' \ Page FOURTEEN THE PILOT—Sonlli«m Pines, North Carolina THURSDAY, APRIL 18, 1957 ttam AUTOr SERVICE, A. For that Easter Trip ? We SELL the best gas and <»!: — PHILLIPS 66 — and GIVE We have been appointed an “Authorized Philcheck Dealer” by Phillips Petroleum Co. FIELDS & BETTBNI Hwy. 1 Between Southern Pines and Aberdeen Phone Southern Pines 2-3074 •4 570 S. W. Broad 8$ ^ROOF 6 YEARS OLD BLENDED WHISKEY WILLIAM Penn PINT A/a QUART GOODERHAM & WORTS. LTD.. PEORIA. ILL. News and Personals from Vass Bessie Cameron Smith. RepresentatiT# — Talephena Vi 8171 CORSAGES CUT FLOWERS POTTED PLANTS Place your orders now for We EASTER FLOWERS Deliver SOUTHERN PINES FLORIST Tel^hone 2-3111 Woman's Club Mrs. Leon Keith’s home on Route 2 was the place of the Vass Womcin’s Club’s April meet ing Friday night when Mrs. Keith, Mrs. D. McLauchlin and Mrs. C. R. Pope, all of upper Hoke County, were hostesses to the group. After a short business session, Mrs. P. A Wilson presented the Rev. A C. Trivette, pastor of the Vass Presbyterian Church, who gave an interesting and challeng ing talk on “Christian Citizen ship.” He based most of his talk on “The Bishop of Heard Coun ty,” a Methodist minister in Grorgia, whose life was a shining example of real Christian citizen- chip. Plans were made for serving dinner at a district meeting of the Junior Order to be held at the Vass community house on the following Monday night. Reports of welfare -work done by the club were made, and the club authorized the sending of a letter to Rep. H. Clifton Blue in regard to proposed legislation. Mrs. R. G. Rosser was welcom ed as a new member, and Mrs. L. W. Hutchinson as a guest. During the social hour the hostesses served delicious home made cake made by Mrs. Pope, who was deluged with re