Page FOUR THE PILOT—Southern Pines, North Carolina THURSDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1961 Women's Activities and Sandhills Social Events MARY EVELYN de NISSOFF, Editor TELEPHONE OX 2-6512 60 Enjoy Sandhills Woman’s Exchange Party in Chapel Hall Mrs. John R. Sibley Monday entertained 60 members and guests of the Sandhills Woman’s Exchange at a Christmas party in Pinehurst’s Chapel Hall. * Upon arrival, each lady receiv ed red or a white carnation and a present number. The hall was decorated with a Christmas tree and wreaths at the windows and guests were greeted with music appropriate to the season. President Mrs. Robert C. Fish er presided at a short business meeting after which those present, exchanged gifts which they had brought and placed under the tree. They were then served re freshments from a table unusual ly and attractively decorated with an ornamental centerpiece. Mrs. Albert S. Tufts poured punch and Mrs. S. Donald Sher- rerd presided at the coffee urn. Mrs. Clarence Von Tacky re ceived the door prize, a Christmas tree table decoration. It was pointed out during the business session that the Ex change now has a book corner, opposite the food counter; a num ber of books are now on the shelves and others will be added, i-xecuiive Board Meets The Exchange’s executive board met December 8 at the home of President Mrs. Robert Fisher, with 10 present. Page Shamburger To Fly Group to Kitty Hawk for Dedication Mr. and Mrs. Dooley Adams and Mike Kerr will accompany Miss Page Shamburger, flying in her plane to Kitty Hawk for the annual dedication service at the Wright Brothers Memorial Sun day in recognition of the first flight of the brothers, Orville and Wilbur Wright. They plan to go Saturday for the banquet that evening of the “Man Will Never Fly Society.” Page, Cinny and Dooley Adams are charter members of the sa tirical society initiated a year or so ago by members of the N. C. Press. CIVIC CLUB HEARS LOCAL SCHOOL GLEE CLUB IN CHRISTMANS PROGRAM The Civic Club Monday enjoy ed a program of Christmas music given by the East Southern Pines Glee Club under the di rection of William McAdams, with Cathy Sandstrom, a member of the Glee Club, as piano ac companist, as she has been for the past three yeats. The program consisted of car ols and Christmas songs, including a Russian folksong, “The Sleigh,” “Winter Wonderland,” Irving Ber lin’s familiar “White Christmas,” “Twelve Days of Christmas,” “We Wish You a Merry Christmas,” “Dona Nobis Pacem,” “Alleluia,” and “ ‘Twas the Night before Christmas." Mrs. Avery Evans, Civic Club president, conducted a short busi- nes meeting before the Glee Club arrived, then turned the meet ing over to Mrs. Virgil P. Clark, program chairman. Mrs. Carl Wallace introduced the director, Mr. McAdams, a member of the local school facul ty for the past two years. The room was festive with Christmas decorations arranged ■V by Mrs. Dean Dorman and Mrs. J. D. Sitterson, including tall red candles on the tea table, at which Mrs. Dorman poured. Hostesses for the meeting were: Mrs. Marvin Cornell, Mrs. James Hartshorne, Mrs. Frank Warner, Mrs. K. C. Weatherspoon, Mrs. W. L. Baker, Miss Grace Thwing and Miss Louise Haynes. Glee Club members are: Mary Chappell, Nancy Rowe, Julia Mc Millan, Judy Harris,-Dana Kosak, Cathy Sandsttom, Linda Smith, Peggy Worth, Diana Fields, Clara Harper, Daune Cuff, Jeanne All- red, Fay Reid, Perry Davis, Fay Ewing, Sue Perry. Also, Janet Phillips, Kathy Dougherty, Lorraine Beith, Janice Campbell, Patti Larsen, Stephanie Pollock, Glenda and Sheila Man- ess, Debbie Hicks, Ellen Bushby, Barbara and Marie Hurst, Bar bara Grove, Brigham Morgan, Bobbie Hiatt, Ralph Hendren Bob Madigan, Pat Dougherty, Dick Hoskins, Norman McKenzie, Robbi Austin, Ellen Donovan, Barbara Webb and Brenda Mar shall. MANY COLLEGE AND PREP SCHOOL STUDENTS ARE HOME FOR HOLIDAYS MOORE HOSPITAL AUXILIARY SETS DATE FOR ANNUAL HOEDOWN APRIL 27 MR. AND MRS. EDWARD J. LANCASTER COUPLE WED IN ABERDEEN WILL MAKE THEIR HOME IN PINEBLUFF A good proportion of the col lege and preparatory students who will be herd for the holidays with their parents is represented by the following list: From UNC—Pete Butler, Jack Carter, Jimmy Parker, Bill Sey- moirr, Claude and George Reams, John McMillan, John Ormsby, John and Bob McConnell, John Beith and Julian Pleasants. Salem Academy—Barbara Bo- dine; Mercerburg Academy, Mer- cersburg. Pa.