Page FOUR THE PILOT—Southern Pines, North Carolina THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1961 Women's Activities and Sandhills Social Events MARY EVELYN de NISSOFF, Editor TELEPHONE OX 2-6512 Samuel Fryes, Wed Last Saturday, Are Living Near Cameron Miss Dana Thomas and Samuel Frye were married Saturday, September 16, at the Rose Hill Methodist parsonage by their for mer pastor, the Rev. T. Fant Steele, Jr. The bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Cortis Thomas of Cam eron, Route 1. The bridegroom’s parents are Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Frye of Vass. Both are I960 graduates of the Vass-Lakeview High School. The bride attended High Point col lege. Her husband completed a course in diesel engineering in Tennessee last spring and is pres ently employed at the McGill Texaco Service Station. Vows were spoken in the liv ing room before the mantel. Flor al arrangements of pink and white late summer flowers were prevalent throughout the room. Presented for marriage by her father, the bride wore a suit of green brocade with beige acces-, sories and an orchid corsage. She was attended by her mother, her sister, Ann Thomas, and Mrs. T. Fant Steele. After a wedding trip to the coast the couple is at home on Route 1, Cameron. Following the ceremony the bridal party were guests of the Rev. and Mrs. Steele at the par sonage at a wedding supper. NEW ORGANIZATION’S AIM—TO KEEP ALIVE FLORA MACDONALD’S TRADITIONS Sunday afternoon, the execu tive committee and members of the advisory board of a new or ganization, Flora Macdonald A- lumnae Associated, met at .the l>ome of the president, Mrs. John A. McPhaul, on Country Club Drive. They madg plans for a general meeting to be held in the spring at Red Springs, location of the small college which has now been closed and consolidated with two other institutions to form the new St. Andrews College at Laurin- burg. With only the best wishes for the success of St. Andrews, the alumnae want to keep alive the memory and entity of Flora Mac donald. A general meeting had been planned for this fall, but instead the members of Flora Macdonald Alumnae Associated will have community and area meetings, with a newsletter circulated from Red Springs apprising them of general-interest news. The Flora Macdonald organiza- Pre-Nuptial Parties Honor Lucy Chapman, to Be Wed Here Saturday Mrs. John Tulloch entertained at a canasta party honoring Miss Lucy Chapman, bride-elect of September 30, at her Pinebluff home last Wednesday. Upon her arrival, the honoree was presented an orchid corsage. Guests were Mrs. Ralph Chap man, Mrs. Steve Hupko, Miss Shiriey McArthur, Mrs. Dan Mangum, Mrs. Howard Troutman and Mrs. Ralph Foushee. High score prizes were a set of ash trays won by Mrs. Mangum and party coasters won by Mrs. Foushee. Both winners presented their prizes to the honoree. The hostess’s gift to Miss Chapman was a silver bon bon dish. The house was decorated with arrangements of mixed flowers and the hostess served 'refresh ments of lime ice, bridal cakes, nuts, mints eind coffee. Miss Chapman, was entertained on Friday evening by Mrs. E. T. Davidson and Mrs. R. M. Hooper at the former’s home in Aberdeen. Guests enjoyed games of bingo with prizes, forming a complete set of kitchen tools, being present ed by the winners to the honoree. Amusing recipes on “How To Pre serve A Husband,” contributed by the guests, were read by the bride-elect. The gift table was covered with a lovely white cloth and had a centerpiece of mixed flowers with white tapers in candle holders. The hostesses served refresh ments of lime ice, bridal cakes and nuts. Miss Chapman was presented a corsage of white car nations by the hostesses and a gift of three pieces of china in her chosen pattern. Friends Invited Friends of both families are invited to the wedding Satur day at 4 p. m. in St. Anthony’s Catholic Church and to the re ception immediately following. Louise Crain Given Surprise Party by Dogwood Grove 253 Fifteen members of Dogwood