0 J Page EIGHTEEN THE PILOT—Southern Pines, North Carolina THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 1961 retirement living Try it out-see if you like it-in Southern Pines, North Carolina, at the famous Hollywood. Now a residential hotel, ideally situated in the Pinehurst-Southern Pines area of North Carolina where the 4 seasons are mild and retirement living is the community life. Superior accommodations for as little as $125 a month with meals. Hotel facilities and conveniences in unrestricted homelike atmoephere of a ruort hotel operated by the Pottle family for 43 years. Color brochure and complete information for the asking. WiitB fiterp W. PMtls,Mir 'Sn the.^ong^ea/'Pines COME TO CARTHAGE FURNITURE AND SAVE ON LUXURIOUS QUALITY SOFAS Carthage Furniture Company Carthage, N. C. (A CHARTERED PRIVATE CLUB) Open Nightly For The Fall Season Shows at 8:30 and 12:30 UnsurpassM Cuisine LOIS PHILLIPS Musical Comedy Ballet Tap Dancer STELLA GARRETT Reading and TV Singing Star GLADYS KALANI Intercontinental Singer and Dancer VINCENT BRAGALE AND HIS ORCHESTBA Direct from Indies Hotel/ Duck Key. Fla. PHONE CY 4-9824 FOR RESERVATIONS ON MIDLAND ROAD BETWEEN PINEHURST AND SOUTHERN PINES Doors of Robbins Stores Smashed by Vandals, Thieves Voss A/ews V/ide selection of styles and lengths covered in a choice of fine fabrics. Foam filled, Reversible zipper cushioned seats, Spring edge and Kick pleat skirts. COMPANION LOUNGE CHAIRS— in covers tQ match or contrast with sofas, same quality construction. WH 7-2253 Vandals with sticky fingers, or singularly inept thieves, were abroad at Robbins Sunday night, smashing the glass front doors of downtown business places but ap parently entering just one. Big gest damage was to the doors. Deputy Sheriffs H. H. Grimm and I. D. Marley investigating, said scattered fragments indica ted a cement block or cinderblock was heaved through the glass door of the M & M service sta tion, leaving a hole through which entry was made. The ciga rette machine was broken open and Gilbert Monroe, proprietor, estimated that $25 or $30 in change was taken, along with some cigarettes. At Maness & Williams Jewel ers, a metal milk crate was thrown through tbs glass, and at Barbara’s Beauty Shop, a fruit jar filled with rocks But at neither place, apparently, was entry effected. At the Friendly Shop cafe, someone took off the hasp of the back door, which, as it happened, i.;d into a storage room. Nothing, apparently, was taken. The officers found persons who heard glass, smashing about 8:30 p. m. Sunday and at 4 a. m. Mon day. Grimm said it isn’t certain that the same person, or persons, did all the damage. Some suspects are being questioned. Brother of Miss Logan Appointed William B. Logan of Columbus, Ohio, brother of Mis Mary Logan of Southern Pines, has been nam ed to a panel of consultants to Abraham Ribicoff, Secretary of Health Education and Welfare. Dr. Logan, who is director of Distributive Education at Ohio State University, is one of 25 panel members who will evalu ate educational programs and make recommendations. He is president of the American Voca tional Association and is in charge of teacher training for the distributive education program in Ohio. Miss Logan is supervisor for the Southern Pines and Pinehurst schools. JACKSON SPRINGS NEWS This section of Moore County was proud of its young people who played such an outstanding part in the recent YDC Convention. Our own W. E. Graham,, Jr. was elected president of the organiza tion after a heated contest. “Dub” Graham has been interested in politics and the Democratic party since he has been old enough to talk, and his home folks are proud of the honor which this capable young man has received. Leading the delegation from Moore was its YDC president, Elvin Jackson, who seconded the nomination of Graham. In his speech, he declared that Graham was “our own home boy and to beat him you would have to beat Moore County and we are not here to, be beat.” Elvin was elected chairman of the 8th Congressional District of the YDC’s. Also attending from this section were county YDC officials Leonard VonCanon and Mrs.. Harold Blue (Carolyn Harrison) and Harold. The Rev. Leland Richardson, now of Wilmington, was at the convention from New Hanover County; so