Page SIX THE PILOT—Southern Pines, North Carolina THURSDAY, DECEMBER 28, 1961 MOORE OVER QUOTA U. S. Savings Bond sales in Moore County during November were $39,469. The total bond sales in the county for the year, through November were $39,469. The total bond sales in the county for the year, through No vember, were $464,699. This is 106 per cent of the county’s quota for 1961, said L. B. Creath of Pinehurst, volunteer chairman of the county’s bond sales program. Vass News And Personals Miss Jennie Cameron. jMrs. Key and the Thomas fam- Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Wicker of ily of Sanford who are former Kingsville, Texas returned home residents of this community in Tuesday after a two weeks visit the passing of their soh on Tues- here with her mother, Mrs. George Stutts and other relatives in San- SHAPING PLANTS ' Perhaps some evergreen shrubs have gotten unruly and need attention—ligustrum, Bur- fordi hollies and others. If they have been neglected, don’t try to correct all at once but rather, gradually over a year or two. If you ever let pyracantha get out of hand you are in trouble unless it has plenty of room and needs little or no pruning. Keep these plants shaped to suit your notion as they grow. By MRS. CHARLES CAJffiRON Christmas Caroling On Friday night, some 17 mem bers and guests of the Childrens Missionary Society of the Vass Methodist Church, with their co leaders, Mrs. Horace Mullinix and Mrs. Charles Cameron, as sisted by Mrs. James Grissom paid cheer calls in the commun ity singing Christmas carols. Af terwards, the party motored to Sanford, where the children de lighted in viewing the Christmas scenes and decorations at the Mc- Iver home- On returning, they were, invited-by ]N4rs. J. A. Hud son to her home where they en joyed games and an exchange of gifts around the tree. Re freshments of punch and Christ mas cookies were served by Mrs. JtPELE tXBCK Pint ^2^0 V5Qt 445 laird & Co., Distilled Straight Apple Brandy, 84 Proof, Scobeyville. N. J. Hudson from the candlelighted table which held favors of candy cups-' topped with candy canes Covered Dish Supper The Young Adult class of the Vass Presbyterian Church enjoy ed a covered dish supper at the church on Saturday night with an exchange of gifts. Circle 1 of the Vass Methodisl W.S.C.S. enjoyed their Christ mas party at the parsonage home with Mrs. David Moe on Thurs day night. Games were played with Mrs. Lewis Frye and Mrs Charles Cameron declared win ners in the contests. The hostess served a Christmas salad witn crackers and coffee. The reveal ing of secret pals in the exchang: of gifts concluded a joyous even ing. Miss Ann Edwards was a guest. ' Employees Parties The employees of the West End Table Company enjoyed a bar becue chicken dinner at the Vass community house on Friday. Jones, Inc. closed for the hol idays on Friday and presented their employees with turkeys and a bonus. ^ On Friday night Angus Mills honored their employees at a supper at the Dixie Inn. Hingo was played with prizes of hams given. Included also were door prizes. Personals Mrs. Charles Manning of Charlottesville, Va., was here for the Christmas holidays with her father, C. L. Tyson, and visited with her mother, who has been a p’atient at Moore Memorial Hos pital since last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Reed of West Bridgewater, Mass., are here for a holiday visit with her aunts, Mrs. T. F. Cameron, an^ ford. Mrs. J. A. Hudson and chil dren, Gary, Mike, and Barbara, of Portsmouth, Va., arrived Mon day afternoon for a visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Jessup, and Tommy, who is home from St. Andrews College for the holidays. Mrs. Daniel Bo'ggs, accompan ied by her daughter Agnes and sons Pete, Ray, and Leroy, spent Christmas day in Raleigh with his daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Hal Womble and fam ily. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Thompson and children Debbie, Dennis and Denia, of Charlotte, here for the holidays visiting with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Roby Futrell and children, Andy, and Dona, spent from Saturday until Monday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. A. DeMott in Charlotte Court House, Va. Mrs. H. A. Womble returned home Monday after a visit with her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Courtney m Smithfield. Enjoying a family dinner with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Frye and family on Christmas day were their daughters and sons-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hendrick and family of Hamlet, and Mr. and Mrs. Waylon Thom as and son Mike of Black Moun tain. On Tuesday afternoon Mr. and Mrs. Jackie King and chil dren of Route 3, Kernersville, joined with the family. Mr. and Mrs. Waylon Thomas and son of Black Mountain were here for the holidays with his sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. James Key and Betty and her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Frye. Sympathy is extended to day of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Danley and Mrs. Arl Danley and chil dren of Carthage were Tuesday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Burton Danley and family. Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Patterson, Mr. and Mrs. Edd Cockman and sons Eddie and Boby Dais and Mr. and Mrs. Alec Caddcll and children Larry, Carol, and Andy, all of Carthage and Mr. and Mrs. David Maples and children Pamelia and David of Monument Beach, Bass., were Christmas Day Supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Griffin and family. Home for the holidays and New Year with their parents are Miss Ann Edwards, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Edwards, Jr., of Pfeiffer College, Miss Jeanete Mullinix, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Horace Mullinix of WCUNC and Jimmy Marshburn, son of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Marshburn of ECC, Greenville. \\\ '5' <4^’? i I o. if DIVIDEND NOTICE SOUTHERN PINES SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION The SOUTHERN PIN^S SAV INGS AND LOAN ASSOCIA TION has declared its regular semi-annual dividend at the rate of four (4) per centum per annum as of December 31, 1961, for the last six months of the year, and such dividend is available to the customers on that date and will be credited to savings accounts and, if not called for will be mail ed to those receiving cash divi dends. Mary McL. McCallumi Secretary-Treasurer D21,28c hope 1962 will be a real ^^bell ringer'* of a year for you*.* fulftlllng all your expectations! / \ V, Brown Auto Supply Southern Pines, N. C. KEEP UP WITH LATE VALUES IN PILOT ADS NEW YEAR'S DANCE SOUTHERN PINES ARMORY DECEMBER 31 Business Directory To SakcCMe ;4n€