m Page TWO THURSDAY, JULY 7, 1960- “Beware Of False Prophets” ILOT Southern Pines North Carolina “In taking over The Pilot no changes are contemplated. We will try to keep this a good paper. We will try to make a little money for all concerned. Wherever there seems to be an occasion to use our influence for the public good we will try to'do it. And we will treat everybody alike.”—James Boyd, May 23, 1941. The Press and the Primary Campaign Attacks on the North Carolina press by I. Beverly Lake during his unsuccessful cam paign for the Democratic gubernatorial nom ination have brough*^ the press and its func tion—its purpose and its responsibilities—into the spotlight. While some newspapers have ignored these attacks, others, feeling they were entirely undeserved, have taken the op portunity to review their treatment of the can didates in the campaign and to reaffirm the press’s freedom in a democracy. The North Carolina press was almost uni formly against Lake in the second primary campaign—a circumstance that should have given him and his supporters cause to wonder and worry about their campaign, we would think. And apparently it did cause them to worry—but instead of asking themselves what it was in their program that so stirred up the press against them, they lashed out at the press, assuming that there was some sort of conspiracy against Lake or that somehow Terry Sanford had managed to intimidate the dozens and dozens of daily and weekly news paper editors into supporting him. The press of North Carolina is remarkably devoted to the health and well-being of the state and has, as noted in a Pilot editorial during the campaign “for many years helped to shape, nourish and define the special char acter of the state.” This is a phenomenon that may or may not be true in other states, but we feel that it is especially characteristic of North Carolina. This sense of The State is remarkably appar ent, for instance, when newspaper folks from Manteo to Murphy gather for their N. C. Press Association conventions. The plain fact, was that the vision of the future, the ideals and aspirations (or rather, the lack of vision, ideals and aspirations') that Lake projected during his gloomy, race-con scious campaign was in conflict with the image of the state that Tarheel editors share with such remarkable unanimity. So they op posed the man they held responsible for this threat. On the state level. Lake held no regular press conferences and Sanford did—s» natur ally, Sanford appeared to ge getting more at tention from the press. This newspaper used all the news given it of Lake activities in Moore County and this area, yet so silent were the Lake supporters that The Pilot had to obtain even some of the major Lake news items of interest indirectly. This newspaper printed a large number of endorsements of the Sanford candidacy, from leading citizens Of the county, and it would have printed similar endorsements of the Lake candidacy, but none was offered. It seemed al most as though Lake supporters wanted to keep their names out of the newspapers, whereas many Sanford backers eagerly step ped forward to endorse their candidate. The very fact that Lake appeared to dis trust the press and launched an attack on it was a powerful ar.gument against his nomina tion, in the minds of many observers who have nothing to do with t.he newspaper busi ness but who saw in this attitude a potential authoritarianism that repelled them. The people of North Carolina can be proud of the part that the press took in the primary cpmpaign. With few exceptions, the press pre sented the news of the campaign and the posi tions of the two candidates fairly and fully. That an overwhelming proportion of the press chose to support Sanford editorially does not constitute bias. That was the way the editors —who are as independent and honest as any such group of editors anywhere in the nation —saw the campaign. It was not they that the Lake forces attacked, but the freedom which is their constitutional right and privilege. Air Pollution: Now’s the Time to Act The fact that North Carolina is in an area with relatively small air pollution problems is an argument not for complacency but for strong and effective action before such prob lems do mount to serious proportions. Some Tarheels were no doubt surprised to read in a recent report by the State Board of Health—made afeer a nine-months’ study— that “air pollution is a matter of increasing concern in North Carolina.” The industrialization that North Carolina seeks brings with it the threat of more air pollution—though it must be pointed out that a large proportion of the industries moving into the state or being set up or expanded here now use electricity as a major source of power. This is, happily, true of almost all the indus tries in this area. Yet the report lists property damage and vegetation damage from asphalt paving ma terial plants, and threats to air purity in vary ing degrees from smoke (industrial and mu nicipal establishments), dust and smoke from lumber and wood plants and odors and proper ty damage from pulp and paper mills, as well as complaint about open dumps and poorly operated sewage disposal plants in several cities. ^' From the founding of the Sandhills