THXJRSDAY. FEBRUARY 28. 1957 THE PILOT—Southern Pines. North Carolina Pa^e FIVE Women’s Activities and Sandhills Social Events BESSIE CAMERON SMITH, Editor TELEPHONE 2 m2 Silver Foils Tourney Results Are Announced The Silver Foils Club’s weekly I Tuesday tourney—a Twelve Blind | Holes—6 each 9—event for indivi duals completed Tuesday at Pine- hurst, had an entry of 34 members and the following winners: Class A—first, Mrs. Daniel O. Delany, 22-22-44; runner-up, Mrs. Francis Ray, 21-24-45. Class B — first, Mrs. Mercer C. Hufford, 21-21-42; runner-up, Mrs. Richard Earle, 21-22-43. This contest was the last on the February schedule and the next Silver Foils Club event will be held on Tuesday, March 5, with the playing of the Beatrice S. Stevens Memorial Cup tourna ment, in which a trophy for low net of the field and other prizes for non-winners will be awarded. The Country Club’s reserved, starting times program wiU be in effect by that date and Silver Foilers are reminded to sign up for their “take-off time” in ad vance. Thistle Club Lists Winners Four tables were at play at Wednesday afternoon’s meeting of the Thistle Club, held at the regular meeting place, the Civic Club. Winners were Miss Mar guerite Wolf, Mrs. J. G. deBerry, Mrs. Arthur Chadwick, and Mrs. L. W. Bryant. New County Basketball Champs GIRL’S CHAMPS for the first time in the history of the Moore County Tournament, which spans 30 years, the Carthage girls were jubilant following the game which they won from Aber deen 55-52. Members of the squad are Csindace McDonald, Evelyn Troxler, Patricia Myrick, Mary Frances Kirby, Hilda Cagle, Virginia Crabtree, Clara Matthews, Pat Baker, Sara Jo Allen, Martha Carter, Delia Priest, Mary Ruth Douglas, Ruth McDonald, Frances Phillips, Pat sy Crissman, Faye Rogers, Helen Cockman, Jo Ann Denning, Norma Petree, Betty Jean Brad shaw and Addie Mae Hunt. MAPLES FAMILY—-Mr. and Mrs. Walter R. Maples, seated at center, were given a reception Sunday on their Golden Wedding Day, by their children, all except one of whom are shown with them in this photograph. Reading clock wise from Mr. Maples are: Mrs. S. D. (Annie) Bowers, Mrs. Chester (Edith) Maready, Ralph, Sammy, Eugene, Walter, Jr., James, Mrs. W. M. (Esther) Fitzgerald, and Mrs. Roland (Kather ine) Robertson. Mrs. Maples is holding a photo graph of the absent member, Mrsj Tom (Paul ine) Waddington, who is in Franck —Photo by Humphrey MRS. HORR GIVES TEA AT PINEHURST HONORING HOSPITAL VOLUNTEER GROUP Mr. and Mrs. Maples Are Honored On SOth Anniversary The home of Mr. and Mrs. Wal ter R. M^les at 940 South Broad Street was the seen of a pleasant get-together of family and friends Sunday afternoon when children of the couple gave a reception to honor their parents on their fif tieth wedding anniversary. The Irving room and dining room were attractively decorated with yellow roses and other flowers, arranged by one of their daughters, Mrs. Morgan Fitzger ald of Liberty, who, also did the catering for the reception. Mrs. Ralph T. Mills greeted guests at the door and Mrs. M. G. McRae was in charge of the register. In the reviving line were Mr. and Mrs. Maples and nine pf their 10 children; Mrs. Dee Bow ers of Beaufort, S. C.; Mrs. Ro land Robertson of Troy, James Allen Maples of Miami, Fla., Mrs; Morgan Fitzgerald of Liberty, Walter T. Maples, Jr., and Mrs. Chester Maready. both of South ern Pines, R-' a W. Maples of Miami, Fla., oammy F. Map)es of Lumberton, and Eugene Maples of Camp Lejeune. Mrs. George B. Little poured punch and Miss Delores Maready and Mrs. Eugene Maples assisted in serving. The tiered cake was"*” decorated in yellow and whi^c |j an . candles used on table and'* buffet were flecked with gold. Mrs. Maples is the former Miss ' Lucy Wicker whose childhood' home was on the Pinehurst road. ' Mr. Maples was born in Camer on, son of Mr. and Mrs. James | Maples. They were married in the old Shaw House by the late ■ Squire Shaw on February 24, 1907. Eleven children were born to the couple, those mentioned above and two other daughters, | Mrs. Tom Waddington who is now in France, where her hus band is stationed with the US Army, and Louise, who died in 1940. Approximately 75 relatives and friends attended the reception. Among those from out of town were Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Buck and daughter, Terry, of Beaufort, S. C., and Robert and Sonny Robertson of State CoUege, Ra leigh, Dee Bowers of Beaufort, S. C., Roland Robertson of Troy, Morgan Fitzgerald of Liberty, Mrs. Ralph Maples of Miami. Fla., Mrs. Eugene Maples and Michael Maples of Camp Le jeune. In and Out of Town Mr. and Mrs. Leon Parker and family of Albemarle spent the weekend with his mother, Mrs. R. S. Parker. Mrs. Lyle D. McDonald, Jr., and Lyle III of Raleigh are spending several days with Mr. and Mrs. L. D. McDonald at their home on North May Street. Mrs. Lawrence Olsen of Hoo- sick Falls, N. Y., and Miss Mil dred Ackert of Oneonta, N. Y., are houseguests of Mr. and Mrs. CadwaUader Benedict. Ike Vem, a well-known pho tographer of New York City, was a recent guest at the Howard Johnson Lodge. ' Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Black and sons, Danny and Steve, ar rived this morning from Las Cruces, N. Mex., to visit Mr. and Mrs. John A. Ferguson, Mrs. Black’s parents. Mrs. Ferguson, who recently underwent surgery at Moore County Hospital, is re ported to be doing well. Mr. and Mrs. Deane M. Evans and sons, Deane, Jr., and Jimmy, of Darien, Conn., will arrive Fri day night to visit Mrs.