Richard Tufts Announces Changes in Management t William C . Sledge, a member of Pinehurst Incorporated’s execu tive committee, will take over the direction of three of the com pany’s departments, according to announcement of Richard S. Tufts, president. The Laundry, managed by Frank McCaskill and the Green houses, under Lloyd Smith’s management, both previously un der the executive direction of Albert S. Tufts, will now be un der Mr. Sledge’s direction, as will the Heating and Plumbing de partment, managed by A. H. Gar rison and formerly directed by John F. Taylor. The direction of each Pinehurst department is assigned to differ ent members of the executive committee. Mr. Sledge is also di rector of two other departments. Winning Results in Silver Foils, Country Club Tournaments Silver Foilers played their postponed tourney Thursday with 53 members playing in the better ball of pair best selected 12 holes event. The team leading the field was that of Mrs. Hugh W. Kelly and Mrs. Michael T. Pishko, 18-20-38; with a two-way tie for second between Mrs. Rus sell D. Farley and Mrs. J. C. T. Sihler, 20-21-41; and Mrs. Harry M. Taylor and Mrs. Hilton Weini ing, 19-22-41. All three teams played on Number One Course. Fifty-six ladies turned out Fri day for the country club members tournament for women, a par- bogey contest for the better ball of pair. Mrs. Edward L. Nesbitt and Mrs. Max von Schlegell led the field with points of 42 going out and 38 on the incoming nine for a total 80 on Number Three Course. Taking runner-up honors were Mrs. Udell C. Young and Miss Kit Sledge putting together sides of 38 and 40 for the point total of 78 on Three.. Tennis et Golf" The title of a Paris-published slick magazine covering the two above specified sports is appro priate to the scene at the Pine hurst Country Club these days. The welcome thud of balls smacking the superb clay courts near the Club revives happy memories of earlier years when galleries packed the bleachers to —^watch such tennistars as the red-headed Budge brothers—Don and Lloyd—Elsworth Vines, Vi- ney Richards, and the fiery little Filipino, Wayne Sabin, display their virtuosity and temperament during “tennis week.” Spectators not only saw rank ing national and international pro fessionals perform, but were also treated to an exciting week of matches between top-seeded ama teur collegians. Players-for-fun regularlj^ seen on the courts during the fall, spring and early summer seasons ‘way back included Alice Vail (Mrs. Richard) Tufts and her brother, Herby Vail, Liv Biddlfe, Don Sherrerd, Judith Jenks (Mrs. Van Buren Ilsley) and Ed King. Congratulations to the new Pinehurst Tennis Club, formed last season with Dot Sneed as "First Family" Honored A Pinehurst Country Club members’ tournament established seven years ago, the Tufts Me morial, scheduled for Thursday, honors the memory of members of Pinehurst’s first family, as far back as Founder James W. Tufts. If James’s son, Leonard ever actively participated in Pine hurst’s principal industry—golf— we don’t recall it, but he kept his finger firmly on the pulse of the resort and even when housebound for several years because of ill ness, was acutely aware of and helped direct the activities which have made this the World’s Golf Capital. “Mr. Leonard’s” hobby was cattle; in his time, Pinehurst maintained an excellent dairy. He was one of the pioneers of the Ayrshire Cattle Club, devoted to the work of proving sires. Pine hurst cottager, John Sibley, owner of a fine almost century-old cattle farm near Spencer, Mass., tells us ^ that a photograph of Leonard Tufts was placed, after his death, in the Dairy Shrine out in Iowa. FRIENDLY ADVERSARIES— shown at the net just before their recent exhibition doubles match on the Pinehurst Country Club court are, left to right: Joe Roddey, Pinehurst pro- Here and Away Tin Whistles Winners In Best Ball Event In the weekly Tin Whistles Club tournament, a best ball of all four partners 4vent played' Saturday at the Pinehurst Coun try Club, winners were William G. O’Connell, Dr. Michael T. Pishko, Walter G. Robins and Dr. Marshall B. Wyatt, 50-44-94 points, and Lewis C. Burwell, Jr , Raymond E. North, William E. Parfitt and Dr. J.C.T. Sihler with 48-42-90 points. Both teams play ed the Number One Course. New Members Elected to membership in the Tin Whistles Club at a board of governors meeting at the Pine hurst Country Club last Monday were: John F. Farrell of Pitts burgh, Pa.; Elmer E. Finck of Buffalo, N. Y.; Harold P. Good- body of Florham Park, N.. J., George L. Hardy of Evanston, Ill., John C. Hubbard of Madison, N. J., S. H. Kuhn of Bronxville, N. Y., Dr. James P. Marr and Dr. Samuel Alcott Thompson of New York City, Egon F Quittner of