► THURSDAY, JANUARY 4, 1962 THE PILOT—Southern Pines, North Carolina Page FIFTEEN MOORE COUNTY RECORDER'S COURT Three Sentenced in Robbery of Frye Store, Service Station December 18 Two Rockingham men and a^“ woman from Eagle Springs were sentenced Tuesday in Moore County Recorders Court at Car thage on charges arising from the robbery of the William Frye Store and service station in Bensalem township Eiecember 18. Robert “Bobby” England, 26, and Mitchell G(^win, 18, were acquitted of breaking and enter ing, but drew two years and 18 mionths on the roads, respectively, for the larceny of cigarettes, can ned goods Emd other wares to the value of around $50. Mamie Eng land, wife of Robert, though 15 years older than he and listing another address, pleaded not guil ty, was convicted of aiding and abetting, and was sentenced to serve six months in the Women’s Division of State’s Prison at Raleigh. Robert “Bobby” England was additionally sentenced to 18 months, following the expiration of his first term on the roads, for the theft of a shotgun and clothing valued at around $200, the pro perty of Carson Frye. Testifying in the case were Depty Sheriff I. D. Marley and Chief Deputy H. H. Grimm. A case of theft of false teeth was nol pressed on recommenda tion of the solicitor. Roy Edward Bums had been arrested for steal ing two sets of dentures valued at about $100 belonging to Dr. W. E. Alexander, Robbins' dentist, also of clothing belonging to New- land Garner, valued at about $50. Albert Hicks, 45-year-old white man of Vass, Route 2, drew 15 days in Moore County jail for beating his 10-year-old daughter Shirley Mae on December 29. He had been charged with assault and battery on a minor child, and pleaded guilty to “spapking her.” However, the court found that the beating administered by the defendant “while in an intoxicat ed condition” was not done “in a reasonable or humane manner or 'DEADLY WEAPON' Woman’s Slipper With Spike Heel Used in Assault If you’ve had a feeling the spiked-heeled shoes women are wearing these days look rather like deadly weapons, you are right. That’s the way one was classified in a warrant read Tues day in Moore County Recorders Court at Carthage. Winnie Jane Pratt, 29, of Vass was charged with unlawfully and wilfully assaulting Rosia E. Nixon “with a deadly weapon, to wit: a woman’s spike-heeled slipper.” For the assault, and also for as sault and battery on a peace of ficer, and for “resisting, delaying and obstructing said peace officer in the performance of his duties,” Winnie Jane drew 90 days in Moore County jail, suspended for two years on payment of $50 and costs and good behavior condi tions, which included no similar offenses during the two - year period. Vass Night Officer James R. Grissom issued the second war rant, charging her with biting and scratching him and otherwise failing to cooperate when he tried to break up the scrap in which the spike-h jel slipper was being used as a ’veapon. The sequence of events took place during a Christmas night celebration at the Vass Capital Club, a Negro night spot. Jordan, and with the rocks had broken out windows in the home. Jordan has served time on the roads and in jail and has been in mental hospitals, where he re fused to stay. A training school in his prerogative as a father, for turned him down last fall because the purpose of reasonably punish ing her for misconduct or diso bedience.” His jail sentence was suspended for 12 months on pay- mient of costs and on good be havior conditions, which included refraining from taking any alcho- lic beverage home and drinking in the presence of his children. Junior Jordan, 19-year-old Rob bins youth, was in court for dis orderly conduct, malicious dam age to property and assaulting his