Page SIXTEEN THE PILOT—Southern Pines, North Carolina THUIiSDAY, JANUARY 30, 1958 Four Masonic Bodies Located Here Elect Officers For the Year 1958 The four Masonic S^vuthern Pin'-s have completed their elections of officers for 1958, reports Lloyd L. Woolley who serves as secretary or recorder for each of the groups. Mr. Woolley listed the four groups and their new officers as: Southern Pines Lodge No. 484, Ancient Free and Accepted Ma sons—^Dannie C. Sheffield, mas ter; John Albert McRae, senior warien; Charles R. Pope, junior warden; James W. Causey, treas urer; Lloyd L. Woolley, secre tary; Robert E. Adams, Jr., sen ior deacon; Horace W. Mullinix, junior deacon; Jack L. McNeill, senior steward; Karl E. Schwein- furth, junior steward; Charles W. Austin, tyler; Buster C. Doyle, chaplain. Southern Pines Chapter No. 61, Royal Arch Masons—Jack L. Mc Neill, high priest; Karl E. Schweinfurth, king; John A. Mc Rae, scribe; James W. Causey treasurer; Lloyd L. Woolley, sec retary; Theodore W. Klingen- schmidt, captain of host; Joe C. Thomas, principal sojourner; Al- den G. Bower, Royal Arch cap tain; James H. Ratliff, Jr., mas ter third' veil; Albert B. Sally, master second veil; Robert J. Snipes, master first veil; Robert M. Hooper, sentinel. Southern Pines Council No. 14, Royal and Select Masteirs— L. Russell McRae, master; Herbert D. Holland, deputy master; Jack L. McNeill, conductor of work; James W. Causey, Lloyd L. Woolley, bodies in Stanley T. Dunn, captain of guard; J. Edwin Causey, con ductor of council; Lemuel D. Jones, steward; and Elwood E. Blake, sentinel. Southern Pines Commandery No. 16, Knights Templar—^Her bert D. Holland, eminent com mander; John A. McRae, gener alissimo; Joe C. Thomas, captain general; A. Hinton McPhaul, senior warden; Jack L. McNeill, junior warden; Edwin L. Finch, prelate; James W. Causey, treas urer; LJoyd L. Woolley, record er; Edward E. Smith, standard bearer; Dabney C. Looney, sword bearer; Elwood E. Blake, warder; Robert J. Shipes, sentinel. Serve Varied Areas Each of the ^ Masonic bodies draws its membership from, an area of varied size around South ern Pines. There are A. F. & A. M. Lodges also at Aberdeen, West End, Car thage and Raeford. The nearest R. A. M. Chapters are Laurinburg on the south, Fayetteville on the east, Raleigh on the north and Monroe on the west. R. & S. M. Councils nearest to the one located here are State of South Carolina on the south, Fa7/etteville on the east, Raleigh on the north and Monroe on the west. There is no other Knights Templar Commandery on the south to the South Carolina state line. Others are Fayetteville on treasurer; j the east, Raleigh on the north recorder; and Monroe on the west. CLASSIFIED P. O. Box 58 Phone 2-7271 CLASSED RATES: Light face capitals and lower case, 4c per wotd; BLACK CAPITALS. 5c per word. Minimum price per ad, 50c SOUTHERN PINES PROPERTIES Family needs require larger home: five bedroom masonry home, two baths; complete basement; two car garage. Many outstamling features. Price $21,000 Two year old three bedroom ranch home; buy owner's equi ty for $1,500 and assume A.Vi% interest loan for $10,600. Pay ment less than rent. New listing—Ideal for apart ments or for a home; within two blocks of churches, school and down town area; seven bedrooms and four baths. Old er home but in excellent con dition; furnished. Sale price $20,000 Dr. Raymond, 85 Dies; Had Served As Pastor Here Otto H. FoUey, Aberdeen’s First or, Succumbs The Rev. C. Rexford Raymond, D. D., 85, retired Congregational Christian minister, died January 15 at the Cushing Hospital, Framingham, Mass., it was learn ed here this week. He was a for mer pastor of the Church of Wide Fellowship