Rydal, Pa., and Russell Symmes of Winchester, Mass. The Tin Whistles Club mem bership now stands at 425. Six'Winning Teams Name(i After Bricige Party at Carolina Play in the weekly Friday night duplicate bridge tourney at the Carolina Hotel in Pinehurst produced wins for two Hamlet teams, three teams from South ern Pines, and a pair of Carolina guests. Winners, using the Mitchell Movement, were: North-South, first—Mrs, B. W. Dickenson and Mrs. Elizabeth Hogan, Hamlet; second—Mrs. Jean Edson and Mrs. Roy Grinnell; third—Mrs. M. W. Hitson and Mr. E W. Bush. East-West, first—^Don Moore and Frank deCosta; second—Mrs. C. S. Milham and Mrs. C. J. Fet- ner, Hamlet; third—Mr. and Mrs. Edward Fell, Hartford, Conn. Because of the Harvest Square Dance being held Friday, Novem ber 24, in the Carolina Ballroom, that evening’s duplicate session has been cancelled; the group will meet again December 1. Expected here for a visit Sun day with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Cameron are her brother, T. S. Sloan and daughter, Mary Louise, and a cousin, James Sloan and his wife, all of Mt. Ulla. Guests Wednesday and Thurs day of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis S. Cannon are his sister. Miss Sara Cannon of New York City; and another sister, Mrs. Santi Annino, her husband and their daughter, Judy, of Long Island; also anoth er daughter, Mrs. David Dublin and her husband of Duke Univer sity, Durham. Miss Susan Smith, a student at Woman’s College in Greensboro, will be here for the weekend with her mother, Mrs. Kenneth F. Fer ris and Mr. Ferris. Buzz Burwell is spending the holiday with friends in Bridge port, Conn. Weekend guests who are here for Thanksgiving with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur J. Lacey, are Mr. and Mrs. F. Taylor Root, of Buffa lo, N. Y. Arriving tomorrow to spend the Thanksgiving weekend with the Rev. and Mrs. Marshall B. Wyatt are their son and daughter- in-law, Comdr. and Mrs. Micajah Wyatt and their four children, Maj. and Mrs. E. H. Griffighs and Capt. Edward Usherwood, all of Norfolk, Va Mr. and Mrs. Q. A. Shaw Mc Kean have gone to Southboro, Mass, to spend the weekend with their son, John, a student at the Bay School. Miss Judy Owens, a student at Catholic University in Washing ton, D. C. will be the holiday guest of her parents. Dr. and Mrs. F. L. Owens. Mrs. Frederick E. W. Darrow of New York City is here visiting her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. William B. Nugent. Arriving Wednesday from St. James’ School in Maryland are Bob and Tim Tufts von Schlegell, who will visit their parents over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Dana are spending Thanksgiving in Ashe ville with their son, Richard, a student at the Asheville School. A weekend guest of Mrs. J. H Dietenhofer was J. Paul Guidry, a native of St. Louis, Mo. who has just completed boot training in the U. S. Navy and is stationed at Norfolk, Va. Miss Paulette Dietenhofer arrives tomorrow from Mary Washington College in Fredericksburg, Va. for the holiday. Arriving Thursday to until Saturday with the Bishop and Mrs. Louis C. Melcher are their son, the Rev. Louis C. Mel cher, Jr., his wife, and their small son, Louis, III, from Charleston, S. C. Here from St. Andrews College with their respective parents are Misses Bettye McCaskill and Anne Ehrhardt. Mr. and Mrs. Roland R. Mac- Kenzie left Monday for Cockeys- ville, Md. where they will spend the Thanksgiving holiday. Here last week for an overnight visit with Mr., and Mrs. Robert Barrett on Fields Road were her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Burner, en route from fort Royal, Va. to Sebring, Fla. The Barretts’ son, Robert, Jr. from UNC and their daughter, Beatrice from East Carolina College, are spending the weekend here . Octave Blake flew north to Plainfield, N. J.. last Wednesday for a short stay. He plans to re turn to his place her.e for Thanks giving. Miss Deena Delany is spend ing the Thanksgiving weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Thayer Com ings and their daughter in York Harbor, Maine. Here with Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Creath for the weekend are their daughter, Patty and a UNC roommate. Miss Marcia O’Don nell. Visiting Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. D2irst is their son Peter, who is on leave from the Marine Corps prior to leaving for a Mediter ranean tour of duty November 28. Their son, Philip, a student at Tabor Academy, Marion, Mass., is here for the weekend and an other son, Bobby, of Rocky Mount, will spend Thanksgiving Day with them. John C. Grier, III, a student at Mars Hill College, is joining his parents. Dr. and Mrs. J. C. Grier, Jr., for the