PAGE TWELVE THE PILOT-^Southem Pines, North Carolina PBNEBLUFF NEWS By MRS. EHRMAN PICKLER Baptist Cizcles Meet Mrs. John Morgan was hostess to the Margaret Holder Circle of, the Baptist Church Monday eve ning at 7:30. “Effective Prayer” was the topic Mrs. Luther Tyner used for the program. At the close of the meeting the hostess served pound cake, salted nuts, mints and tea to the six members present. The Carmen Adams Circle met Monday evening at the home of Mrs. Charles McMaster with five members and two visitors present. Mrs. Lacy Sessoms was in charge of the program “Practical Primer On Prayer.” Following the busi ness presided over by the chair man, Mrs. McMaster, refresh ments! were served. The Ida Combs Circle met at the home of Mrs. G. F. Moss Mon day evening with ten members answering roll call. Mrs. Brady Brooks, chairman, presided and presented the program. The host ess served sandwiches, cookies and punch. WSCS Meets The Woman’s Society of Chris tian Service of the Methodist Church met Tuesday evening at 8 o’clock at the church with 16 members present. Assisting Mrs. Clay Parker in presenting the program were Mrs. Vernon Davis , and Mrs. Lewis . Marts. Mrs. Douglas Morgan and Mrs. Hurley Short were hostesses for the eve ning. Personals Miss Diana David is attending the Southeastern Methodist Youth Fellowship workshop at Lake Junaluska for a week. Tommy Bryant left Saturday for De Leon Springs, Fla., where he will spend the remainder of the summer. Mr. and Mrs. Val Elsesser at? tended a birthday dinner for June High at Mt. Vernon Church, near Wadesboro, Sunday. Miss Jeanette Van Boskerck of Watts Hospital, Durham, is spending her vacation with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Van Boskerck. M. B. Edwards and daughter Judy and J. B. Edwards, of Char lotte,, were guests Sunday of their sister, Mrs. J. D. Mangum, and Mr. Mangum and Mrs. Ethel Ed wards. Paula Edwards returned home with them after a two-week visit with the Mangums and Mrs. Edwards. Sgt. and Mrs. Charles Comer and children of Jacksonville were weekend guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs.| Claude Jester. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Lampley and daughter Earlene are spending the week at Windy Point. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley McMurray and daughters, Kathy and Debbie, visite;