THURSDAY, MAY 16, 1957 THE PILOT—Southern Pines. North Carolina Page ELEVEN I O News and Personals from Vass (Continued from Page 10) Thomas, presided. Mrs.. C. P. McMillan was in charge of the devotions and pro gram, assisted by Mrs. H. A Borst, who led a responsive reading, and Miss Bessie Cam- a:on and Mrs. Edgar Mashbum, who gave parts of the program. Mrs. W. D. Matthews conducted the Bible study. Mrs. Muse served homemade pound cake and ice cream. Visit Granddaughter Mr. and Mrs. Redga Thonaas visited their daughter-in-law and new granddaughter, Mrs. Mac Thomas and Ctecilia Lynne, at James Walker Memorial Hos pital in Wilmington and spent some time with Mr. Thomas at Carolina Beach last weekend. Mrs. Thomas remained for a few days visit, planning to return home late this week with the other grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Graham, who were to go down Wednesday. Celebrates Birthday Marjorie Leslie Bullock, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Bullock, celebrated her eighth birthday last Thursday by shar ing a big decorated birthday cake, ice cream, and candy with IPT. 100 Proof -A-ppLc ©randxj Captain Apple Jack • Bottled In Bond Virginia Fruit Brandy Distilling Co. Eatontown, N. J. • Nortti Garden, Va. her three dozen classmates and teacher, Miss Bessie Cameron, at school. Personals Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Griffin en tertained his mother, Mrs. G. W. Griffin, at dinner at Dixie Iim Sunday and in the afternoon they visited friends at Moore County Hospital including Mrs. W. C. Leslie of Vass and Miss Kate Graham of Southern Pines. Both are getting along weU. Mr. and Mrs. C. P. McMillan had Sunday dinner with his sis ter and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. L P. Ray, at Buie. In the afternoon they visited a niece, Mrs. Fred Kendall, and her new baby, Jane McMillan, at Scot land Memorial Efospitel. Mrs. RUey B. Reece of Durham visited her mother, Mrs. R. L, Oldham, during the weekend. Mrs. Oldham has been confined to her home for some time with a leg injury. Mrs. W. H. Keith and Miss Bessie Cameron were recent sup per guests of their cousins. Misses Mamie, Minnie and Jacksie Muse, in Cameron. Miss Helen Hardy of Bynum was a Sunday guest in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ted Rosser. Mrs. George Stutts, Mrs. Ted Rosser and Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Beal were called to Bynum Sun day because of the death of Ben Lane, son-in-law of Mrs. Stutts and brother-in-law of the others. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Waddell and Mr. and Mrs. James Yow of Al bemarle visited Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Smith Sxmday. Mr. and Mrs. Weldon Hen nings and children, Kenneth, Elaine and Michael, of Winston- Salem, spent the weekend visit ing Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wil liams and other relatives in the community. Mrs. Lucy Carter came with them and spent Satur day night with her brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Wooten. Mr. and Mrs. Williams paid his mother and father, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Williams, of Rob bins, a Mother’s Day visit Sun day night. Mrs. Angus Cameron and daughter, Mrs. Lessie Graham, of Near Swann Station vis ited Mrs. R. L. Oldham and Miss Bessie Cameron Friday after- FORMERLY AT CARTHAGE C. M, Jackson Named Supervisor Of Prisons In 7 Surrounding Counties C. M. Jackson, former superin tendent of the Moore County prison camp, has been promoted to supervisor of prisons in seven counties. He has-been succeeded by Gar land Nobles of Fairmont, who took over the duties as . superin tendent on May 1. Jackson will be supervisor of camps in Moore, Lee, Montgom ery, Chatham, Scotland, Rich mond and Randolph Counties with headquarters in Aberdeen WITH THE Armed Forces Joe Frank Diggs, son of Mrs. E. A. Caudle of 437 N. Bennett Street, has completed nine weeks of recruit training at the U. S. Naval Training Center, Bainbridge, Maryland. The local sailor, a graduate of Southern Pines High School, will spend a 14-day leave with his parents before reporting to Nor man, Oklahoma, to attend a Na val Aviation “Prep” School. Airman Diggs successfully completed the transition from civilian to military life which included instructions in seaman ship, ordnance and gunnery, shipboard and militaiy drills, communications, and self-preser vation. noon. Mrs. R. C. Shirley of Farmville is .spending some time with her sister, Mrs. E. L. Finch. Miss Mary Beasley has return ed home after attending a house party at Williams Manor, home of her