as a resort area more than a half century ago— when the “ozone” of the pine-sbented air hereabouts was credited with mir'aculous cur ative properties—to the present when visitors from smog-stricken areas still breathe deeply and happily here, good air bias been one of this area’s most valuable coimmodities. Sandhills residents, therefore, should' make f every effort to defend and maintain the purity of the air here and should support legislation recommended by the State Board of Health to prevent air pollution throughout North Carolina. { We should be thankful in this state that we are spared the Almost insurmountable air pollution problems that plague some areas of the nation. Let’s 'lo all we can to make sure these problems w'ill never arise in this state. < Moral Aspect of Traffic Aci^idents 'The order by a Catholic bishop in Louisiana, denying Christian burial tq persons found criminally negligent in highway accidents, may be received with varying degrees of ap proval by Catholics and non-Catholics—but the action does serve to point out in a dra matic way the moral factor in operating an automobile. Driving is such a commonplace action and most drivers violate minor and major traffic laws with such impunity that operation of an automobile becomes dissociated from the re- 'Theatre in the Pines’ The organization or preliminary organiza tion of the “Theatre in the Pines,” an amateur community theatre group, has The Pilot’s best f wishes. It has been about 10 years since such group was active nere, with the exception shows like the auTiual “Scandals of the Sai hills” at Pinehurst which uses amateur talfjnt with professional direction..- Success -of hhe “Scandals,” in fact, bodes well for the pro posed Theatre in the Pines effort. / The folks interested in the theatre aroup will meet again, July 18, when further .‘plans will be made. Mrs. Nancy Sfamey, the Rtaleigh drama specialist v/hose visit here fori three days under the summer recreation program sparked and helped organize local /interest in a community theatre, pointed out tchat such a theatre would have special significance in a resort area where it should prov* an added attraction to winter visitors. f Reports indicate plenty of taW;nt, interest .organizing ability available. Y^ith commu- _venture shoMdd not lack ( sponsibility for'life and death that is civilized man’s top iter^ in the moraMaw. A person who would never walk down a street poinlnng a loaded gun at each person he passes jt^ll perform acts of equivalent irre- sponsibiljfllj. on the highway and not relate them to / any moral consideration. It is a rare driver ^ho has never endangered the lives of himselff and others by some action on the high- way-^yet do any of us feel the shame and guil/t, because of such actions, that we would fegfl if we had threatened others with a gun other weapon? It is puzzling, but all the more striking, to [the layman to note that the bishop’s order- does not apply to persons involved in acci dents which result in the death of others, but only to those guilty of criminal negligence in accidents in which they themselves die. In the account of the order which we saw, this was not explained. Of course, actions so neg ligent that a driver is killed would, on the open highway, almost automatically consti tute a threat to other persons on the road. The great number of one-car accidents and the many such accidents that result in death of the driver seem, to indicate that people have even less feeling of moral responsibility when driving alone than when driving with others. Many such accidents, in fact, might well be listed as suicides, so flagrant has been the neglect of considerations of self-preservation. It has been said over and over that moral responsibility will be, in the end, the only ef fective deterrent to traffic accidents, but never has this point been made with such conviction and effectiveness as in the Louisi ana bishop’s order. No matter what we think of the order, it should cause us all to ponder deeply the moral issue involved. I Wmr' A Dangerous Jeffersonian By GERALD W. JOHNSON The staid and decorous city of Baltimore is not in a class with Tokyo in the matter of uproarious academicians, but at that it did pretty well last week when the learned Dr. H. Bentley Glass, of the Johns Hopkins University, took to the warpath. Oh, he didrn’l; go rioting in the streets, noi. did they have to subdue him with a fire hose, but he s .artled the na tives all right ^y-iVn an unexpurgat ed opinion of that triumph of Mulylutwi statecraft, the Ober law. The Ober law is among the first and among the most vicious of that flood of hysterical enact ments precipitated by the epidem ic of McCarthyism of ten years ago. It was a paternal effort on the part of the Maryland legisla ture to'" protect the United States Government which, in the opinion of the legislature, obviously lack ed the wisdom and energy to take care of itself. Eventually, as re gards federal employes, an un grateful Supreme Court slapped down such efforts on the theory that protection of the Union is the business of Congress, not of the solons at Annapolis; but it re mains in force as far as the state’s hired hands are concerned. Hit the Ceiling Dr. Glass is a biol-ogist