Page FOUR THE PILOT—Southern Pines, North Carolina THURSDAY, JANUARY 11, 1962 Women's Activities 11 and Sandhills Social Events MARY EVELYN de NISSOFF, Editor TELEPHONE OX 2-6512 Prizes for Flower Arrangements Given At Civic Garden Club The largest attendance this sea son was reported at the January 4 meeting of the Civic Garden Club, presided /over by Mrs. Charles Mumford. After the business session, C. A. Fox of Pinebluff, spoke about the need to build organic soil and to preserve the normal fungi and THE REV. MARTIN CALDWELL SPEAKS TO CIVIC CLUB ON HOME FOR AGEING The Civic Club had a well at tended meeting Monday. After a short business session, conducted by Mrs. Avery Evans, president; Mrs. Charles Mumford, secretary, and Mrs. Marvin Cornell, assist ant treasurer—the meeting was turned over to Mrs. Virgil P. Clark, program chairman. Mrs. Clark introduced the speaker, the Rev. R. Martin Cald well, rector of Emmanuel Episco- bacteria so necessary to plant life. jpal Church, who gave an inter- The soil here has no food value, I esting talk on the subject of the the speaker noted, but quickly j community and the new Home for absorbs natural mulch spaded in Ageing, soon to be establish- after this Home and the people who come here to live will have a contributing active interest in the town life of churches. Civic and other clubs. The speaker told many amus ing instances of his experience in which a young person proved to be old in spirit and an 80-year- old, to have a youthful outlook. Ground for the new Home here will be broken, with service of dedication by a Bishop of the Di ocese, on March 4. and he recommended natural mulches—pine straw, leaves and even chicken feathers. During the question period fol lowing, Mr. Fox answered ques tions about pruning shrubs, time for transplanting, natural vs. commercial fertilizers, and to spray or not to spray roses. A social hour followed the meeting with hostesses Mrs. M. Y. Poe, Mrs. R. L. Chandler, Mrs. Wade Stevick and Mrs. Clark presiding at the tea table. Awards for floral displays were given as follows; blue (first) Mrs. Dean Dorman for center- piece for a large tea table; red (second)—Miss Mary Beasley for tea table arrangement; yellow (third)—Mrs. Clark for paper- white narcissus in bloom. ed here. The Rev. Mr. Caldwell said the committee, of which he is a mem- Mrs. Dean Dorman’s arrange ment of camellias and baby’s breatlr'bn the tea table and Mrs. J. D. Sitterson’s flower decora- ber, visited Homes in various tions around the room were much Women’s Fellowship Of United Church Holds General Meeting Mrs. E. J. Parker, president of the Women’s Fellowship of the _ nited Church of Christ, presided last Thursday afternoon at the eneral meeting in the fellowship hall. Prayer was led by Mrs. E. V. Walker. places, but the Methodist Home in Charlotte appealed most to all of them, as a place of interesting activities, creative arts, and an atmosphere to keep people young in spirit. The Home here, there fore, will be modeled largely admired. Mrs. Evans poured tea and oth er hostesses were Mrs. Warren A. Smith, Mrs. Eunice Culpepper, Mrs. V/. C. Hilderman, Mrs. Ralph Chandler, Sr. and Miss Nancy Long. OFFICERS OF LOCAL DOES DROVE INSTALLED IN CEREMONY TUESDAY MISS DONNA KAY HOP- TON, whose engagement to Pvt. James David Jackson is announced by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Hopton, of L a k e V i e w. Private Jackson, who is in the Marine Corps, stationed at Camp LeJeune, is the son of Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Jackin of Vass, Route 2. Wedding plans