>6 \ THURSDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1961 THE PILOT—Southern Pines, North Carolina Page ELEVEN Bookmobile Schedule October 2-5 Monday, Union Church Route: J. M. Briggs, 9:35-9:40; A. C. Bailey, 9:45-9:50; Olifford Hurley, 9:55-10:05; Mrs. Ina Bailey, 10:10- 10:15; Elbert Taylor, 10:25-10:35; Parker’s Grocery, 10:40-10:50; Mrs. Mattie McRae, 10:55-11:05; Howard Gschwind, 11:10-11:20; Mrs. O. C. Blackbrenn, 11:25- 11:35; Jack Morgan, 11:40-11:55; Mrs. M. D. Mclver, 12:15-12:25; Wesley Tnomas, 12:35-12:40. Tuesday, Niagara, Lakeview, Eureka Route: J. D. Lewis, 9:30- 9:35; Philip Nardo, 9:40-9:50; Ray Hensley, 10-10:40; Mrs. E. W. Marble 10:50-11; C. G. Priest, 11:10-11:20; Bud Crockett, 12:05- 12:15; J. L. Danley, 12:25-12:35; John Blue, 12:45-12:55; Homer Blue, 1:05-1:15; Mrs. C. B. Blue, 1:20-1:25; Mrs. Opal Blue, 1:30- 1:40; H. A. Blue, 1:45-1:50; Miss Flora Blue, 2-2:10; R. E. Lea, 2:15- 2:25. Wednesday, Roseland, Colonial Heights: A. M. Stansell, Jr. 9:45- 9:55; Larry Simmons, 10-10:10; Morris Caddell, 10:15-10:25; R. E. Morton, 10:30-10:40; Mrs. Viola Kirk, 10:45-10:55; Mrs. Ohnie Seago, 11-11:05; W. E. Brown, 11:10-11:15; Calviff'Laton, 11:20- 11:30; Elva Laton, 11:35-11:45; Marvin Hartsell, 11:50-12; W. ^1. Robeson, 12:05-12:15; Addor, 1:30- 1:45; W. M. Smith, 2-2:10; J. J. Greer, 2:15-2:45. Thursday, Glendon, Highfalls Route: Miss Irene Nicholson, 9:25-9:35; Ernest Shepley, 9:45- 9:55; R. F. Willcox, 10:05-10:15; Rev. Jefferson Davis, 10:25-10:35; Presley Store, 10:40-10:45; Carl Oldham, 10:50-11; Norris Shields, 11:10-11:20; Mrs. Helen Maness, 12:05-12:15; Ann Powers Beauty Shop, 12:35-12:45; Presley Service Station, 12:55-1:05; Edgar Shields, 1:10-1:20; Wilmer Maness, 1:45- 2:30. Marine Recruiter Tells Schedule Sgt. Paul J. Biggs, Marine re cruiter, has announced that inter ested young men may contact him at the post office building in Fayetteville on Mondays and Thursdays from 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. At other times he can be contact ed at the Marine Recruiting Sta tion in Raleigh. Sgt. Biggs said that the Marine Corps has unlimited openings for enlistment. This is a change from several weeks ago when volun teers had to wait for as much as 120 days before assignment to ac tive duty. Men joining the Marins Corps undergo recruit training at Par ris Island, S. C., or San Diego, Calif. Upon completion of recruit training, they are assigned to duty and schools in such fields as communications, engineers, administration, infantry, and oth ers, for further assigment to the Marine Ground-Air combat team. School Cafeteria October 9-13 EAST SOUTHERN PINES Monday—Vienna sausage, bak ed beans, doe slaw, hot holls, but ter, cinnamon apple sauce, milk. Tuesday—beef stew and gravy, steamed rice, buttered peas, hot rolls, butter, fruit cup, milk. Ham, candied sweet potato.es, green beans, hot rolls, butter, cel ery sticks, milk. Thursday—toasted cheese sand wich, beef vegetable soup, crack ers, butter, apricot cobbler, milk. Friday—Fish patties, buttered potatoes, carrot sticks, hot biscuit, butter, fruited jello, milk. NOTICE OF RESALE OF LAND Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in that Deed of Trust from Patch & Blue, Inc., to A. S. Ruggles, Trustee, re corded in Book of Mortgages 101, at page 497 in the office of the Register of Deeds of Moore Coun ty, the undersigned Substitute Trustee, after due and legal ad vertisement sold the land herein after described to the highest bid der at the Court House door of Moore County, on September 13, 1961, at which time and place Frederick J. Mahoney became the last and highest bidder at the price of $35,000.00, but before the expiration of ten days from the date of said sale the said bid was raised by R. N. Page, III, to 636,- 750.00 and by reason of the said raised bid, the Clerk of the Su perior Court of Moore County is sued an Order directing the un dersigned Substitute Trustee to re-sell the said property, herein after described, after advertising the said sale for two weeks as provided by