here. Dr. Raymond was born in Evans, New York, February 29, 1872. He was graduated in 1895 with an A. B. from Oberlin Col lege. He received his B. D. degree from Oberlin Theological School in 1900. Berea College honored him with the Doctor of Divinity- degree in 1914. He was married to E. Rose Land in of Angela, New York in June, 1900. She died in 1943, wliile living in South Caro lina. In 1949 he married Mrs. Lillian B. Miles who lives in Southern Pines. He began his work at Berea College, Berea, Kentucky, as in structor of English and Greek. He was called back to this same institution to serve from 1918 to 1323 as dean of religious educa tion and college preacher. Dr. Raymond served churches in Ohio, New York, Tennessee and North and South Carolina. His last church was in Charles ton, S. C., where he retired in 1950, to live with his daughter, Mrs. Thomas E. Bailey in Fred erick, Md. For the past two years he has lived with his other daughter, Mrs. Orville D. Ullom of Maynard, Mass. In addition to his daughters, sun,'ivors are two grandchildren and one great-grandchild and a sister. Miss Ellen R. Raymond of Evanston, Ill. The funeral service was held January 18 at The First Congre gational Church, Angola, N. Y.. with The Rev. Hudson B. Phil lips, 'the pastor, officiating. Bur ial was in the Forest Avenue Cemetery of Angola. May< Otto Halbert Folley, 78, Sumter, S. C., died suddenly his home Tuesday morning. Mr. Folley, Aberdeen’s first mayor (late 1890’9) was the youngest son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Marcel Folley, who came to Aberdeen from Warren, Pa. in the spring of 1885 (Aberdeen was then known as Blue’s Crossing). Mr. Folley attended business school in Macon, Ga., and work ed with the Seaboard Railroad, then with Aberdeen and Rock- fish Railioad. In 1907, he went to Sumter and established the O. H. Folley Luniber Company. He later purchased the Sumter Plan ing Mills and Lumber Company, which he was operating with his two sons at the time of his death. Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Willie May Bates Folley; two sons, O. H. Folley, Jr., and Louis B. Folley, and two grand sons, all of Sumter; two sisters, Mrs. J. H. Levy, Longport, N. J. and Mrs. L. L. Wren of Siler City; and one brother, Max H. Folley of Southern Pines. Funeral services were conduct ed in Sumter Wednesday after noon, with burial in the Sumter Cemetery. Attending the funeral from the Sandhills were Max H Folley, Mr. and Mrs. Paul C. Butler and Mr and Mrs. Alwin L. Folley, all of Southern Pines; Mr. and Mrs. Jere McKeithen and Mrs. Edwin T. McKeithen, of Aberdeen. Rummage To Head Peach Men Again ‘Rocket Circle’ Features Area Immediate possession: 4-year old six room house; complete basement. Sale price $10,100. Financing .available. FOR RENT in Aberdeen: Newly painted 2-bedroom house. Good location; near school. ■ Phone WI 4-2455. j25tf MAN OR WOMAN: Established Watkins Route available. No experience necessary in this area. Write P. O. Box 5071, Department S-3, Richmond, Va. j9,16,23,30p FOR RENT: 6-room (3 bedrooms) furnished house in Niagara. Ph. OX 5-9841 before 6 p.m. j30c $300.00 down will buy 6-room steam heated house. Pinebluff, or will rent. Margie Nanopou- los, 0X2-3851. jl6tf FOR SALE: Used Oil space heat er, good condition. Phone 0X2-7972, 455 Orchard Road. d26c These and other listings in clude properties in all price ranges. Consult us about prop erties with signs "For sale see your Realtor or Broker". LOTS—Desii^able lots in al most all reMdential areas. LOANS—FHA and convention al loans. Take advantage of lower FHA down payment re quirements and purchase a home at this time. INSURANCE—We write and service all forms of