who for many years has specialized in the study of the effects of radiation on the human organism. In that capacity he has been for a long time an adviser to the Atomic Energy Commission and a mem ber of the National Academy of Sciences committee on the genetic effects of atomic radiation. Few if any Americans know more than Glass about the effects of radia tion, so when the state decided recently to set up a Radiation Control Advisory Board, Gover- He’ll Wave Back (New York Herald-Tribune) The sight of a dirt road leading away from black asphalt is an irresistible invitation to many drivers and to many walkers too, if many there still be. What scene of hidden charm lies behind the leaf-fringed curves winding away into the back country? The slow cruise of the car through the trees, the whisper of the bumper grazing the grasses of the tufted uown, the brush of over-reaching branches, the crunch of pebbles —these are the sounds of peace and solitude. The prospect ahead is never distant; dirt roads do not run straight. Peace, solitude—and timeless ness. If there are telephone poles they are unnoticeable. This is the real wayside once more, no bar ren shoulders, no ugly signs, no gas stations, none of the agitated boredom of the modern highway. The natural history books used to speak of “wayside” flowers and •■‘wayside” birds. Well, here they are. And if you meet another traveler, perhaps a boy coming home from a country school, it is quite proper and natural to wave to him. He will wave back. nor Tawes as a matter of course appointed Dr. Glass as a member, and Dr. Glass intended to accept. But it appears that membership on the board is an,o.iiice within the meaning of the statute, so to qualify each-, t.iember must take an oath/ that he is not a spiritual -heir of Judas Iscariot, Benedict Arnold and Vidkung Quisling, and when given that information the Johns Hopkins scholar hit the ceiling. If he had to take any such insulting and ridiculous oath, said Dr. Glass in effect, the Governor could get himself another boy. Triply Suspect The wrath of Dr. Glass merely as a gentleman and a scholar is understandable, but it does sug gest that he has spent so much time in the laboratory that he is * out of touch with what has been going on in this country. By the standards now prevailing in American public life, he, far from being above suspicion, is triply suspect. For he is by training a scientist, by political affiliation a Democrat, and by religious persuasion a Bap tist. 'Well, a scientist is supposed to know something, and in these days anybody who knows any thing is presumed to be highly susceptible to Communist wiles. Then we have the word of the Heir Apparent for it that the Democrats perpetrated twenty years of treason; and wasn’t it the Democrat, Wilson, who lost Russia to the Communists in 1916? Fin ally, the Baptists — or at least the Southern Baptists, much the larger group — are so violently opposed to having their con sciences bound that they will not affiliate even with the Federal Council of Churchds, let alone the Eisenhower Administration. Under the law as it stands in Maryland a man who is learned is suspected; a man who is learned and liberal is indicted; and a man who is learned, liberal, and inde- The Public Speaking Will Man Use the Atom Selfishl'y or for Others? To the Editor: A complete new horizon of un limited wideness has been open ed to mankind by, the smallest known particle of an element, the atom. I have often wondered how a particle of substance so small is able to possess so much poten tial energy; energy which may make or break the very world on which we reside. How does man intend to use the atom? Will he use it selfishly, for the enrichment of his own mater ial wealth during his short reign on Earth? Or will he use it for enriching the health and suste nance of his fellow man, that he may live in peace' and prosperity with all? Let us hope that man will overcome his selfish, sinful, attitude and nourish instead of demolish the goose who hatched the golden egg, for we are merely renting this home on which we live, and it, nor anything in it, is ours to destroy. But instead, as did the man with five talents who increased the five to ten, we pendent is for all practical pur poses convicted of being a Com munist agent. In.theory he might be acquitted if he coula ■'ge*'a ■■ panel of Ku Kluxers to testify that he is one of their own; but the Kluxers are certainly not go ing to testify for such a man. Patriotic Duty To cap it all Dr. Glass convict ed himself of being miles beyond Communism. He said that if any administration, duly elected, after gaining power should proceed to destroy civil liberty and substitute intolerance and suppression as its policy, “I shall regard it as my highest patriotic duty to be sub versive of the recognized consti tutional government . . . and to undertake to overthrow it by whatever means are necessary in order to restore our civil liber ties.” But this makes the ordinary Communist look like an original Nixon man. This is nothing short of “hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man,” hostility to Khrushchev as violent as hostility to Hitler. This man isn’t a Communist, he is a Jeffersonian, the one political