Page TEN THE PILOT—Southern Pines. North Carolina THURSDAY, DECEMBER 28, 1961 PARKER OIL CO. "Serving Moore County 18 Years" • (£ss^ PRINTER METER TICKETS ALWAYS DEPENDABLE AUTHORIZED DEALER -Fuel Oil -Kerosene -Gasoline ABERDEEN VASS WI 4-1315 245-7725 SEMI-ANNUAL FALL CLEARANCE SALE Now In Progress The BOOTERY Sanford, N. C. OLD D STRAIGHT BOURBON WHISKEY YEARS OLD $/30 PINT 4/5 QUART 86 PROOP ABERDEEN NEWS By ANN J. McNEILL A lovely Christmas dinner party wyn, Mrs. Roy Bender, Mrs. S. Weaver, Mrs. H. B. Court- deen Home and Garden Club and one guest, Miss Stuart Har- lon. The spacious Taylor home was Upon their arrival at 7:00, mam ;rs were presented individual Christmas corsages, a gift from Mrs. H. W. Doub and made by her. Guests were then invitee into the large dining room, where three beautifully appointed ta bles were set. Mrs. E. L. Pleas ants offered the blessing and then guests served themselves, buf fet style, to a bounteous turkey dinner with all the trimmings. Following the dinner, mem bers went into the living room fo- the short business meeting, with Aberdeen for a family Christmas dinner Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Buchan ano’ children joined relatives in San ford for a family dinner Tuesday evening at the home of Mr. and Mi4. W. J. Garvin. Mr. and Mrs. Neill Graham o Durham spent several days ear lier this week with Mrs. George Martin. Mr. and Mrs. John Buchan and children of Raleigh visited Mr. and Mrs. Lee Buchan Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Lockey Jr., of Lumberton spent Christ mas with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. John Sloan, Jr., of Mt Airy spent the holidays with his parents. Francis Pleasants, Jr., gradu ate student at Florida State Uni versity, Tallahassee, Fla., is spend ing the holidays here with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Self and :ons of Robbins attended the Christmas Pageant at Bethesdc Church Sunday evening^ Mr. and Mrs. H. Clifton Blue and family visited Christmas Day with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A L. Nunnery and also his mother, Mrs. J. P. Blue on Route 2, Vass. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Caddell, Jr, and family of Ralteigh and Jim- Mrs. Taylor, president, presil-!*^^® Caddell of Salem, Va, wer' ing. Committee reports were giv- ' holiday guests of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Caddell. Mrs. H. H. Brewer of Sanford en. In judging the arrangements on display, Mrs. Swaringen’s lovely organ and choir of angels arrange ment won first place; Mrs. Ben der’s Madonna arrangement re ceived second vote, and the ar- visited Mrs. D. H. Lewis and Miss Minnie Brewer Tuesday. Holiday guests of Mr. and Mrs Jack Taylor include Mr. and "Mrs. Jack Taylor, Jr., and daughter, rangement by the junior Garden Elizabeth of Boston, Mass.; Mrs Club placed third. I^^ck Taylor, Jr.’s parents, Mr This year the Club members ^^d Mrs. Harry Von Wilier of did not exchange gifts but chose Cleveland, Ohio, Jim Taylor, stu- to put the money into the School College; and Mis: Free Lunch program. Mrs. Ralph Caldwell was in charge of the Christmas program. She gave a short history of the origin of Christmas music and carols. Following this, Mrs. Cald well and Mrs. Jim McKeithen sang “O Holy Night.” Miss Stuart Harmon rendered two piano se lections. The program concluded with Mrs. Caldwell and Mrs. Mc Keithen singing “Merry Christ mas and Happy New Year.” Sandhill Book Club Mrs'. Lawrence Johnson wa? hostess to the Sandhill Book Club on Friday afternoon, Decem ber 15, with 15 members attend ing. Upon arrival, guests were served a sweet course. Mrs. J. K Melvin, Jr., president, presided over the business session. Mrs. W. S. Taylor had charge of the program