THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 28. 1957 THE PILOT :• ' • •.•..• : ., .•, •. . . . ..v... i¥;v:wwT.s'.':i:v:^ EDWIN L. FINCH, retired Naval commander who was seriously injured recently in an auto mobile accident on the Vass-Carthage road, was transfeijred by Army helicopter to Fort Bragg last week. Commander Finch, who lives near Vass, had been confined to Moore County Hospital with injuries which medical authorities decided could be better treated in Bethesda Na val Hospital, Bethesda, Md. He was taken from the hospital to the Pinehurst Recreation Asso ciation field where the helicopter was waiting. At Fort Bragg, he spent the night in the base hospital and was taken by hospital plane to Be thesda' Tuesday. His trip, Mrs. Finch was ad vised, was without discomfort. (Pilot photo) IVIOIMEY'S TOP-DOLLAR VALUE TODAY! HIGH RESALE TOMORROW! Oldsmobile for '57 gives you a big difference in value at sudi a small difference in price—with low- level styling, safer, smoother ride and more powerful performance. Be our guest for a Rocket TestI — COME IN! YOU’RE ALWAYS WELCOME AT — PHILLIPS MOTOR SALES, Inc. Phone 2-4411 Soulhero Pines. N. C. Special Services To Mark Lent At Emmanuel Church A schedule of services during the Lenten season which begins March 6, at Emmanuel Episcopal Church was announced this week hy the Rev. Martin Caldwell, rector. Each day, Monday through Friday, members of the Brother hood of St. Andrew will read evening prayer at 6 p. m. Each Wednesday evening at 8 p. m. there will be evening prayer and a sermon by the rec tor. Holy Communion will be celebrated Wednesday mornings at 10 o’clock and Friday morn ings at 9:30. ^ The Lenten season ends with Easter, which falls on April 21 this year. It has been estimated that ap proximately 25 per cent of the total costs of producing crops is for fertilizer. SP'tKuaAt 6EQ.A.DICKEL'S fA*" KENTUCKY STRAIGHT **JCn BOURBON CEO. A DICKEL DOTILUNC COMPANV lOUISVIllt RINTUCKT 9E0.ADICXEL DISl. C0„UNUSVIUE.KT. • 16 PROOF mswtm/kPi idw mm Effective next Wednesday, March 6, This Store Will be Open ALL DAY Every Wednesday. GRAND E-'TMV TRICE! Delta Club l.iicici Beans - - MJTLSTS BR.AND AiexicoE'n - - - - PRICED LOW! Pinto or White Pea Beans - - SPECIAL LOW PRICE! Whole Kernel Golden 2 ca^s 29c 12-Oz. Cans 2 Lb. Bag Niblets Corn 2 35c EXTRA SPECIAL! Ann Page Pure ■ Strowber 23c Preserves - - 2 12-Oz. Cons EXTRA SPECIAL! Pos^eurized Processed MEL-O-BIT CIBEESE SLICES j MARGjlL 1 Bench Gured Gheese [Iheddar Lb. 53c r ” ~ 1 I Wisconsin Miid Gheese Cheddar Lb. 43c I CANNED MEAT PRODUCTS | SANDWICH BAGS Pkg. 10c DINNER NAPKINS Pkgs. Bag 23c I TOILET TISSUES Roll loc I Gtesl Norlhem Dry Beens COCKTAIL NAPKINS 3 “ « 25c i A|||| Page Sslsd Ofessing _ 45c • t u Del-Moiite Pineapple Juice I CHOPPED BEEF 17c WITH GRAVy SLICED BEEF 45c . WITH GRAVY I SALISBURY STEAKS - 39c 29c i gravy I 29c I FOR ntPENDABU ■ QUALITY^AT THE LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES ... BU,Y Meats Picnics - WILSON'S CERTIFIED Smoked Short SHANK 4.61b. avg. ^ Lb. "Super-Right" Old Fashioned Pure Pork Sausage 2 a 63 "Super-Right" Delicious All Meat Sliced 1-Lb. Pkg. Bologna Grade "A" Young Dressed & Drown TURKEY HENS IN V.’s Kraft Macaroni Dinners 17c Kraft Salad Mustard - Underwood ^ 1-Lb. , Pkg. 31c 1-Lb. Pkg. 35c $ Pkg. 17c 6-Oz. Jar 10c J 2%-Oz Can 19c %'S$1.01 GOLDEN Fluffo Shortening can37c c“$l*01 BLUE LABEL Karo Syrup Pint Bottle ZiDi Borne 45c FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES Golden Tender Fresh 10 To 12 Pound Average Bosco Milk Amplifier ^^jar 37c Comet Cleanser “ 2 Cans 29< CORN Spic & Span Cleanser Pkg. 27c Joy Liquid Detergent Dreft 12-Oz. 'XO. Can Jyi Dash Detergent Lg. Pkg. Lg. Pkg. Camay Toilet Soap 2 Bars 25c Camay Toilet Soap 2 Bars 17c BEAUTY AND DEODORANT Woodbury Soap — « 2 19c HORSE MEAT Orleans Dog Pood 2 Cans 43c Full Ears For Tender Hothouse Rhubarb ,Lb. ZSc- Regolo Tender Salad Mix _ pkg. 19c CARROTS, 2-Ib.cenobag I5c Juicy Grapefruit Florida S Bag 39e Golden Ripe BANANAS Ib. 10c LETTUCE LARGE CRISP HEADS STORE ADDRESS 125 W. AMIIICA'I FOtlMOSt FOOB MtAlltB ... tlWCI IBM 5uper J^arkets YHt CtfAT ATLANTIC t PACIFIC TfA COMPANY JANE PARKER LARGE 8'' Apple Pie Penn. Ave. Prices This Ad Effective thru Sat., March 2nd SPECIAL PRICE! Each Ji Sweet, juicy apples in a tender, melt-in-your-mouth crust. For extra flavor, heat this family favorite and servje iniimediatelyi ^ Blue Cheer Tide Oxydol Duz p‘& 31c pt 75c Mi. 31c P^. 75c Mi. 32c Large 31- 0,^ 7C- Packagf jIC Pkg. /DC