mother, soon after completing a jail sentence for such an assault, one of several with which the court has had to deal over the past several years. This time, he had thrown rocks at his mother, Hattie SPROTT BROS. FURNITURE CO. HAS MOVEI^ Visit us at our new place, 114-118 S. Moore Street QUALITY CARPET-- • Lees • Gulislan • Cabin Craft Quality Furniture e Drexel •‘Victorian • Globe Parlor • Sanford • Henkel Harris • Craftique • Thomasville Chedr Co. Earl'7 American Pieces By • Cochrane • Empire • Temple - Stewart • Cherokee • Brady • Maxwell • Royall • Fox SPROTT BROS. 114-118 S. Moore St. Phone SP 3-6261 SANFORD. N. C. NAMES DRAWN AT CAR'THAGE Moore Residents to Be Summoned For Superior Court Jury Service of his age and record. This time Judge J. Vance Rowe sent him back to Moore County jail for six months, to do such work as a state medicsil officer might de termine he is able to do, recom mending also that he be examined with a view toward getting him into some ^ institution for treat ment, suspending the sentence nrovided such an arrangement can be effected. Two defendents pleaded guilty to third offenses of drunken driv ing, and were sentenced to serve 12 months each on the roads. One was Harvey 'William Lowe, 34, of Carthage, arrested on NC 27 January 1, .the other Howard Mack Garner of Seagrove Route 2, arrested on NC 705 December 19. Both arrests were made by Trooper T. S. Clark. The judge ordered the drivers’ licenses of both men to be surrendered to the Motor Vehicles Department, for revocation as provided by law. This would be a permanent re vocation. Other cases disposed of: Melvin G. Chute, Fort Bragg, speeding 90 in a 53-mile zone, 60 speeding 90 in 55-mile zone, 60 be revoked for six months, nol pros taken on charge of driving without license; Richard Curtis Combs, Fort Bragg, allowing another to operate his auto at 90 in a 55-mile zone, not guilty; Leh man Nelson B^rfikd, Jr,, aban donment and non-support, called and failed, capias to issue return able next Monday, bond $300, sub poena for state’s witness, sci fa on bondsman; Willie Harrison Williams, speeding 55 in 35-mile zone, capias to issue returnable next Monday, bond $50. Names of persons to be called for jury service at two terms of Superior Court were drawn in the presence of the county com missioners and Sheriff W. B. Kelly at the regular’ meeting of the commissioners in Carthage Mon day. First group of names drawn was of persons to be summoned to serve at a term for trial of civil cases, to open January 22. A large group was drawn for summons to a criminal term starting January 29, from which a grand jury for the year will also be selected. Following are the names drawn at random from the box contain ing slips bearing the names of taxpayers of the county: December 22 (Civil) Term Geneva Kidd Brower, Carth age; R. L. Stafford, Route 1, Car thage; Emery Smith, Jr., Southern Pine^; George D. Pappendick, Aberdeen; Mrs. Etta C. Brewer. Route 2, Seagrove; Mrs. Fleta Brewer, Route 1, Carthage; Max well Rush, Southern Pines; Win fred V. Smith, Pinehurst; Wal ter Lewis Scott, Route 1, Eagle Springs; Curtis Brown, Route. 2, Robbins; W. M. Curtis, Southern Pines; Ervin Z. Kirk, Route 1. Aberdeen; Ida Williams, Route 1, Cameron; A. B. Atkins, Jr., Route 1, Cameron; Hazel Watson, Route 1, Eagle Springs; Graham Melton, Route 1, Jackson Springs. Roland Williams, Route 1, Rob bins; C. C. Thompson, Pinebluff; W. C. Garner, Robbins; O’Neill Leslie, Southern Pines; Clemith Burns, Route 2, Robbins; Norman Cagle, Route 1, Eagle Springs; Johnny B. McNeill, Vass; C. W. Northcutt, Robbins; June Har rington, Route 1, Cameron; A. C. Grover, Southein Pines; Z. V. Tolar, Southern Pines; Milton Guy Kay lor. Southern Pines; James Bethune, Southern Pines; D. E. Blalock, Route 