law. The undersigned Substitute Trustee will, there fore, sell the said property at 12 o’clock NOON on Thursday, Oc tober 12, 1961, at the Court House door of Moore County in Carth age, North Carolina, at public auc tion for cash to the highest bid der, the following described real estate: That certain tract or parcel of land in the Town of Southern Pines, McNeills Township, Moore County, North Carolina and BE GINNING at the easterly corner of Block K&4, said point being at the westerly intersection of West Broad Street and New Hampshire Avenue; and running thence with West Broad Street, S. 53 degrees 15’ W. 50.6 feet; thence N. 36 de grees 45’ W. 100.6 feet; thence S. 53 degrees 15’ W. 50 feet to a con crete monument; thence N. 81 de grees 45’ W. 70.7 feet to an iron stake at thd corner of Lot No. 10 and the center square; thenc.e with Lot No. 10 and the center square, N. 36 degrees 45’ W. 3 feet to an iron stake; thence N. 53 degrees 15’ E. 150.6 feet to an iron stake in the southwest line of New Hampshire Avenue; thence with New Hampshire Ave nue, S. 36 degrees 45’ E. 153.6 feet to the point of beginning, being and comprising Lots Nos. 8, 9 and about 7 feet of Lot No. 10, in Block K & 4, said property be ing shown on a plat entitled ‘•PROPERTY OF PATCH’S, INC., SOUTHERN PINES, N. C.,” made by Paul M. Van Camp, Consult ing Engineer, February 1953, and being the same lands conveyed by deed from Patch’s, Inc., to Patch and Blue, Inc., dated March 23, 1953 and recorded in the Moore County Registry in Deed Book 184, at page 257. This sale is made on account of default in the payment of the in debtedness secured by the said Deed of Trust, and a deposit with the Clerk of the Superior Court of 10% will be required of the successful bidder. Dated this 25th. day of Septem ber 1961. J. VANCE ROWE, Substitute Trustee s28,o5c 1961. MRS EMMA BROWN, Ad ministratrix of the Estate of John C. Brown, deceased, 174 South Gaines Street, South ern Pines, N. C. ROWE ROWE, Attorneys sl4,21,28,05 NOTICE Having qualified as Adminis tratrix of the Estate of Elizabeth D. Dunn, deceased, this is to noti fy all persons having claims against the said estate to present them to the undersigned, duly verified, on or before the 28th day of September 1962, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons in debted to the said estate will please make immediate payment. Dated this 27th day of Septem ber 1961. MARY LOUISE WYCHE, Ad ministratrix of the Estate of Elizabeth D. Dunn, deceased, Pinehurst, N. C. s28,o5, 12, 19, 26c Florence Hart Kouns, & wife, Julia Eyre. TAKE NOTICE that a pleading seeking relief against you has been filed m the above entitled action and special proceeding. The nature of the relief being sought is as follows: That a Guardian Ad Litem be appointed for such party or parties as may me an infant non compos mentis, imprisoned, or beyond the limits of the State of North Carolina, and for such tenant or tenants in common whose name or names are unknown; and that the Court order Lot No. 10, Weymouth Heights, at the north corner of the junction of Indiana Avenue and Valley Road, in the Town of Southern Pines, North Carolina, be sold as by law provided, and the net proceeds from said sale, after the payment of the costs of this proceeding, the debts of the decedent and the cost of the An cillary Administration be divided among the tenants in common, all as by law provided, j You are required to make de- fens.e to such pleading not later ■ than December 4th, 1961, and up- 'on your failure to do so the par ties seeking service against you will apply to the Court for the relief sought. This the 30 day of September, 1961.. BESSIE BECK, Assn’t Clerk Superior Court, Moore Coun ty, North Carolina. o5,12,19,26c Clarendon Gardens Linden Road, Pinehurst, N. C. notice Having qualified as Adminis tratrix of the Estate of Cherry Le.e Watson Diggs, deceased, this is to notify all persons having claims against the said estate to present them to the undersigned, duly verified, on or before the 28th. day of September 