are incomplete. Committee reports were given by Mrs. J. D. Sitterson, Mrs. Clara Scheipers and Mrs. Walker. Christmas reports were given by he circle chairmen. Program leader Mrs. Walker gave a talk on “Commitments to Christian Service.” Looking Ahead Women’s Club of St. Anthony’s Plans Mardi Gras Ball Deputy Supreme President Mrs. Hubert Cameron and Deputy Supreme Conductor Mrs. Morris Arnold Tuesday evening presi ded at the installation of officers ceremony of the BPO Does, Drove 42, at Elks headquarters, the Southern Pines Country Club. About 20 members attended the monthly meeting of the Womeri’s Club of St. Anthony’s. School in the school auditorium Monday evening. Plans were announced for the annual Mardi Gras Ball, to be held March 2 in the National Guard Armory here. Mrs. Margaret Eranigan is gen eral chairman for the affair and assisting her are Mrs. Lee Smith- son, in chrge of ticket sales, and Mrs. Norman Black, decorations. Ed Turbeville’s orchestra will play for dancing. Members and friends of the Women’s Club are cooperating ir a project to collect backs from redeemed gold stamp books in or der to help obtain a new piano for St. Anthony’s School. Miss Kathleen Dougherty and Miss Judy Harriss presented a program of piano selections. Hostesses at the refreshment table were Mrs. Gertrude Simp son, Mrs. Mary Sharpe and Miss Jeanette Gacomo. - The president, Mrs. B. G. Kim- brell and Mrs. Arnold, conductor, will be installed at a later date. Elective officers inducted dur ing the service were: Miss Marian Difatta, first counselor; Mrs. W. S Bushby, junior counselor; Mrs. Kenneth Weatherspoon, secre tary; Mrs. George Little, treasur er; Mrs. Robert Jones, outer guard; Mrs. Albert Levy, innei guard. Appointive officers installed" Mrs. Ralph Wallace, Mrs. W. H. Bowen, Mrs. James Irvin. Mr Lucille Dietenhofer, color bea- ers; Mrs. R. J. Dougherty, Mrs. Don Jones, Mrs. Robert Balboni Mrs. Eugene McKenzie, attend ants; Mrs. Walter Coffin, chap lain; Mrs. Ed Underwood, assist ant conductor; Mrs. Bryan Poe, musician; Mrs. Betty Sutphin, as sistant musician. Mrs. Arthur Thomas was in charge of refreshments for the social hour following, and Ralph Wallace, exalted ruler of the Elks Lodge 1692, gave a brief talk. LEARN-MORE CLASS Mrs. W. D. Matthews will be hostess to the Learn More Bible lass, meeting at her home Mon day at 8 p. m. GENERAL MEETING The Women of Brownson Mem orial Church will hold their gen eral meeting Monday at 8 p. m. in the church' sanctuary, Mrs. John F. Williams is in charge of the program on “Christian Voca tion.” Mrs. Struthers Wins CP&L Trip to Chicago Mrs. Jane Struthers, home ser vice representative for Carolina Power & Light Company’s San ford District, has won an expense- paid trip to the Live Better Elec trically Women’s Conference in Chicago. Mrs. Struthers left Tuesday with Mrs. Marguerite Surles, CP &L home service director, for the three-day meeaing sponsored by the Edison Electric Institute. She and Mrs. Surles will participate in the Electrical Women’s Round table Wednesday night. She was judged winner because Mrs. Fred Morgan Gives Birthday Party For T’wo Daughters ST. ANNE’S GUILD The Rev. Jacob Viver'ette of the Chapel of the Cross, Chapel Hill, will speak on “Two Religious Sects” to the members of St. Anne’s Guild of Emmanuel Epis copal Church at its meeting Mon day evening at 8 o’clock in the parish hall. Prizes for Year’s Play Awarded Two Par Seekers Jan. 4 Twenty Par Seekers met for their monthly luncheon follow ing the regular weekly golf tour nament last Wednesday, January 3, at the Southern