weekend. Spending Thanksgiving with his grandmother, Mrs. Richard S. Lovering and Mr. Lovering is J. W. (Mike) Page, stationed with the Navy in Norfolk, Va.. Visiting Mrs. Lovering’s son, F. C. Page, Jr. in Aberdeen, is his son, Henry, of Elkin. Miss Nancy Gouger from St. Mary’s Junior College is with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gouger for the holiday. Bradley Johnson from Camp bell College is with his mother, Mrs. Lewis Johnson, for the weekend. Thanksgiving guests with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Pearse and son are her mother, Mrs. Leonard J. Bliss of Winston-Salem, a sister, Mrs. H. H. Musselwhite, her husband and their sons, Johnny and Eddie, also of Winston- Salem, and a brother, Leonard J. anT*Alfred wife and their chil dren, Leonard and Carol-Jean, of Columbia, S. C. Misses Virginia and Ann Reeves of New York City are spending the weekend with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. John M. Reeves. Overnight guests of Mr. and Mrs. Eric Nelson on Thanksgiv ing will be Mr. and Mrs. Bert Nichols, en route from Arlington, Mass, to West Palm Beach, Fla. Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Thompson spent last weekend in Lenoir with his brother, Frederick Aire- wood Thompson. They plan to spend Thanksgiving Day in Dur ham with Mrs. Thompson’s sister- in-law, Mrs. Thomas L. Black and her family. Harvest Dance in Carolina Ballroom Features Two Bands The annual Harvest Dance in the Carolina Hotel Ballroom Fri day will have two orchestras— one to play for square, and one for round dancing. The party begins at 9 p. m., informal dress is the order pf the evening, and reservations are re quired and can be made by call ing Frank White in the Carolina Pine Room. AT MOORE MEMORIAL J. Ellis Fields, Sr. was injured Saturday by a fall into the base ment of the former Welch store building in Southern Pines where he was working. He suffered mul tiple bruises and cuts around the face and was taken to Moore Me morial Hospital where he is still a patient. New Residents Arrive For Thanksgiving Here Mr. and Mrs. Charles K. Halla- well arrived Saturday from Hunt ington Valley, Pa. to occupy their cottage, purchased last year from Mrs. Frank Anglim. Their son, Ralph Hallawell, and his family, of Longhorn, Pa., will spend Thanksgiving with them. Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Wilkins of Greenwich, Conn, and New York City, have rented Centrewood from Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Biddle, II, and arrived there Saturday for a two months’ stay. Mr. and Mrs. James K. Stone of Cresco, Pa., are here and plan to move into their home on Lin den Road, purchased from Col. Hugh Waddell. Col. Waddell has moved to Knollwood to the home he bought last spring from Dr. Katherine Way. The above transactions Were handled by Biddle Co. Pet Show, Gymkhana, Horse Show Scheduleci Sunday at Carolina The annual Thanksgiving Pet Show begins promptly at 1:30 p. m. Sunday in the Carolina Hotel’s riding, ring in Pinehurst This event will be followed by a gym khana, including musical stalls and an egg and spoon race. The season’s first Horseshow, with four classes for children and young people, will follow the gymkhana. Mr. and Mrs. William Frantz, Sr. will judge the three events. The next in the series of Horse- shows, in which young riders are awarded points throughout the season, will taka place December 10 at the Dwight Winkelmans’ Lakelawn Farms in Southern Pines. The Annual Mid-Winter Show is scheduled for Friday, Decem ber 29, in the Carolina riding ring. Pinehurst School Highlights By Gene Maples and John Barry Threesome Scores 61 ToWinPCC Event The Country Club members tournament played Friday by men members, a stroke play event for the best ball of all four part ners, produced a first place win and a four-way tie for runners-up position in the field of 71 players. Scoring 31-30-61 on Number Two to take top honors was the three some comprising Karl Andrews, C. Foster Brown, Jr., and Edward L. Nesbitt; while four foursomes scoring 62 to tie for second were: William J. Burke, Carl N. Cal kins, Daniel O. Delany, and A. Carl Moser, 31-31 on Number One; Woody Browning, Dennis C. Crottyt Dr. Hugh K.. Hatfield and David R. Riach, 31-31 on Number Three; J. Stewart Baker, Donald D. Cooke, Gen. Stuart Cutler and Clarence L. von Tacky, 29-33 on Three; and Lyle T. Alverson, Gen. A. V. Arnold, Robert M. Pearse and Dr. Mar shall B. Wyatt, 30-32 on Three. Communily Swimming Ass'n. Elects Directors Elected to membership on the board of directors of th.