Uiqh To)! RoW''"'> Glqndon larcond Cafljiiui|«. / ^^aqkopqs. Cameron LoVtvi^/’Vasi Ml p.ll«rbe VOL. 40—NO. 33 SIXTEEN PAGES SOUTHERN PHES, N. C., THURSDAY, JULY 7, 1960 SIXTEEN PAGES PRICE: 10 CENTS f Parking Changes To Be Considered Again by Council The controversial question of whether changes will be made in the parking system on Pennsyl vania Ave. will come before the town council at its regular July meeting Tuesday night of next week in town hall. Following a public hearing on the matter at the June meeting, the three councilmen present voted to defer action until July, so that all five members of the council could make a decision. The issue is whether to change parking on both sides of Pennsyl vania Ave., between Broad and Bennett Sts., from the present diagonal system to parallel. More than 25 parking spaces would be lost if the change were made. At issue, tAo, but not arousing much interest, one way or anoth er, is the proposal to prohibit parking on the south side of Pennsylvania Ave., between Ashe St. and May St. Both the changes were asked by the State Highway Commis sion as essential if the State were to designate an Alternate No. 1 highway route through Southern Pines. The council had requested that such a route be established, after approving a recommenda tion tor the route from the Town Advertising Committee. When the committer i.-iatte the recommendation for the Alter nate No. 1 route, it was not known that the Highway Com mission would stipulate parking changes as a condition for estab lishing the route. The route would use Pennsyl vania Ave., between the No. 1 parkway and May St., and May St., north of Pennsylvnaia Ave., taking both northbound and southbound traffic past the Infor mation Center at the corner of Pennsylvania Ave. and Broad St. If the Alternate No. 1 were es tablished officially by the High way Commission, it would appear on oil' company highway maps. This, the Advertising Committee believes, would encourage motor ists to visit the town because they would have a marked route, in and out. At the June meeting, business men presented a petition indica ting unanimous opposition to the parking change on Pennsylvania between Broad and Bennett by business people in that block and on the half block of Broad north of Pennsylvania. Joe Montesanti, Jr., who pre sented the petition to the council last month and spoke for the mer chants against a change that would decrease parking space on Pennsylvania, said he had also queried his customers and found only one in 185 who approved the proposed change to parallel park ing. Councilmen John Buggies and Harry Pethick were absent from the June meeting. Mayor R. S. Ewing, and Councilman Jimmy Hobbs and Felton Capel decided at that time to defer final action on the parking matter until the absent members could be present. Also on the docket for Tues day’s meeting is a' public hearing (Continued on page 8) u i % » * * rS HONORED — John M. Howarth, left, retiring member and for many years chairman of the Southern Pines city board of education, receives from N. L. Hodgkins, chairman of the board, an inscribed silver tray as a gift from the board in recognition of his long service. At right is Dr. Vida McLeod, who also retired from the board on June 30, to whom the board of education had previously presented a silver ice bucket in rec- , - ognition of her service. Both Mr. Howarth and Dr. McLeod also were presented gifts by the faculty at a dinner meeting held shortly after school closed—a desk pen set for Mr. Howarth and a silver plate for Dr. McLeod. The presen tation pictured here took pjace last Thursday night just before a board of education meeting at the office of Supt. Luther A. Adams. (Humphrey photo) Anniversary of Conservation District Marked Pupils Assigned For Coming Year Acting under the North Caro lina pupil assignment law, the Southern Pines city board of ed ucation has assigned pupils in the schools of East and West South ern Pines for the coming school year to the same schools that they attended during the past school year. All other children will be assigned to a school upon request for admission, when received by the board. Parents of any child who de sire that the child attend a school other than the one to which he has been assigned must file a Witten application to the board of education before July 25. The application should be filed through the superintendent of schools, Luther A. Adams, the law provides. Failure to file such an applica tion, the law states, shall indicate that the assignment by the board of education is satisfactory. S. Vernon Stevens of Broadway Friday night received the 1960 Layman’s Achievement Award from the N. C. Chapter of the Soil Conservation Society of America. Presentation of the citation came as a surprise feature of the dinner marking the 20th anniver sary of the Upper Cape Fear Soil Conservation District which was field at the Buffalo Presbyterian church fellowship hall. Robert J. Bowers, chairman of the Lee county board of supervisors, pre sided. Attending the event from Moore County were the three Moore County SCS supervisors, James .Fulk (who is also president of the Upper Cape Fear Conservation District), J. Hawley Poole, and 'Mrs. Poole, and Harold Purvis; Jalso W. K. Keller, Moore County fwork unit conservationist; F. D. Allen, county agricultural agent; and T. Clyde Auman. An address by Dr. David S. Weaver, Director of the N. C. State Extension