^ Evans’ parents. Dr. and Mrs. James S. MUliken. Mrs. J. B. Cameron and Mrs. Louis Honeycutt spent Monday in Raleigh, and called on Mirs. Cameron’s granddaughter, Aim Richardson, who^ is in school there. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Lee of Red Springs visited Mr. and Mrs. John Blue last weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Warren D. Mat thews, Jr., and children, Lana, Kay, Warren D. Ill, and Mike, of Fayetteville visited Mrs. W. D. Matthews Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Matthews, who suffered a back in jury in a fall at her home several weeks ago, is improving but is still in bed the greater part of the time. Mrs. Mildred Merrill is expect ed home on Monday from New York, where she is visiting Mr. and Mrs. William D. Campbell for two weeks. She is having a won derful visit and seeing many places of interest. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Baker left today on a motor trip to Albany, Ga., where they will be guests of their son and daughter-in-law, Lt. and Mrs. W. L. Baker, Jr. Mrs. Bessie Swearingen is leav ing this weekend for Enterprise, Ala., to spend some time with her son-in-law and daughter, Lt. and Mrs. Harold Darling. Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Stewart and son, Gary, left Tuesday for Pensacola, Fla., where Mr. Stew art has accepted a position. Mr. and Mrs. James H. Cash of Raleigh and Andy Patterson, a student at Edwards Military In stitute, Pineland, were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. George C. Moore. Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Miller of Al bemarle visited Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Arey, Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Ben son, and Mrs R. S. Parker Sim- day. Miss Shirley Whitaker spent last week in Waltham, Mass., vis iting the Leo Walshes. MRS. CECIL APPLEBERRY “Mrs. A,” Colorful Naturalist of National Fame, To Speak Here The Civic Garden Club has se cured as a speaker for its meet ing on Thursday, March 7, Wil mington’s colorful “Mrs. A,’ whose interest in the Wilming ton Bird Club and a permanent nature museum there have brought her national fame. To the uninitiated, “Mrs. A” is Mrs. Cecil Appleberry. Readers far and wide know of her through such publications as Teale’s “North With the Spring,” in which Edwin Way Teale, who, with his wife, traveled 17,000 miles up the eastern shore of the North American continent following the track of spring, describes Mrs. Appleberry as “One of the most enthusiastic and capable amateur naturalists we met on the trip.” “Mrs. A” has also been inclu ded in Pettingill’s Guide to Bird Finding East of the Mississippi,” Nature Magazine and Girl Scout Magazine, and in Howard Cleaves’ movie “Animals in Color at Midnight.” A woman of extraordinary hu mor and energy, she is credited with having done more than any one else to stimulate nature in terest and activities in the Cape Fear section. She has,been very active in Girl Scout work, serv ing as nature counselor for the Cape Fear area and as a member of the Board of Directors. The Garden Club cordiaUy in vites the Bird Club, Girl Scouts, and any other garden clubs and bird lovers to attend the meet ing and hear this outstanding speaker. Time of meeting is 3 p. m. HAVE YOU SEEN . . . Have you noticed the large King Alfred jonquils that have burst into bloom this week in The Pilot’s front yard? Mrs. Mulford Horr of Pine hurst entertained for 75 guests at tea Wednesday at the Pine hurst Country Club in honor of all volunteer workers of the Moore County Hospital Woman’s Auxiliary. Mrs. Horr is chairman of the floor workers who distribute mail, arrange flowers and work in the hospital supply room. Mrs. Alwin L. FoUey, president of the Women’s Auxiliary, wel comed guests and reported that the biannuEil meeting Of the Aux iliary will be held in early May at the Nurses’ Home in Pine hurst. She also reported that Mr. Warman of the Dunes Club had offered again their services for the benefit dinner to be held March 11. Mrs. Folley announced that confirmation of the Spring Fash ion Show given by Razook’s, Inc., and the Carolina Hotel had not yet been made. Mrs. Horr spoke to her guests of the successful support