charles Cox Mrs. W. R. Clegg and Mr. and Mrs. Jimmie Clawson and children were in Rockingham Simday afternoon to visit Mr. and Mrs. Neill McK. Clegg and children. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Sheffield, Miss NeU Sheffield and Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Way visited Fulton Stutts at McCain Sunday after noon. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Epler of Pennsylvania, Mr. and Mrs. Nor man Epler, Jr., of Lakeview and Mrs. R. G. Rosser of Vass were pleasant callers in the H. L. Man ess home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jimmie Clawson and childm of Jacksonville were weekend guests of Mrs. Claw son’s mother, Mrs. W. R. Clegg. Mr. and Mrs. BiU Robinson and son, Johnny Mac, of Rockingham visited Mr. and Mrs. Charles Un derwood on Vass Road Sunday. Mrs. Howard Myrick visited her uncle and aunt, Charlie Muse and Miss Bertha Muse, in Galax, Va., Sunday. Miss Muse is a pa tient in Waddell Hospital. W. A. Blue, engineer for the Ballinger Paving Co. of Green- vUle, S. C., was in the state last week looking over the road building jobs let in Raleigh Tues day, and spent Wednesday night at his home here. Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Ridge and daughter, Martha, of High Point and Miss Josephine Cole of Ra leigh were Sunday guests of their mother and sister, Mrs. Emma Cole and Miss Mary Gilbert Cole. Dr. NeRl Stevens of Fayette ville filled the pulpit of the Pres byterian Church Sxmday morn ing. Dr. and Mrs. Stevens were dinner guests of Dr. and Mrs. C. T. Grier. The Rev. and Mrs. Charlie Worth and children, Lucy, Julia and Charlie, Jr., of Whitevjlle spent Friday with Mrs. Worth’s mother, Mrs. A. Blue. Mr. and Mfs. Harper Beall and children of Lenoir spent the week end with Mrs. BeaU’s brother-in- law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Currie. Coach L. G. Alexander and family of West Jefferson were Sunday visitors in the O. U. Alexander home. ASC officials will visit every field in the state on which flue- cured tobacco is grown in enforc ing the 50 per cent price support on 1957 production of flue-cured varieties Coker 139, Coker 140, and Dixie Bright 244, according to ASC committeemen. GEORGE W. TYNER PAINTING & WALLPAPERING 205 Midland Road Phone 2-5804 SOUTHERN PINES, N. C. SEVEN STAR. BLENDED WHISKEY, 90 PROOF. 37V4% STRAIGHT WHISKEY. 6 YEARS OR MORE OLD. 62'/4% GRAIN NEU TRAL SPIRITS. GOODERHAM & WORTS LTD.. PEORIA, ILL For Your Shopping Convenience Colonial Stores Now Remain Open All Day Each Wednesday Lou), Low Food Prices, Plus rREE Ssbv-A- Stiamps Valleydede, Gwaltney^s Pagan, or Kingan’s Reliable Smoked Repeated By Popular Demand! if COLONIAL STOReTI BAMS TOMATOES SHANK PORTION 35 BUTT PORTION 39 FRANKS OYSTERS Winner Quality AU-Meat Chesapeake Bay Standards 1-LB. CELLO PINT CAN 39> 85c ■ NATUR-TENDER, U. S. CHOICE QUALITY SHOULDER ROAST 39, NATUR-TENDER, U. S. CHOICE QUALITY LEG-O-LAMB LB. 65< Porto Rican Kiln-Dried YAMS Fancy Arkansas Black APPLES u. HO* * Packer^s Label MO. 303 Standard Red Ripe CAM PINE CONE BRAND SWEET, TENDER GOLDEN CREAM CORM SAXET BLENDED GREEN AND WHITE LIMA BEANS SAXET TENDER YOUNG EARLY JUNE SWEET PEAS FAMOUS FOR FLAVOR! - HUNTS TOMATO JUICE. SAVE 4c! - SOMERDALE FROZEN FRENCH-FRIED POTATOES c . . ORCHARD QUEEN RED MARASCHINO CBEBKIES MOTT’S DELICIOUS PURE APPLE JELLY BUSH’S BEST GREAT NORTHERN BEANS BUSH’S BEST TENDER GREEN COLLARDS . BUSH’S BEST GREENS TURNIPS . . . BUSH’S BEST PEAS BLAGKEYES . BUSH’S BEST HEARTY NAVY BEANS MABCAL PAPER NAPKINS.. . ■ ■ NO. 303 CAN NO. 300 CAN NO. 300 m CAN JUlfC NO. 300 CAN 9-OZ. PKG. 3-OZ. MR 6-OZ. JAR NO. 300 <■ CAN NO. 303 CAN NO. 303 <■ CAN NO. 300 m CAN NO. 300 CAN PKG. OF 80 TASTY MILD AMERICAN Save 10c A Pound At Colonial! Special! - Save 8c At Colonial! WESSON «■> a 59, Special!-Tip-Top Pure Ground COFFEE 69' 105 EAST CONNECTICUT AVENUE