i , THURSDAY, MARCH 30, 1961 THE PILOT—Southern Pines, North Carolina Page FIVE Women's Activities and Sandhills MARY EVELYN de NISSOFF, Editor ocial Events TELEPHONE OX 2-6512 Winners at Recent Bridge Parties Listed Hollywood Bridge Club Table winners at Tuesday afternoon’s regular session of the Hollywood Bridge Club were Mrs. P. P. Pelton, Mrs. L. K. Luff and Mrs. L. Sawyer. Sandhill Duplicate Club Teams winning tbs top three prizes at the Sandhill Duplicate Bridge Club party Tuesday eve ning were, first, Dr. E. W. Bush and Fred Brindley; second, Mrs. Alice Luman and Mrs. Helene Pavlov, Fort Bragg; and third, Mrs. Jean Edson andf Eugene Christian, Saranac, N. Y. Night of Cards Winners at the season’s final Night of Cards, held last week at the Pinehurst Country Club, were: Mrs. J. W. Allen, Mrs. T, Howard Atkinson, Mrs. Alvie J. Claxton, Mrs. J. Joseph Connor, Mrs. Arthur C. Davenport, Mrs K. R. Dorries, Mrs. James Doug las, Mrs. John E. Elmendorf, Jr., Mrs. Leslie Gay. Also, Mrs. Henry L. Graves, Mrs. W. A. Hanna, Mrs. Myron Hill, Mrs. Harry G. Hogan, Mrs. Mary Journey, Mrs. Ralph Leach, Jr., Mrs. J. M. Lindsley, Mrs. William Lowrie, Mrs. Edward L. McKendrew, Mrs. Ralph Page, Miss Ann Brechin, Dr. M. W. Marr, Dr. M. T. Pishko, Collier W. Baird, Charles F. Beran, John R. Burr, True P. Cheney, John P. Dillon, W. B. Foreman, Thomas Hayes, Maurice Hull, Hugh D. Stewart, Alfred Swartz and Clarence L. von Tacky. Carolina Hotel Party Mr. and Mrs. Frank deCosta of Southern Pines were winners at the weekly duplicate bridge party held Friday evening at the Carolina Hotel, Pinehurst. In sec ond place were Mrs. W. O. Smith, Cutrfioque, N. Y. and Miss Doris Markley, Mason City la. ,and tied for third with Pine Needles guests Mrs. E., A. Painter and Mrs. W. Ostman were Mrs. Jean Edson and Mrs. C. D. May, Southern Pines. Dogwood Grove Party Fund Raiser for March Of Dimes, Heart Funds Members and friends of Dog wood Grove No. 253 of the Su preme Forest Woodmen circle assembled in the Woodmen haU Tuesday for an evening of fun and fellowship. The purpose of the party was to raise money for the March of Dimes and Heart funds. The eve ning was si)ent in playing games and prizes were given to the win ners. Most of the prizes were made by the members and donated to , the circle, among them were aprons, scarves, pillow cases, pot holders, cakes and many other items. At the conclusion of the games Alvin Adcox, consul commander of Pine Camp auctioned a gaily decorated cake baked by Mrs. Katie Lee. Miss Louise Crain was high bidder and carried the “gold mine cake’’ hom^ with her. Mrs. Marcum Figures In Two Ties in Par Seekers Tournament Yesterday’s beautiful weather brought scores of enthusiastic golfers to the Southern Pines Country Club courses, among them, a large group of Par Seek ers. Their tournament resulted in a three-way tie for first place be tween Mrs. John Hauser, Mrs. Virgil Page Clark and Mrs. Joseph Hiatt. Mrs. Charles Marcum was low gross winner and she and Mrs. F. H. Undrwood tied tied for low putts. Mrs. Marcum was also tied with Mrs. Hauser for low net. LISA FAITH HOLDER was crowned “Little Miss Southern Pines 1961’’ before an audience of approximately 200 last Fri day night in Weaver Auditorium. The new queen is the petite blonde daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James A. Holder of Lakeview. First runner up was Tyeann Tew, second was Teresa Mor rison, third was Karen Smith and fourth was Psim Teeter. A group picture showing all the winners will appear in next week’s Pilot. The 32 uncier-five contestants delighted the audience with their charm. They were fascinated with Hoppy, The Rabbit, on hand to entertain the children. Television