a ' v/' J THURSDAY, MAY 30, 1957 THE PILOT—Soulliern Pines, North Cairolina Page ELE VEN PINEHURST NEWS Ml«>1 m BAUSCH & LOMB g.»- SHOOTING GLASSES In every type of shooting your eyes need glare protection for accurate sighting and freedom from visual fatigue. The Bausch & Lomb Shooting Glass has sage green lenses ground and polished from quality optical glass, and specially toughened to resist impact from blowbacks and flying fragments. Yellow Kalichrome lenses are also available for sharpening target outlines on dull, hazy days. If you wear glasses, you can have Ray-Ban Shooting Glass lenses ground to your prescription. EM, SMITH OPTICIAN Southern Pines ^ By MAHY EVELYN de NISSOFF Bible School The annual Vacation Bible School of the Pinehurst Commu nity Church begins Monday, June 3, and will go through the week ending on Friday, June 7, with a picnic lunch at noon for the boys and girls and their leaders. The hours are from 8:30 to 11:30. a. m. In charge of the school wiU be Mrs. Richard Knight, Mrs. Clar ence Edson, Mrs. Paul Monroe, Mrs. Larry -Hensley, Mrs. J. C. Grier, Mrs. Dillard Hardy, Mrs. Henry Dowd, Mrs. Keith Wed lock and Mrs. Bob Viall. May Dance The American Legion Auxil iary is sponsoring a supper and a May dance tomorrow (Friday) evening, from 9 on, at the Le gion hut on the Aberdeen Road. A three-piece band from South ern Pines will play for the dance. Surprise Shower Miss Anne Hamor, bride-elect, was honor guest at a surprise miscellaneous shower given for her by several of her classmates at EUiott HaU on the campus of the Woman’s College in Greens boro. Attending from Pinehurst were her mother, Mrs. R. A. Ha mor, Mrs. Carl Bradshaw and Mrs. Thomas L. Black. Brief Mention Dr. Emily Tufts leaves Friday for a 10-day visit with Miss DarSt Hyatt of Boston. They plan a visit to New Hampshire where they will do some mountain climbing in the White Moun tains. Mrs. Clarence M. Rudel leaves today for a stay in Roslyn, L. I., and Fisher’s Island, N. Y., with her son, Thomas R. Rudel, and his family, after which she will go to Woode Hole, Mass., for six weeks and thence to her summer place in Quebec. During her ab sence, Mrs. A H. Popham and her daughter, Mrs. Victoria Me- sick, will occupy Ifc. RudeTs cottage. Twin Cedfus. Mr. and Mrs. S. Donald Sher- rerd and Dr. M. W. Marr leave this weekend for Bryn Mawr, Pa., to attend the graduation on June 4 of the Sherrerd’s daugh ter, Mrs. Philip White, from the University. Mrs. White Will re turn to Pinehurst with her fam ily for a few days before going on to join Ensign White in Pen sacola, Fla. Miss Joan Bertrand returns home Wednesday from Smith College following a few days spent with friends in New York City. BUI Bertrand is flying back next week from St. George’s School in Newport, R. I. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh W. Carter wiU go to Washington on Tues day to get their daughter, Miss Mary Anne Carter, a student at the National Cathedral School. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Cooke leave here Simday for Watch HUl, R. I., where they will spend A Best Wishes Graduates of 1957 a Aim high, work hard and success is yours. McNEILL & COMPANY / (SSh the summer months. Mr. and Mrs. Chester I. Wil liams are driving Wednesday to Pennsylvania with stop-offs in Virginia and New Jersey to visit friends. On Friday, they will be joined, in Philadelphia by Mr. and Mrs. Winthrop WiUiams and will attend the burial service for Mrs. Chester M. Williams at the West Laurel Hill Cemetery. Oh Sunday, they will be present at the graduation of the Chester WUliams’ son, Monroe, from Hill School in Pottstown, Pa. Mrs. Del Cameron and her sons, Warren and Gary, leave to day to join Mr. Cameron in Yonkers, N. Y. Mrs. William Tufts has closed her home here and is spending some time at her place in Rock land, Me., befory going on to Dorset, Vt., where she will stay several weeks at the Dorset Inn. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Forman are spending several days in the home of her late father, George T. Dunlap, here before leaving next week for Daytona Beach, Fla., where they plan to live. