Page TWELVE THE PILOT—Southern Pines, North CaroUna THURSDAY, MARCH 7, 1957 IN TRIENDLY ARGUMENT Town Employee Gets Three Months Sentence For Knifing Co-Worker James J. Leggett, employed by the town of Southern Pines in the street department, was sentenced to three months on the roads in Recorder’s Court Monday for knif ing one of his co-workers and best friends aftfer engaging in a “friendly argument.” Leggett, who had been arrested late in the afternoon of February 24 for cutting James Lee Holt, said after being sentenced Mon day that he “stiU wasn’t mad . . . never had been.” . Officers Wright and Seawell, who made the arrest, said Leggett and Holt had been together all that day and had been drinking. Holt, Leggett charged, had called him a name during the course of conversation and he had become angry. Charged wi^h assault with a deadly weapon, Leggett had been given a preliminary hearing and was released on $500 bond for his appearance in court Monday. It WEIS the third time he had been charged with assaulting Einother person. Town officials said they were quite surprised at Leggett’s aC' tions; he is an excellent worker Etnd “extremely friendly.” Other cases disposed of: Manly Elihu Murphy, Star, speeding 75, $35 and costs, license revoked as required by law. HowEU-d M. Gsimer, Route 2, Seagrove, driving drunk (second offense) three months on roads, suspended on payment of $200 and costs, license revoked eis re quired by law. Paul D. Thompson, Route 3, Wadesboro, non-support of wife and two children, six months on roads, suspended on payment of costs, immediate payment of $100 to Clerk of Court for use pf wife and children, and payment of $15 per week until further order of Court. Charles H. Smith, Fort Bragg, driving without operator’s license, $25 including costs. Robert C. Livengood, Moores- ville, speeding 69, $15 including costs. Vernon Short, Route 1, West End, driving drunk (second of fense), careless and reckless driv ing, three months on roads, sus pended on payment of $200 and costs, license revoked. James Campbell, Southern Rnes, driving without valid oper ator’s license, $5 plus costs. James Watkins, Pinehurst, un lawful possession of tax-paid whiskey for sale, 60 days on roads suspended on payment of $100 and costs, and no violation of pro hibition laws for next 12 months. Annie Belle HEirtis, Charlotte, speeding 65, $10 and costs. Hugh PhiUips, CEirthage, driv ing without operator’s license, $25 SEVEN STAR, BLENDED V/HISKEY, 90 PROOF. 37V4% STRAIGHT WHISKEY. 6 YEARS OR MORE OLD. 62%% GRAIN NEU TRAL SPIRITS. GOODERHAM & WORTS LTD., PEORIA, ILL including costs. James “Smokey” Lewis, South ern Pines, assault with a deadly weapon (knife), drunk and disor derly, cursing, guilty of assault and battery, 30 days on roads, sus pended on payment of $25 and costs. Arthur Aaron Cole alias Buddy Cole, Eagle Springs, allowing in toxicated person to operate his car in a careless and reckless mEin- ner, three months on roads, sus pended on payment of $200 and costs, license revoked two years. Defendant filed notice of appeal to Superior Court, bond fixed at $300. Joe Capel, EUerbe, driving drimk, CEireless and reckless driv ing, failure to stop for officer, 60 days on roads, suspended on pay ment of $100 and costs, license re voked 12 monthp. Belton Hines, Jr., Pinehurst, driving without operator’s license, unlawful possession of fictitious license, using another’s license as his own, and Merlyn Ray Murchi son, Route 1, Sanford, Eillowing smother to use his operator’s li cense, 30 days on roads for both, suspended on payment of joint fine of $25 smd costs. Ina Rufus Allen, Fort Bragg, speeding 67, $35 including costs. Queenie R. Hailey, Fayetteville, driving on wrong side of road, prayer for judgment continued on payment of costs. Elgie Needham, Stsir, breaking and entering and larceny of seed valued at $100, and John Allen, Star, same charge, eight months on roads for each, suspended for two years on paymept of fines of $150 and costs. William Howard Harvey, speed ing 60, $20 including costs. David Sanders, West End, driv ing without operator’s license, no