the floor workers had given during the past season. She emphasized, however, the continuing need for volunteers in the near future when the opening of the new v/ing will increase the demands of volunteer services. Volunteers will also be needed when in the near future a cart service from the hospital canteen and an in formation desk will become part of the Auxiliary program. Those attending the tea were members and volunteers from Aberdeen, Carthage, Southern Pines and Pinehurst. Garden Club, Meeting At Mrs. Milliken’s, Has Novel Program Mrs. James S. MUliken was hostess to the Southern Pines Garden Club at its monthly meet ing Monday afternoon, with 20 members attending. Mrs. Claude Reams, president, conducted a business session in which plans for the annual Spring Homes and Gardens Tour were discussed. The exact date of this popular event will be announced later. Also coming up for lengthy dis cussion was the planting of the school courtyard, which will be the club”s major project for the year. Mrs. L. T. Avery, program chairman, had arranged a novel program that proved to be of much interest. Each member had been asked to bring to the meet ing her favorite garden gadget, prepared to explain its use and to tell members where such gadgets could be procured.. This exchange pf information is expected to re sult in many additions to eager gardeners’ equipment. Tea was served at the conclu sion of the program. Ruth Class of Baptist Church Holds Meeting The Ruth Class of the First Baptist Church met Monday night at the home of Mrs. B. C. Mc- White on Indiana Avenue for a business and social session. Mrs. Norman Caudle conducted devotions and Mrs. Calvin How ell, president, presided over a bus iness session during which several matters were discussed, including visiting of members who had been absent for a while. Miss Ahna Chalker, a case worker with the Welfare Depart ment, gave a summary of her work. Refreshments Were served by the hostess during the social hour. Others attending, in addition to those already mentioned, were Mrs. L. T. Heill, Miss Jeanne Saunders, Mrs. Grady Wright, Mrs. Bob Howard, Mrs. Barbara Raper, Mrs. Herman Shaw, Mrs. Hoke Coon, Mrs. Gay Rlue, Mrs. James Clayton, Mrs. B. PI. Weeks, Mrs. M. G. McRae, mid Mrs. George Little, a total of 16. Dogwood Grove Elects Delegates To State Convention Dogwood Grove No. 253 of the Supreme Forest Woodmen Circle met Wednesday evening in the Woodmen hall with president Florence E. Perham presiding. During the business session the members voted to make a contri bution to the heart fund. Mrs. Perham was elected as a delegate to the state convention in Charlotte April 26, 27 and 28, with Stella Homaday and Louise Crain as alternates. Mary Scott Newton will attend and fill the office of first state vice president. A report of the recent Valentine party given by the circle for the junior members of the grove and their friends was given by Bette Bohlander and Stella Homaday, who were responsible for the en tertainment the 25 youngsters thoroughly enjoyed. Grove inspection was postponj" ed from March until the May meeting. Miss Pauline Crain was wel comed as a new member. Coca-Colas and cookies were served by Mrs. Bohlander and Mrs. Perham duripg the social pe riod. Aberdeen Shop To Stage Fashion Show For Civic Club New spring styles in their gay colors from McLean Style Shop in Aberdeen, outfits for sports and dress events, will be shown at the Civic Club building beginning at 8 p.m. next Tuesday when Mc Lean Style Shop of Aberdeen stages a Fashion Show to benefit the Civic Club. It promises to be an event of much interest. The Civic Club is endeavoring to pay off the mortgage on its building and proceeds of the Fashion! Show will be applied on the debt. Farmers marketed about 2 to 3 per cent more products in 1956 than in 1955. Cash receipts from farm marketings were up about the same percentage as market ing. With additional income ‘ re ceived from soil bank and wool incentive programs, farm opera tors realized net income for the year rose for the first time since 1951. COUNTY BASKETBALL CHAMPIONS—Aberdeen’s Red Dev ils, defending champions of the Moore County Conference, de feated Southern Pines Saturday night in Carthage to retain th& title for another year. Pictured here, but in no particular order,, are Sunny Smith, Harvey White, Gwynii Voss, Mike Holden,, Larry Littleton, John Caldwell, Ken Carrington, Wilson TeaL BiUy Marks, Styers Green, Jim Veasey, Raymond Wilson, Terry Farmer, Marvin Lewis, Wade Walters, Eddie Garrison, Arnold Baker, Eddie Geer and BUly Marks. 21st SEASON (A Chartered Private Club) NOW OPEN —FEATURING— DAVE LESTER and his Society Orchestra Coming from the Americana Hotel in Miami WOODSIDE SISTERS From the Arthur Godfrey Show Located 2 miles from Southern Pines on Midland Road Phone Pinehurst 4604 for-reservations DRIVE CAREFULLY — SAVE A LIFE !