aimt, Mrs. C. S. Williams, in Franklinton. Fromi there she visited relatives in Louisburg, Plymouth Eind Ralei^. She was accompanied home by her sister' and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. John Hartsfield, and their daugh ter, Mary Armistead Hartsfield, of Raleigh, for a Mother’s Day visit. PILOT ADVERTISING PAYS at the Eighth Division Hi^way offices. Succeeding his father, the late W. H. Jackson, several years ago, Jackson has made an outstanding record as sui)erintendent at the local camp winning high praise from the various grand juries as well as from state prison author ities for the fine manner in which he conducted affairs at the Moore county camp. The new superintendent is a native of Columbus County and has been at the Carthage camp since last March serving as as sistant to Jackson. He had been connected with the Fairmont prison frar a year before coming here. Nobles plans to move his wife and children to Carthage within the near future. LOSE UGLY FAT IN TEN DAYS OR MONEY BACK If you are overweight, here is the first reaUy thrilling news to come along in years. A new & conveni ent way to get rid of extra pounds easier than ever, so you can be as slim and trim as you want. This new product called DIATRON curbs both hunger & appetite. No drugs, no diet, no exercise. Abso lutely harmless. When you take DIATRON. you still enjoy your meals, still eat the foods you like but you simply don't have the urge for extra portions and auto matically your weight must come down, because, as your own doc tor will tell you. when you eat less, you weigh less. Excess weight endangers your heart, kid neys. So no matter what you have tried before, get DIATRON and prove to yourself what it can do. DIATRON is sold on this GUAR ANTEE: You must lose weight with the first package you use or the package costs you nothing. Just return the bottle to your druggist and get your money, back. DIATRON costs $3.00 and is sold with this strict money back guarantee by: SOUTHERN PINES PHARMACY Southern Pines Mail orders filled. a25m2.9,16.23 NORTH CABOUNA MOORE COUNTY NOTICE The undersigned having quali fied as Executrix and Executor of the Estate Of Paul Landis, de ceased, late of Moore County, North Carolina, this is to notify ail persons having claims against said Estate to present them to the undersigned on or before the 2nd day of May 1958, or this no tice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. AH persons in debted to said estate win please make immediate payment to the undersigned. This 2nd. day of May, 1957. Lillian Thomson Landis, Co-Ex ecutrix, Southern Pines, N. C. The Citi2:ens Bank and Trust Company of Southern Pines, Co- Executor, Southern Pines, N. C. m2,9,16,23,30,j6c ANTIQUES BOUGHT FOR CASH FURNITURE, BOOKS, PAINTINGS, GLASS, CHINA, SILVER, GUNS, STAMPS, COINS, JEWELRY, etc. JOSEPH GARNIER Midland Road PINEHURST Phone 3065 ® /"Roiv ■4 -) '>°Q&IM)CO^cacn>u: eooauei ^ SO MODERN— ON, SO CLEAN Sf’ BETTER scEcrRscAccv! ■~1 DON'T FORGET—YOU GET cloud-clean performance with a modem Electric W^er Heater. Worlds of hot water udienever you want it. Installs anywhere. I CCAROLINA POWER & LIGHT COMPANY) J FOR RESULTS USE THE PI LOT’S CLASSIFIED COLUMN. 45 (StiA % STRAIGHT BOURBON WHISKEY. 8(5 PROOF. SCHENLEY DISTILLERS CO., N. Y. C. IVI O E S I O N EO FOR SOUTHERN LIVING If-- ix-ti — -— '".WRS#*"' OOLOa< ROCKCT 88 UOUMT 4 V OMs Owner; Let me show you. This J-2 Rocket’*’ is Bke two engines imder the hood. Friencb Neat trick—how does it work? Olds Owner: It’s a new progressive carburetor system. Gives you more econorOT ... or extra power for safety. Take your choice. Friend: Economy sounds swril.;. but with a big ear like this ... ? Olds Owner: You bet! They ei^ineered tbe J-2 Rodoet Engine for our kind of driving ... t<^ efficiency at normal driving speeds becanao it’s fuelra by one carburetor. Friend: How about that extra power? on try it»mm ttt&ro^s notftinsf Mco- a FfooUoti' OWa Owner: Give it throttle and two extra carburetors cut m. It’s mighty reasBacieg to know you’ve got that extra power in the bc^. Friend: I get it. Economy when you want it— power when yon need it. Olds Ownei*: Correct. But talking about it won’t give you the whole story. This one you’ve got to drive. CGmb in—let’s go. PBISONAL Yonr Olds dealer would like you to try NOJBt tool It’s available now on aU models, including the Ckilden Rocket 88, lowest- priced Rocket En^ne car. Be hk guest America’s newest driving experience: *OpSonal of axiro corf. see V o u R AUTHORIZED OI.DSMOBI1.E QUALITY Moy is Safety Month—Check Your Car... Check Accidenfst ^ Manufacturer's License No. 110 , DEAL E itI