—Dan Butler; Bryn Mawr College, Bryn Mawr, Pr.— Patricia Gordon-Mann; Darlington School for Boys, Rome, Ga., and Ricky Gehweiler. Christ School—Bill Kemp and Tim Leonard; Elon College— Barbara Blackwelder and Charles Ward; Converse College, Spartan burg, S. C.—Emmaday Collins. St. Andrews Presbyterian Col lege—Frances Harper, Suzanne Steed, Diana Tolar; Georgetown University’s School of Foreign Service, Washington, D. C. — Ellen Sauser. Lees-McRae — Becky Traylor; N. C. State—Jimmy Carter, Al fred Chiswell, Billy Gay, John Grover, Jerry Healy, John Mar cum, Tom Culbreth, Thomas Vann and David McCallum; University of South Carolina—Malcolm Kemp, Jr. Greensboro College — Sandra Bridges, Sussm Pollard, Arden Fobes and William Rounds; Mercy Hospital School of Nursing, Charlotte—Adrienne Montesanti; Meredith—Nancy Rawlinson; St. Mary’s Junior College—Suzanne Miller. Campbell College—Allan But ler, Lament Brown, Jr., Joe Mar- ley, Jr.; Purdue, Lafayette, Ind. —Joe Garzik; McCallie School for Boys, Chattanooga, Tenn.— Tom my Reams and Ronnie Brown. East Carolina—Charles Rose, Joan Parker, Judy Chandler, Pat Farrior and Jean Bushby; Virgin ia Episcopal School, Lynchburg, Va.—Tom Worth; Mary Baldwin College, Staunton, Va.—Alice Farrior; Western Kentucky Uni versity, Bowling Green, Ky. — Glen Marcum; Woman’s College —Louise McDonald. Employees of Mack’s Store Have Annual Christmas Party Sunday The personnel of Mack’s 5 & 10c Store of Southern Pines enjoyed a Christmas party Sunday night. The group went to the Dutch Farm Restaurant for a smorgas bord supper. Attending were Mrs. Alice Mc Neill, Mi,ss Lessie McNeill, Mrs. Lenora Mulholland, Mrs. Bessie Hearn, Mrs. Amelia Crain, and former employees. Miss Mary Mary Scott Newton, Mrs.. Daisy Conder Kelly, Misses Louise and Pauline Crain. Mrs. Hall Hostess At Dessert-Bridge Mrs.. Jewel Hall, assisted by Mrs. Charles Meares entertained at a dessert bridge party Friday at the former’s Valley Road home, which had Christmas decorations throughout. High scorer for the bridge was Mrs. C. D. May; second high— Mrs. George Little and the prize for low score was won by Mrs. C. L. Worsham. A bingo game followed, and as each guest called “bingo,” she was presented a box of Christmas candy. Guests, besides those mention ed above, were Mrs.. William Bushby, Mrs. Melvin Johnson, Mrs. J. D. Sitterson, Mrs. Bill Baker, Mrs. James Douglas, Mrs. Joe Matthews, Mrs. Hubert Cam eron, Mrs. George Thomas, Mrs. Francis Dwight, Mrs. Bob How ard, Mrs. Bill Blue and Mrs. I. F. Collier. An executive board meeting of Moore Memorial Hospital Auxil iary was held last Wednesday morning in the nurses’ home in Pinehurst, with Mrs. Paul Dana, president, presiding. Reports were heard from the various com mittee chairmen. A total of 865 1-4 hours of vol unteer work was reported by Mrs. Robert M, McMillan, with 765 for the central'supply room and 100 1-4 hours for the canteen cart. Mrs. O. Leon Seymour, cart chairman, said that the cart had been going out more often dur ing the past several weeks be cause of more volunteers for this particular project. Hospital Ball Postponed The annual Hospital Ball, given each year by the Pinehurst Coun try Club for the hospital’s bene fit, will not be held this Spring, according to Mrs. Fred Pollard, benefits chairman. Acting on the advice .of the board of directors of the hospital, the Auxiliary and the Country Club decided