Service, sketches of the 20-yeaT progress made by the soil conservation district and recognition of guests highlighted ..he dinner which attracted ap- pinximately 100 friends of conser vation from Lee, Moore, and Har nett counties. In other action the group on recommendation of Paul Bar ringer, Sr. instructed the Lee board of supervisors to prepare a special resolution praising the long services of Dr. Hugh Ben nett, former director U. S. Soil Conservation Service, who lies critically ill in Burlington at Ala mance Hospital. W. O. Lambeth, Lumberton, area v/ork unit conservationist, presented the conservation award to Stevens which read as follows: (Continued on page 8) QUIET FOURTH Violence look no lives in Moore Coknty. over Ihe long July 4 weefe^Ld, allhough 18 I>ersons died in traffic acci dents over Ihe slate. 1 trice as many as last year. The ISSC weekend was one day longer than in 1959. Sheriff W. B. Kelly and Police Chief C. E. Newton re ported a quiet weekend in their departments, with no more than routine offenses. A few minor accidents took place on the highways and in towns of the county, but there were no major smash-ups. fatalities or serious injuries. Drive for Burned Child Continues A drive started recently to aid Angela McLean, a little six-year- old girl of Addor who was severe ly burned on Christmas Eve, 1959, will continue through July, ac cording to Mrs. Felton Capel, chairman. Donations totaling $200 have been received from many individ uals, churches and organizations. Merchants throughout the Sand hills have given gifts of clothing or toys and all is greatly apprec iated, Mrs. Capel said. Angela is still hospitalized but is progressing satisfactorily. She is hoping to be able to enter school in the fall, but if she can’t a group of volunteer workers plan to help her with her studies. Contributiqns may be sent to “Angela McLean Drive,’’ care of Mrs. Capel, 1009 W. Pennsylvania Ave., Southern Pines. Highway Safety Demonstration Called Success About 2,100 soft drinks in small cups, along with traffic safety pamphlets, were given to motor ists during the safety project con ducted by the Southern Pines Junior Chamber of Conunerce Monday (July 4) afternoon, dur ing the heavy traffic hours of 2 to 5 p. m. Paul B. Boroughs, Jr., chairman of the Jaycees committee in charge of the project, said that the reaction of motorists who stopped was good. All expressed their appreciation for the refresh ments and their interest in the project, he said. The committee—composed of eight Jaycees and* four Jaycettes, members of a recently organized group of wives of Jaycees—set up the safety demonstration, with the help of the State Highway Patrol, on the northbound lane of tiie No. 1 highway parkway, north of Southern Pines. A wrecked automobile was placed at the site, to attract at tention, in line with the traffic safety theme. Out-of-state motorists were given descriptive material about North Carolina, as well as high way safety literature. The project was rated a success ly the Jaycees, Mr. Boroughs said. Campbell Dinner Set for Tonight Moore County civic and religi ous leaders will gather at 7:30 p. m. today at the Jefferson Inn for a dinner meeting in connection with the development program of Campbell College, Buies Creek. Guest speakers will be C. B. Deane of Rockingham, former 8th District Congressman, and C. A. Pitts of Pinehurst, lay evangelist. The Rev. C. A. Kirby, Baptist minister of Carthage, and Willis Kivett of Southern Pines are co- cnairmen for the meeting. Commissioners Told Precinct Lines Outdated Moo-e county’s precinct lines are a network of confusion, a hand-me-down from horse and buggy days, and badly need to be re-drawn, the 'commissioners heard in regular session Tuesday from Board of Elections Chair man Sam C. Riddle. ’ Riddle said the whole county needs re-districting, with some precincts merged or divided and at least one eliminated, and that his board has the authority to do it except for one’thing: in at least three places a needed change would involve changing a town ship line also, which can be done only through legislative action backed by the commissioners. He specified the three places as the line between McNeill and Sandhill township, dividing the Southern Pines community and precinct; and places on the Ben- salem and Ritters boundaries with Robbins where unnecessary jogs are made. The McNeill-Sandhill line was re-drawn recently by R. E. Wick er on order of the commissioners, as requested by Southern Pines, to accord with'the old Morganton Road. This old road has now largely disappeared and, instead of following the new road, the township line, which is also the precinct line, touches it only here and there, wandering otherwise through woods, fields and lots, Mr. Riddle said. He said a recent questionnaire had shown that most of the peo ple, of the southern part of the Southern Pines community, thus divided for voting purposes from their neighbors, wanted to vote in McNeill township and South ern Pines precinct rather than Sandhill and Aberdeen, and he thought they ought to do it. To Commissioner Chairman L, R. Reynolds’ question, “But sup pose there is somebody who doesn’t want to be changed?” Riddle answered, “Well, you can’t hope to please everybody except a few politicians.” Riddle made no formal request of the commissioners, but said he wanted them “to be thinking about it,” that some day the issue might give them “a lot of