pictures, taken at the contest, will be shown to morrow, Friday, at 9 a.m. over Channel 11, Durham. In and Out of Town Arden Fobes, who is here with I Stoneybrook Steeplechase last her mother, Mrs. S. D. Fobes for the spring vacation from St. Mary’s Junior College, had as guests over the weekend Char lotte Thorne of Littleton and Ann Cameron Bowman and “Buzzie” Miller, of Wadesboro. Visiting Mrs. J. B. Boyle at her East Indiana home last week were Mrs. Thorntop Field ^ of Cranberry, N. J. and Mrs. Charles Smith of Gettysburg, Pa. D. A. Graham of Ruffin, S. C., spent last week at Moore Mem orial Hospital for a check-up and he and Mrs. Graham came to the home of his sisters. Misses Kate and Eva Graham, on Saturday for a visit. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde G. Council had as guests from Friday until Sunday their grandchildren Charles and Jaan Richardson, of Chapel Hill. Mrs. John E. Elmendorf, Jr leaves Monday for two weeks in New York City and Washington D. C. She is driving north with Bishop and Mrs. G. Ashton Old ham, who are returning to Litch field, Conn, after several weeks in Pinehurst. During Mrs. Elm- endorf’s absence, her KnoUwood home will be occupied by Mr. and Mrs. James Winston of Chi cago. Mrs. Charles de Rham is night here with Mrs. Elmendorf Here this week with Mr. and Mrs. James D. Hobbs are Mr', and Mrs. George Conley and Mrs Girls Auxiliary- Studies Home Mission Book The Girls Auxiliary of the First Baptist Church met Monday evening to study the Home Mis sion book “No Greater Heritage,” taught by Mrs. Glenn Cox. The study concluded with spec ial prayer for home mission work. A chilliburger supper, with trimmings, was served by Mrs. Ronald Britt, Mrs. Tom Speers and Mrs. Fred Woodruff. GA director is Mrs. Maynard Mangum and councilors are Mrs. Walter O’Neal and Miss Marga ret Thomasson. Eighteen of the nineteen GA members attended the supper meeting. weekend and visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. T .Overton. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Richardson are, arriving Tuesday from Vir ginia Beach, Va. to spend three or four weeks with his sister. Miss Mary Richardson. Here for the Steeplechase and other weekend social activities, guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Younts, were Robert Hilker and his wife, of Gastonia, of Radio Station WCGC (Belmont); Mrs. Doris Brown, representing her Station WKBC, North Wilkes- boro; Roland Potter, Station WA'TA, Boone and Tim Parker and his wife of Charlotte. He is AP Bufeau Chief for the Caro- linas. Mr. and Mrs. Dwight W. Wink, elman plan to leave Monday for a short vacation in Florida. David McCallum is at home with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. David McCallum, after six months’ service with the Marine Corps at Parris Island and Camp LeJeune. The McCallums and David were supper guests Satur day of Mr. and Mrs. Carl McLeod at Fayetteville, and afterwards, attended the performance of the N. C. State Ballet at Fort Bragg. Brig. Gen. George Stevens (Ret.) and his wife visited his for mer Princeton college roomate, James Hartshorne at Highland Lodge during last weekend’s race meeting. Dr. and Mrs. C. Robert Van- ANTIQUES FAIR REPORT Beth Britton, an entry in Friday night's Jaycette-spon- 'sored "Litfle Miss Southern Pines'^ contest, later attended the Antiques Fair with her mother. Mrs. V. E. Britton, Jr., and drew the winning name for the door prise. ' The winner, Mrs, Anna D. Poole of Raeford, was present to receive the prize, two can dlesticks and an ^l5htray of white native-made pottery. General Chairman Mrs. Ernest L. Ives spoke briefly of her appreciation to all who had assisted in the success