Grove No. 253 and one visitor, the Supreme Forest Woodmen Circle’s eastern state manager, Mrs. Georgia Shepard, of Jack- sonviUe, enjoyed a dutch treat supper Saturday night at the Dutch Farm Restaurant near San ford. This, the regular social for the month, had a two-fold purpose besides honoring Mrs. Shepard on her first visit to Southern Pines since becoming state manager, the circle also honored Miss Crain for her years of service to the society. Not only has Miss Crain served as financial secretary for several years, she also compiled four prize-winning scrapbooks for the circle. Miss Crain was given a surprise party complete with-“This is Yorir Life,” presente4 by Miss Mary &ott Newton, al^ gifts from all present and,from some who were unable to attend. Miss Newton introduced Mrs. Shepard who spoke briefly to the assembly. The honorees were pre sented corsages. tion has some 400 dues-paid mem bers in most of the 50 states, Japan, Germany and several oth er foreign lands. They have or ganized “to keep alive the tradi- j tions and perpetuate the values of Flora Macdonald, also to renew and strengthen the bonds of friendship and love which hold us, as alumnae, together,” said Mrs. McPhaul. Flora Macdonald Alumnae As sociated had its beginning on the college’s final Alumnae Day last June, when the activities of the Alumnae Association were offi cially terminated in view of the approaching consolidation of three Presbyterian schools. With one of the three. Peace College a1 Raleigh, resisting in a civil suit, the consolidation has not yet been perfected. Mrs. McPhaul, the last Alum nae Association president, was elected first president of Flora Macdonald Alumnae Associated. She is the former Jane Stevens Hobbs of Wilmington, Flora Mac donald 1949. KEEP UP WITH LATE VALUES IN PILOT ADS Jo Ann Brewer of Vass to Be Married On October 14 An October 14 ceremony will unite Miss Jo Ann Brewer and John Wayne Hipp, USN. The bride-elect is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar P. Brewer of Vass. Mr. Hipp is a nephew of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Gilmore, also of Vass. Does Sponsor Fashion Show Tonight at Local Country Club An “old fashions” show sand wiched between showings of the most up-to-date fashions prom ises a quarter-hour of nostalgia and fun tonight at the Southern Pines Country Club. The occasion for the showing of both new and old styles—the fashion show sponsored by the BPO Dees, Drove 42, wnich be gins at 8 p. m. this (Thursday) evening, with refreshments to fol low, at the Country Club. There will also be a drawing for a door prize. The following shops will be exhibiting the newest style trends, with models named after each: Mrs. Hayes Shop—Loree Keen, Mrs. Carl Wallace; Tot’s Toggery—Jon Fullenwider, Sarah Anne Brockwell; Franj'ean’s—- Mrs. James Besley, Linda Thomp son; Bozick’s Susan Huntley, Evelyn Matthews. Also, Lee Power’s Shop—Toni Cornett; Welch’s Gift Shop—Lin da Thompson; Collins of Aber deen—Mrs. Eddie L. Ervin, Jr.; McLean Style Shop, Aberdeen— models to be announced later. The finale will be the show ing of a bride and bridesmaids from Kays of Rockingham. ■ Mrs. Menoher, Low Gross Winner in Golf Tourney at Pinehurst Following are the results of the three day, 54-hole Sandhills Sum mer Club Championship, played Wednesday through l^iday of last week at the Pinehurst Coun try Club. (All listed are net scores after handicap was deducted for each day’s play)- Mrs. Laura Lee Menoher was low gross champion in the event; her score, with 8 handicap, 77-78- 79-234. Winner of the low net for the three days was Mrs. Albert L. Sneed, who scored 75-81-69-225 (handicap 19). She was also low net winner for the third day. Mrs. J. A. Ruggles, with 18 handicap, scored 71-78-77-226 for runner-up prize in the low net division. She also won low net for the first day. Mrs. A. N. Derouin won low net for the second day with 15 handicap and scores of 79-74-75- 228. Low net champion in Class B, who also won first and second day low net prizes, was Mrs. L. Paget Rigby, scoring 78-77-76. 