Page FOUR THE PILOT—Southern Pines, North Carolina THURSDAY, DECEMRER 21, 1961_ Women's Activities and Sandhills Social Events MARY EVELYN de NISSOFF, Editor TELEPHONE OX 2-6512 Local Garden Club Meets at Clarendon Gardens in Pinehurst Mr. and Mrs. Francis Howe were hosts at their Clarendon parden home in Pinehurst Mon day to the Southern Pines Gar den Club. Club members who had pre viously been invited to meet Monday and tour the Gardens with Mr. Howe, because of rainy weather, were shown instead col ored slides of the place by their host. Mr. Howe also showed beauti ful color photographs of individu al cuttings, representing about 75 species of the over 200 varieties of holly raised in the Clarendon Nurseries. In a test given the members to determine the species in 15 dif ferent types of holly shown, Mrs. B. F. Kraffert was the winner. Club President Mrs. Clarence Von Tacky told members that the Southern Pines Library had again this season been beautifully dec orated for Christmas by the Gar den Club. Mrs. Howe served a decorative and delicious Christmas tea to the members attending. HOME CANDLELIGHT SERVICE UNITES MISS WOODELL AND MR. RUCKERT Miss Sandra June Woodell and William Earl Ruckert were mar ried Saturday in a candlelight service at the home of the bride’s mother, Mrs. Isaac A. Woodell. The Rev. Carl Wallace, pastor of the United Church of Christ, was the officiating minister. The bridegroom’s parents are Mr. and Mrs. Jacob B. Burg of Mt. Clemmons, Mich. A reception at the bride’s home followed the ceremony. Her cou- sip. Miss Sylvia Boyte, of Aber deen, presided at the punch , table and Miss Patsy Simmons served the wedding cake. The couple will make their home here until next summer, when they plan to go to Michi gan to live. Out-of-town guests included Mrs. Ruckert’s sister and broth er-in-law, Mr^ and Mrs. Keith Oates and sons, Mrs. Frank Boyte and the Misses Sylvia and Diren- don Boyte, Miss Patsy Simmons and the bridegroom’s brother, Jerry Ruckert. Legion Auxiliary Donates $70 to VA Gift Shops in State Meeting last Tuesday at the home of Mrs. Veta E. Gorman, members of the American Legion Auxiliary voted to send Christ mas remembrances to shut-ins and Gold Star members. Miss Gussie Cameron, unit presi president, presided. Treasurer Mrs. W. E. Cox, Jr , reported that checks totaling $70 had been sent to the four veteran’s hospitals in the state for the gift shops. As membership chairman, Mrs^. Cox also reported 39 paid-up memberships for 1962; she stated that cookbooks, distributed by Department headquarters in Ra leigh, had arrived. Music Chairman Mrs. L. L Woolley read the article from the Auxiliary magazine on the hymn- of the month, “Cantique de Noel,” by Adolphe Adam, and an article on “Christmas Customs and Sym bols.” The hostess served delicious and festive-looking refreshments. BROWNSON MEMORIAL CHURCH WOMEN SEE FILM STRIP AT MONDAY MEETING Mrs. Bruce Warlick was in charge of the Joy Gift Christmas program of the Women of Brown- son Memorial Presbyterian Church Monday evening in the church sanctuary. Mrs. C. C. McLean, president of the Church Women, called the meeting to order and the mem bers joined in singing the hymn, “Joy to the World.” Mrs. Warren Smith led the de votional. Alter the business session and circle reports, Mrs. Warlick show ed a color film strip, with record ed narration and music, entitled “Let’s Look After Our Own.” After the Joy Gift offering was taken, the Youth- Choir, under and Mrs. Ralph Chandler, with Miss Rosie Chandler as piano ac companist, sang “Winds Through the Olive Trees,” “The Babe in the Manger,” “In David’s Royal City,” with solo by John Wads worth, “Hosanna,” and “There’s a Song in the Air,” with Pat Cameron, soloist. Following the benediction by Dr. E. C. Scott, interim minister, the group adjourned to the fellow ship hall lor a Christmas party. Pioneers Present Play The Pioneer Fellowship pre sented a one-act play, “The Christmas Cat,” on 'Tuesday evening in the fellowship hall. The performance was followed by a party for parents and guests and iiH ii IN AND OUTS R. P. Beasley and his sister. Miss Mary Beasley have moved into their BSay Street home from their former country home be tween here and Lakeview. Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Lam- phier, of Wake Forest College, will visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Paul R. Staples and their son, Frank, over the Christmas weekend. Dr. and Mrs. F. E. Hale, who are residents at the Holly wood Hotel, will join the family for Christmas day. Miss Lockie Parker leaves here Sunday to join her sister. Miss Beryl Parker in Richmond, Va. and the two will join friends in Williamsburg, Va. where they will join in the various festivities planned there for the Christmas season. Bill Warner of Detroit, Mich, is arriving for the holiday season with his mother, Mrs. Ruth Swisher. Mm^ ChuAtniCtA Frances Becker All the best is our holiday wish for our friends and patrons. Frandel Beauty Shop Mildred Henry Sarah Garcia * MRS. JOHN LORNE MACDOUGALL, JR. RYE WEDDING UNITES ANN DAVIDOW AND JOHN LORNE MACDOUGALL, JR. ba.xvv.rAy vxvv. ...wwn,** ^ ^ X- direction of Mrs. Norris Hodgkins members of the cast. Hilbert Johnsons Entertain Friday At Hollywood Hotel • Mr. and Mrs. Hilbert Johnson, former residents who have moved to Hickory, entertained their friends here at a cocktail party Friday at the Hollywood Hotel. Guests at Hollywood Mrs. Alan Cowperthwaite has arrived at the Hollywood Hotel to spend the winter. There for the holidays are Mr. and Mrs. Albert M. Moss and family of New York, and Mrs. T. C. Ringgold of Raleigh. Other guests include Mr. and Mrs. George Catuna of Northport, N. Y. and Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Van Cleff of Watch Hill, R. I. Rainbow Girls Plan Christmas Ball On December 27 Dave Blume and his Quintet will play for the Christmas Ball,’ Wednesday, December 27, at the Southern Pines Country Club. The dance is sponsored by Sandhills Assembly 40, Order for Rainbow Girls, and will be a semi-formal affair. All members have tickets for sale, or anyone wishing to buy tickets may call Dawn M. Le- land at OX 2-3134. Silver Foils Club Tourney in Pinehurst Has Turnout of 24 Mrs. Maurice F. Creem turned in a score of 19-22-41 to win Class A in the best selected twelve holes contest, played Tuesday by 24 members of the Silver Foils Club at Pinehurst. Tied at 44 for runner-up posi tion were: Mrs. David R. Riach, 21-23; and Mrs. John E. Barry, 23-21 Class B winner, with 20-21-41, was Mrs. Elbridge S. Sidway, who had a one-stroke lead over the runner-up, Mrs. John W Lindsay with 22-20-42. Quartet Presents Musical Program at Rotary Club Dinner Arch Coleman, former resident here who now lives in Virginia Beach, spoke on “The Spirit of Christmas” at the Rotary Club’s annual Christmas dinner party for members and wives, held last Thursday evening at the South ern Pines Country Club. Guests were entertained with a program of Christmas music presented by Cathy Sandstrom, Faye Reid, Mary Elizabeth Chap pell and Dickey Hoskins. Mrs. Robert Leland was given a bouquet of American Beauty roses by the club in appreciation of her work for them over th^ years. General chairman of arrange ments for the party was Dr. Wal ter Sergeant who was assisted by the Rev. Carl Wallace and E. J. Austin. Members of the committee on decorations were Mrs. James Lindsley, Mrs. L. D. McDonald and Mrs. Sargeant. Miss Dumaine Plans Christmas Party Jn Stable at Weymouth Miss Betty Dumaine is enter taining friends and neighbdrs at an eggnog party on Christmas Eve in Mrs. James Boyd’s barn at Weymouth, where Miss Du- maine’s horses are stabled. There will be a Christmas tree, wreaths and greenery will deco rate the stalls, and the horses’ manes will be braided with mis tletoe. Episcopal Day School Students Present Program, Enjoy Party Forty students of the Episcopal Day School Tuesday presented their annual Christmas program, under direction of their teachdrs, Mrs. W. O. Spence, Mrs. James Lindsley and Mrs. W. R. Bonsai, III. Children, and their parents, were served cookies and punch. Mrs. Leland to Entertain Sunday School Classes Mrs. Robert Leland is enter taining members of her seventh and eighth Sunday School Classes of the United Church of Christ at her home Saturday afternoon. 