^ THURSDAY, MARCH 28, 1957 THE PILOT—Southern Pines. North Carolina Page FIFTEEN Womens Activities ‘ and Sandhills Social Events BESSIE CAMERON SMITH, Editor TELEPHONE 2-?512 Gala Weekend of Social Events Centers Around Races Last weekend was the gala weekend of the early Spring sea son, in Southern P.'nes, with num erous gatherings, large and small, centering around the Stoney- hrook races and with many vis itors here for the event. Mr. and Mrs. Dwight W. Win- kelman entertained 28 friends at brunch before the races Satur day, and, according to an estab lished custom, people here for the horse shoe and races ended the afternoon at the hospitable Winkelman home, where around 150 guests were entertained. The Richard Earles had some friends in after the races, inclu ding Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Tomp kins, Jr., of New York and Mr. and Mrs. H. Haywood and Mrs. EUen Sloan of Winston-Salem. Mrs. Jane Dane of Boston gave a limcheon at the Southland Ho tel Friday and entertained there again Friday night. There was a party at the Southern Pines Country Club, with orchestra, on Friday night, and a dinner and dance followed the races Saturday. MR. AND MRS. BERT PREMO ARE BEING TENDERED MANY FAREWELL COURTESIES Mrs. Premo and Jennifer wiE fly next Tuesday from the Ral- eigh-Durham airport to the Idle- wUd, New York, and from there to London, then to Cornwall. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Premo, popu lar couple who will be leaving so,on, she and baby Jennifer for a visit to relatives in Cornwall, Eng land, before joining Mr. Premo in Winston-Salem to make their home, have been feted at a num ber of dinner parties. As a starter for the round of events, they were entertained at the home of Dr. and Mrs. Bruce Warlick a recent evening, after At the regular monthly meet- which the four went to the home ing of St. Anthony’s Guild, to be of Mr. and Mrs. Alwin FoUey for held at 2 p. m. Monday, final dinner. . plans for the bazaar and bingo Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Johnson party to be held at St. Anthony’s of Aberdeen, as a courtesy to the j Auditorium next Tuesday will be Premos, gave a dinner for 10 made. The bazaar will open at 7 Tuesday night which included al- | p. m. and the bingo at 8 p. m.. St. Anthony’s Guild Will Meet Monday To Complete Bazaar Plans so Dr. arid Mrs. Warlick, Mr. and Mrs. Voit Gilmore, and Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Avery. Dr. and Mrs. HarreU Johnson gave a dinner for them at their home Wednesday night, and this Friday night the Hoke Pollocks are entertaining in their honor at dinner. Saturday night they will be feted at the'Voit Gilmores. Mrs. Jack Younts entertained at a luncheon for Mrs. Premo last Friday. ' both for the benefit of St. An thony’s School. Parishioners wishing to donate home-baked goods and have them picked up may phone Mrs'. J. G. deBerry, 2-5932, or Mrs. Mary C. Sharpy, 2-8784. Those having white elephant articles may contact Mrs. John F. Hun- nemann, 2-8965. Everyone is wel come to attend. Aberdeen Ladies Are Hostesses At Shaw House This Week Aberdeen ladies are serving as' tea hostesses at the Shaw House this week, with Mrs. E. M. Medhn securing them and arranging the schedule, as follows: Monday, Mrs. Sam Swaringen and Mrs. Leo Arey; Tuesday, Mrs. James Bishop and Mrs. E. M. Medhn. Wednesday, Mrs. Dan Farrell and Mrs. H. W. Doub. Thursday, Mrs. John Sloan. Friday, Mrs. E. T. McKeithan and Mrs. Frank Mizell. Saturday, Mrs. LeRoy Harring ton and Mrs. Sam Worsley. Men Make Big Hit In Successful Fashion Show Here Today, following the Fashion Show in the fellowship haU of the Church of Wide FeUowship staged last night by Patch’s Department Store and Patch’s Tog Shop, the men are reahy the “talk of the town.” All are agreed that they made a big hit, with the kiddies coming in for their share of glory, also, and with due credit to all the charming misses and matrons. Little Ricky Kobleur, aE diked out from head to toe, and carrying a cane a la Grandpop Patch, scored a big hit. All of the outfits shown were highly compEmented. The show, sponsored by the church for the benefit of the or gan fund, was a distinct success and the sponsors are very grateful for the fine cooperation and gen erosity