3, Carthage; Gilmore Marion, Route 3, Carth age; Gentry Elliott, Route 2, Car thage. A. J. Moody, Robbins; Charles E. Lucas, Southern Pines; S. T. Wall, Route 1, Cameron; Robert Honeycutt, Vass; W. E. Sfewart, Carthage; Aaron Davidson, Route 2, Carthage; Jonnie Kelly, Cam eron; J. T. Moore, Route 1, West End; James Fulk, Route -3, Car thage; Allen R. Mooney, 'Route 2, Carthage; Donald Denoff, South ern Pines; J. L. McGraw, Jr., Car thage. Jan. 29 (Criminal) Term Julius F. Sachs, Niagara; R. B. Oakley, Route 1, Cameron; J. T Dunlap, Rbute 2, Seagrove; W. D Peerman, Southern Pines; Lonnie W. Moss, Southern Pines; T. J. Fletcher, West End; Grace Mc Bride, Southern Pines; Melvin Burns, Route 1, Eagle Springs J. W .Thomas, Route 2, Carthage: Wallace Tucker, Jr., Pinebluff; Roger C. Bailey, Route 3, Carth age; Neill McLeod, Route 1, Aber deen, William Robert Moore, Route 1, West End; F. C. Shaver. Route 3, Carthage; George J Suddert, Aberdeen. ^ Will C. McNeill, Route 1, Aber deen; Jack May Williams, Eagle Spi'ings; Clara Wicker, Route 3 Carthage; Walter C. Morgan, Ni agara; Arthur Garner, Route 1, West End; Willie J. Maness, Route 2, Seagrove; Jack Greene, South ern Pines; Jerry McDonald, Route 1, Aberdeen; Margaret Maness Route 3, Carthage; Johnny V. Cole, Route 3, Carthage; Norman Lineberry, Route 1, Carthage- John McKenzie, Route 1, Camer on; George H. Mattocks, South ern Pines; Mrs. B. N. Cooper, Lakeview; V. H. Freeman, Rob bins. Ho'ward H. Troutman, Jr., Pine bluff; Homer Ray Brady, Rob bins; C. H. Garner, Route 1, Rob bins; James C. Garner, Robbins Bobby L. Lassiter, Vass; J. M Key, Route 3, Carthage; J. E. Davenport, Southern Pines; John Robert Blake, Route 1, West End- Jesse F. Wilson, Abei’deen; Colin E. Kennedy, Route 1, Robbins; E P. Russell, Route 1, Jackson Springs; Nelson McDonald, Route 2, Cameron. W. C. Williams, Route 1, Eagle Springs; Paul McLeod, Route 1 Robbins; L. L. Thomas, Route 1 Cameron; G. E. Griffin, Vass; C. H. Ritter, Pinehurst; ^Billy Polev Route 1. West End; James W. Cameron, Vass; Bessie Garner, Route 2, Robbins; Benny Gamer, Route 2, Robbins; B. C. Doyle, Southern Pines; Clayton Evans, Route 3,-Carthage; Edgar E. Hun- sucker. Star Route, Robbins; Charles Hottel, Robbins; Jame: Henson, Route 2, Seagrove. Dempsey Hussey, Route 2, Rob bins; Earl T. Lewis, Eagle Springs; Willie J. Thomas, Route 3, Carthage; R. Mack Cole, Route I, West End; J. Ospar Garner Route 2, Robbins; J. W. Elliott, Niagara; J. Howard Wilson, Route 2, Carthage; Owen Harold Low- der. Route 1, Aberdeen; M. H. Grissman, Route 2, Carthage; L. F. Garvin, Pinehurst; George Hawthorne, Route 2, Vass; Paul W. Previtt, Robbins. Ted L. How ard, Route 1, Robbins. Payment Made from Fund for Care of Union Church Grounds and Cemetery Neill Stewart Dies in Georgia Neill Stewart, 83, formerly of Carthage, died Sunday in Villa Reca, Ga. Funeral services were conduct ed Tuesday at the Carthage Methodist Church, by the Rev. Robert Moore, assisted by the Rev. W. S. Golden. Surviving are one daughter, Mrs. Frances Buffalo of Atlanta, Ga., and one sister, Mrs. Emma Cole of Carthage. Sunday, December 31, 1961, was a red letter day in the history of Union Church and Cemetery. Sunday afternoon Wilbur H. Currie of Carthage met with the session of Union Presbyterian Church, located about midway between Carthage and Vass, and presented to the session a deposit receipt for $1,200 received from a $30,000 trust fund to be used to beautify the cemetery and grounds of the historic old church. In 1945 Wilbur H. Currie and a half dozen others interested in the perpetual upkeep of the Union Church Cemetery and Church grounds started a drive to raise a perpetual care fund. Others in addition to Mr. Currie Were John