trouble.” Whereas a township can con tain one or several precincts, he said, they should not cross the township line because of possible contests for the offices of con stable or justice of the peace. Where as the township lihe^ are official, and appear on many (Continued on Page 8) School Building Requests Cut lu Moore Budget Settiuj* S1.35 Rate The county commissioners, re taining the county tax rate at $1.35 per $100 valuation, placed their estimated budget for 1960- 61 on file for public inspection Friday, but have no plans to pub lish a summary in county papers as they have done heretofore. John C. Muse, county auditor, said at the commissioners’ meet ing Monday that his office couldn’t get copies ready in time for last week’s papers, and that if the budget is published, it should be at the beginning of the 20-day inspection period. He said that, contrary to the popular impression, such publica tion is not required by law, and if anybody wants to see it he can go to the register of deeds office. ' The budget estimate shows that during 1960-61 the commissioners will be operating a $1,320,769 business for the citizens of Moore, based on a property valuation of $50,000,000. Last year the total was $1,206,023, based on $47,000,- 000 property valuation. Amounts allotted to the var ious departments for 1960-61 are as follows: General Fund, $444,- 218; revaluation reserve, $17,500; health department, $48,310; wel- 'fare department, $113,011; poor, $20,000; debt service, $5,362, mak ing a total for all departments other than schools, of $648,701. For the schools—Moore county, ■Southern Pines and Pinehurst systems—sums are allocated as follows: current expense, $294,- T96; capital outlay, $345,705; debt service, $32,467. Total, $672,368. Comparing with last year, it is seen that the General Fund esti mate has gone up $26,518, from $417,000; health department, up by only $104, from $48,206; wel fare',''.by $955, from $112,156; poor, idown^ \^,000, from $27,000; and debt sCTi^e, down $238, from $5,600. \ For schoolh current expense is estimated up $8,355 from last year’s $285,341 ;'^apital outlay, up $70,705 from $2X5.000; and debt service, down $2,635? $35,120. Thus, estimated Expenses for departments other fthan schools run higher this year\by $38,639; for schools, by $76,397. NEW ITEM Only new item in the 1960- 61 county budget summary is that of $17,500 for revaluation reserve. Holding their regular ses sion Tuesday the commission ers explained the property revaluation is planned for 1963, and they are preparing for it by setting aside a re serve fund. The intention is to increase the reserve year by year, so when revaluation time rolls around the money will be there. The 1950 revaluation, which took about a year and a half, cost about $65,000. ue show total tax levy d)?P®cted to be around $675,000, ^be sum of $590,626 was employ®^ budget-balancing purposes, t« bl- low for uncollectible taxes, lectors’ commissions and taxpffy" ers’ discounts which will cost county an estimated $84,374. Re enue to be obtained from sourcei othr than the tax levy is listed 'as $730,143. With the new fiscal year start ing July 1, and well under way by this week’s meeting, the com missioners adopted the usual res olution enabling them to do busi ness at the same rat$ as before pending adoption of the budget July 20. Plan for Changing Jaypee Operations Offered to Board A plan to “take the justice of the peace out of the position of finding a person guilty, or receiv ing no pay,” by making him a county employee, paid by and ac countable to the county, was dis cussed with considerable interest .■by the county commissioners Tuesday. The detailed plan was present ed by Charles MacLeod, Carthage justice of the peace, who asked that, if it found favor, it be trans lated into legislative action. The commissioners said they would study the plan further and that on its face it appeared to have “much merit.” According to the plan, magis trates would be selected in the same manner as they are now, but limited to two per township, with at least one in each incor porated town. These would consti tute in effect an arm of the coun ty judicial system, on county sal ary, reporting to and audited by the county authorities, who could also remove a justice for improper conduct of his office. Costs would all be turned in to the county, and the magistrate would receive from these funds ($5 per trial held, regardless of Sources and estimates\t’^ reven- whether the defendant were found guilty or not guilty. There would, however, be one magistrate, or more if necessary, who would be furnished his office and materials by the county and receive' no ad ditional return for individual cases. WaBs Up on Two New Structures On S. W. Broad St. BOWERS IN HOSPITAL Alden (Pee Wee) Bowers of S. Bennett St., window clerk at the Southern Pines post office, is at Moore Memorial Hospital where he has been a patient since July 4 when he was taken ill at his home. Walls are up and roof work starting on two adjoining busi ness buildings in the 600 block of S. W. Broad St. ' David McCallum, owner of the property, of Southern Pines, is buildipg the two adjoining struc tures. The larger, 110 by 48 feet, will be leased to Thomasson Furniture Co., Mr. McCallum said this week. The smaller 26 by 50 feet, will be occupied for professional offices by Col. C. B. Foster, now of Fort Bragg, an ophthalmologist, who is expected to move to Southern Pines and open a practice on com pletion of his military service. Of brick and block construction, the buildings are located between the former Dietenhofer and Heart- field brokerage office and the former Southern Pines Motor Co. 