231 (handicap 25). Class B runner-up, with handi cap 23, 79-78t75-232, was Mrs. Duwayne D. Gadd. Mrs. Clement R. Monroe was low net winner for-the third day with 27 handi cap and a score of 81-83-73-237. Twenty-two played in the championship. Prizes will be awarded at the annual joint ban quet with Morco Club members being held tonight, Thursday, at the Holly Inn. Frances McLean and Roy Blue of C^thage Will Marry Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Raymond McLean of Carthage, Route 3, announce the approaching marriage of their daughter Frances to Roy Blue, son of Mr. and Mrs. Arch Blue, also of Route 3, Carthage. The ceremony will take place Saturday in Dillon, S. C. New Organist, Choir Director, at Southern Pines Methodist Church The Southern Pines Methodist Church has a new organist,Mrs. Maxwell Grey of Southern Pines, and a new choir director, Mrs. Betty Bartley of Pinehurst. The director of music at the West End School, Mrs. Bartley has had musical training at Bos ton University. Church members interested in singing are requested to attend choir rehearsals Wednesday eve nings beginning at 8 o’clock. Sandhill Jr. Hunt Club to Hold Second Meeting Saturday A Sandhill Junior Hunt Club has been organized to encourage the young people in this area to participate in a riding program. Some of tbs interested persons gathered Saturday at the home of Mrs. W. T. Huntley. Miss Gay Tate, Mrs. Charles Harper and Mrs. Verdie Caddell spoke to the group on the aims of the club. Officers were elected as fol lows: president, Julia McMillan; secretary, Janet Phillips; treas urer, Susan Huntley. A second meeting will be held at 10 a. m. Saturday, September 30, at the home of Mary Eliza beth Chappell, 240 N. Ridge St., and young people interested in joining the club are invited to at tend. Prize Winning Teams In Sandhill Duplicate Bridge Club Named Mrs. J. J. Spring and Mrs. William J. Burke took the first prize at the Tuesday evening meeting of the Sandhill Duplicate Bridge Club. Tied for second were Mr. and Mrs. Frank deCosta with Mrs. Neil McKeithan and Harold Markham. In third place were Mrs. Charles Marcum and I Mrs. Roy Grinnell. Mrs. Foster Plays In Golf Event at Raleigh Country Club Mrs. Clarence B. Foster of E. Indiana Ave. extension played last week in the first Fall golf tournament of the Tar Heel League, at the Raleigh Country Club. Another Southern Pines golfer who is a member of the League, Mrs. Laura Lee Menoher, did not take part in last week’s tourna ment, but plans to enter other events later in the season. Both the golfers play out of Fort Bragg for the purposes of Tar Heel League competition. Mrs. Foster is also a member of the Par Seekers at Southern Pines Country Club. il MRS. PHILIP LEE TINSLEY HOME CEREMONY UNITES MISS SUSAN LEONARD AND PFC. PHILIP TINSLEY Miss Susan Scott Leonard Sat urday became the bride of Pfc. Philip Lee Tinsley of Fort Bragg, son of Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Tins ley of Springfield, HI. The 5 o’clock ceremony took place at the home of the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. George H. Leonard, Jr., 640 Massachusetts Avenue. Officiating was Dr. Cheves K. Ligon, executive secretary of the Fayetteville Presbytery and form er pastor of Brownson Memorial Presbyterian Church in Southern Pines. A reception followed the wedding. The couple will reside at 310 North Bennett Street. Given in marriage by her fath er, the bride wore a full skirted, floor length, silk organza gown appliqued with white flowers and matching coronet with shoulder length illusion veil. She carried sprays of tiny white orchids tinged with pale green and small leafed ivy. Attending the bride was Miss Charla Marcum of Whispering Pines who wore a moss green peau de soie street length dress with bell shaped skirt and match ing bandeau. Her bouquet was of stephanotis and ivy. The bridegroom’s best man was SP/4 James Wilson of Fort Bragg. The bride’s brother, Timo thy B. Leonard, ushered. Another