were Mr. and Mrs. John Blanchard, she’s the former Julia Mae Graham; Watts Auman was there from Fort Le*e, Va. as was Sam Poole, U.N. C. law student, both on the job in behalf ;of Graham’s campaign. The above young people are all graduates of the district High School at West End, and we are proud to see them take an interest in politics which is the American way of selecting its public of- Jicals. Also attending the meeting were Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Graham and Clyde Auman. Carol Barta, granddaughter of M. A. Clark and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Barta (she’s the former Miss Azalea Clark) of Little Neck, Long Island, N. Y., has distinguished herself at Elea nor Rooselvelt Hall, University of Rhode Island, Kingston, R. I. At the award convention, she tied with a classmate for highest scholastic achievement during their freshman year. Carol was a straight A student and she pre sented a check from the Phi Kap pa Phi, honorary scholastic socie ty, a letter from the dean of students, a letter of commenda tion from the president of the University, as well as an award certificate. Carol spent several months here a few years ago and attended West End High School. By MRS. CHARLES CAMERQN WSCS Program Circle 2 of the WSCS of the Vass Methodist Church met No vember 7, in the church fellow ship hall with Miss Bessie Cam eron as hostess. Mrs. Charlie Gschwind presided. Mrs. H. C. Callahan, program leader, gave an opening meditation and pre sented the program topic “The Household Cf God.” Mrs. R. R. Thomas read the Scripture. Pro gram talks were given by Mrs. S. R. Smith, Mrs. J. M. Davis, Miss Ethel Davis, and Miss Bessie Cameron. Mrs. H. A. Borst read an inspiring thought for the eve ning entitled “Humility’s Re ward.” Mrs. R. R. Bullock pre sented the Bible study. The host ess served refreshments. WMS Executives Meet The annual planning meeting of the Quarterly Executives of the WWES of Vass Baptist Church wms held last Thursday evening at the Pinehurst home of Mrs. Fred Taylor. The hostess served a delicious dinner of turkey and trimmings to the members, Mrs. W. V. Nix, Mrs. Roland Ferguson, Mrs. J. D. Hales, Mrs. Lane Bullock and Mrs. Lofton Beauchamp. The meetiiig following dinner was presided over by WMS Pres ident Mrs. Taylor—the theme was “Aims for Advancements,” and plans for aims to be accom plished during the year were dis cussed. The next WMS meeting is plan ned for early January, 1962. Woman's Club Meets Mrs. N. N. McLean was hostess to the Vass Woman’s Club at her home Friday night. Mrs. W. J. Morgan presided and conducted a business period prior to the program. Mrs. Charles R. Pope presented the devotion. Mrs. Howard Gschwind, chairman of community affairs, introduced the guest speaker, Miss Annie Jones of the Moore County Wel fare Department. Miss Jones gave an interesting and informa tive talk on the various state supported institutes. The nomin ating committee presented the following slate of officers for the coming club year: president, Mrs. Charles R. Pope; vice presideiit, Mrs. W. J. Morgan; secretary, Mrs. N. N. McLean; treasurer, Mr?. W. E. Gladstone The hostess served refreshments to the 15 members and one guest present. Vass Methodist Men's Club The Methodist Men’s Club met Thursday night in the church fel lowship hall, with the members of Circle 2 preparing supper. James Hudson, president, presi ded and led a discussion on plans of the club for the church year In the order of old business was the purchase of outdoor flood lights and choir robes for the church, projects of the Club. Personals Mrs. A. G. Edwards, Sr. and Mrs. A.' G. Edwards, Jr. visited AO|2 Joe M. and Mrs. Edwards and infant son at Oceana, Va. Wednesday of last week. The Rev. T. Fant Steele, his wife and children, were callers in the community last Tuesday and Thursday. Sunday afternoon in the music room of the Vass Lakeview High School, Mrs. Kate MeInnis pre sented 20 of her piano students in ,i music recital. Following the program, parents and friends en joyed refreshments. Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Arnette and daughter Sheila, of Greensboro, spent the'weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cameron and family and visited other relatives. Roby Futrell, who has been a patient at Duke nospital, was able to return home Saturday. Mrs. Arch Blue returned home from Moore Memorial Hospital Thursday of last week. Mrs. G. M. Blue was able to return home Monday from St Joseph’s Hospital where she had been a patient for the past week. PINEBLUFF By MRS EHRMAN PICKLER Pvt. John A. Marts of Fort Rucker, Ala. and Pvt. John Mor ris of Flint, Mich. and Fort Ruck er, Ala., were weekend guests of Pvt. Marts’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Marts. Mrs. Sadie MacDonald was in Greensboro 10 days with her granddaughters, Mrs. Herbert Jones and Mr. Jones, and Mrs. Ralph Allred and Mr. Allred. Mrs. Clyde Hunt went up for a few days with her daughters and' Mrs. MacDonald and Mrs. Ralph Weisner accompanied her home. Mrs. Weisner is Mr. Hunt’s sister and was their guest for several days. Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Carpenter, Sr. spent last week at Kure Beach with Mr. Carpenter’s sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Claude Adams of Raleigh. Mrs. O. C. Adcox visited her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. MacHam in Sanford Saturday. Mrs. Ethel Edwards returned home last Tuesday from Char lotte and Greer, S. C. While in Charlotte she was guest of her sister, Mrs. J. S. Hoffman. Mrs. Hoffman accompanied her to Greer where they were guests of their brother, Ralph Reese and Mrs. Reese, and Mr. and Mrs. Mark Toole, of Wayland, N. Y., have arrived in Pinebluff for the winter. They have taken an apartment with Mrs. Theodore Webb. Mrs, Bessie Fitzpatrick and brother Earl Jeffries have return ed to Pinebluff after spending the summer in New York State., Roy A. Helms of Sanford visit ed his aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Carpenter, Sr. Sun day. ■The annual luncheon of the Pinebluff Home Demonstration Club was held at the clubhouse last Thursday, November 9, with a 'large number attending. This luncheon was started many years ago and was held in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Suttenfield. It is the one highlight of the year and the members of the club look forward to this occasion. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Ander son of Winston-Salem were in town on Thursday for a short visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. David and his parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Anderson, in Aberdeen. The First Quarterly Conference of the Pinebluff charge was held in the Methodist church Sunday morning. The Rev. M C. Dunn, district superintendent of the Fayetteville District delivered the message at the morniing wor ship service and the conference followed immediately after the service. A number from Hoffman and Beaver Dam churches at tended. QUAIL FARM LEASED Julian Bishop of Southern Pines announced this week that his Horse Shoe Quail Farm in upper Moore County has been leased to a small group of north ern sportsmen for the coming quail shooting season. 86 PROOF Straight BOURBON Whiskey PINT $3-60 4/s QUART TYRONE DISTIILINO COMPANI^ lAWRENCEBURG, KENTUCKT FOR FUEL OIL and KEROSENE Phone WI 4-2414 PAGE and SHAMBURGER, INC. ABERDEEN. N. C. Winterize Your Car Now! The Freeze Siarls • Sooner Than You Think Let Us Check ... □ RUSTY RADIATOR □ THERMOSTAT □ WATER PUMP □ FAN BELT □ RADIATOR HOSE □ HEATER HOSE □ HOSE CLAMPS □ RADIATOR CLAMPS □ BATTERY and CABLE YOUR CAR . GENUINE FOMOCO PARTS . . . FOMOCO ANTI-FREEZE ALSO PRESTONE ANTI-FREEZE Jackson Motors, Inc. Phone OX 5-5822 or OX 5-7721 Southern Pines. N. C. Welcome Golfers! You will find LADIES’ APPAREL at Mrs. Hay es Shop CHILDREN’S WEAR at Tots’ Toggery Southern Pines ITS PLANTING TIME PANSIES - Large, transplanted plants • Sfixed colors and separate colors CAMELLIAS\- Well-budded and blooming plants Large selection of shrubs and perennials Roy Kelly Landscape Service Midland Road Oxford 2-2251 VASS TV & RADIO Zenith Sales & Service AM RADIOS ... $19.95 up FM RADIOS . $39.95 up POCKET RADIOS . $26.95 up RECORD PLAYERS & STEREO .. $29.95 up TELEVISION $169.95 up ALLL CHANNEL ANTENNAS including installation .. $25.00 up Fc>r Prompt, Courteous Service Call 245-7781 If ACC Tif nuniA VASS TV and RADIO On Lobelia Road at Overhead Bridge PHONE 245-7781 VASS. N. C. Lane Bullock Preston Boggs Hugh McLean