THURSDAY, OCTOBER 12, 1961 THE PILOT—Southern Pines, North Carolina PAGE THIRTEEN > I * 11 •M) CLASSIFIED ADS HOUSES AND APARTMENTS FOR RENT. DR. DANIELS. PHONE 0X2-6382. j21f if FIBERGLAS INSULATION if HURRICANE CHAIN LINK FENCE NO MONEY DOWN 36 MONTHS TO PAY FOR FREE ESTIMATE PHONE OR CALL STANDARD HOME IMPROVEMENT CO. P. O. Box 524 SANFORD. N. C. Phone 776-1713 BLACKWELDER well COM PANY: Boring and drilling. In- Quire at Frank Talbert s Shell Station between Aberdeen and Southern Pines, ask for Mr. Tal bert. Night phone Sanford spring 775-2421. jlStf ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS; Monday nights 8 p. m. Guild Room, Episcopal Church. Phone 695-4965. mlltf FOR RENT: UNFURNISHED 2- BEDROOM DUPLEX. HOT WATER BASEBOARD HEAT, 180 E. CONN. INQUIRE 270 N. ASHE ST. DOES YOUR FURNITURE NEED REFINISHING? Call PERRY'S Rep^r & Maintenance SERVICE Southern Pines Phone 692-8132 or Home 695-3475 05p We are paying top prices for pine timber suitable for poles and piles. American Creosote, Inc., Box 1147, Wilmington, N. C. ol2,19c FOR RENT: 2-bedroom furnish ed brick house. Inquire 360 N. Leak St., 0X5-4911. ol2tf LADY would like part-time of fice work, PBX operator or sales. Phone 692-8881. ol2c WANTED: Driveways, parkways and roads to pave. Plant mi:s rr surface treatment. Black’.- Paving Co., Southern Pines 0X5-7433. m9t) ALCOHOLICS ANONYTdOUS ' Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays " at 8 p. m. Community House, Aberdeen, WI4-1469. :6tfc WAITRESSES: FULL OR PART- TIME. WEDGE INN. PHONE 0X2-6344. o5« FOR RENT: FURNISHED 3- ROOM COTTAGE. 970 S. BEN NETT. 0X5.-7433. oStf FOR RENT: 2-bedroom unfurn ished house in Niagara, $50. a month. Phone 0X2-6672. s<f FOR RENT: 2-bedroom cottage, newly renovated. Rent reason able. Contact William Heller, 0X5-4722 or 0X5-4725. s7tl FOR RENT: NICELY FURNISH ED BEDROOMS. REASON ABLY PRICED. CLOSE IN. APPLY IN PERSON, 170 EAST CONN. AVE. ol2c LOST — REWARD: SILVER GREY MINIATURE POODLE. MISSING SINCE SUNDAY. MRS GLORIA BOYD. 695- 3675. ol2p FOR SALE: FOUR LARGE AN- TIQUE ORIENTAL RUGS, $250 UP. PHONE OX5-4281w ol2p HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE for sale, Thursday, Friday ,and Saturday, 9 till 5. Owner leav ing town. 120 East Vermont. ol2p FOR RENT: Small 2-bedroom house. Close in. Reasonable rent. Available Oct. 15. Call 0X5-5144 after 6 p. m. ol2tf FOR SALE: TOWER PORT ABLE TYPEWRITER SLIGHTLY USED. CALL PINEHURST CY4-4480. ol2,19p PUBLIC SERVICE The sale of Savings Bonds through this Payroll Savings Plan is an important public service. It fosters good citizenship. It helps Government spread the owner ship of the public debt widely among the people. It helps to keep the dollar sound and the economy prospering and expanding. It is , lan important aid in our efforts to control inflation. Nationwide Bond savings build up a backlog of purchasing power which will help level off the cycle of “boom and bust.” FOR RENT: 2-bedroom furnish ed house, electric kitchen. F. M. Dwight, 0X2-8778. a31tf APARTMENT FOR RENT; 335 West Vermont. $50 month, lights, water paid. s28c Still Oldsmobile - Pontiac, Inc. LAST NEW '61 OLDSMOBILE 1961 Super 88 power steering, power brakes, hydramatic transmission, 4-door Holiday Se dan, plus many other extras, in solid grey color. ORIGINAL RETAIL PRICE $4185.46 NOW $3766.50 OUTSTANDING USED CAR BARGAINS 1959 Olds 98 4-dr. Sedan solid black, full power, $2195.00 1959 Ford Sta. Wag., local one owner, real clean, 35,000 actual miles . . . $1895.00 1956 Olds S-88 4-dr. tu-tone white and blue, hydramatic transmission, power steering, radio and heater, local car . ; . $795.00 PLUS MANY OTHER