R. McQueen, W. H. McNeill, W. D. McNeill, T. L. Blue, John S. McLauchlin and Make McLean. It was a brighl day, and yet a sad day for Wilbur Currie. Sad because all the others who helped initiate the perpetual care drive have since died; and a bright day because he was able to see the fulfillment of the group’s objec tive for a perpetual care trust fund for the historic cemetery and church grounds. Currie, an elder in Carthage Presbyterian Church and State Senator from Moore County, said that his heart was sad because the others who helped start the project had gone on before the perpetual care goal had been reached. Some $22,000 of the $30,000 wa- left to the perpetual cemetery fund by the late Mrs. Sallie A Currie. The other $8,000 was con tributed by cemetery plot owners and friends of the church. First officers of the Union Church Cemetery Association were: John R. McQueen, presi dent; John S. McLauchlin, secre tary; and Wilbur H. Currie, treas urer. Following Mr. McQueen’s death in 1951, W. H. McNeill was elected president. Present officers of the Associa tion are: Jackie McQueen of Dunn, president; J. Mallie Kelly, vice president; Miss Bess McCas- kill, secretary; and W. H. Currie, treasurer. The Wachovia Bank & Trust Company has been named trustee for the $30,000 ancj will have com plete charge of investing the funds and turning over the inter est once each year toRhe session of the church whose responsibil ity it shall be to use the funds for the perpetual beautification and upkeep of the cemetery and church grounds. The sesion has church grounds. The session has the complete responsibility of as it deems best to carry out the perpetual care program. Union Church is one of the few rural churches in the state with an endowed upkeep program for cemetery and grounds. Members of the Union Church session meeting Sunday afternoon with Mr. Currie -were the Rev. A C. Trivette, pastor and moderator;’’ and elders Ira Turnley, A. V. Au- trey, Gilbert -M. Bailey and J. Mallie Kelly. In accepting the $1,200 deppsit credit slip the Rev. Trivette ex- presed the appreciation of the session for the work of Mr. Currie and his associates. Mr. Currie also said that the late U. L. Spence, Carthage at torney, was most helpful in work ing out the details of the Cem etery Association and its perpetu al care program. During 1960 scholarships were awarded to 135 youths by the pulp and paper industry in the South. In addition, there were 1,- 087 youths in industry-sponsored camps, and the companies con ducted 170 school forest programs. VASS NEWS and PERSONALS New camping facilities were completed in 1961 in the Cape Hatteras National Seashore, pre serving North Carolina’s unique Outer Banks. Painting’s EAST wlIEWDuPont LUCM WALL PAINT No stirring,.ro priming. Dip in and start to* paint! Creamy-thick—won’t drip or spatter like ordinary paint. Dries in 30 minutes to lovely flat fihish. Clean up with soap and water! Choose from 19 decorator colors- Exactly matching shades for woodwork in durable"Duco” Satin Sheen Enamel. SHAW PAINT & WALLPAPER CO. Southern Pines By Mrs. Charles Cameron Student Night Student night at Christmas was held at the Vass Baptist Church Sunday, with the. young people of the church in chsirge of the program. A film strip was shown and all school and college stu dents were recognized. Bible Class Feted Mr. and Mrs. Edward Griffin entertained the Ladies Adult Bible Class of the Vass Methodist Church last Tuesday night at a Cake and Coffee hour at their home. Members present were: Miss Rosa Furr, Mrs. A. G. Ed wards, Mrs. Charles Gschwind, Mrs. H. A. Borst, Mrs. S. R. Smith, Miss Bessie Cameron, Mrs. J. S. Caddell, Mrs. H. C. Caddell, Mrs. H. C. Callahan, Mrs. Margaret Kimball, Mrs. Russell Bullock, Miss Louise Leslie, Mrs. 