that because of the intensive funid drive the hospital is instituting shortly, it would be wise to fore go the ball so that those working on the drive would in no way be impeded in their efforts. The Ball will, however, be giv en next November and Mrs. Law- ence Johnson of Aberdeen will head the committee on arrange ments. It has long been one of the highlights of the social season in the Sandhills, and every effort will be made to have it usher in Sanford Home Tour Scheduled Dec. 20 ' St. Thomas Episcopal Church of Sanford is sponsoring a tour 01 cnristmas-decorated homes on Wednesday, December 20, from 2 until 5 p. m. The tour will ^^t at the church —appropriately decorated for the season—where organ music will be played during the hours of the event. Refreshments will be served at the country home of Mrs. Kelly Evans. Included in the tour are the homes of Mrs. R. D.. Bracken, Mrs. Robert Pomeranz, Mrs. Ed Hubbard, Mrs. Jack Sheer Mrs, Charles Reeves, Mrs. Glenn Price, Mrs. Wallace Mclver and Mrs. William Chapell. Mrs. R. D. Bracken, tour chairman, announces tickets are available at the church parish house. deCostas Win First Prize in Sandhill Duplicate Club Play The “regulars” turned out Tues day evening for the weekly meet ing of the Sandhill Duplicate Bridge Club. A husband and wife, Mr and Mrs. Frank deCosta, teamed to take top honors. In second place were Mrs. Jean Edson and Mrs. Roy Grinnell. Dr. E. W. Bush and Fred Brind ley were third place winners and taking fourth prize were Mrs. B. W. Dickinson and her daughter, Mrs. Elizabeth Hogan, of Hamlet. United Church of Christ Lists Meetings The Rev. Carl Wallace will preach on “The Gift of a Spirit,” Sunday at the 11 a. m. worship service at the United Church of Christ. The Prayer Group and Youth Choir rehearsal both will be held at 7 p. m. Wednesday; the Senior Choir rehearses at 8 p. m. and the Church Council also meets at that hour. Sunday’s Horse Show Rained Out; Mid-Winter Show Set December 29 The Informal Schooling, Horse Show, scheduled for last Sunday afternoon at the Dwight Winkel- mans’ Lakelawn Farms, was can celed because of rain. Next in the series of seasonal horse shows will be the annual Mid-Winter Show, scheduled for December 29 in the Carolina Ho tel Riding Ring at Pinehurst. Additions to Guest List at Hollywood Hotel this Week Miss Ruth Jones of Smithfield and Mrs. Lillian Hunt of Lexing ton have arrived at the Holly wood Hotel where they plan to remain as permanent guests. At the Hollywood for visits are Mr. and Mrs. Elbert R. Boyd of Stoneham, Mass, and Mr. and Mrs. E. Lee Heidenreich, Jr., of New burgh, N. Y. William F. Kenna of Brooklyn, N. Y. is there for the winter as is Mrs. Rufus Sprague of Somer ville, N. J., who arrived by plane. the Fall season next year. Hoedown Set For Spring Mrs. Pollard said the date for the annual Hoedown at the Southern Pines Armory has been set for Friday evening, April 27. Mrs. James W. Tufts of Pinehurst will have charge of the dance. To Decorate Mrs. William Bodine, volun teer co-ordinater, reported on Christmas plans for the hospital. The Southern Pines Garden Club and the Civic Garden Club of Southern Pines;, the Home and Garden Club, Round Robin Gar den Club and Gardenettes of Aberdeen will decorate the hos pital generally. Mrs. Ratliff’s Girl Scout troop No. 66 and Mrs. Gil more’s troop No. 78, both of Southern Pines, have charge of decorating the Christmas trees throughout the hospital, and also the canteen cart. The Woman’s Club of West End will decorate the hospital trays on Christmas Eve, and the Aberdeen Woman’s Club will have special favors for, the pa tients’ trays on Christmas Day. Christmas Party Mrs. Alex T. Roberts and Mrs, Stuart Patterson are making gala plans for the annual Christmas morning party for the entire hos pital personnel and patients. Party for Personnel The annual Christmas party for personnel of the Hospital and their