Page TWELVE THE PILOT—Southern Pines, North Carolina THURSDAY, DECEMBER 28, 1961 Why so many faimeis and lancheis plant money in U.S. Savings Bonds 9m 'im mmMm Stop by a county seat bank any Saturday morning and you’ll find farmers and ranch ers at the Savings Bond win dow. Ever since the Savings Bond Program began, these folks have been among its best cus tomers. In fact % of all cash reserves owned by U.S. farm ers and ranchers is invested in U.S. Savings Bonds., Bonds for Business Bonds owned by the millions of people who run our farms have their work cut out for them. They replace machin ery. Pay for new land. Provide insurance against the risks of farming. They get personal assign ments, too, like replacing the old homestead, sending the kids to college, and making life more comfortable when the tractor lumbers into the bam for the last time. Whytheykeep U.S.Bonds "down on the farm" U.S. Savings Bonds are a “crop that never fails,” guar anteed by the U.S. Govern ment to grow. $18.75 becomes $25 in 7 years, 9 months. In 10 more years, it becomes $36.25. They can be cashed in anytime, with interest. And if they’re lost or destroyed, the Treasury Department re places them free. Every U.S. Bond you buy is an investment in Peace. What better way to help your gov ernment help you enjoy the things you’re saving for? Why America’s Prominent Varm Groups Support The Savings Bond Program Ww i-i¥' 't- ■ ■ I You save more than money with James G. Patton, President, National Farmers U nion, says: “Savings Bonds are an excellent means of providing for a family’s security, and will continue to be a part of our efforts to ward a better agri culture and a strong er nation.” % Chas. B. Shuman, President, American Farm Bureau Feder ation, says: “Farm ers have always been strong supporters of The Savings Bond Program. Their cur rent investment of $5 billion is a tribute both to their thrift habits and to Bonds.” •ianki > Herschel D. New som, Master, The National Grange, says: “Savings Bonds are an investment in America. Farmers—■ like all Americans—• buy them, assured that they are making an indestmctible in vestment.” U.S.Savings Bonds Buy them where you work or bank 20r For 20 yean Ameriea’e newepapen have publtehed Savings Bond* ads at no cost to the Government. TIm Treasury Dept, it grateful tc The Advertising Council and this newspaper for their patriotic suppon. The above is sponsored as a public service by THE PILOT