Pines Coun try Club. Mrs. Carlos Fry was tourney winner. A new member of the Par Seekers,, Mrs. Raymond Griffin, received a chrysanthemum plant given by Cecil Hutchinson. Winners of two prizes given for the year’s play were Mrs. T. C. Worth, Jr., point system; and Mrs. Robert Strouse, for ringer score. of her outstanding work in CP&- Little Misses Christine Morgan three, and her sister, Linda, two were entertained at a joint birth day party Saturday by their mother, Mrs. Fred Morgan at their home on Barber Road. The young guests enjoyed Ithemselves playing games and fishing for prizes, and they, anr their mothers and the little girls' grandmother, Mrs. Raymond Har vey, enjoyed refreshments of ic; cream and cake. Youngsters present were Carol ine Griffin, Joy Johnson, Kirr' L’s home service program in 1961, especially with home build er forums and open house promo tions. The Chicago conference will feature several speakers from the electric industry who will discuss changes that can be expected in foods, refrigeration, laundries, kitchens, lighting and tomorrow’s homes as a result of electric liv ing advances. Blue and Mandy Mann. Hollywood Bridge Club Winners Listed United Church to Send 8 Delegates To Rally Sunday Beth Turner Paints; Junior Woman’s Club Members Question St. Joseph’s Hospital Guild Plans Buffet Dinner January 24 Mrs. Audrey K. Kennedy, pres ident of St. Joseph’s Hospital Guild, presided Tuesday after noon at the Guild’s meeting in the hospital dining room. Dr. C. C. McLean spoke to the members on his experiences as a Presbyterian missionary in the Congo. The mission where he was stationed. Dr. McLean said, had been established for 70 years; he was there for, 17 years and for his service there, received a citation from the j^ustralian Red Cross. A resident of Eagle Springs, Dr McLean is a brother of SandhiR Veterinarian Dr. C. C. McLean During the business session plans were made by the group for a buffet dinner, to be held Wed nesday evening, January 24. The door prize will be a tape record- Winning table prizes at the weekly Tuesday afternoon meet ing of the Hollywood Bridge Club were Mrs. Arthur Davenport, Mrs. H. W. Allen and Mrs. James Lindsley. “What in the World Are We Doing?” is the subject of the Rev. Carl Wallace’s sermon at the 11 a. m. worship service at the United Church of Christ to be broadcast over Station WEEB. The Youth Fellowships wiF meet with the Southern Pines Youth Fellowship at Brownson Memorial Piresbyterian Church Sunday evening. Eight representatives of the Men’s Followship of the United Church will attend the Eastern N C. Laymen’s Rally near Raleigh on Sunday. The speaker, on the subject “A Christian and Hi^ Work,” will be William Davis. 'The annual church meeting and dinner takes place Wednesday January 17, at 6:30 in the church’s fellowship hall. R. M. Cushman will serve as moderator. Local artist Beth Turner wa- the guest of the Junior Woman’s Club meeting Tuesday in the par ish hall of Emmanuel Episcopal Church. Miss Turner in exhibifing “On' Style of Art,” painted a portrait of a woman while the member questioned her about the compo sition, colors, etc. Hostesses for the evening were Mrs. William Graham, Mrs. Carl Stuart, Mrs. Maynard Mangum, Mrs. John Creech and Mrs. Joyce Crosby. Par Seekers Plan Dessert Card Party Fed up with your present “DWELLING”? Call Bamum Realty & Insurance Co. REAL TORS. OX 5-7251, Nite OX 2-6792 The local women’s golfing or ganization, the Par Seekers, is sponsoring a dessert card party on .Thursday, January 25, in the ballroom of the Southern Pines Country