1962, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons in debted to the said estate will please make immediate payment. Dated this 27th. day of Septem ber 1961. ESTHER F. WHITE, Admin istratrix of the Estate Of Cherry Lee Watson Diggs, Deceased, Box 142, Southern Pines, N. C. . Rowe & Rowe Attorneys, Southern Pines, N. C. s28,o5,12, and 19 NOTICE Having qualified as Adminis tratrix of the Estate of John C. Brown, deceased, this is to notify all persons having claims against the said estate to present them to the undersigned, duly verified, on or before the 14th. day of Sep tember 1962, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to the said estate will please make immedi ate payment. Dated this 28 day of August NOTICE OF SERVICE OF PROCESS BY PUBLICATION LOUELLA HART GOODMAN, Widow, LYNN NEWTON HART and wife, and R. F. HOKE POL LOCK, ANCILLARY ADMINIS TRATOR OF THE ESTATE OF MABEL HART CANNON RAM SEY, Petilioners vs. ALBERT PAXTON HART, et als. Defendants TO: Albert Paxton Hart and wife, Robert Hart and wife, Milton J. Hart and wife, Eleanor Cannon McCandless and husband, Ella Malcolm Link and husband, Grace C. MacLennan, widow, Elizabeth C. Kaull and husband, Charles Heaton Cannon and wife, John Samuel Cannon and wife, Paul A. Canon and wife, Carolyn C. Mc Dowell and husband, Paul G. Cannon and wife, John N. Can non and wife, Kathryn C. Jami son and husband, Harry Lee Can non and wife, Gussie C. W atson and husband, Agnes C. Raymond and husband, Leota C. Ross and husband, Ralph T. Cannon and wife, Joseph E. Canon and wife, Jeannette Koontz and husband, Augusta Frame Witten and hus band, Annette Frame Case and husband, Albert A. Mills and wife. Turner T. Mills and wife, William W. Mills and wife, Mabel Mills Schmidt and husband, Mary Irvine Patterson and husband, James Canon and wife, Elizabeth C. Steel and husband, Robert Cannon and wife, Maynard Can non and wife^ Gwnethr^C. Caton and husband, Fred B. Bowers and wife, Arthur Estep (Esterp) and wife, Paul Estep (Esterp) and wife. Hart Wagner and wife, Har old Wagner and wife, Alan S. Hart and wife, Evelyn Hart Mor- ony and husband, Donald M. Eyre individually, and Executor of 350 varieties ^ 200 varieties We grow over 200,000 plants a year Rhododendrons 100 varieties. Camellias Azaleas 225 varieties Hollies Many other evergreens You will find in our “Horticulture Center” many rare and unusual plants. Stop by and visit our Sales area & Gardens Low Cost Long Term Home dt Business LOANS UP TO 20 YEARS Dividend. Raie Southern Pines Savings & Loan Association 205 S. E. Broad Street Tel. 695-6222 Take your pick of pleats dyed-to-match Jean Castle's fine knit sweatei>. We're practically headquarters for the costume^ look in the season's rich nev/ color$ . . . magen ta, kelly, blue, orange, mink, red, black. Skirt sizes 10-18 and 5-15. Sweater sizes 34-40 AAELVIN'S Aberdeen and Southern Pines v'V,; I 1 r,‘ V Ford introduces Jor i96Z two distinguished new series: Galaxie & Galaxie/500 \ s { Enduring elegance... \ with the power to please ^ 9 With Thunderbird styling . ; ; Thunderbird power . . . and quality craftsmanship that sets a new industry standard... the 1962 Ford Galaxies give you every essential feature of far costlier luxury cars. Swift as a rumor, silent as a secret, Galaxie ’62 has the timeless distinc tion and talent for travel of the Thun derbird that inspired it. Every quick quiet mile whispers: here is a new standard of quality. And every luxurious detail confirms it. This is the car that introduces twice- a-year maintenance. Routine service is reduced to 30,000 miles on many items such as major lubrications, twice a year or 6,00() miles on the rest. We suggest you see the new Galaxie and Galaxie / 500 (shown above), for yourself. We are confident you will agree: it’s pointless moductsos to pay more —or settle for less. AAgroft COMPANY Now . . . twice-a-year maintenance reduces service to a minimum 1 Galaxie Its silence whispers quality JACKSON MOTORS, INC U. S. Highway 1 YOUR FORD DEALER Dealer's License No. 1909 Southern Pines, N. C.