insurance. Your business is appreciated. Telephone Windsor 4-1212 J. D. Arey & Company REALTORS and INSURORS TREES - SHRUBS LANDSCAPING SKYLINE COTTAGE NURSERY Phone OX 2-7572 d26tf FOR SALE: 3-bedroom Gl’d ■ house, $850. down, assume payments. Margie Nanopoulos, 0X2-3851. jl6tf FOR RENT: Small, furnished downstairs apartment. Utilities furnished. Close in. 240 So. Ashe, phone 0X5-5465. d26tf THE AVON OPPORTUNITY makes it possible to earn as much as you desire. Cash in on the great demand for TV ad vertised AVON cosmetics in your neighborhood. Write Mrs. Hester, Dist. Mgr. 122 Camellia Drive Fayetteville. N. C. FOR SALE: PACKARD, 4-DOOR SEDAN. RADIO, HEATER. OVERDRIVE. NEW BATTERY. EXCELLENT MOTOR, $175. J. S. RAMSEY, 805 N. ASHE. j30c r TUTORING: CHEMISTRY, BI OLOGY, ALGEBRA. LATIN. FOR INFORMATION CALL BU 1-3313. PINEBLUFF. j2330p HOLLIES - CAMELLIAS AZALEAS - CONIFERS EVERGREENS DECIDUOUS TREES and SHRUBS C. LOUIS MEYER NURSERY Airport Road Phone CYpress 4-4513 P. O. Box 161 Pinehurst, N. C. HENRY DOWD, Manager FOR RENT: Furnished 2-room cottage. See M. I. Hill, south end of new highway, or South ern Pines Trailer Park. dl9tf WELL BORING and DRILLING, call Little’s Tire Service be tween Aberdeen and Southern Pines, phone WI4-1525, Aber deen, or Dlackwelder, Sanford, N. C. phone 3-4844. dl9tf FOR RENT: Apartment, 3 rooms, bath; private entrance; all utiMties furnished. Colonial Inn. N28c FOR RENT: 3-room heated and furnished apartment. Close in. Couple only. Dr. Daniels, 0X2-6382. j2tf FOR SALE: 1951 club coupe Chevrolet, power glide. One owner. Price $300. Call 0X5-3695. j9tf FOR RENT: Ground floor steam heated furnished apartment. 470 N. Ashe, 0X2-8703. jl6tf FOR 'RENT: IN WEYMOUTH HEIGHTS, UNFURNISHED ONE STORY HOUSE, 5 ROOMS, AND 2 BATHS. PHONE 0X5-7174 OR 0X5-3482. d5tf WANTED: HOME LIBRARY FLAT-TOP DESK. Drawers both sides,, finished back. Ma hogany-walnut. Perfect condi tion. Phone CY 4-4973. , j30c FOR PORTRAI'TURE and custom framing, visit Turner’s Studio, 675 S. W. Broad St., Phone 0X2-6452.. j30tf Real Estate For Sale House, 2 bedrooms & bath; living room, kitchen-dinette; storage and garage; lot 153x 250; GI financed. $7,875 Good home: May St„ has liv ing room, dining area-kitchen, 3 bedrms, IV; baths; basement, hot air heat. $2000 cash, finance balance. $9,000 Ranch house. Country Club section; has living room, din ing area-kitchen, 3 bedrms, 2 baths; garage: insulated and weatherslripped: large lot. $22,500 A HOME & INCOME TOO 2 family house, near shopping center. Live in one, rent the other. $8,500 Duplex home, 5 rooms & bath each apt., basement & storage, separate utilities; 2 car garage; partly financed. This man can give you dependable delivery of Members of the N. C. Mutual Peach Growers Society, meeting for their annual business and dis cussion session at. the Carolina Hotel in Pinehurst on Tuesday, reelected W. H. Rummage of El- lerbe as president for tbe coming year. Other officers were Page , Mc- Aulay of Candor, vice-jpresident and John C. Wyatt of Candor who was reelected secretary and treas urer. About 100 growers attending the meeting, heard talks on mar keting and other phases of the business. Dean D. W. Colvard of the State College school of agri culture spoke at a banquet Tues day night, introduced by T. Clyde Auman of West End. A two-page feature in the cur rent issue of the “Oldsmobile Rocket Circle” — a publication of the Oldsmobile Division of Gen eral Motors, having a nation-wide circulation—tells about the attrac tions of the Sandhills section of North Carolina. Sports events, places to stay and things to do in this area are listed in the article which has two color photos, a map of the area, a photo of harness racing at