of those who made it so. Alton Clark of CaroEna Gar dens arranged a lovely setting for the models, using coral azaleas across the front of the stage and greenery reEeved by arrange ments of white gladioli as a back-: ground. Mrs. Tom Nicholson was commentator and music was by David Paddock, pianist, and Roger Gibbs, vocaEst. Sandhills B&PW Club Meets At Pinebluff The Sandhills Business and Pro fessional Women’s Club met at the Methodist Church in Pinehurst Tuesday night. Mrs.Mamie Swear ingen of Pinehurst, chairman of the finance committee, was pro- grarn leader. She and her commit tee discussed savings and loans. Miss Genevieve Moore, parlia mentarian, continued the subject of finances with a talk on the biE before Congress dealing with equal rights for women and the Club voted to support this. Elected as a nominating com mittee were Susan Bridgers, 'Thel ma Hartshorne, Adelaide Schnell and Evelyn Cameron. A deEcious dinner was served. Duplicate Bridge Club Lists'Winners Winners in Tuesday night’s du plicate Bridge Club’s play were Mrs. W. L. Poole and Miss Louise Blue, first; Miss Katherine'WEey and Mrs. I. F. Horton, second; Mrs. Jean Edson and Frank de- Costa, third; and Mrs. Roy Grin- neE and Gene Christian, fourth. Brooke Nichols Is Given Party kt The Southland : Mrs. Bruce Nichols of Fairfield,* Conn., gave a birthday party for her daughter Brooke, ten “years old, at the Southland Hotel last Thursday. Thfflre were 12 guests. ST. MARY’S GUILD St. Mary’s Guild of the Wom an’s AuxiEary of Emmanuel Church wEl meet Monday, April 1, ^ 3 p. m. in the parish hall. Mrs. U. T. Holmes of Chapel HiE, former president of the Diocesan Woman’s AuxiEary, wEl speak about the State Legislative Council on subjects of interest to church people. Women from other churches are cordially in vited. BAND BOOSTERS CLUB 'The Band Boosters Club wEl meet at the high school at 8 p. m. Monday, April 1. Parents of Southern Pines School band members and other persons in terested in the band wiE be wel- ' come. LEARN MORE CLASS The Learn More Bible Class wiE meet at 8 p. m. Monday at the home of Mrs. M. G. McRae. baptist CIRCLES Four circles of the First Bap tist Church have meetings sched uler for next Tuesday, April 2. Circle 1 will meet at 8 p. m. with Mrs. R. S. TrudeE. Circle 2 will meet at 8 p. in. with Mrs. E. G. Shomaker. Circle 3 wEl meet at 8 p. m. with Mrs. PhiEp Green. Circle 5 will meet at 3 p. in. with Mrs. Ralph Chandler, Sr. CIRCLE MEETINGS Seven of the circles of Brown- son Memorial Presbyterian Wom en of the Church will meet next week, as follows: Circle 1, Tuesday at 3 p.m. in the church parlor with Mrs. Jack Ramsey and Mrs. Ed Newton as co-hostesses. Circle 2, Tuesday at 3 p.m. with Mrs. O. A. Speight. Circle 4, Monday at 8 p.m. with Mrs. J. D. Meinnis. Circle 6, Thursday at 8 p.m. with Mrs. Clyde Morrison. Circle 7, Thursday at 8 p.m. with Mrs. Frances M. Dwight. Circle 8, Monday at 8 p.m. with Mrs. Wayland Blue. Circle 9, Thursday at 8 p.m. with Mrs. John McPhaul. CARD PARTY The Jr. Woman’s Club wiE sponsor a benefit bridge and can asta party complete with re freshments and prizes at the Southern Pines Country Club at 8 p? m. Friday, March 29. BAZAAR, BINGO St. Anthony’s GuEd wiE hold a, bazaar and bingo party in St. Anthony’s Auditorium Tuesday night. The bazaar opens at 7, bin go at 8. FASHION PROIVCENADE Razook’s Spring Fashion Prom enade wEl be held at the Caro lina Hotel, Pinehurst, at 8:45 Monday for the benefit of St. Joseph’s GuEd and the Moore Memorial AuxiEary. BAKE SALE The VFW AuxiEary wEl hold a bake sale on the lawn of the 'VFW Post home on New York Avenue at 9 a.m. Saturday. PANCAKE JAMBOREE The Rotary Club’s pancake jam boree wiE be held tomorrow (Friday) in the feEowship haE of the Church of Wide FeEowship from 7 a.m. to 3 p.m. Thistle Club Reports Winners At Bridge The Thistle Club met Wednes day afternoon at the Civic Club buildilbg, with three tables in play. High scorers were Mrs. J. D. Sitterson, Mrs. Frank St. Clair and Mrs. W. A. Carpenter. Jr. Woman’s Club To Hold Benefit Party Friday Night, March 29 The Junior Woman’s Club of Southern Pines, in order to raise funds for its donation to the Southern Pines School Band and for scholarships, is giving a ben efit bridge and canasta party at the