'building. The Thomasson Furniture Co. is temporarily located in the for- 'mer motor company building. The space vacated by the furn iture company 6n N. E. Broad St. is now occupied by the N. C. Na tural Gas Co. offices. Mr. McCaUum said that he ex pects the new buildings will be completed in about 90 days. Cushman Nailed [To Moore County [industry Group Robert M. Cushman, of South- jkn Pines, executive vice-presi- ^g\it of the Amerotron Company, witl beem missi' the Ml velop At offices at Aberdeen, has named by the county com iners as a new member of fore County Industrial De- mt Committee, ir meeting in Carthage Tuesday, I the commissioners heard report of the commit- presented by James lobbins, committee the annua tee’s wor’ Steed of chairman. — , , ■ Mr Steed SF" other members of the commit^® ^ere reappoint ed by the co^issmners They are D. A. Blue, J*- Ward Hill ^nd Norris L. Hodgki ern Pines; Ben L. B. Creath, Pi Mills, Pinebluff; Carthage; H. L. bins; A. G. Edwa; Hayes Harbour, Ca Johnson, West En(^f| Purvis, Parkwood. . jis, Jr. of South- Ijicks, Aberdeen; ^ehurst; E. H. kWilton Brown, I'illiams, Rob- |ls, Jr., Vass; keron; Billy and Norman First steps toward consolidation of high schools, planned by the county board of education, will apparently not be taken in the next year. The $200,000 the board had lequested to buy land and get the work going was chopped out, along with numerous lesser items, as the board was forced to revise its original budget requests sharply downward. Requesting a total of $851,982 for the county schools during 1960-61, the board had to trim its requests by nearly half, to $459,144 oh direction of the county commissioners. Wasting no energy on fighting, T. ,Roy Phillips and Howard Mat thews, board members, with Supt. Robeit E. Lee, sought approval of the county commissioners Tuesday for their revised budget. They did not get it immediately. The commissioners said they would study it further and—de spite efforts of Commissioner W. S. Taylor to hold the study on tne spot, while the school men were there to answer questions— decided to hold a special meeting later. The Southern Pines and Pine hurst city school systems also took cuts in capital outlay re quests in the proposed budget. Southern Pines, asking for $105,000 to complete and equip a new wing to the high school (to be added to $90,000 appropri ated in the past fiscal year) was allotted $72,750. Norris L. Hodgkins, local board of education chairman, said today that a request has been made for enough additional funds to at least get started on the construction so that three classes of students who will have to start the school year in church facilities next fall could be moved into the new building by about the middle of the coming school year. No allotment was made to Southern Pines on its request for all or part of $175,000 for a West Southern Pines high school. Pinehurst received a capital outlay allotment of $47,250. Supt. Lewis Cannon said that $45,000 of this amount was to be put with $45,000 being held from the past year, to construct a new gymna sium at Academy Heights school. The additional $2,250 is to be ap plied on a request for a $7,500 water tank needed at the Acade my Heights plant to meet fire protection laws. The Pinehurst schools did not receive a $10,000 request for reno vation and equipment of the science department at the Pine hurst High School. The county’s request had been for $610,300 (including the $200,- OGO for consolidation) for capital outlay, and $241,682 for current expenses. The revised budget lists $225,705 in capital outlay and $233,439 current expense. The commissioners asked a few questions, indicating special con cern with three items—$70,000 toward an administrative build ing, shop and garage; $6,000 for a county school librarian, and $2,- 000 salary supplement for Supt. Lee. The delegation defended these items. The administration build ing was a necessity for efficient operation, said Supt. Lee citing the fact that his office, those of the supervisors and guidance di rector and the county garage are scattered about in four or five separate locations; that they lack adequate room and need far more storage space. The shop and gar age, he said, was also important (Continued on page 8) Moore Officiifcl® Attend Meetinm? C. C. Kennedy, clerk o: Coimty Superior Court,. thage, Mrs. Kennedy a Rachel Comer, deputy « court, are attending the four-day gathering of North Moore ■f Car- i Mrs. rk of nnual Car olina clerks of court at New Wednesday through SaturdK^' The meeting is sponsored by t^^® Institute of Government at Chai el Hill and is designed to heljP’ clerks of court improve their se^, victs to the people of the state.i Local Methodist Pastor Remains The Rev. R. C. Mooney, Jr., pastor of the Southern Pines Methodist Church, was reappoint ed to the local church at the an nual meeting of the North Caro lina Methodist Conference last week in Rocky Mount. All other Methodist pastors in Moore Coimty were likewise re turned to their charges with the exception that the Rev, Max Richardson was sent to the Rob bins charge from the St. Pauls- Grace churches in Richmori^ County.

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