THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1958 1*ILOT—Southern Pines, North Carolina Page THREE Some Looks At Books By LOCKIE PARKER FOR THE LIFE OF ME by Robert Briscoe with Alden Hatch (Little. Brown $5.00). This book is gay and tragic and thorough ly Irish. The Jewish Lord Mayor of Dublin has had an eventful life and it suited him. This ac count of it in9ludes a good bit of history, enough action for a dozen tales of adventure and an irresistible sauce of humor. As a sample of the last two just try the chapter on “Saving the Soul of Charley McGuiness.” Bom in 1894 of strictly Jewish parents—^his father had emigra ted from Lithuania—^young Rob^ ert Briscoe grew up in Dublin and loved it. From the first he was a hearty lad, taking more honors in sports than in academic subjects. In 1912 his father ap prenticed him to an exporting firm in Germany. This business training and the connections made there were later to prove very useful to the Irish Republi cans. It was after the Easter Rising, in 1916 .that young Briscoe, who had just made a good start in business in America, decided he must take an active part in the fight for Irish independence. Then advei.tures begin. It was largely guerilla warfare, as the bold boys of Ireland plucked hairs from the beard of the Brit ish lion. Briscoe had his share of this, but was most effective at running guns and ammunition from Germany. It was bitter, ruthless fighting and it went on for five years. Then came the truce with Eng land that split the Irish Repub lican party in two. There follow ed the tragic days of fighting their old comrades. Eventually the Irish Republi can Army had to surrender to the superior forces of the Irish Free State, but led by De Valera they won by constitutional means most of the things they had been fighting for. Briscoe be came a deputy. Naturally he had to take time out now and then to run refugees into Israel or help arm the underg’-ound fighters there in their st »le for inde pendence. All this is recounted with the relish of someone who enjoys a good fight, but it was grim, too! This man’s devotion to the cause conscience not a love of adven ture, and it entailed great risks and \^acrifices. As an “Irishman by cOTviction’’ he was one of the last to give up the fight and con sent to follow his leader in try ing constitutional means. With or without an interest in the struggle for Irish indepen dence most readers will find this book enjoyable. THE PROSPECTS PLEASING by Honor Tracy (Random $3,501]. This, too, is a tale of Ireland but rollicking comedy as might be expected from the author of “The Straight and Narrow Path.” The subject is Art and Irish patriots and, as one member of the Art Com mittee remarks, “Conmon sense flies out of the window when patriotism comes in at the door.” In short, the book deals with the lunatic fringe who have got ten in the habit of blaming the British for all the ills of the land and continue to do so, producing some delightfully absurd charac ters such as the handsome old gentleman who complains regu larly to the British Embassy That the seagulls are persecuting him. The main plot concerns a'fan- tastic scheme to recover from a London gallery one of three paintings bequeathed to it by a Spanish artist “in memory of happy days spent at Yarmouth, Ramsgate and Ballybunion.” The Irish claim is based on mention of Ballybunion, and Tommy Dris coll is secretly despatched ^to London to steal the picture and bring it to Ireland. that mad, captivating play, vey,” knows how to do it; you plan to give this book, ten or twelve-year-old for Cl mas don’t miss the chance read it first. Ten-year-old Colin Masor not'know he had an older S until he heard twq women ing about her at the grc store—“an a^yful, bad girl.” he sets out to find her and covers a most unusual pe makes exciting reading, but I only the beginning. It is vi the wayward and eerie Lor comes back to live with the o: Masons that Colin learns the' cret of her strsmgeness and : attachment to the black where lights flicker at ni When he, too, crosses BY DR. KENNETH J. FOREMAN Bible Hatorlal: Matthew 8:1-17; Mark 1*29 ■•34 a. BeTotlonal Beading: Matthew 9:35-38. Body and Soul Lesson for November 16, 1958 Dr. Foreman not very brave or resourceful ex cept in his own imagination, but he meets up in London with the insouciant Felix Horniman, and'h^m Miss Tracy has a chance to con-i^'”^ trast the Irish and British tem peraments, a theme she loves. There is plenty of action in this story and almost as much suspense as a mystery, but most of all it sparkles with wit and comic situations. +1.