REAL BARGAINS COMPANY OWNED DEMONSTRATORS: Full Factory Warranty 98 Holiday Spt. Sedan solid white WAS $4834.80 - NOW $3895.00 98 Holiday Coupe solid black WAS $4786.50 NOW $3845.00 F-85 Sta. Wag. radio, heater. Hydra. WAS $3294.00 NOW $2695.00 SEE Still Olds-Pontiac, Inc. 795 S. W. Broad Southern Pines ^4 » I i Wk IT, ii'sES UNUSUAL STILL— This illicit whiskey stiU was discovered by ABC officers deep in a swampy, heavily wooded location back from the Seaboard railroad, south of Addor. Arrested at the site Friday night was Mark Haith, 50, of Addor who was charged with its operation and made $500 bond in a hearing at Rockingham Saturday morning, for trial in the next term of Federal court. Making the raid were C. A. McCallum, chief Moore County ABC officer, ABC Officer Edward Floyd and Federal Officer Rast of the Alcoholic Tax Unit. Officer McCallum said he had never seen a still with this one's construction features. At extreme right of photo, at rear, is an old auto mobile gas tank containing kerosene that fed a row of six burners, apparently part of an old tobacco-curing unit, that heated the mash and water in the rectangular metal box above them. The steam ran through the keg and box on top, into a large copper coil that was cooled in the metal drum of water at left of photo in back, with an outlet for the whiskey at the bottom of the drum. Left foreground is one of the two barrels that were found nearly full of fermenting mesh, totalling about 100 gallons. A 90-gaUon mashbox also was found at the site. Officer McCallum described the outfit as “about as filthy and dirty as any we have seen in a long time.” Water for the operation was apparently obtained from a hole dug in the swamp nearby. The mash barrels were infested with maggots, roaches and other insects. Gnats and flies were so thick around the still that it was impossible to stay in the area with com fort. The still and all equipment at the site yrere knocked down and chopped up Saturday morn ing, so that no part of it could be used again. Haith had been convicted earlier Friday in Re corder’s Court at Aberdeen on liquor charges of transporting and possession for sale, receiving a suspended prison sentence and paying $100 fine, to include the court costs. That night he was arrested when he went to the site of the still. A cleverly concealed path led to the site off the railroad right of way. (Pilot photo) SOIL CONSERVATION NEWS Ponds in Moore to Be Stocked With Bream Fingerlings About October 27 By WILLARD K. KELLER Work Unit Conservationist Soil Conservation Service Glenn Adams, superintendent of the U. S. fish hatchery at Hoff man, was in Moore County on Friday, seine-checking several of our larger ponds. He states that he has tentatively set the date for delivery of bream fingerlings to Moore County pond owners for Friday, October 27. Individual pond owners, approximately 100, will be notified by mail of the exact time and date of delivery. The dam to impound a fairly large lake on the Pinewild Farm near Pinehurst has been com pleted. The contractor is now clearing the lake basin. Burtis Ragsdale and Leon Mat thews (D. R. Guin farm). Route 3, Carthage, have installed exca vated ponds. Each of these ponds is 200 feet long, eight to 10 feet deep and 50 feet wide, and will be used to irrigate tobacco. Mar tin Cameron, Route 1, Cameron, has had a pond excavated. Lau rence Falls, Eagle Springs, and H. T. Cameron, Cameron, have com pleted irrigation reservoirs. Bahia Grass J. E. Pollock, Raleigh, agrono mist with the Soil Conservation Service, was in Moore County on Thursday, October 5. He exam ined the spring-planted' bahia grass on the