families will be held Thursday, December 21, from 7:30-10 p. m., in the lounge of the nurses’ home. The medical staff and board of directors are invited. Officers, Committee Heads The Auxiliary, in getting off to a start this Fall, is headed by Mrs. Paul Dana of Pinehurst, who replaced Mrs. J. Hilbert Johnson of Southern Pines. Mrs. Johnson was elected to the presidency last Spring, but moved to Hickory re cently. Others holding office are: Mrs. Mulford Horr, Pinehurst, vice- president; Mrs. J. Paget Rigby, Pinehurst, treasurer; Mrs. William Wadsworth, Southern Pines, sec retary. Committee chairmen include: Mrs. Fred Pollard, benefits; Mrs. Lawrence Johnson, Aberdeen, membership; Mrs. Alwin Folley, bulletin; Mrs. Robert McMillan, volunteer committee; Mrs. Wil liam Bodine, volunteer co-ordina tor; Mrs. Alex T. Roberts,, Pine hurst, volunteer advisory com mittee; Mrs. Leon Seymour, cart; Mrs. John R. Burr, Pinehurst, special projects; Mrs. Edward Schneider, birthday club; Mrs. Harold Peck, desk volunteers; and Mrs. Paul Butler, publicity. Others attending the meeting included Mrs. James Tufts, Pine hurst, who will assist Mrs. Pol lard with benefits; Mrs. Stuart Patterson, Pinehurst, and Mrs. Duwayne Gadd, Pinehurst, im mediate past president of the Auxiliary. Martha Currie Cruce and Ed ward J. Lancaster were married Sunday, December 3, in the Aber deen Baptist Church. The pastor, the Rev. R. D. Spear, Jr., offici ated at the 4 o’clock ceremony. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Duncan W. Currie, of Pinehurst. Her husband is the son of Mr. and Mrs. M, E. Lan caster, of Durham. The church was decorated with greenery, baskets of white gladioli and lighted candelabra. Miss Ann Hovis, of Pinehurst and Gastonia, presented a pro gram of wedding rhusic with E. H. Poole as soloist. The bride wore a sheath gown of blue polished satin with an overskirt of Chantilly lace. She carried a white orchid on a white Bible. Her maid of honor. Miss Faye Hicks of Raleigh, wore a red vel veteen suit with matching acces sories . Robert Green of Aberdeen was best man. Ushers were Bill Lomax and Bobby Vanhoy, of Aberdeen. The bride’s mother wore an opal blue dress with matching ac cessories and a corsage of white carnations. The bridegroom’s mother was attired in navy blue with match ing accessories and she also wore white carnations. After a wedding trip, the cou ple will live in Pinebluff. Mrs. Lancaster is employed by Amertron, Inc. of Aberdeen. He is with the Montgomery Dairy Products Company of Southern Pines. For Christmas Books Make The Perfect Gift SELECT OR GIVE A GIFT CERTIFICATE Juvenile — Teens — Adults Studio Bookshop 105 E. PENNSYLVANIA AVE. SOUTHERN PINES St. Anthony’s School Choir Sings for St. Joseph’s Hospital Guild The boys and girls of the Choir of St. Anthony’s Catholic School gave a special performance of carols and Christmas songs for an audience of members of St. Jo seph’s Hospital Guild Tuesday at the hospital,. Sister Ann St. Joseph directed the Choir, members of which are as follows: Michael Buchholz Dennis Dougherty, Kevin Gaco- mo, Sandy Craig, Harriet Roberts, Sandy Smithson, Carole Drexel, Diane Black, Audrey Owens and Margaret Dougherty, seventh and eighth grade students. Also, fifth and sixth graders Kathy Tate, Robin and Johanna Smith, Joyce Jones, Jeffrey Stew art, Dana Weldon, Louise Ald ridge, Donald Westbrook, Jo Ella Fortin, Carrie Cauthen, Jane Buchholz, Cheryl Thompson. Michael Dougherty, Michael Black, John Buchholz, John Ber ry, Ann Jones, Gloria Boggan, Becky Cauthen, Charles Buch holz, Donald Roth, Karen Low stutter, Pat Smithson, Pam Low stutter, Mary Alice Robertson, Archie Gillespie, Kathy MeStrav- ick, Wesley Gunter, Rebecca Mc Neill and Billy Suttles. Miss Hewitt and Mr. Moser, Wed Saturday Mrs. Elizabeth Hewitt an nounces the marriage of her daughter, Miss Luella Hewitt, to Fred Moser of Southern Pines. The ceremony