“''.1“'through the typical —, the strai American community, the vis- bridge to the castle surprisjjtor gets the Impression that things happen and once disas healthy people live here. All the looms for all the children, i persons he sees are able-bodied and ABE Colin’s courage and ingenuity (active. But if you laid out on the them through, that and Mrs. Ncourthouse lawn all the sick, the son’s iridomitable motherlineslame or the incapacitated, who be- The book has authentic majl°"8 com- —■.«—>«- and the characters are real a?’^ unity, y o u loveable. , might think it a I pretty sickly PASS by Jim Kjelgaard dMolk carefully out Mead $3.00). Unable to find sight, liable facts about how the gre, But is is difter- dogs called St. Bernards firsnt in the Orient, pame to the Alpine Hospiovhere people where they help the monks ivith all sort of their rescue work, Jim Kjelgaail'®®®®®*' every has constructed a plausible different in Palestine dramatic story about it. With, hP ou made a real character of Caesar^^„tall ill) to the house where the first dog to be accepted bjegug was staying, And collected the monks as helper. round the door, a melancholy Caesar belonged to Franz Hallejght. a Swiss boy who was the despaii of his parents because he did no«opl6 an Mora Than Soult get on in school and showed no That happened to be a Sabbath aptitude for farming, herdingay, and Jesus had been (as we goats or any practical occupation.ould say) to church and had He only liked to roam the woodsiught there. He had also restored with Caesar. At a crisis in his man who had been imder the in affairs the village priest proposes'^®"®® screaming devil, if in- that he go and help the monks of s®** h® himself; and the St. Bernard Hospice in their privately he had work and even gets permission his host’s mother. In the fnr hirv, ^ oming she had been too sick to for him to take Caesar. A new church; after Jesus had cured r she was able to get a meal for Bookmobile Schedule Tommy is a dreamy youth and f )t verv bravp m- Wanted, useful, happy. LORETTA MASON POTTS by Mary Chase (Lippincott $3.50). Here is one of those rare mix tures of realism and fantasy that are so enthralling to the imagin ative person, child or adult. ^ .. W .W ~ VSIAXU. \J1 dUUH. of independence was a matter of Needless^ to say the author of But, as winter closes in, it is found that Caesar eats too much and the order is given to send „ , a tragic moment for boy and dog. Then a blizzard comes, and the uncan ny talent of the dog for finding people buried deep in snow is proved again and the day is sav ed. Mid Pines Club —and— Qolfotel Southern Pines, North Carolina i Where Golf and Hospilaliiy Are Traditional ^ OWNED AND MANAGED BY The Cosgroves Julius Boros, Professional SAVE WITH SAFEH At 'Southeastern Carolina's largest Saving Center ! Ql/oOA CURRENT RATE OF v/z /o-dividend per year Rites Wednesday For Mrs. Helen Flanagan Mrs. Helen Maney Flanagan, 65, retired school teacher, died Sat urday at St. Josephs Hospital. Requiem Mass was held Wed nesday at 9 a.m. at the Cathedral in Springfield, Mass., with burial in St. Bernards Cemetery in Fit chburg, Mass. » She had made her home with her sister and only immediate sur vivor, Mrs. J. J. Spring. Top foreign markets for U. S. farm products last year were the United Kingdom, Japan, Canada, West Germany and the Nether lands. NORTH CAROLINA MOORE COUNTY notice The undersigned, having qual- ified as Executrix of the Estate L. Baxter,' deceased, late of Moore County, North Caro lina, this is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to present them to the undersign ed on or before the 10th day of October, 1959, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recov ery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immed iate payment to the undersigned the 9th day of October’ l^DO. Mary B. Baxter Executrix of the Estate of Charles L. Baxter Southern Pines, North Caro lina. O 9-16-23-30 N 6-13 A kJXAW O— - e family. (Jesus’ cures were not If-way starts.) You might think would be tired, and probably he is; but this yard-full c’ sick' ople, out under the twilight sky, jved him to action. He did not say, and he never said any occasion of record, to the :k that tKeir sickness was doing em good, just accept it! He di^ .t say, “I am a physician of souls my interest .is in the spirit of an, not his body.” And above all, did not say, “All your pain and ffering, your broken legi, your cers, are not real, they are only istakes in your mortal mind, (ink you are well and you will • well; for pain and illness do not 1st.” Quite the contrary; Jesus^ 13 concerned for these leople’ ysical heklth, he made c res o al diseases. For he was intrest ^ ■ove all in people, and ore than souls, they are ^ '"•dies. ' ' » )dy Supports Soul The Christian church iming awake to this lew it all the time, bu •e doing something at reat Interest in heali' jw being shown by e9 he” churches, the ptals operated by tis contribution tt (k in Boy Scoij gounds andi tbn towar art evidencl hai been ra^ tlan hospit tains writel meeting wij success, lean whe One ol first, have healthi in tho must glecl ter./ and OPEN FRIDAY to 8:30 P.M. NIGHTS—5:30 Savings received by the lOtii of the month earn from the 1st. • ACCOUNTS INSURED • EXPERIENCED MANAGE MENT • SUBSTANTIAL RESERVES liHome Federal Savings and Loan Association Fayetteville’s Urgest Savings Center*241 Green Street STATE OF NORTH CAROLINJ COUNTY OF MOORE ADMINISTRATRIX'S NOTICj The undersigned, Marie Ce^ Wicker, having duly qualified the administratrix of the ei of Marvin Stacy Wicker, d€ ed, late of the above named i ty and state, all persons claims of whatsoever against the said Marvir^ Wicker, deceased, are heij ified to exhibit the saidi^ claims to the undersigij before the 16th day 1959, or this notice wij| ed in bar of their re persons indebted Marvin Stacy Wich are hereby request^ said indebtedness signed immediate)! This the 16th 1958. MARIE CEC O16-23-30,N6-li Tuesday—Mt. Carmel Rt. Mrs. Art Zenns, 10; Mrs. Sandy Black, 10:15; Mrs. Lloyd Chriscoe, 10:30; Mrs. E. F. Whitaker, 10:45; , Mrs. H. A. Freeman, 11; Mrs. Vernon Lisk, 11:45; Mrs. V. L. Wilson, 12; Mrs. Coy Richardson, 12:15; Mrs. Herbert Harris, 12:30; Mrs. A. A. LawhOn, 12:45; Mrs. Tracy Sea- well, 1; Miss Rumell Gordon, 1:10; Mrs. S. E. Hannon, 1:20; Mrs. Joyce Haywood, 1:35; Mrs. John Willard, 1:50. Wednesday—^Roseland Rt. Mrs. H. M. Kirk, 10; Mrs. W. E. Brown, 10:45; Mrs. Calvin Eaton, 11; Mrs. Marvin Hartsell, 11:15; Mrs. W. R. Robeson, 11:30; Mrs. R. E. Morton, 11:45; Mrs. C. S. Galyean, 12; Colonial Hts, 12:15; Mrs. J. J. Greer, 1:15. Thursday—Robbins Rt. Mrs. Perry Smith, 10:15; Mrs. K. C. Maness, 10:30; Mps. Janie Mc Neill, 10:45; Mrs. G. S. Williams, 11; Mrs. Etta Morgan, 11:15; Mrs. James Allen, 11:30; Mrs. Audrey Moore, 11:45; Miss Beatrice Shef field, 12; Mrs. E. C. Derreberry, 12:10; Talc Mine, 12:25; Mrs. Vernon Allen, 12:45. Friday—White Hill Rt. Mrs. J. V. Easom, 10:15; Mrs. M. D. Mc- Iver, 10:S0; Mrs. Arthur Salmon, 11; Mrs. Arthur Gaines, 11:15; Bill Cameron, 11:30; Mrs. A. D. Denny, 11:45; Mrs. Wesley Thomas 11:55; Mrs. Lynn Thomas, 12:10; Mrs. Dan Clark, 12:45; Mrs. Robert Hendricks, 1; Mrs. W. E. Home, 1:15; Mrs. W. E. Horne Jr., 1:30;. Mrs. J. L. Danley, 1:45. 1| Parkway Cleaners 141 E. Penn. Ave. SOUTHERN PINES 3-^HOUR SERVICE For the Best in Cleaning and Pressing , Call 0X 5-7242 Eastman Dillon, Union Securities & Co. Members New York Stock Exchange 105 East Pennsylvania Avenue Southern Pines, N. C. Telephone: Southern Pines OX 5-7311 Complete Investment and Brokerage Facilities Direct Wire to our Main Office in New York A. E. RHINEHART Resident Manager Consultations by appointment on Saturdays Christmas Books For All from Baby to Grandfather A Christmas Alpabet Golfing America The Art of French Cooking The Southern Christmas Book Exploring the Planets and now is the time to send Advent Calendars 180 West Penn. OX 2-3211 Attend The Church of Your Choice Next Sunday X ; i 4# w' ,_we pause i , it isn’t rel thankfuyj ;a time