Page TWELVE THE PILOT—Southern Pines. North Carolina THURSDAY, MARCH 28, 1957 NOTICE There will be a meeting of the MOORE COUNTY HAIRDRESSERS GUILD at the Vogue Beauty Shop. Southern Pines WEDNESDAY. APRIL 3 — 7:30 p.m. All hairdressers in Moore County are invited to be present. Phil Shehdan of Raleigh will be guest hair stylist. Catherine Blue Edwards, President Moore County Hairdressers Guild. NTURY CLUB YEARS OLD STRAIGHT BOURBON WHISKEY f045 A PINT • • WEST END NEWS 4/SQt. NATIONAL DISTILLERS PRODUCTS CORPORATION, N. Y. • 86 PROOF Lions Club The Rev. W. O. Nelson of Rob bins was a guest of the Lions Club last week. After a delicious dinner of barbecued chicken top ped off with cherry pie, served by the 10th grade of the school | directed by Idrs. Parish, the club adjourned to the Presbyte rian Church to participate in the worship services which were held there each evening last week with the Rev. Mr. Nelson bring ing the messages. Youth Revival The young people of the chtirches of this area are spon soring a youth revival beginning Monday evening, April 1, at 7:30 at the Presbyterain Church. The Rev. Stuart Ritchie, pas tor of the Troy Presbyterian Church, will be the speaker each evening through Friday, April 5. He will discuss problems vital to teen-agers. Mrs. W. A. Johnson, Jr., will direct the singing, ac companied by Dorothy Leigh VonCanon. The recreation each evening will be in charge of Mrs. George Houck. This is the third year these young people have sponsored a levival and they extend a hearty welcome tb the youth in this area. Joe Eifort is chairman of arrangements. Cole Lad Susies Bums Michael Cole, lO-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Cole, was severely burned last Friday and i