\ Page EIGHTESIJ THE PILOT—Southern Pines, North Carolina THURSDAY, APRIL 11, 195T PROOF 6 YEARS OLD BLENDED WHISKEY WILLIAM Penn PINT $055 4/s QUART GOODERHAM & WORTS. LTD.. PEORIA. ILL. COLORFUL PLAY EQUIPMENT For Your Own Backyard ' f ABERDEEN NEWS By DOROTHY McNEILL /' I, ^ f> <> 8 ^ PLAY GYM SET $2.50 Delivers THOMASSON FURNITURE CO. Phone 2-5361 SOUTHERN PINES tie .ony MRS. EDGAR EWING Pinehurst, North Carolina COLE of California SUN DRESSES Cardinal Book Club The Cardinal Book Club held its regular monthly meeting on Thursday evening in the Ameri can Legion hut with Mrs. Jean FoUey and Mrs. Walter Hulak as co-hostesses. The president, Mrs. Dan Han cock, opened the meeting with the members repeating the club ccdlect together. During the busi ness session yearly reports of all committees were heard. Mrs. Larry Simmons was welcomed into the club as a new member. Mrs. James Muse,, program chairman, .presented Mrs. Holly Sisk, who gave a most interest ing and informative talk on Early American Furniture. At the conclusion of the meetr ing the hostesses served a salad plate, sandwiches, and coffee to the 20 members and two guests present. Books were exchanged during the social hour. Mrs. Blue Honored Mrs. H. Clifton Blue was hon ored on Thursday evening with a baby shower in the home of Mrs. Lewis Merrill with Mrs. W. W. Norris and Mrs. M. J. Muse as co-hostesses. After several con tests were enjoyed by the group, Mrs. Blue opened and graciously acknowledged the many useful and beautiful gifts presented her. Cake, punch and nuts were serv ed to approximately 25 guests. Brief Mention Mrs. Bill Austin and children of Raleigh are spending several days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Capps. A. F. Dees and W. K. Marks were in Raleigh, Tuesday. Mrs. Margaret Lewis, Miss Minnie Brewer, and Mrs. Cather ine McN. Burns and sons spent Sunday with Dr. and Mrs. John K. Robertson and family in Pem broke. Weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bob Samuels were Mr. and Mrs. Marshall R. Riddle of High Point. H. Clifton Blue spent Sunday in Durham. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Russell spent several days last week at the coast. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Overcash vis ited friends and relatives in Davidson over the weekend. Mrs. Frank McNeill and son Franke are spending this week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Jordan, in Wilmington. Dudley McLean has returned rito Davidson College after spend ing the spring holidays here with his father, Alton McLean. Miss Mary Lou Cameron of WCUNC, Greensboro, visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Cliff Cameron over the weekend. The Rev. and Mrs. Zeb Caudle of Albemarle and Miss Sarah Caudle of Pittsboro visited in Aberdeen Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. N. A. Pleasants spent the weekend in Wilming ton. Miss Faye Matthews, a senior at Watts School of Nursing in Durham, is spending her vacation with her parents,- Mr. and Mrs. Knox Matthews. Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Bolin of Hazlehurst, Ga., visited friends in Aberdeen on Thursday and Friday. Miss Janet Farrell of Kings Business School, Raleigh, visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Farrell, over the weekend. Billy and Glenn Russell have returned to Catawba College, in Salisbury after spending spring holidays -with their' parents, Mr. ,and Mrs. Leonard RusseU. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Boroday of NorMna visited her mother, Mrs. Alice Brooks, over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Okie Sykes vis ited her father, J. C. Rice, who is a patient in a hospital in Colum bia, S. C. parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Cliff Cameron, over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. M. N. Sugg visit ed Merritt Sugg, Jr., in Chapel Hill, Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Meredith and family of Guilford were weekend guests of Dr. and Mrs. C. L. Guidn. Van Clark spent Sunday with his parents in Asheboro. , Mrs. Frank Mizell has return/ NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING TO BE HELD,ON PETITION TO CONSTRUCT AND INSTALL FILLIING STATION IN THE BUSINESS DISTRICT OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHERN PINES ant to instructions by the Town Council of Southern Pines given at its regular meeting on the 9th day April, 1957. WM^ GARY HEAD Town Clerk all-18 