lights, failure to stop, $25 and costs. H. C. Cheek, West End, bad check, prayer for judgment con tinued on payment of $10 and costs and payment of check. Marvin E. Cornelius, Cameron, CEireless and reckless driving, ac cident, $25 and costs. Dorothy Smith Hall, Greens boro, speeding, prayer for judg ment continued on payment of costs. Lock McMiUan, Pinehurst, abandonment and non-support, of wife and three children, 60 days on roads, suspended on payment of $10 each week for support of family until further order of Court. John Leon McKenzie, Jr., Pine- huret, speeding 70, $15 smd costs. James E. Riggsby, speeding 70, Schooling Horse Show Winners In 8 Classes Given One of the lEirgest crowds to date this yeEir attended the regu lar schooling horse show Svmday at D. W. Winkehnsm’s Lakelawn Farm on US Highway 1. Perfect weather, almost like spring, brought out the crowd which was enthusiEistic in its applause for the eight classes. Here are the results (first place winner named first, and so on): Green Hunters Under Saddle— Battle Fashion, Mile-Away Farm; Pink Ice, Pinkie Doyle; Magna Cum Laude, Mrs. Gardiner Fiske; Easter Romance, Mrs. Jane Dane. Children’s Intermediate Class— Deana Delaney, Nell Wilkinson, Tim Tufts, Jean Wilson. Children’s Beginner Class — Sandra Younts, Judy McMiUan, Perry Davis, Janet PhiUips. Horsemanship, Children’s Ad vanced ‘A”—^BiUy Doyle, Linda Owens, Pinkie Doyle, Beth Win- borne. Horsemanship, Children’s Ad vanced “B”—Nsincy Lou Gouger, Terry Reeves,. Beth Winboine, Fran Mason. Green Hunters Over Fences— Pink Ice, Pinkie Doyle; Tea-Au- Lait, Mile-Away Farm; Magna Cum Laude, Mrs. GEirdiner Fiske; Mister Sparks, Mickey Walsh. Working Hunters—Strawberry Fox, Mrs. Laura B. Higby; Gala Pennant, Miss Jean Cochrane; Triple Shot, Mrs. G. J. Graham; Sporting Print, Mrs. Gsirdiner Fiske. Open Hunters Under Saddle — Gala PennEint, Miss Cochrane; Magna Cum Laude, Mrs. Fiske; Tea-Au-Lait, Mile-Away; and $15 and costs. Walter GEimer, Route 3, CEir thage, improper registration, prayer for judgment continued on payment of costs and on condition he obtain proper registration card. Clyde A. Braddock, speeding, capias, returnable next Saturday. Nancy Jean Rock, speeding, capias, returnable Saturday, Mar. 18, bond fixed at $75. Herbert R. Currie, Jackson Springs, speeding 55, capias is sued, returnable Saturday, bond fixed at $50. James J. Leggett, Southern Pines, assault with a deadly wea pon, (knife), three months on roads. Mary’s Gift, Linda Owens. Henry Middendorf and Char lotte Nichols were judges, with Ed Daniels serving as ring mas ter. CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank our neigh bors and friends for the mtmy kindnesses shown our mother and grandmother, Mrs. Nettie Reynolds, during her illness and for the expressions of sympathy at her passing. AU are deeply ap preciated. MRS. ROBERT DYER AND FAMILY FOR RESULTS USE THE PI LOTS CLASSIFIED COLUMNS New Reducing Salon Opens March 11th ^ (Come in for Demonstration) Stauffer H. P. System Whitney Cottage — Midland Road — Tel. Pinehurst 4352 Res. Pinehurst 6531 lONE E. MINER OLD FASHIONED —at— Williams-Belk of Sanford FRIDAY and SATURDAY THIS WEEK! GREAT SAVINGS IN EVERY DEPARTMENT PLUS: A Chance to Purchase one of the following items if your sales ticket is drawn: VACUUM CLEANER for .$1.99 SUNBEAM FRYPAN $1.99 WASHING MACHINE $1.99 TV SET, just $1.99 You must be present to win. Williams-Belk Sanford, N. C. THE HEART OF THE NEW INDUSTRIAL SOUTH 3 ''''■‘•'KuBB' Aberdeen, N. C. This ultra-modem plant encompassing 195,000 square feet of manufacturing area and 23,000 square feet of office space. Completely air-conditioned by Carrier. Planned on the most advanced engineering principles and manufac turing requirements with multi-purpose utility. Railroad siding — convenient to edl transportation. For full details of construction, layout and installations CALL OR WRITE TEXTRON inc. INDUSTRIAL BUILDING DEPT. 50 SOUTH MAIN STREET PROVIDENCE 1, RHODE ISLAND JACKSON 1-3500 OR William P. Saunders Director, State of North Carolina Dept, of Conservation & Development. Raleigh. N. C. Or Your Broker