Page SIXTEEN THE PILOT—Soulhern Pines, NoriL Carolina TO FORT STEWART. GA. National Guard Leaving Saturday For Annual Two-Week Encampment National Guardsmen of the ron of Southern Pines, promoted Moore County tank company will leave early Saturday morning by motor convoy for two weeks of intensive field training at Fort Stewart, Georgia. At the annual summer camp, thel highlight of the training year for the locM Guardsmen, the men of the unit will undergo trcuning in firing their tank guns as well as the .50 caliber machine gun and “bazooka.” A feature of the training period will be a “live fir ing” tank platoon problem. Pre liminary training in tank gun nery has been conducted at the armory and during weekends at Fort Bragg since January. The summer training will halt temporarily the current drive for additional members. Twenty-one new guardsmen will be attending their first summer camp next week, and six more new members will be on active duty for training at Fort Jackson, S. C., while the local company is away at camp. Captain WiUiam J. Wilson, commanding officer of the Moore County unit, said this week that he was “very much pleased with the training and appearance of the company. I think we have the best group lof non-commission ed officers we have ever had and our new recruits are showing a lot of interest in the unit and their training.” Wilson cited a number of the rnembers of the unit for their par ticipation in the annual Aberdeen “Farmer’s Day” parade, and singled out for particular praise the unit’s driU team, under the leadership of Sfc Fred L. McKen zie, which provided a firing squad for the Memorial Day services at the Mount Hope cemetery in Southern Pines. I to sergeant first class, and James Baxter of West End, promoted to specialist second class. Privates Jen^ Sewell, Rex Ven able and Burnice Thompson were promoted to private first class. The last three are the first local Guardsmen to complete the new six-months training program now available to Guard enlistees. Ruth Muse, 4-H Club Leader In County, Resigns Psychology Bill Killed In Senate After making its way success fully through the House, and re ceiving a favorable feport from the Senate Health committee, the “anti-quack” biU met quick death Tuesday morning in the hands of a new Senate commit tee. Sevefal promotions were an nounced at the regular drill this week, including Sgt. Jack L. Bar- AU.TO LOANS ' FINANCING — REFINANCING AUTO CREDIT CO. SANFORD, N. C. 207 S. Steele St. Tel. 3-5241 It had been unexpectedly toss ed into the lap of the Judiciary committee and a public hearing set on very short notice. This was the third public hear ing which had been held in con nection with the measure, which would set up a professional board to certify psychologists by edu cation, training and degrees. It was aimed at the charlatan or poorly trained person practicing as a psychologist. No criticism was offered as to the objectives of the bill, which appeared to meet the lethal blow because of differences among psychologists thmselves as to the best way to achieve them. Five college professors said they felt they needed no certification, and suggested the bill be revis^ to cover only the clinical field. No amendments were offered, how ever, and the unfavorable report was voted mainly on the ground that a better bill might be de vised. Medical opposition was pre sented on the grouijd that the State Medical Practices Act would have “eventually” taken! care of a recent bad situation in ’Southern Pines. The opposition Mrs. Ruth Current Muse, as sistant home agent in Moore County for the past several years, has resigned effective July 1, the county Board of Com missioners were told Monday. Recommended for her replace ment is Mrs. Joe Currie of Southern Pines. Mrs. Muse, who worked with 1-H Club^ in the county, gave personal reasons for her resigna tion. The commissioners also learn ed Monday that ttie State may v/ait until July before replacing W. C. Scoggins on the Welfare Board. His term' would have ex pired then, Mrs. Walter Cole, welfare superintendent, told them, and, though several names have been recommended to the State as replacements, no official .action has been taken. Other members of the board are Mrs. W. P. Davis of Southern Pines and E. H. Garrison of Car thage. LOST: DOWNTOWN LAST WEEK, ENGRAVED CHARM BRACELET. CALL 2-4785. j6c THURSDAY, JUNE 6, 1957. FOR RENT: Small cottage, three rooms, bath, garage. Apply 340 North May. jOp FOR RENT: Furnished Two Room Cottages. See M. I. Hill, South End of new highway, or apply • Southern Pines Trailer Park. j6tf FOR RENT: 3-bedroom unfiurn- ished apartment, bath, kitch en, dining, living room, utility room, carport. Contact W. Q. White, 330 Wisconsin Ave., phone 2-4675. jOp FOR SALE: Sterling Silver cof fee and tea service; used baby ’ stroller. Mrs. H. C. Beasley, 861 Leak St. j6,l3p FOR SALE: Used Norge refrig erator, $65. Remington 1-2 ton air conditioner, $75. Mrs. Langner, phone 2-9341. j6c FOR SALE: 1953 Nash Rambler, hardtop, hydramatic. Excellent condition, low mileage. Call 2-8084. , 36c FOR RENT OR SALE: One year old 2-bedroom unfurnished house. Close in. Hook up for washing machine and air con ditioner. Call Mrs. Daniels 2-8821 after 5:30. m2tf FOR RENT: Large house at in tersection of Ridge Street and Massachusetts Avenue, 3 bed rooms, 2 baths, living room, dining room, and kitchen, full basement and attic. Call 2-9811 for appointment for showing. I ml6tf AUTO LOANS FOR SALE: Child’s Youth bed and mattress, $15. Good con dition. 345 E. Illinois. j6p TOP SOIL DELIVERED. See S. L. Marshall, J. T. Overton, SandhiU Drug Store. j6,13p AIRSTREAM; most road-worthy house trailer. Aluminum. Goes anywhere a car can go. See it at ARISTOCRAT APART MENTS, East Indiana Avenue at Bethesda Road. Write €*. O. Box 1181. j6,13c FOR RENT: Newly decorate SALES LISTINGS SOLICITED .1. f