Crops under acreage control in clude com, peanuts, tobacco, cot ton, and wheat SUBSCRIBE TO THE PILOT— MOORE COUNTY'S LEADING NEWS WEEKLY. Pursuant to authority contain ed in the North Carolina General Statutes, Chapter 160, and in ac cordance with the Code of Ordi nances of the Town of Southern Pines’, Chapter “'’O” notice is hereby given that hearing will be held at the Southern Pines Library at 5:00 P. M. on the 25th day of April, 1957, on a petition of Southern Pines Motor Com pany and David McCaUum, whereby they request the right to constijict a filling station on that certain lot in the Business District of the To-wn of Southern Pines, more particularly identi fied as follows: Being that lot adjacent to and immediately south of the Southern Pines Motor Com pany building, fronting nine ty feet on Southwest Broad Street in Southern Pines and extending a distance of one hundred and fifty feet in a westerly direction from said street. Provided, however, that in case of a protest against the granting of such permit to build ed home after spending several' gych filling'Station, signed by the DRESSMAKER BATHING SUITS and ... of course BEAUTIFUL PRINTS LIGHTWEIGHT COAT^ , and a great collection of COTTONS SHORTS BLOUSES days with her brother and sister in-law. Admiral and Mrs. FeUx Leslie Johnson, in Leonardtown, Md. Johnny Sloan of PJC, Maxton, spent the weekend with his pa rents, Mr., and Mrs. J. C. Sloan. Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Wilson and children of Savannah, Ga., were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Greer. Miss Jo Sue Wallace of Dur ham spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mack Wal lace. • W. H. McNeill and Miss Doro thy McNeill visited Mr. and Mrs. W. H. McNeill, Jr., and children in Durham, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Muse and Mr. and Mrs. James Muse, Sher rie and Blaine spent Sunday in Florence, S. C. Mrs. Ralph Caldwell and sons and Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Robbins and family visited Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Singleton in Candor, Sun day. owners of twenty per cent or more either of the lots included in the same block as the proposed site of said fiUing station, or of those directly opposite thereto, extending four hundred feet from the street frontage of such proposed site of said filling sta tion, in any direction of the street adjacent to such proposed site of said filling station, such con sent by the Town Council of the Town of Southern Pines shall not be given except by favorable vote of three fourths of all the members of the said Council of the Town of Southern Pines. This notice is published pursu- Melrose RARE Cash receipts from farm mar kets in North Carolina in 1956 amounted to $950 million. Feeding roughhge—hay or sil age—helps reduce the threat of bloating in farm animals. KeystoneFunJ of Canada, Ltd. A managed Canadian Investment Company seeking long-term CAPITAL GROWTH and certain TAX BENEPITS under Canadian Laws THOMAS DARST & CO. McKenzie Bldg. Southern Pines. N. C. PlesK lend me prospectus descriUng the Keystone Fund of Canada, Ltd. Addrea Cty Stott A flavor hit is BANANA SPLIT, it's nectar for the Gods; An Olympic treat that can't be beat, no matter what the odds! QUIEINI O I95S, NATIONAL DAIRY QUEEN DEVELOPMENT CO. $FIIT CORD SETS REPLACED Immediate Service It is really SHOCKING to find 80 many worn and dangerous coiw on eo many appliances. WHY TAKE CHANCES? We can make a quick safe replacement b i I e yen wait. Bring yoiir Appliance in TODAY!- Lewis's Trade Store Phone 2-2731 Southern Pines 1^395 A/5 ( 4/5 QT. BLENDED WHISKEY. 86.8 PROOF. 40x STRAIGHT WHISKIES 7-YEARS'OLD, 60% GRAIN NEUTRAL SPIRITS. MELROSE DISTILLERS CO., N. Y. TRY ONE TODAY ^ U.S. 1 Between Aberdeen and Southern Pines Easier ions >aomi s Silk Prints in Dresses and Costume Suits Dusters - Toppers Salta Knit and Groblue Suits Ship ’n Shore Blouses 20% Off on All Raincoats OPEN ALL DAY WEDNESDAY Use Our Lay-Away Plan Wellesley Bldg. PINEHURST. N. C. Opposite Holly Inn SMART CHICKS! select cards early ‘i* film: afe smarter, lovelier and cuter than ever. Best choice now at— HAYES BOOK SHOP Southern Pines. N. C. RAZGOK’S I N C Pre-Easter Sale Resort and Spring Fashions Ideal for travel, city and summer wear Drastic Reductions ON SELECTED GROUPS OF DRESSES COATS SUITS COCKTAIL DRESSES - EVENING GOWNS MILLINERY - FURS SPORTSWEAR Razook Building and at The Carolina Hotel, Pinehurst, N. C.