, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1961 THE PILOT—Southern Pines, North Carolina JACQUIN'S PEACH FUVORED BRANDY $2.30 PINT CHARLES JACQUiN et Cie, Inc., PHILA., PEHNA. ' 70 PROOF r . Open the Door to Ufopfi]? UfoUiays by Gift Shopping at Melvin’s .... where Your Problems are Solved by a Gift of Clothing! You’ll dis cover Fashion Treasures right in yonr own “home town.”. PILOT BLOUSES BOBBIE BROOKS FASHIONS JUNE FOX DRESSES JEAN CASTLE SLEEPWEAR SCHRANK SLEEPWEAR WINGS . . . SHIRTS, ROBES PAJAMAS SEVEN POINT SOCKS BOB SMART SHOES HANES UNDERWEAR BUSTER BROWN KNITWEAR SHIRTS — SLACKS SWEATERS — SOCKS SKIRTS — SHORTS Page THIRTEEN VASS NEWS and PERSONALS Melvin’s Aberdeen and Southern Pines By MRS CHARLES CAMERON Installaiion S«Arice At the Sunday morning wor ship service at the Vass Presbyte rian Church, the Rev. A. C. Triv- ette, pastor, installed R. A. Ed wards and Karl Schweinfurth as deacons. Circles Meet Both Circles of the Vass Meth odist WSCS held their December meetings in the Church's fellow ship hall with programs on “Christmas In The New Testa ment.” In the order of business, the distribution of Christmas Cheer gifts was planned. A social period with refreshments follow ed each meeting. Mrs. Charles Gschwind was hostess to Circle 1 on Tuesday night. Miss Bessie Cameron was program leader. Mrs. R. E. Bul lock presented a talk on “Christ mas on the Writings of Paul;” Mrs. David Moe talked on the “Meaning of the Writings of John.” Mrs. S. R. Smith read the Scripture and Mrs. W. A. Muse led the closing prayer. Circle 2 met Thursday night with Miss Carol Foster as hostess Mrs. Horace Mullinix presided and gave an opening thought for the evening. Mrs. David Moe read the Scripture. Miss Agnes Boggs was program leader, with Mrs. Mullinix, Mrs. James Hudson, and Mrs. Charles Cameron pre senting talks. Miss Boggs led the closing prayer. Woman's Club Meets The Vass Woman’s Club held its December meeting Friday night at the Dixie Inn with Mrs. A. D. McLaughlin. The 16 mem bers and four guests enjoyed a covered dish supper in the din ing hall with recorded Christmas music presented by Mary Mac Pope. 'The impressive evening de votion was led by Mrs. P. A. Wil son who is the district chairman of religion. Mrs. Wilson presented and led the Christmas story, join ed by the group in imison. Mrs. W. J. Morgan • presided over the meeting and conducted a business period prior to the pro gram. Mrs. C. P. McMillan, chair man of public affairs, introduced the guest speaker. Miss Hazel Rosser, who showed colored slides of the Holy Land, from her collection made on tours taken while she was teaching in Ger many. An exchange of Christmas gifts concluded the program. Members welcomed along with Miss Rosser were Miss Ruth Mar tin of Sanford; Mrs. David Moe, and Mrs. Bernice Turner, house guest of Mrs. Morgan as guests. Personals Mrs. Cary McLeod of Route 3, Carthage, spent from Wednesday until Friday with her sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. G. M. McDermott. Mrs. Paul D. Hudson of Rich mond, Va. visited with Mrs. P. A. Wilson and Mr. and Mrs. W. D. McGill Sunday afternoon. Mr. Hudson is on the staff of the Board of the Presbyterian Church, U. S., with responsibilities for training elders, deacons and offi cers fo* men of the church throughout the Assembly. Miss Jeanette Mullinix of Wom an’s College spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Horace Mullinix of Woman’s Col lege spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Horace Mul linix and family. Mrs. W. T. Cox of Raeford was weekend guest of her sister, Mrs. S. R. Smith. On Sunday, Mrs. W. D. Matthews of Southern Pines joined them for dinner. Mrs. Daniel Boggs was able to return to her home Friday after being hospitalized for two weeks at St. Joseph’s Hospital. Sunday afternoon visitors in the home were her daughter and son-in- law, Mr. and Mrs. Hal Womble and children, Vann and Teresa, of Raleigh. Warren Cox of Miami, Fla. and Mervin Cox of Raeford were Mon day callers at the home of their aunt, Mrs. S. R. Smith. Their mother, Mrs. W. T. Cox accom panied them to Onancock, Va. where she and Mervin will re main for a visit with her daugh ter. Mr. and Mrs, Arch Blue, Mr, and Mrs. Lewis Foster, and Miss Carol Foster spent Monday in Durham. A. G. Edwards, Jr. entered St. Joseph’s Hospital Friday where he remains a patient. Miss Bessie Cameron, Mrs. C. L. Tyson, Mrs. H. A. Borst, and Mrs. S. R. Smith spent Friday in Fayetteville. * « This Christmas give an Extension phone I5l_ IN COLOR! New PETITE phone is an ideal gift, so attractive in its gay holiday wrapping; Give a new, ultra-modern petite phone. It’s SMART, it s SMALL, it LIGHTS! Perfect for bedroom, living room, kitchen, den. The petite has a dial that glows in the dark ... lights up brightly when the receiver is lifted. Available in white, beige, blue, pink or turquoise, attractively gift wrapped! ... Or give a slim, handsome wall phone. Or a standard desk phone in smart, modern styling. Both available in a full range of today’s smartest colors. It’s so easy to give an extension phone in color ...and you can choose from several convenient methods of payment. Simply call our business office —or ask any installer for details. Wall phone and standard desk model also make fine gifts. Delivered in special Christman wrap. ' UNITED TELEPHONE COAAPANY OF THE CAROLINAS. INC. Once there was an expert who tried to catalog all the ways peo ple use wood. He gave up after finding 4,500 uses. PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS CLUB BOURBON CLUB / i 9 i ■ CLUB BOURBON 'KENTUCKY* SIRAIGHI BOURBON WHISKEY' An Honored Name Since 1830 ©iSTnieoTfB gr waTiOmat e>iS»u.».C9» ewoOuCrs CO Kentucky Straight Bourbon 1 Someone Give Better... 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