of the Fair in this, its fourth year under sponsorship of . the Moore County Historical As sociation. She then pres^gted Mrs. W. B. Bodine, executive secretary, who took charge of the door prize drawing. Aftendance at the Fair, held as usual at the National Guard Armory, was rated at about 750, somewhat less than last year. Dealers, however, were pleased as buying was brisker, and all are anxious to retxirn next year. The canteen, under Mrs. Edward Schneider's expert guidance, did an excellent business and Shaw House also served a great many lunches di^ring the three-day exhibit. Sausers Hosts at Dinner Party at The Golden Door Lt. Col. and Mrs. Clare W. Sau- ser entertained Maj. Gen. and Mrs. Ira T. Wyche, of Pinehurst, and their weekend guest, Mrs. Gustave Franke of Camden, S.S., at dinner Sunday evening at the Golden Door. INS and OUTS Looking Ahead CIVIC CLUB BENEFIT Saturday afternoon, April 1 from 2 to 4 o’clock the grounds of Mr. aAd Mrs. Quinton Smith on Route 211 in West End will be open for the benefit of the Civic Club of Southern Pines. The Smiths have a number of rare and unusual plants and several varieties of hybrid azaleas. A small admission fee will be charged. Transportation from Southern Pines will be arranged by calling 0X5-4962. Parking facilities are available in the yard of the West End Baptist Church, across the street from the Smith residence. ST. MARY’S GUILD St. Mary’s Guild of Emmanuel Church will meet at 2:30 p. m. Monday, April 3, in the parish hall. The president, Mrs. Franz Krebs, will speak on “Altar Flowei’s,” and tea will be served. Visitors are welcome. DOES MEET BPO Does will meet Tuesday, April 4, at 8 p.m. at the Southern Pines (Country Club. WILDLIFE CLUB A Moore County native, Mrs Kate McPherson Ferguson, will present a program on “Plant Con^ servation” at the April meeting of the Moore County ' Wildlife Club, to be held in the Cameron school cafeteria Tuesday at 7 p m. Ladies of the Presbyterian Church will serve. Persons in terested in our county plants are invited to attend. DAR MEETING The Alfred Moore Chapter Daughters of the American Rev olution, meets Saturday, April 8 at 2:30 p. m. at Shaw House. The State report will be given and there will be a musical program Hostesses are Mrs. Hawley Poole Mrs. Clinton Smith, Mrs. True Cheney, Mrs. P. P. Pelton and Mrs. F. M. Thompson. DOGWCXID GROVE Dogwood Grove No. 253 will meet Tuesday, April 4 at 8 p.m. in the Woodmen hall. All members are urged to attend as final con vention arrangements must be made. Spending the Easter holiday with Mrs. Fred W. McBride on Weymouth Road is her sister-in- law, Mrs. Victor Sifton of Win nipeg, Canada. Mr. and Mrs. William D. Camp bell expect to leave Sunday for New York City eifter a visit at their East Connecticut Avenue home. Their daughter, Margot, is visiting friends at Eleuthra in the Bahamas. Martha Caton and two class mates from the Woman’s College in Greensboro, who came down for the Stoneybrook Steeplechsise and to attend the Duke Glee Club concert Saturday night at Weaver Auditorium, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. William K. Caton on Hill Road. Mrs. Russell Taylor arrived re cently from her home in Free hold, N. J. and plans to visit her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Beith in KnoUwood until June. Gordon Mitchell arrives home today from Davidson College to spend the spring holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Mitchell in KnoUwood. Their son. Maxwell, a student at the local high school, flies south Friday and will spend Easter with his grandparents in Lafayette, Ga. Miss Barbara Gillis of Mount Olive, a freshman at the Univer sity of North Carolina, arrived