farm of James Full' Route 3, Carthage. He has work ed widely throughout the south eastern states and is of the opin ion that the results of this third bahia grass planting of Mr. Fulk are superior to anything he has observed north of Florida where the grass is native. Mr. Fulk now has nearly 10 acres of bahia grass pasture. Mr. Fulk is chairman of the Upper Cape Fear Soil and Water Conservation District. -tips, leaf and lugs, bundles make an classes- hands hibit. We could go on and on listing things to bring to the Fair but you need a fair catalog to do the best job of planning your ex hibits. Get i^ out now and begin assembling them to carry on October 23 to the Moore County Fair. Farmers Urged to Enter Exhibits in Moore County Fair Opening Oct. 23 By F. D. ALLEN County Agricultural Agent We would like to compliment the Carthage Junior Chamber of Commerce for its efforts in hav ing a good Agricultural Fair each year. They have built splendid fa cilities at the Carthage Fair Grounds. They work hard each year to get all the arrangements made for all the events connected with the Fair. It is up to the farm people of Mbore County whether this will be the best Agricultural Fair we have ever had. How can we make so? Bring all the exhibits that you have on your farm, as listed in the 1961 Fair Premium Book. One quart of the following makes an exhibit: wheat, oats, rye, bar ley, milo, soybeans, field peas, and 10 ears of corn make an ex hibit. We have one of our better corn crops this year, so go out and select 10 good ears for the Fair now! We have just harvested the best quality tobacco crop in the history of Moore County. T^he prizes on tobacco this year are: , $4, $3 and $1 in each of three Two THEATRE SUNRISE One of the most colorful and exciting periods of the W^st, when the U.S. cavalry > was the only protection against murder ous Apache and Comanche In dians, is depicted in Metro-Gold- wyn-Mayer’s outdoor adventure- drama, “A Thunder of Drums.” The film will be seen at the Sun rise Theatre Sunday, Monday and Tuesday. Famed Western historian and writer James Warner Bellah wrote this action-filled drama of events taking place at a remote cavalry post in Arizona of the 1870’s, with the picture given au thenticity in location scenes film ed in Cinemascope and color in (the desert-mounitain area near Tuscon. Richard Boone, cast as the rug ged commander of the garrison stationed at Fort Q^nby, plays his fitst major film role following his success on television’s “Have Gun, Will Travel” and “Medic” series. An unusual love story thread ed through the narrative involves George Hamilton, as a West Pointer newly arrived at the fort, and Luana Patten as an Eastern society girl. This team first scor ed together as the young lovers of “Home From the Hill.” Yield per acre from the current soybean crop is estimated at 23.0 bushels. This equals the previous record yield per acre S'St in 1958 and exceeds the 1950-59 average iby 4.6 bushels. FOR SALE Several unaltraclive building lots in So-Called Knollwood Heights area .JULIAN T. BISHOP 5 O'CLOCK CLUB Presents Geechee Robinson AND HIS BAND THURS., FRI. & SAT. OF THIS WEEK CURTIS TV S. W. Broad Southern Pines For Each ZENITH TV Bought Before October 21st You Will Receive ‘2 FREE TICKETS To COUNTRY HAM SUPPER LAKEVIEW COMMUNITY CLUB OCTOBER 21st . Boys Will Be Boys and here’s the place to dress them! BOYS' WEAR TO SIZE 12 * Slacks, Shirts, Suits, Coats, Sports Jackets, Underwear^ Pa j amas. Accessories Tots' Toggery Southern Pines Market Square Pinehurst NOW OPEN for the season Antiques Wedding Gifts Lamps MRS, JAMES W. TUFTS MRS. ROBERT KOHLER J. k vian If U