type that is more terrible than the Gorgon’s head to Communist and Fascist alike. Oaths and Honesty Oh, well. Governor Tawes un doubtedly will find somebody else to go on the Radiation Con trol Advisory Board even under the Ober law, for, as Dr. Glass observed, “the loyal need no oath; the disloyal will swear any way.” They may not know any thing about radiation; they may not know anything about self- respect; they may not know any thing about loyalty '— but how they can swear! And if oaths are more important than honesty, what more should you ask? —Reprinted from The New Republic. June 27. Grains of Sand In A Bad Way " The nation, according to a spokesman for the U. S. Chamber of Commerce, is in a bad way. Here’s how he described these times, as quoted in The Chapel Hill Weekly: “It is an age characterized by moral flabbiness, degenerate in dulgence and rationalized dishon esty, and countered by great hu- manitarianism, great generosity and deep desire for peace.” There’s a combination for you! Flabby humanitarians! Degener ate pacifists! Dishonest philan thropists! Nice Touch The speaker went on' says the Weekly, “to cite the rise in crime, juvenile delinquency, divorces, abortions, suicides, insanity, bank ruptcies, drunkenness, drug addic tion and the use of tranquilizers.” That’s a nice touch at the end there—“the use of tranquilizers ...” Who wouldn’t want a tran quilizer after hearing what he had to say! What tickles us is all this com ing from the U. S. Chamber of Commerce or rather from its “In stitute Department,” whatever that may be. But then the U. S. Chamber of Commerce never has been the blue-sky and sunshine variety, as most people picture local cham bers of commerce. Gloomy It’s been gloomy all along. For 20 years of Democratic adminis trations, while the nation contin ued to grow more and more pros perous, the U. S. Chamber of Commerce was mumbling dire warnings about government dom ination of business, socialism and so forth. But where does all its new in terest in morality fit in? There seems to be no explanation but plain frustration. The Chamber of 'Comn.or.ee spokesmen, whose bread is buttered by big business, can’t criticize the Eisenhower ad ministration; their predictions have all fallen flat; so now they’re just cutting loose and call ing us all a bunch of degenerates —or, to soften the blow, generous degenerates. Backfired The U. S. Chamber used to pic ture the American people as rug ged individualists who were be ing corrupted by government hand-outs, beaten senseless by government regulations and drained of their lifeblood by gov ernment taxes. But degenerate— never! That line backfired and now the Chamber is slashing out every which way. Please, gentlemen of the U. S. C. of C.,^don’t tell us that those millions of rugged Americans you used to protect so valiantly have now become soft and flabby, been divorced, gone bankrupt, taken to drugs or what have you. Wouldn’t it be awful if there weren’t any good, 100 per cent Americans left for you to protect any more? Romance Is Dead If you are a maiden harboring an unrequited love, don’t have yourself delivered to the door of your dream-boat in a basket: that’s the moral from an actual occurrence in England recently. All other methods failing. Miss Theodora Eagleden, 31, spent 10 pounds for the basket and five pounds for a van (truck) to be de livered to the door of Gerry Bur row, 37, her beloved. That sort of thing is supposed to inspire any male with one whit of imagination and humor into a declaration of affection, if not a proposal of matrimony. But all Gerry said was: ‘‘That woman has really made me ill.” Farewell, romance! Could a story end worse than that? should make the Earth yield forth its best for the good of our Mas ter, who said, “For inasmuch as you have done it unto the least of these, you have done it also un to me.” If all the money on the research of the atom was put into the en richment of man’s life instead of the small portion being spent, the rest being spent on a mad useless race against never ending space and time, mankind would be near ing the horizon of perfectness, which the Master intended in the beginning. In a few years there would be little or no disease and the cost of living would be split many times, thus enabling us to feed the hungry, and 'care for those who are unable to care for themselves. With this we would be able to set the example for the entire world and win all of hu manity for the Master. Then, and only then, will we be able to justly say, “Master, you have given me five talents, be hold, I return you twofold.” RALPH C. HENDREN III Southern Pines The PILOT Published Every Thursday by THE PILOT, Incorporated Southern Pines, North Carolina 1941—JAMES BOYD—1944 Katharine Boyd Editor C. Benedict Associate Editor Dan S. Ray Gen. Mgr. C. G. Council Advertising Mary Scott Newton Business Bessie Cameron Smith Society Composing Room Dixie B. Ray, Michael Valen, Jas per Swearingen, ’Thomas Mattocks and James C. Morris. Subscription Rates: One Year $4. 6 mos. $2. 3 mos. $1 Entered at the Postoffice at South ern Pines, N. C., as second class mail ihatter. Member National Editorial Assn, and N. C. Press Assn.

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