'W. A. Muse, Mrs. Marvin Davis and Miss Ethel Da-vis. Additional guests of the evening were Henry Furr, H. C. Callahan, Misses Evelyn and Jessie Thomas, Mrs. T. Frank Cameron, Miss Jenny Cameron, Mr. and Mrs. C. P. McMullin, and Mr. and Mrs. ' rthur Reed of 'West Bridgewater, Mass, house guests of Mrs. Frank and Miss Jenny Cameron. Personals Mr. and Mrs. Archie Murphy and sons, ' Phil, and Harold, of Greensboro were weekend guests of the Charles Cameron family. Jimmy Cooper, son of Mr. and Mrs. James Cooper of Aberdeen, spent Thursday and Friday nights of la^t week with Mike Gschwind. Mrs. J. E. Hudson and chil dren, Connie, Marsha, -Sherry,' and James Alan, spent Friday with the Rev. and Mrs. T. Fant Steele Jr. and family in Rose- hill. Mr. and Mrs. Hite Lambert of Thomasville, and Mrs. Carlee Melton of Asheboro visited Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Frye and family Sunday. George Griffin of 'Western Car olina College at Cullowhee re turned to his school 'Tuesday af ter spending the holidays with his parents, Mr, and Mrs. Ray Griffin. Miss Linda Hales, a senior at Meredith College in Raleigh re turned on Tuesday after the holi day visit with her family, the Rev. and Mrs. Hales. Bill Frye spent New Year’s Eve and day with the Rev. and Mrs. T. Fant Steele and family in Rosehill. Home for the holidays with their mother Mrs. A. M. Cameron, were her son and daughter-in-law, the Rev. and Mrs. A. M. McKay Camieron and' son Stephen of Jackson, her daughter and son-in- law, Lt. Col. and Mrs. P. B. Irby and family of Washington, D. C. and Miss Martha McKay, sister, of Fayetteville. Miss Irene Cameron of Over hills is visiting with her sister, Mrs. Daniel Boggs and farhily. Mr. and Mrs. O. G. Thomas of Natchez, Miss, have recently moved into the apartment in the Bessie Cameron home. Mr. Thom as is a member of the National Guard and is stationed at Ft. Bragg. Mr. and Mrs. James Mack and four members of the family of Hamlet visited Mrs. S. R. Smith Sunday. Mrs. Daniel Boggs and Miss Agnes Boggs visited Mr and Mrs Melvin Cole in White Hill Sunday afternoon. Horton Keith and daughter Re- bessa, and son Johnny of Nor folk, Va. were Saturday night supper guests of his aunt. Miss Bessie Cameron and visited with his mother, Mrs. W. H. Keith at St. Joseph Hospital. Miss Jeamette Mullinx returned to Woman’s College Tuesday after spending the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Horace Mullinix. Billy Jessun was a patient at St. Joseph’s Hospital from Satur day until Monday. miKe nstan with the COLOR 1400 colon • any finish any quantity Sandhill Builders Supply Corp. Aberdeen, N. C. USED CAR SALE At Pinehurst Garage Co., Inc. Our new, '62 Chevroleis have been so tremend ously popular that our Used Car Lot is bursting with good late-model, low-mileage trade-ins! These are all clean exceptional values. If you're Used Car-Minded, better grab your hat and come a runnin'! 1 — 1957 Ford 4-Door V-8 1 — 1958 Ford Fairlane 500 V-8 2 — 1956 Chevrolets, 4-Door V-8, P.G. 2 — 1957 Chev. Bel-Air, 4-Door V-8, P. G. 2 — 1956 Cadil. 4-Door 62 Sedans 2 — 1958 Chevrolets, 4-Door V-8, P. G. 1 — 1957 Cadil. 4-Door, full power 1 — 1956 Fairlane Ford, 2-Door, H. T. 1 — 1955 Chevrolet, 4-Door 1 — 1959 Impala Conv., full power, extra clean, 17,000 actual miles 1 — 1961 Corvair 4-Door, 11,000 actual miles 1 — 1951 Chev. 1-ton Truck, low mileage extra clean 1 — 1955 Vz ton Pick-up.Chevrolet 1 — 1954 2-Door Bel-Air, 37,000 actual miles 1 — 1957 4-Door Oldsmobile, full power Pinehurst Garage Co., Inc. Dundee Hd. Phone CY 4-4951 Pinehurst McLean ! 103-105 South St. Style Shop Aberdeen, N. C. PRE-INVENTORY SALE BOTH Children & Adult Departments • Dresses • Skirts • Coats • Sweaters • Suits • Blouses • Slacks • Bermudas • Hats (1-2 Price)