^ Com munity Swimming Association for three-year terms were Mrs. Bill Johnson, West End; Billy G. McKenzie and Dan Lewis. Presi dent William Alexander presided at the Monday evening meeting held in the elementary building of the Pinehurst School. It was voted to raise member ship in the association from $100 to $150 after April 1. Annual dues are $15 Mrs. Reed A Albee of Whits Plains, N. Y. arrived today to visit Mr. and Mrs. J. Herbert Todd for a week. Pinehurst High School has been a maze of confusion during the past weeks. Mr. Hemmer has been here to take pictures for the Rebel, our school annual. He photographed members of all the clubs, special activities groups, and senior superlatives. We bor rowed everything from racoon coats to Chevy convertibles for tjie pictures. The Rebel staff is now working hard to meet the annual’s dead line, and to keep its grades up. We think the Rebel is going to be the best yet. Basketball Teams Win On Friday night the Pinehurst girls’ and boys’ basketball teams played their fourth .games of the season at Cameron. The girls’ game, was close, but Pinehurst came through with 46 to the op posing team’s 42, giving our girls four wins and no losses. Judy Cameron, with 24 points, was Pinehurst’s high scorer. Our boys seem to play their game in the last few seconds. 'The Rebels were trailing Cameron un til the fourth quarter when they started narrowing the margin With scores tied at 36, Gary Cam eron was fouled with four sec onds left to play. He received two free throws and made the one shot to break the tie and make the score 37-36, with Pinehurst boys also undefeated so far. Top scorers for our side were Marshall Lewis with 13 points and Butch Hardy with 12. French Club Hayride The French Club is planning a hayride on December 2, and all members will bring dates. Th.2 ride starts at 7:30 p. m. and will end at 10 with everyone going to Sandy Wicker’s home for danc ing and refreshments. Teen-Age Club There was a teen-age Club meeting Saturday night and though only a few showed up, everybody had lots of fun. It was decided to have a dance or meeting once a month, and we hope there will be more enthusi asm in the future. , Cookies Pay For Annual The Seniors hope everyone in the High School will buy their wonderful cookies which help pay expenses of the annual. GIVE th« MW THIN self-winding watch /-/>a Ayf/jLrrcD/s/ .. . from $7950 The watch he’ll wear con stantly —- for its slim dress-styling and its rug gedness! Self-winding, shock-resistant, and weath erproof. (Waterproof- Dustproof provided origi nal seal is restored if opened.) See our complete selection. Thin-o-matte T-476 ... Calendar $100.00 fricei Inclvde fad. Tea GLVvLl.r.Kii Dr. Smith to Fill Pulpit Sunday at Village Chapel The Rev. Dr. William E. Smith, vice president of Wesley Theo logical Seminary, Washington, D. C., will be the preacher at the Village Chapel Sunday at the 11 a. m. service. Dr. Smith is the son-in-law of Mr. and Mrs. Alvie J. Claxton of Pinehurst. He is a native of the Eastern shore of Maryland, and a graduate of Maryland College. He studied theology at Boston University and received his Doc tor of Philosophy degree from that institution. After serving several smaller charges. Dr. Smith became pastor of the University Methodist Church of College Park, Md., where he did outstanding work especially with the faculty and students of the University of Maryland. He was called to his present post at one of the Methodist Church’s largest seminaries last June. In Local Shooters Win Skeet Awards Sandhills winners in the three- day Harvest Skeet Shoot of the Pinehurst Gun Club, which end ed Sunday, included: Mrs. Robert S. Ewing of Southern Pines, who took the ladies championship with a score of 89 x 100; James E. Harrington, Jr., of Pinehurst, first in Class B of the All-Gauge, with score of 98; and 1st Lt. Jack Spey of Southern Pines, first in class D of the All-Gauge, 94. W. D. Parks, Jr., of Clemmons, S. C., broke four straight strings, scoring 100 to become All-Gauge champion. Parks and Jack King of Guilford College took the Two-Man Team award with 199 X 100. Virginia Davis Landis, Inc. Village Coaft Bldg. Pinehurst JUST ARRIVED Large Assortment Christmas Gifts Flowered Raincoats ... Matching Umbrella? Lovely Lingerie Musical Christmas Trees Jewelry Imported Sweaters And Beautiful New Holiday Dresses and Evening Dresses DO YOUR SHOPPING EARLY FRANK and FRANCES APPAREL and GIFT SHOPS Harvard Bldg. Pinehurst SUITS — DRESSES — SKIRTS — SWEATERS ETIENNE AIGNER BAGS AND SHOES TRIFARI JEWELRY CARDS BY HALLMARK aomi s A MUST ! See our holiday dresses and coordinates arriving daily (Don’t fail to see our After-Thanksgiving special sales rack) OPEN ALL DAY WEDNESDAY Use our convenient lay-away plan for your Christmas shopping Wellesley Bldg. Open 9 to 5 PINEHURST, N. C. Opposite Holly Inn

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