Wednesday to spend the spring holidays visiting Mr. and Mrs. Eveleth Richardson and other relatives. What is it Doctor? At BRYAN DRUG you'll find Charming Easter Cards for your Family and Friends, plus Candy and Novelties for the Easter Baskets, also the very best Prescription Service. Easter Bunnies from 79c Liquid Diet Aid - Assorted Flovors - 6 for $1.98 Montag Stationery from 59c Ball Point Pens • Doz. - 69c Ban Roll-on Deodorant - 2 for $1.07 plus Tax Cough and Cold Preparations Vitamins — Baby Needs exa££ □ RUGS PRESCRIPTION PRUG-&ISTS Main Street Aberdeen. N. C. Christine Gifford and son, Mich- derVoort returned Tuesday after the weekend at The Patricia in Myrtle Beach, S. C. Their child ren, Glory, Kathy and Bob, vis- it.-id their grandparents. Dr. and Mrs. E. M. Medlin in Aberdeen. ael, of Sherrill, N. Y. Mrs. Hobbs returned here Monday after spending a week in Montgomery Ala. where her daughter, Patti, has taken an apartment with three sorority sisters from Ala bama University for two months while the girls are practice teaching. Mr. and Mrs. D. K. Bullens, Jr., and daughter, Sherron, will arrive today to spend Easter with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Deni son K. Bullens at Homewood. Mr. and Mrs. Frank P. Smith their children, Anna Dell and Buddy, and Billy Bodine, Satur day night attended the North Carolina State Ballet at Fort Bragg. Mr. and Mrs. Lansing T. Hall of Chattanooga, Tenn. are spend ing the Easter holiday with his sisters, Misses Geneva and Ruby HaU. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Smith of Fayetteville were here for the Church Honors Dr. C. K. Ligon Dr. and Mrs. Cheves K. Ligon were honor guests at a picnic given Wednesday evening by members oT"Srownson Memorial Church in tltfe fellowship hall. Dr. Ligon was presented a gift certificate and commended for his faithful, unselfish Christian service to the church, which he served for 10 years as pastor, and to the community. Under his leadership. Brown- son Memorial has enjoyed wonderful record of growth and progress, it was pointed out When Dr. Ligon came here inJetteviUe Presbytery March 1. New Heir-Rivak MARY McKAY WILLIAMS Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Williams announce the birth of a daughter, Mary McKay, March 17. ’They have two sons, Freddie, five years old and Jeff, three. AMANDA CAROL HINTON LESLIE CAROL HINTON Mr. and Mrs. T. Steve Hinton of Jacksonville, Fla., announce the birth of twin daughters, who arrived on Wednesday, March 8. Amanda Carol weighed seven pounds, one ounce, and Leslij Carol checked in at seven pounds, eight ounces. The twins have twc brothers, who will be three years old and one year old in April. Mrs. Hinton is the former Phyllis Faircioth, daughter of Worth Faircioth of Pinehurst and niece of Mrs. Verdie Caddell of Southern Pines. 1951, church membership was around 300. Today, it stands at more than 635. Dr. Ligon accepted the positiop of executive secretary of Fay PINEHURST PLAYHOUSE For Tickets Call CY 4-7051 NOW PLAYING ON STAGE C FUN FOR EVERYONE You Are Invited To Cheer The Hero And Hiss The VilUan An da CltHtONCO VavbevillbIIIuissviXiuTEuxoxviiu TICKETS $3.60 $2.65 $1.95 1.50 EVENINGS AT 8:40 SPECIAL MATINEE SAT. AT 2:30 P. M. Announcing The Opening Of The ... ART FLORAL SHOP 145 East Broad Street Friday, March 31 - 9 a. POTTED PLANTS Lilies - Azaleas - Hyacinths Chrysanthemums - Hydrangea Potted Greens PERMANENT ARRANGEMENTS — POTTED and SPRAYS CUT GLASS and NOVELTIES Lillian Dodson Open Friday & Saturday nights March 31 & April 1 till 9 P. M. Say It With Blooms From The Art Floral Shop (Located in Old Carolina Theatre Building)

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