and read letters that the members had written tc Mrs. Norfleet From all of us to all of you. just an old fashioned wish, warm and' hearty, for your health and happiness in 1962. Just an old fashioned "thank you," too, for your patronage and good will which hsi'i^e hade us so happy throughout the past year. Southern Pines Plumbing & Heating Southern Pines, N. C. JiJMES WALSH & CO, UWRENCEBURQ. KENTUCWf Santa Claus Pleasants was the winner of a Christmas contest. Each member contributed mon ey for the needy in the commun ity. Birth Announcement The Rev. and Mrs. R. S. Bare field of Kenly announce the ar rival of a son, Timothy Lee, on Saturday, December 16. American Legion The American Legion, Auxil iary, and their families enjoyed a Christmas party Thursday night, December 14, at the hut. Follow ing the singing of Christmas car ols, Santa Claus arrived with nuts, candies, and fruit for the chil dren. Auxiliary members and Le- gionaires exchanged gifts. Punch and cookies were served by the hostesses, Mrs. W. D. Cav- iness, Mrs. Margaret Bowen, Mrc. John Sloan, and Mrs. W. H. Guth- ie. Briefs The Rev. and Mrs. Rene Bid- eaux and family, missionaries to Costa Rica, will arrive Thursday for a month’s visit with Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Edge, Sr. Mr. and Mrs H. J. Edge, Jr, of Fredericksburg, Va., arrived Wed nesday for a visit with his par ents Miss Jo Sue Wallace of Hart ford. Conn., is spending the holi days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mack Wallace. They were joined on Christmas Day by Mr and Mrs. D. T. Wallace of Char lotte. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Cox and soi spent the holidays with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Moore in Canton. Sunday evening dinner guests of the jiarry Watsons included his parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Watson; Mr. and Mrs. Wiley Ga-- ner of Pinehurst; Capt. and Mrs. Clyde Garner and daughters of Myrtle Beach, S. C.; and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Garner and sons of Sanford. Mrs. Paul Jordan is spending several days this week with Mr. and Mrs. Frank McNeill and fam ily. CapL and Mrs. David Edge and family of Savannah, Ga., wih arrive Friday for visit with Mr. £md Mrs. H. J. Edge, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Elliott and children of Monroe, Mr. and Mrs. Billy McMaster and daughters of Red Springs, and George Gwyn Mary Ann Taylor, student at Sul lens "ollege in Bristol, Va. L. J. Dawkins of Hickory visit Keep Standards High, Dr. Abrams Urges Teachers Dr. W. Amos Abrams, editor and assistant executive secretary of “North Carolina Education” magazine, was the guest speaker at the December meeting of the Moore County Classrooms Teach ers. Dr. Abrams urged all teachers to stand together and back the General Assembly in its major step toward “quality education.” He pointed out that teachers, like doctors and lawyers, must have a professional code of ethics and hold the standards high for en trance into the profession. Tea chers in these times, he said, must continue to maintain high morals and once again become the back bone of community life, devoted and untiring in their efforts. Already this year, he noted bordering states are having dif ficulty in recruiting North Caro lina teachers. In the past, they have drained our state of some its best qualified teachers his evidences that increased teacher salaries are providing more and better teachers for the state. Mrs. Grace Lingerfelt, of the Farm Life School faculty and a former student of Dr Abrams, introduced the speaker. Cash con tributions were made by the teachers to the Mary Morrow Scholarship fund. The meetine was held in the auditorium of the Carthage school. MiRs Meade Seawell of Carthage gave the opening worship. Following the meeting the Classroom Teachers’ officials were hosts at a dinner at the Carthage Hotel honoring Dr. and Mrs Abrams. Those attending were Misses Treva Auman, Bert Mc- Crummen, Catherine McBray- er and Valera McCrummen; and Mrs. Grace Lingerfelt, Mrs. An nie R. Baringer and Mr. and Mrs, Vance L. Wilson. ed in the home of Mrs. Knox Matthews and family on Christ mas Eve. Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. N. A. McGill included her parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Kaylor, Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Kaylor Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Milton Kaylor and daughter, Debbie of South ern Pines. Mr. and Mrs. V. L. Parrish and son. Tommy of Faison visited her sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Wade Walters and Dick ie during the holidays. Mrs. Anne Mischke and daught er, Karen spent Christmas with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. L Nunnery in Roseboro. Mr. and Mrs. John Storey and children of Atlanta, Ga., were Christmas holiday guests of hei parents. Dr. and Mrs. P. J. Ches ter in Southern Pines. Mr. and Mrs. W. H McNeill, Jr, and children and Mrs. Glenn C. Yelland of Harrisburg, Pa., arriv ed Tuesday for a visit with his father, W. H. McNeill, and fam ily. Miss Pat Hackworth of Atlanta'’ Ga., spent the Christmas holi days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Hackworth. Her broth er, Cecil, accompanied her to Atlanta for a few days visit. Mr. and Mrs. Don McCluskey and children spent the holiday; with her parents, Mr. and Mrs Vann Hicks in Biscoe. Miss Faye Matthews, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Tilley”: and daughter of Chapel Hill joined relatives here for Christmas. STYLE-O-RAMA BEAUTY SALON ONCE IN A LIFETIME SALE ON PERMANENT WAVES BEGINNING TUESDAY. JANUARY 2. NOTE SPECIAL PRICES ON THE FIRST 100 PERMANENT WAVES $10.00 Waves $4.50 $12.50 Waves $5.50 $15.00 Waves $7.50 Above prices include Shampoo, set and cut All Work Guaranteed Call OX 2-8711 for your reservation ' Z''"'" OF FINE EMPLOYMENT RIGHTS When a veteran believes he holds re-employment rights in a Federal agency, but the agency refuses to re-employ him, to whom does he appeal his case? In the case of a field service posi tion, appeal should be made to the Civil Service Regional Office having jurisdiction over the area; in case of a departmental service job or central office position, ap peal should be made to the Cen tral Office of the U. S. Civil Serv ice Commission, Washington, D. C. Holdings of $4.6 billion in Series E and H Savings Bonds at the beginning of 1961, the 20th anniversary of the U. S. Savings Bonds program, formed the larg est portion of liquid financial as sets of farmers and ranchers, around 35 per cent of the total.. DEC. 28 to JAN. 13 We have so many fabrics we'd rather re duce 'em than count 'em! Sew and Save! SPECIAL! DRAPERY MATERIAL Beautiful Patterns ^ and Colors. Was 98c NOW 69c yd. ONE TABLE . KITCHEN PRINTS Only 49c yd. ) 1 I Excellent Values In Woolens! COAT WOOLS- -were $3.98- -Now $2.98 yd. $2.49 WOOLS Redueed to $1.79 One Table of WOOLS - Were $2.98 - Now $2.49 yd. DRE^S GOODS One Lot Regular 89e - — — - Now 69e COTTON PRINTS Redueed from. 69c to 49c SOLID COTTONS, Regular 69c Now 39c 1 Table 49c COTTONS NOW JERSEY $1.50 value Noy' 89c TAPESTRY 54”Wide- - - Only$1.39yd. QUILTED NYLONS going at - 59c yd. CORDUROYS - Reduced to 69c yd. VELVETEEN, twill back, spot resistant, and FELT reduced from $2.98 Jo $1.98 yd. NYLONS for Holiday Dresses Reduced to 98c yd. SUBSCRIBE TO THE PILOT MOORE COUNTY'S LEADING of Lumberton, joined relatives in NEWS WEEKLY. Southern Pines S. W. Broad Street OX 5-3291 Mill Outlet Store