Club. The party, open to both men and women, is scheduled to begin at 8 p. m. Mrs. T. C. Worth, Jr. and Mrs. William J. Donovan are in charge of tickets, which are now on sale. Mrs. Lee K. Smithson was host ess for refreshments with Mrs Francis Howe and Mrs. Hargrave Vail pouring tea and coffee. New Heir-Rivals GREGORY HUNSUCXER A son, Gregory Reid, waighin; eight pounds, 11 ounces, was bor January 3 in Moore Memoris Hospital, to Mr. and Mrs Ji^mi Reid Hunsucker of Pinehursi Avenue, Southern Pines. The’ have a two and a-half-year-olc daughter, Lequieta Denise. Sandhill Duplicate Bridge Club Results Six tables were in play at Tues day evening’s regular meeting of the Sandhill Duplicate Bridge Club, held as usual at the South ern Pines Country Club. North-South division winners were; first, Mrs. Roy Grinnell and Mrs. T. C. Worth, Jr.; second, Mrs. B. W. Dickinson and Mrs. Elizabeth "Hogan, of Hamlet: third, Mrs. James Pleasants, and Mrs. C. D. May. In the East-'West division: first, Mrs. Frank deCosta and Mrs. M. W. Hitson; second, Frank deCosta and Mrs. C. H. Bowman; third, Mrs. Margaret Lavary and Mrs. W. J. Burke. MARGARET ROBERTA BOWMAN A daughter, Margaret Roberta, was born January 4 in Orange burg, S. C. to former Southern Pines residents, Mr. and Mrs. William F. Bowman. The baby is the granddaughter of Mrs. H. E Bowman of Orangeburg, S. C. and the late Dr. Bowman, who lived and practiced in Aberdeen. GWENDOLYN PAIGE PREVATTE Mr. and Mrs. Charles Donald Prevatte of Lumberton are the parents of their first child, a daughter, Gwendolyn Paige, weighing eight pounds, six ounces, born January 4. Mrs. Pre vatte is the former Miss Betty Jo Loudermilk of Southern Pines. BOOKS BOOKS BOOKS Personalized Stationery Magazine Subscriptions Studio Bookshop 105 E. PENNSYLVANIA AVE. SOUTHERN PINES Pamting’sFAST im WALL PAINT No stirring, no priming. Dip in and start to paint! Creamy-thick—won’t drip or spatter like ordinary paint. Dries in 30 minutes to lovely flat finish. Clean up with soap and water! Choose from 19 decorator colors- Exactly matching s hades f or woodwork in durable”Duco” Satin Sheen Enamel. SHAW PAINT & WALLPAPER CO. Southern Pines Announcing the association of MR. PAUL BARBER ■with the STYLE-O-RAMA BEAUTY SALON Starting January 16 We are continuing our 1/2 Price Sale on Permanents. 100 MORE PERMANENTS WILL BE GIVEN AT THIS PRICE Call OX 2-8711 for an appointment STYLE-O-RAMA BEAUTY SALON ,672 S. W. Broad Southern Pines Pre-Inventory Sale coe+ume jewelry V price \ .A. Also Other Famous c Name Items At Half Price / i\^ru u vl I U 1: 1.1 K .N r-i • f I-1' r<-ii myA, PIH-UPS PIN-UPS' GOOD NEWS!!! MOTHERS! MONDAY - TUESDAY - WEDNESDAY JANUARY 15,16.17 GET A BEAUTIFUL 5 x 7 FICTUPi OF YOUR BABY FOR ONLY AGES 3 WKS. THRU 6 YRS. .4"' ! jjj^ ,481* An. y Your choice from beautifully finish- EXTRA SPECIAL 1! Finished wallet ed 5" X 7" pictures (not proofs), sire less than 50^ each in a group 1—59^. Extra 5 x 7’s if you like, of 4. Some pose. 1st—$1.50. Each extra $1.25 if bought in the store, but you will not be urged to buy. One or two children in each family will be photographed singly for only 59^ each. Groups $1.00 per person. Extra child—5x7, $1.50. "FAMOUS PHOTOGRAPHERS PIN-UPS \iU—■ " REG. U. S. PATENT OFF. _ BRING YOUR FRIENDS HERE’S ALL YCJ 90: ff JUST BRING YOUR CHILDREN TO OUR STORE OK PATcS .tHOWN OUk EXPERT PHOTOGRABHEf V/iLL TAKE SEVERAL CUTc POSES YOU LL Gl-T TO SEE VOUK IOVEI.Y PICTURES IN JUST A FEW DAYS Aberdeen’s Leading BellvHensdale Department Store PIM-UPS SP®

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