Pine hurst and color and black and white decorative drawings. The feature is headed “South ern Comfort” and says in a sub headline, “The Sandhills section of North Carolina packs the mild est climate and the sportiest golf courses in an easy-going sports resort.” The feature was brought to the attention of Chamber of Com merce directors at a recent meet ing. Newland Phillips, proprietor of Phillips Motor Co., local Olds mobile agency, says that he has several hundred copies of the publication. These are available without charge. Prune peaches, apples, and grape vines. Remember that grapes will ■ be produced on shoots that come from buds on canes that grew last year. . . Peaches are produced on wood that grew last year and apples on wood two years old (or older) and on spurs. THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR International daily newspaper Housewives, businessmen, teachers, ond students all over the world read and enjoy this international newspaper, pub- ^ . Ilshed daily in Boston. World-' famous for constructive news stories ond penetroting editorials. Special feotures for the whole family. The Christlon Science Monitor One Norway St., Boston 15, Moss. Send your newspoper for the time checked. Enclosed find my check or money order. I yeof $16 O 6 month* $8 Q ) months $4 □ Nome Address E. L. McBride Opens Shoe Shop In Aberdeen E. L. McBride of Aberdeen, who for several years prior to 1952 operated a shoe repair busi ness in Aberdeen, has opened a new shop in the Smith building on South Street there. His shop is well equipped, and he has an eyperienced assistant, L. L. Brown of Siler City. ■'Zoo*' Jtoto rt-u AUTO LOANS FINANCING - REFINANCING AUTO CREDIT CO. SANFORD, N. C, ?07 s, stefle St. Tel. 3-5241 FOR RENT 2 nice furnished apts, steam heated, 225 N. Ashe St. .... $75 2 bedrm. fur. house $75 House 6 rms, bath, unfur. .. $75 J. D. SITTERSON SALES and RENTALS 260 N. Ashe Ph. OX 2-8445 FOR RENT: Furnished five room and bath duplex apartment, heat furnished, ample storage. Phone 0X2-7972, 455 Orchard Road. d26c AZALEAS ROSES EVERGREENS C. A. FOX j2m27inc Pinebluff. N.C. FOR RENT: 4-room furnished house on N. May St. Dr. Dan iels, 0X2-6382. o3tf HOUSES AND APARTMENTS FOR RENT. DR. DANIELS. PHONE OX 2-6382. f28tf IF YOU NEED reliable driver, long or short trips, call Lloyd Prime 2-7431. j25tf $9500 will buy a lovely modern two bedroom cottage with all conveniences. Should appeal especially to a re tired couple. IF YOU WISH TO BUY IF YOU WISH TO SELL IF YOU WISH TO RENT —See— W. C. HILDERMAN 225 Weymouth Rd. al5tf JF YOU NEED CASH for HOME IMPROVEMENTS ALCOHOLICS Anonymous—Mor day night basement Belvedere Hotel 8 p. m. Phone 2-5321. ml6tfc FOR SALE: Simplex automatic motor scooter. Good condition. Bob Parker, OX 2-8785. a29tf FOR RENT: NICELY FURNISH ED APARTMENT. ALL UTIL ITIES INCLUDED. JEFFER SON INN. PHONE 0X5-7331. jl6tf FOR RENT: Lovely 3-bedroom brick home, unfurnished, stove and refrigerator. Two 3-bed room unfurnished houses, $55 and $40. 2-bedroom unfurnish ed house, two 2-bedroom un furnished apartments. 2-bed room furnished first floor apartment. Margie Nanopoulos, OX 2-3851. j23c ASK ABOUT A LOW-COST LOAN The Citizens Bank & Trust Co. 132 N. W. Broad St. Southern Pines, N. C. Phone 2-9911 FOR RENT; Business space with Humphrey's Studios formerly occupied by Dr. Whitehead. 245 West Broad St. Tel. 2-3611. m28tf APARTMENTS FOR RENT: Two 3-room furnished, also furnished efficiency. 