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence von Tacky of KnoUwood leave Sun day for their home in Titusville, Pa. Mr. and Mrs. George Carney and son, Ross, have /gone to Highlands for the summer months. Mr. and Mrs. William C. Plun kett leave Monday for Hartwell- ville, Vt., where they will spend a few weeks before going on a trip abroad. Mrs. Don MiUer, her mother, Mrs. Gertrude Maloney, and two daughters, Judy and Patty June, leave here Sunday and wiU join Mr. Miller in Saratoga, N. Y., for the summer. Young Donnie left last weekend to attend some stake races at Rosecroft Race way, Oxen Hill, Md. Mr. and Mrs. Richard D. Chap man leave today for Middleburg, Va., to attend the graduation of her daughter. Miss Joy Shaeffer, from the Foxcroft School. Miss Henrietta Bigney is going Saturday to Etna, N. Y., for a visit to her sister, Mrs. Charles Benjamin, after which she will go 'to her home in Greenville, Me., for the balance of the sum mer. Reginald Hamor left Wednes day for Aiken, S. C., after a week with his family here. Anne Hamor will be here imtil June 11, when she returns to WCUNC, Greensboro, for summer school. Her brother Mack leaves here June 10 for one of the sessions of summer school at Davidson College. Eric Nelson returned home. Wednesday from Manches ter, N. H., where he attend ed the funeral of John L. Given. He leaves Sunday for a short business trip to New York City. Mrs. Mary H. Jurney, who lives here with her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. L. Paget Rigby, is spending some time as the guest of Dr. and'Mrs. Ralph A. Dodd in Chase City, Va. Mr. and' Mrs. Howard Stewart and their son Jeffry go Saturday to Pennsyl-^ania where Mrs. Stewart and Jeff will spend a few weeks with her mother in Nanty Glo, while Mr. Stewart goes on to the Stockton Hotel at 'Tr: ^oin ill town in wiAliint fou the Le&t^ LEE POWERS Soulhern Pines ““-“if" CARTER'S Phone 2-6101 "Those Cleaners didn't shrink my sweater a bit—and I wanted it a size too small!" * « * Ask about our special in SWEAT ERS this week—you will be hap pily pleased and surprised « 4i « And You’U keep looking better If you have us CLEAN your sweater! , lAUITORY 8e cleaners, Inc. 155 West New York Ave. SOUTHERN PINES. N. C. Sea Girt, N. J., where he is em ployed. Mrs. Merle Hewitt, the former Vera Harrington, of North Hol lywood, Calif., has returned to her home after spending several days visiting friends in t^e vil lage. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Lover ing are going today to their cot tage at Pawley’s Island, S. C., where they will spend some time. Local volunteer firemen who attended the annual Firemen’s School last week in Charlotte were Thomas V. Homer and Leonard Yearby. Mr. and Mrs. Milton A. Lyons, their son. Tommy, Mr. Lyons’ mother, Mrs. 'Thomas C. Lyons, and her guest. Miss Eleanor Hef- feran' of Scranton, Pa., are spending the Memorial Day weekend on a visit tb Nag’s Head. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Lewis and their sons, Michael and Marshall, will spend next week at New Topsail Beach. ^s. Jack Ruggles has gone to Fergus Falls, Minn., to visit her mother. Mr. and Mrs. Harold T. Wad- dington and son, Johnny, of Camp Hill, Pa., are spending the v/eekend with her mother, Mrs. Angus Wicker, and her aunt. Miss Callie Battley. LOOK LOVELIER SEE BETTER WITH... Watering is important at this time of year and may mean the difference between saving and losing that valuable shrubbery. SUN GLASSES EASY on your eyes...and on his,..these Ray-Ban Sun Glasses in their New Fan dango frames keep your eyes rested...keep wrinides away. Frames in any of five stunning color combinations... lenses in soothing Ray-Ban Green or new, true-color G-15 Neutral Gray. Give your eyes this treat today! H. M. SMITH OPTICIAN Southern Pines cm SEVEN STAR * ik -k it it * ^ 90 PROOF G&W SEVEN STAR 90 PROOF .45 0.85 PINT 4/5 QT. SEVEN STAR, BLENDED WHISKEY, 90 PROOF. 37’/2% STRAIGHT WHISKEY. 6 YEARS OR MORE OLD. ilWo GRAIN NEU TRAL SPIRITS. GOODERHAM & WORTS LTD-. PEORIA, ILL D £ S I G N E D IVI SOUTHERM LIVING ^ -C ^ ' « jcaagw isf i- i'T s-sar." 1 J 1 “1 "1-^ f/- SUPER SS HOLIDAY SEDAN .w ■»«o. ^ntArom boumon vmisicey, vi noof. schenicy oistiiieiis cb., n. y. c. 1 V I n "ond Ju3t Walt 'til you see Inside.., It's the prettiest car we’ve ever owned 1"“ I ANNE: It certainly is beautiful... from any angle! BETTY: But what I like best is the wonderful feeling I get when I’m driving. Heavenly comfort! And the things they’re doing with colors and fabrics these days! Honestly, I feel just like a queen! ANNE: You should! I’m not trying to pry, but I’U bet h cost a king’s ransom. BETTY: Wouldn’t you be surprised! It cost a lot less than we expected. And, Ed says it will cost less in the long run, too, because an Olds holds its value. ANNE: Leave it to you to have your cake and eat it, too! And why not? Ed, bless his practical streak, wanted an Olds for its extra value and the Rocket Enginp So, who ai I to say "no” to the prettiest thing on wheds? Yon ought to pass the word along to John! ANNE: You can say that again! I will toni^t! SEE YOUR AUTHORIZED OI.DSMOB1L.E Enjoy Your Ride .. . Drive Safelyl QUAI.ITY DEALS rI