brother, Pfc. Anthony B. Leonard, w£is unable to attend as he is stationed at Madigan Army Hos^ pital, Tacoma, Wash. B&PW Clubs Hold District Seven , Lunch Meeting Here The Sandhills Business and Pro fessional Woman’s Club Sunday played host at a luncheon for the five other member clubs of the Seventh District at a luncheon at the Southern Pines Country Club. District Director Mrs. Nancye McClellan of Aberdeen presided over the business session. Sand hills Club President Mrs. D. W. Mann gave the speech of welcome and the meeting’s principal speak er Wcis State President Mrs. Stella Hayes Spencer of Lenoir. At the club’s regular meeting last week, plans were made for participation in National Busi nesswomen’s Week, October 1 through 7. President Mann and several members of the Sandhills Club, which this year celebrates its 10th anniversary, will attend the dedication Sunday of the re cently completed state headquar ters building of Business and Professional Woman’s Clubs at Chapel HiU. Governor Sanford and his wife and other state and national dig nitaries, including the B&PW National President, will be there for the dedication. HOME FROM HOSPITAL Mrs. Page W. Choate is back at her home following hospitaliza tion at Moore Memorial Hospital for the past 10 days. Besides the bridegroom’s par ents, his younger brother and sister, Virgil auid Nancy Tinsley, were present. Also, Mrs. George H. Leonard, Sr., the bride’s pater nal grandmother. Out-of-Towners Here Out-of-town guests, in addition to the Tinsleys, were Mrs. Max well Goodwin of Battle Creek, Mich., grandmother of the bride; Mrs. Paul William Hills of New York City and Stonington, Conn.; Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Page, Jr. and Mr. and Mrs. Bryant Freeh, of Charlotte, and Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Page, III of Chapel Hill. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Earle of New Canaan, Conn, came down for the wedding, spending the weekend at their place on E. Rhode Island Avenue Extension. Pre-Nuptial Courtesies Mr. and Mrs. John C. Ostrom entertained the bridal party, members of the immediate fami lies and out-of-town guests at a dinner at their home following the rehearsal Friday evening. Hosts at the wedding breakfast Saturday morning in the Crystal Room of the Carolina Hotel, Pine hurst, were Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Page and Mrs. Maxwell Goodwin. The bride-elect was honor guest at a kitchen shower given for her last Saturday by Mrs. Henry Flory at her Morganton Road home. JUST RECEIVED GLEN ROUNDS NEW BOOK WILD ORPHAN GET YOUR COPY AT Studio Bookshop 105 E. Pennsylvania Ave. Southern Pines WATCH OUR ADS YOU'LL FIND IT! DANTE’S RESTAURANT ITALIAN — AMERICAN CUISINE OPENS 5 P. M. CLOSED MONDAYS Tel. OX 5-4183 SOUTHERN PINPS tf SELECT YOUR CHRISTMAS CARDS EARLY We now have about six Christmas Card Albuins at THEODOTA PINE SHOP N. E. Broad Street where you can browse and make your selections in AIR CONDITIONED cranfort. THEODmA t Southern Pixies ATTENTION LADIES You know you are the best dressed lady in town when you wear the LILLI-M-label Have your clothes designed just for you LILLIAN J. MANGUM For Appointment Call Southern Pines OX 5-3291 or Sanford 499-2601 PHARMACISTS TO THE MEDICAL PROFESSION Let us fill your next Prescription Broad Street Pharmacy Joe MontesantL Jr., Prop. Phone OX 5-5411 — Southern Pines, N. C. I \ “Dinner{ ■' •: GORHAM STERLING 8 Four piece place-^ttings — you save $20 8 Five piece place-settings — you save $25 8 Six piece place-settings — you save $30 Now you can enjoy your very own Gorham Sterling on I your table tonight — and at a saving! Be a confident set the table of your dreams ' -anytimeI This ' juvings plan applies to all Gorham Sterling designs. [Don’t delay — come in now and select your very own .' sterling'design by Gorham — and Save! AU irleH m fw » piM* loniet ht oliM <» hm pim pUm-mUIbii) m* fMT giKt ^ Tmshm m4 UM Mrfe. AVAII,ABLE IN ALL GORHAM STERLING DESIGNS «MwirFet4BilH“ OhI $7J0 JEWELERS !