22 Dogwood Grove Members Enjoy Christmas Party The annual Christmas party of Dogwood Grove was held Mon day evening in the Woodmen hall. The hall was gaily decorated in the holiday colors with a silver tree with red ornaments centering the rooms. . The little Misses Candy O’Quinn and Ruthie Allred entertained the group with a song and dance number of their own composition, also tap dancing, after which the grown-ups entered into games contests and carol singing. The drawing for the turkey was held and Mrs. Bill Poley of West End was the winner. The proceeds will be used to spread cheer during the holidays. After the gift exchange, refresh ments of cookies, punch, candies and nuts were served to the 22 members present. Past presidents of Dogwood Grove were hostesses. Mr. and Mrs. John Lome Mac- Dougall, Jr. will live in New York City. Miss Ann Davidow, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Archie Davidow of Rye, N. Y., and the son of Mr. and Mrs. MacDougall of Southern Pines, formerly of Morristown, N. J., were married Saturday in Rye. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. Wendell Phillips of hrist’s Episcopal Church. The bride, escorted by her fath er, wore a gown of white satin trimmed with a lily-of-the- valley motif of Swiss organdy and ba tiste, and an illusion veil attached to a matching lily-of-the-valley of stephanotis and ivy around a cluster of pink sweetheart roses. Her attendants, attired in for est green velvet, were Mrs. Paul M. Harbolick, the matron of hon or, Mrs.. Paul J. O’Neill, Miss Jane MacDougall, the bride groom’s sister, and Miss Jean Ro- mig. Barry D. Coletti was best man. ,The bride is a graduate of Dana Hall School, Wellesley, Mass, and Mount Holyoke College, class of 1959. Mr. MacDougall is a graduate of the Hill School and a 1956 grad uate of Harvard College, where he was a member of the Iroquois and Racket Clubs. He is associated with Montgom- headpiece. She carried a bouquet ery Ward in New York. St. Joseph’s Hospital Nursing Staff Host to Policemen, Firemen The Southern Pines and Pine hurst Police and Fire Departments were entertained at dinner Wed nesday night at St. Joseph’s Hos pital. The dinner is given annually by the Sisters of St. Francis, who form the nursing staff of St. Jo seph’s, in appreciation of the help and cooperation given the hospi tal by the Police and Fire Depart ments of the two communities. 1 Mrs. Kennedy Welcomes Friends to New Home With a Housewarming Mrs. Audrey K. Kennedy was hostess at a housewarming party Saturday afternoon at the home on Young’s Road which she pur chased last summer from Mr. and Mrs. Harold Collins. Mrs. Kennedy just moved into her newly acquired place this fall on her return from her summer home in Brookline, Mass. J tijakjv^ you ■ ’ i. ^ May fh/s be a re^I ery'oyabl© occasion for \jou. r WBACTY - BUItO.BS Hubert Moss Robert Chamberlain Mary Morgan Local Police Dept. Has Christmas Dinner Party at Wedge Inn Twenty-one members of the Southern Pines Police Depart ment, and their wives, got to gether for a Christmas dinner Tuesday evening at the Wedge Inn. Present for the fun and fellow ship were Police Chief and Mrs. Earl Seawell, Sgt. and Mrs. G. L. Wright, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wil son, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Coy Frye, Mr. and Mrs. Allan Benner, Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Samuels, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde G. Council, Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Hall, Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Rogers and Mrs. Thomas Vann. St. Joseph’s Hospital Patients, Staff, to Hear Music Program Patients and hospital staff at St. Josephs’ Hospital will hear a music trio—Organist Irving W. Barry, Violinist Vincent Bragale and Vocalist Bob Matthews—Fri day afternoon at 3 o’clock. Anyone interested in the per formance is invited to attend the concert. New Heir-Rival s JACQUELINE McNEILL Mr. and Mrs. Jack L. McNeil' are the parents of their fourth daughter, Jacqueline Elizabeth weighing seven pounds, 10 1-2 ounces, born December 17 at Moore Memorial Hospital. The baby’s sisters are Sandra Gail, 11; Judy Ann, nine; and Trudy Dell, six. Paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. W. A. McNeill of Lumberton and the maternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. George Buttry of Durham. Hollywood Bridge Club Lists Winners Hollywood Bridge Club table winners, following their weekly session Tuesday afternoon, were Mrs. E. V. Walker, Mrs. S. R. Jellison, Mrs. H. W. Allen and Mrs. P. P Pelton Mrs. Clinton Areson was the bolivia winner. Looking Ahead For Christinas Books Make The Perfect Gift SELECT OR GIVE A GIFT CERTIFICATE Juvenile — Teens — Adults Studio Bookshop 105 E. PENNSYLVANIA AVE. SOUTHERN PINES SEE OUR "SPECIAL VALUE" TABLE At Theodota’s and The Pine Shop, you’ll find many lovely gift items at $1.00, $1.25, and up. -also- Cards — Linens — Silver — Crystal i THEODOTA Southern Pines OPEN NIGHTS ’TIL 8 Thurs. — Fri. — Sat. Make it a JEWELERS ^/yutkenv ^ineA', Memorable Trio Entertains CP&L Personnel at Annual Dinner Dance Fifty couples Saturday attend ed the Carolina Power & Light Company’s holiday dinner-dance, held as usual in past years, at the Southland Hotel. , A trio, comprising Irving W Barry, organist, Vincent Bragale, violinist, and Bob Matthews, vo calist, played and sang and the guests enjoyed dancing after din ner in the dining room where a tree and other appropriate deco rations carried out the Christmas theme. Ferguson Youngsters Celebrate Birthdays Vicky Lynne, five, and Kim berly Frances Ferguson, one, cel ebrated their joint birthdays with a Christmas party Friday at the home of their mother, Mrs. Dottie Ferguson, on Saunders Boulevard. Guests, Margaret Nanopoulos, Jane Hannah, Tricia Thomas, Pam Council, Trudy McNeil and Bobby and Phillip MacCrimmon, enjoyed ice cream, cake and candy. Prizes were given for games played and each guest re ceived a book as a favor. MEETING RESCHEDULED The meeting of the Woman’s Fellowship of the United Church of Christ, set for December 28, has been set forward to January 4 when a luncheon is planned. INS AND OUTS Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Cush man have their entire family with them for the Christmas hol idays at their home on Valley Road. Here visiting are their sons, Robert, Jr., his wife and their two sons, of Rockingham; Everett and his wife, of Greenville, S. C.; and two daughters, Mrs. T. D Nickerson, her husband and two sons, of New Castle, Pa., and Miss Sally Cushman, who attends Wal nut Hill School in Natick, Mass Mr. and Mrs. Roy Grinnell left last weekend for Orange, Texas to spend the holidays with their sdn, Pete and his family. During their absence, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Birch of Myrtle Beach are occupy ing the Grinnell home on Coun try Club Drive. Arriving Christmas Day for a visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Maxwell Grey, are Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Smith and children, Walter and Judy, of Wilmington, N. C. \ PUNCH Beautifully: includes with all the of colonial simplicity... set quart bowl, ' tray, ladle 12 cups in gleaming silverplate, COMPIETE F»<1, Tax Ind.

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