Southern Pines Country Club at 8 o’clock Friday night, March 29. Refreshments wEl be served free, and there will be door prizes and prizes for high scorers. This evening of enter tainment is being offered for one dollar. THE C. LOUIS MEYER MEMORIAL TROPHY, presented to the winner of the Silver Run, one of the co-featured races in the annual Stoneybrook Steeplechase, is being accepted from Mrs. Meyer by Mr. and Mrs. Vernon G. Cardy, formerly of Southern Pines. Their horse, Manaos, won the race handily and gave them the second leg on the trophy; which must be won by the same owner three times for permanent possession. Jockey Scotty Riles was up on Manaos for the race. (Humphrey photo) In and Out of Town Dr. and Mrs. James S. Milliken Vicki Jo’s first train ride—a New Heir-rivals WILLIAM EDWARD STARNES GARY BOYD STARNES Dr. and Mrs. Boyd R. Starnes are the proud parents of twin sons, bom Tuesday, March 26, at Moore Cotmty Hospital. William Edward weighed seven poimds, one ounce, and Gary Boyd was only six ounces smaller, weigh ing six pounds, 11 ounces. Mrs. Starnes and the babies are doing 'fine. Dr, and Mrs. Starnes have a daughter, Karen Sue, two years old. HABY boy HORNER Mr. and Mrs. BiE Horner of Birmingham, Ala., are the parents of a son, bom in a hospital there on Thursday, March 21. Mrs. Hor ner is the former Ruth Kramer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Kramer of PhEadelphia, Pa. The paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Horner of Southeijn Pines. , CYNTHIA JOAN BOWDEN News of the birth of a daugh ter to Airman l|c and Mrs. Roy C. Bowden, who are stationed in the Azores, has been received by the grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. James Besley and Mr. and MEs. George Bowden of Southern Pines. The baby, who has been named Cynthia Joan, was born TTiursday, March 21, weighing seven pounds, four ounces. Mrs. Bowden is the former Joan Bes ley. Mrs. Henry A. Page, Jr., Speaks To Women’s Club In Charleston Mrs. Henry A. Page, Jr., of Aberdeen went to Charleston last Thursday, accompanied by Mrs. E. T. McKeithen, to speak before a woman’s club and show pic tures made on her trip to Africa. wiE have as their weekend guests, their son-in-law and daughter, Lt. and Mrs. Harry Howard, at present stationed in Memphis, Tenn., and Lt. How ard’s parents. Dr. and Mrs. Lee Howard of Savannah, Ga. From here Lt. and Mrs. Howard will go to Camp Lejeune, where he is to be for six weeks. Mrs. J. T. Barnes of Winston- Salem was the weekend guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Ruffin. Mrs. H. W. AEen returned last week from Fairmont, Va., ^where she had spent a week in the home of her nephew, J. W. Haw ley. She was caEed there by the Einess of her brother, who is now much improved but still in the hospital. Mrs. Ada WiEiams of Nahant, Mass., who is a winter guest at Resthaven Apartments, under went surgery at Moore County Hospital last week. She is report ed to be getting along nicely. Mr. and Mrs. Norris L. Hodg kins, Jr., had as their house guests last weekend her mother, Mrs. Mart Wilson of Granite FaEs, her grandmother, Mrs. M. O. Parker, and Mrs. A. G. Outland, both of KeKord, and Mrs. Jack Barber of Windsor. . Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Uardy and Charles Stitzer were guests at Howard Johnson Motor Lodge while here last weekend for the Stoneybrook Steeplechase. Mrs. Issac A. WoodeE and Mrs. J. H. Weatherspoon visited their mother, Mrs. J. D. Adcox, and sister, Mrs. R. A. White, at Max- ton last Thursday afternoon. They were accompanied by their daughters, Sandy WoodeE and Nancy Weatherspoon. Mrs. Richard S. Ray and Ettle daughter, Sandra, of Greensboro were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Dan S. Ray from Thursday until Sun day. Mr. Ray, who teaches in 1 Greensboro, drove down with them and went on to Wihnington to attend a meeting of the North Carolina Education Association, returning to the home of his parents Saturday for the week end. Mrs. Robert M. McMillan motored to Martinsburg, Pa., last week, taking her mother, Mrs. A. V. Burchfield, home after a win ter’s visit. From there she went to Pottstown to bring her son, I John, a student at HiE School,, home for the Spring holidays. He , brought as his guest Craig Mackinnon, a fellow student whose parents are in Liberia. Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Underwood and daughter, Kay, and Karen McKenzie have retufned from a motor trip to Florida, taken d^- ing the girls’ Spring vacation from the local school. Ginger and Vicki Jo WoodeE went by train to Raleigh last Thursday to visit their brother- Ei-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Tommy CampbeE. This was Home Demonstration Club News thrEling experience. The Camp bells brought them home Satur day and spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Isaac A. WoodeE. Sunday afternoon visitors in the WoodeE home were Mr. and Mrs. Amey Phillips and daughter Peggy of FayettevEle, Mr. Wood- eE’s sister and family, also Peggy’s friend Libby Readling. Airman Ic Jim Besley, Jr., is at home'from West Palm Beach, Fla., for a two weeks’ visit to his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Besley of 270 North Ashe Street. From here he will go to his new assignment in Newfoundland. Mrs. Maxwell Grey and Mrs. Roger Gibbs spent Monday in Wilmington, where they visited Mrs. Grey’s son-in-law and daugh ter, Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Smith. After spending three months at the Southland Hotel, Mrs. Jeme Dane left Monday for Boston, Mass. Mrs. Bruce Nichols and daugh ters, Patricia and Brooke, return ed to Fairfield, Conn., the first of the week after spending some time at The Southland. Mr. and Mrs. George Green- halgh and son, John WetheraE, of Boyce, Va., were guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Ostrom while here for the races. Leaving today after a short stay with Mr. and Mrs. James Besley were liis brother-in-law and sis ter, Mr. and Mrs. C. K. Reamore, who stopped over on their way home to Rome, N. Y., from Flor ida. Harold A. Collins, Jr., who is at home from Duke University for Spring hoEdays, entertained at an informal open house after the steeplechase for around 75 friends. He is having as his house guest tonight David Bar-Illan, noted young pianist who will be heard in "a recital at the Pinehurst Fo rum meeting tonight at the Pine- Slanlon HUl Club ^ Since variety is the spice of ]]fe, we do believe in variation in our club work. Every year in the spring, “quilting fever” strikes' us. Last year under the sponsor ship of the Cameron PTA, the Cameron community buEt a prin cipal’s home. Payments are stilL being made on it, so our clubj made a quilt and is selling chances on it, the proceeds of| which will be turned over to the, PTA. As our quilt was ready to be quilted at our regular meeting, time, we made an all day affair j of it, combining work, business ^ and pleasure. AE the ladies rush- j ed around doing their housework and preparing their favorite dish to carry. If you have never been to a quilting, you have missed some thing* that is really entertaining as well as profitable. All the' leading topics of the day are dis- i cussed. (They vary in different communities!) The bond ofj friendship grows stronger as we work and talk together, helping solve one another’s problems.' (Jsually the quilt is finished by noon. In our case it was under- ^stood “no eating until the quilt is finished,” so everyone worked hard and it was a welcome greet-' ing when Mrs. Alfred Graham, our hostess, invited us to the din ing room with the table loaded with tempting foods made from the prized recipes of our commu nity. I The hour that followed was truly a happy one—no calories! counted. Only compliments- on| the food and exchanges of recipes were made. We had a full hour to relax be|ore beginning our meet ing which was conducted by the leader for the month. Never have we had so much real enjoyment by combining an outside project for the betterment of our com munity with our club program. —^By Mrs. WMter McDonald, publicity chairman. Jackson Springs Club *1110 Jackson Springs Home Demonstration Club met at the home of Mrs. Claud Thomas with Mrs. W. M. Thompson as. co- hostess. Mrs. Claud llhomas pre sided. “America The BeautifiE” was sung. After the minutes were read, and roll called by the secretary, Mrs. Charlie McDon ald, Mrs. Elrie Thomas led the devotions. During the business period a picnic supper was planned for the Ruritan Club. Miss