took place Sat urday evening, December 9, in the parlor of the First Baptist Church with the pastor, the Rev. Maynard Mangum, officiating. The couple will iive here. For festive occasions choose a holly punch bowl set. At Theodota’s and The Pine Shop you’ll find many lovely gift items at $1.00, $1.25, and up. -also- • Cards — Linens — Silver — Crystal THEODOTA Southern Pines James Prims, Former Residents, Celebrate 25th Anniversary Here Mr. and Mrs. James Prim of Richmond, Va., were hosts to a group of friends for dinner, Sat urday evening, December 9, at Dante’s private dining room, in celebration of their 25th wedding anniversary, December 12. Mr. Prim, on a previous visit to Southern Pines, had made all of the arrangements for the occa sion, keeping it a secret from Mrs. Prim, and making it a de lightful surprise for her. Guests attending were Mr. and Mrs. James Besley, Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Austin, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Shockley, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Strouse and Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Doyle. The group gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Strouse for a social hour before dinner. The dinner table was graced by two large silver candelabras bear ing white tapers. Mr. Beasley, acting as spokesman for the group, presented the couple with a gift of silver. Music for group singing was provided by Robert Strouse, Thomas Shockley and Bus Doyle. Girl Scout Troop Will Be Sponsored By Dogwood Grove Dogwood Grove 253 of the Su preme Forest Woodmen circle met Tuesday evening with Miss Stella Morrison presiding. Some time ago, the circle was asked to sponsor a girl scout troop, so in behalf of this proposi tion, Mrs. Betty Koshak, troop leader of an intermediate group was invited to attend the circle meeting and present her cause. Miss Morrison introduced Mrs. Koshak and two Girl Scouts, Debra Koshak and Frances Maples. During Mrs. Koshak’s explan ation of requirements for being i sponsor, she called on the girls to give the scout promise, slogan, motto, laws, and the meaning of he world pin. On display were everal articles made by Mrs. Ko shak and her troop. During the business session, the members voted to sponsor this troop for the coming year ind Mrs. Mildred Merrill and Miss I Pauline Crain volunteered to serve as committeewomen to work with the troop. One require ment of a sponsor is to furnish the troop with the U. S. and Girl Scout flags. Mrs. Amelia Crain volunteered to donate the U. S. flag. Also during the business ses sion, it was voted to change the meeting night from the first Tues day to the second Monday night in each month. Mrs. Raywill Pearse immediate past president, invited all mem bers to the Christmas party Mon day evening, December 18, in the Woodmen hall at 8 p. m. Each member was asked to bring an in expensive gift for the gift ex change; an offering will be taken to help defray expenses in pre paring cheer baskets for Christ mas. Drawing for a turkey will be held during the party and the winner will be notified. The circle’s past presidents will be hostesses for the party. Hollywood Bridge Club Winners Hollywood Bridge Club win ners, following their Tuesday afternoon session, were: Mrs Avery Evans, Mrs. G. P. Patteson, Mrs. P. P. Pelton, Mrs. L. T. Saw yer and Mrs. Ada Williams. Winner at bolivia was Mrs. Warren Edwards. looJIr here! Best gifts yet! • View-Mastet Viewers, Reels, Projectors • ' Simmons Travel Kits - Justin Billfolds • Kaywoodie Pipes and Pipe Accessories • Revlon Implement and Manicure Sets • Toiletries for all the family by Shulton. Yardley. Revlon,, Max Factor, Kings Men, Faberge and DuBarry • Fresh Shipment of Favorite Candies OPEN SUNDAY, DEC. 17th, 1961 Sandhill Drug Company PRESCRIPTION DRUGGISTS Phone OX 2-6663 Southern Pines, N. C.

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