165 E. Penn. Ave. Call Pinebluff 100 collect a22tf LOANS: FHA, G. I. AND CON VENTIONAL. HOMES AND BUSINESS PROPERTY LOANS UP TO 80% OF YOUR COMMITMENT. LIFE AND FIRE INSURANCE. TAKE AD VANTAGE OF OUR EXPERI. ENCE. GRAVES MUTUAL IN. SURANCE AGENCY. GRAVES BLDG. PHONE 2-2201 0814 FOR SALE SADDLE HORSES For pleasure riding. The CAUSEY-FORREST FARM Lakeview. N. C. Ph. OX 5-7974 or OX 2-8102 j30tf ARISTOCRAT APARTMENTS: One vacancy, moderrt furnish ed efficiency. Warm, clean, quiet. Only $45. OX 5-9954. j23,30c WANTED: USED BAR BELLSj UP TO 150 POUNDS. PHONE JIM PARKER, 0X2-3284. j30c HOUSE TRAILER FOR HENRY'S TRAILER 0X2-3032. RENT; PARK, j301f WILL DO LAUNDRY in own home. Finished or rough dry. Edna Griffith, 628 West Mass. Ave. j30p AUTO LIABILITY INSUR ANCE: Will answer any ques tion concerning Compulsory Liability ' Insurance and can guarantee placement of liabili ty insurance in State required limits for everyone. See Brady H. Brooks, N. C. agent Nation- v/ide Insurance, 124 S. W. Broad St., Southern Pines, 0X5-5401. n7tfc RADIO or TV ON THE BUNK ? — CALL — CURTIS RADIO & TV SERVICE 712 S. W. Broad SI. Phone OX 5-6232 Southern Pines —See Us For— ZENITH TV's & RADIO HI-FI WE RENT TV's FOR SALE: Lovely modem 2- bedroom house. Owner leaving town reason for selling. Margie Nanapoulos, OX 2-3851. j23c FOR SALE: 1953 Plymouth Cranbrook 4-door sedan, Hy- Drive. Good tires, clean, $525. Call Pinehurst CY4-7871. j23tf IF YOU are interested in a very clean, well taken care of 1952 Mercury sport coupe for $775, call OX 5-4081. j30p FOR RENT: 3 bedroom brick home, unfurnished. Outside city limits. Call OX 5-6101. n7tf FOR RENT; EFFICIENCY APARTMENT, UTILITIES FURNISHED. ADULTS ONLY. PHONE 0X5-3953. n28tf FOR RENT: 2-bedroom furnished apartment. Call Mrs. Daniels, 2-8821 after 5:30 or inquire 660 North Ridge St. m7tf FOR RENT: Attractive small apartment one block from Post office. 125 South Ashe St. jSOtf FOR RENT; Roomy ground floor furnished apartment in excel lent residential section. Adults only. Phone 0X5-3953. jSOtf FOR SALE: Metal twin bed, new springs, good mattress, very reasonable, must sell. Call 0X2-6655. j30c FURNISH'D APARTMENTS FOR RENT: INQUIRE 280 WEST CONNECTICUT AVENUE. PH. OX 5-7362. a4tf WANTED: PART-TIME SECRE TARY. 10 HOURS WEEKLY. WRITE BOX 589. CITY. j30c l\ AIR CONDITIONED GARDEN TYPE. UNFURNISHED APARTMENTS; 2-BED- ROOI^K. KITCHEN, DI NETTE, LIVING room and BATH. ELECTRIC RANGE. REFRIGERATOR, HOT WATER HEATER. $70. kncIllwood apart ments. PH. OX 5-3375 j4tf FOR RENT: available Feb. 1 4^ room furnished, heated apart ment. Mrs. Swindell, 140 West Vermont Ave. j30c Resort Realty & Development Co. and RESORT INSURANCE AGENCY. Inc. McKenzie Bldg.—Southern Pines, N. C,—OXford 2-2152 SALES - RENTALS - PROPERTY MANAGEMENT INSURANCE G. H. LEONARD, Jr. JULIA G. STEED JIMMY HOBBS CAUSEY INSURANCE & REALTY CO.. Inc. 651 S. W. Broad SL — SOUTHERN PINES — Ph. OX 5-5525 CONSTRUCTION SALES — RENTALS • Auio - Fire - Casualty - Bonds - Life Insurance W. S. JOHNSON OX 5-4831 FOR RENT OR SALE Wheel Chairs, Crutches, Back Rest, In valid Walkers, Commode Chairs, Canes. Hospital Beds, Bed Trays Call us for any Sick Room Requirements SOUTHERN PINES PHARMACY Phone 2-53Z1 BARNUM REALTY & INSURANCE CO. 124 N. W. Broad St. Phone OX 5-7251 Southern Pines, N. C. FOR RENT Most complete list of rentals. Furnished and unfur nished houses and apartments in all price ranges. FOR SALE NE WLISTING—Strictly modern ranch style home in excellent location. Three bedrooms, each with private bath. Many unusual and attractive features. $28,()60. - Rentals and Sales' Listings Solicited. Complete Property Management and Insurance Service INSURANCE James S. Baird YQUi CY 4-7671 lusiiraiul REAL ESTATE Jerzy V. Healy OX 2-8694 John S. Buggies OX 2-8792 ^ i % FOR SALE OR RENT: 3 bed room home ill quiet wooded section of town. Central oil heat, basement. Phone 0X5-5551. j30tf

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