McDonald, our home agent, presented Fleet Allen, county agent, who gave an ip- formative talk on garden soEs, fertiEzers, seeds and plants. The best varieties of seed for making vegetables lor freezing were rec ommended. Mr. AEen also stress ed the importance of using mulch to hold moisture during the dry weather. Garden plants should be rotated each year to insure the best yield. As a result we feel sure that we wEl aE have more productive gardens this year. , ’*The door prizes were won by ^rs. L. G. Melvin and Mrs. W. E. Graham, The hostesses served cherry pie with whipped cream, potato chips and coffee, and Mrs. W. M. Thompson led a game caEed “Lovers Vocabulary.” The meeting adjourned to meet with Mrs. L. G. Melvin in March. —By Mrs. Claude Thomas, pub licity chairman. hurst Country Club. Harold A. Collins, who entered St. Joseph’s Hospital Monday for treatment, is said to be recuperat ing nicely there. Mr. and Mrs. Lochamy McLean were Sunday supper guests of Mrs. S. R. Smith in Vass. Mrs. James Boyd, her sister, Miss Elizabeth Lament of MEl- brook, N.' Y., and Mrs. C. A. Smith of Pinehurst spent last weekend in Charleston, S. C., and visited the gardens in that section. Mr. and Mrs. Irie Leonard were in Wilmington from 'Thurs day until Saturday, where they attended a meeting of the North Carolina Education Association. On their way out Saturday they took time to visit the famed Or ton Plantation. Their young son, Gregg, spent the time with his grandmother, Mrs. J. R. Copland, Sr., at BurEngton. Spending this week at the Howard Johnson Motor Lodge are J. Cecil Beith, new plant manager at Aberdeen for A. & M. Karagheusian, Inc., of New Jer sey, carpet manufacturers who have bought the Amerotron buEding, and Officials E. McCar thy, R. Dorian and E. Lockerson. Dr. and Mrs. A. C. Dawson and Mias Pat Archbell attended the NCEA meeting in Wilmington last week. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF MOORE The undersigned, having duly qualEied as the executrix of the Estate of John Hichnor Young, deceased, late of the above named County and State, all persons having claims of whatsoever na ture against the said John Hichnor Young, deceased, are hereby noti fied to exhibit the said claim or claims to the undersigned on or before the 28th day of March, 1958, or this notice will be plead ed in bar of their recove^. AE persons indebted to the said John Hichnor Young, deceased, are hereby requested to pay the said indebtedness to the vmdersigned immediately. This the 28th day of March, J958. GERTRUDE B. YOUNG, ' m28a4,ll,18,25m2c Executrix TKis Way To The SAVINGS CENTER MOTOR TO FLORIDA Mrs. J. M. Davis of Route 3, Carthage, accompanied her sis ter, Mrs. J. B. Ellington of High Point, and the latter’s daughter, Mrs. Fred Seward of Laurens, S. C., on a motor trip to Jackson ville, Fla., last week to see Mrs. Ellington’s son. Cole McCrim- mon, of the U. S. Navy prior to his transfer to Iceland for a tour of duty. Mr. Davis drove to Lau rens to. bring his wife home. The Misses Underhill Are Building New Home In Raleigh Misses Merta and Norma Un derhill are building a home in suburban Raleigh, which they will occiipv. They are planning to sell their home here, located at 450 C(5untry Club Road. At present they are “practicaEy commuting” to Raleigh. County Maternal Welfare Committee To Meet At Weymouth A meeting of the Moore County WeEare Committee will be held at Weymouth, home of Mrs. James Boyd, Friday at 10 a.m. with nurses and case workers of the two county departments of health and welfare, and T, R. Howerton expected to be present, also, Dr. West's SPECIAL OFFER — $1.63 value for 1.19 Harriet Hubbard Ayer Cleansing CreanL 2.50 value for 1.25 500 Norwich Aspirin, for 1.29 Tek Toothbrushes 2 for 49c Lanolin Plus Hair Special, 1.60 value for. 1.29 Breck Shampoo and Creme Rinse, 2.35 special for 1.75 Stuart Hall Stationery, 1.00 values for. 79c Ipana Tooth Paste, 94c value for 66c Helene Curtis Lanolin Shampoo, 2.00 jar for 1.39 FREE—^Hazel Bishop Lipstick with purchase of Hazel Bishop Compact Makeup 1.35 Max Factor Creme Puff & Hi Fi Lipstick, ^ 2.00 value for 1,25 DESERT FLOWER SPECIAI^Hand and Body Lotion and Toilet Water, 1.50 value, only 1.00 OPEN SUNDAY, MARCH 31, 1957 Sandhill Drug Company SOUTHERN PINES