Page FOUR THE PILOT—Southern Pines, North Carolina THURSDAY, JANUARY 18, 1962 Women's Activities and Sandhills Social Events MARY EVELYN de NISSOFF, Editor TELEPHONE OX 2-6512 MISS JUDITH CLEARY April Wedding Is Planned by Miss Cleary and Fiance Miss Judith Cleary will marry John C. McGroarty April 7 in Yonkers, N. Y. The engagement was made known by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Cleary of Pinebluff Her fiance is the son of Mr. a’' Mrs. John W. McGroarty of 7 If Warburton Avenue, Yonkers. Miss Cleary is- a graduate o the Aberdeen High School anr Virginia Intermont College, Bris tol, Va. She is head nurse in the operating rooms at Columbia- Presbyterian Medical Center ir New York City. Mr. McGroarty graduated from Iona College, New Rochelle, N, Y. in 1955 and served with the U. S. Army in Germany for two years. He is an accountant in business in Yonkers. Bride-Elect Miss Deloris Maready Party Honor Guest Mrs. Clifford Johnson was host ess at a linen shower at her home Monday evening, honoring bride- elect Miss Deloris Maready, who will marry Sgt. Robert Allen Smith, February 11. The honoree received a cedar chest from her hostess, filled with linen, gifts of the 25 guests pres ent. The hostess served punch, fruit cake, sandwiches, cheese biscuits nut§. MOORE COUNTY CLUB TO BE SCENE OF GALA PARTY AFTER RACE MEET Social highlight of the Point- to-Point Race Meet weekend is a supper dance, sponsored by the hunt committee of the Moore County Hounds, to be held follow ing the race Saturday evening. Members of the committee, in cluding Gay Tate, Ginny Moss, Page Shamburger and Mrs. War ner Atkins, have been working afternoons recently, painting walls, sanding floors, washing windows and hanging drapes, and generally doing a refurbishing job on the Moore County Club, formerly the Notre Dame property off Young’s Road, where the par ty will he held. Dancing will be to the music of The Night Hawks. The supper dance is open to the public, but reservations should be made by a call to 0X2-7252 or Windsor 4-1193. Among those who will be rid ing in the Point-to-Point will be Mrs. Sarah Stilwell, Carl Mea dows and Hary Latimore, coming here from Savannah. A group of Charlotteans in cludes Mr. and Mrs. David John son and daughter, Adelaide; Mrs. William Cooke, Eric George and Mr. and Mrs. Gus Schwenk. The Charles Harpers are ex pecting guests Sidney Hurst and Edward Nielson, of Philadelphia, who will be coming up from Florida for the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Junius Gregory o' Wilmington, N. C. and their daughter, Allison, will visit the J. P. Shamburgers in Knollwood, and will be spectators at the Point-to-Point and at the Infor mal Schooling Show Sunday at the Dwight Winkelman Lake- lawn Farms. Arriving for a visit with Mrs. Gardiner H. Fiske at Paddock, Jr. are Mrs. and Mrs. Sherwin Badger of Boston. The Richard Webbs will be here at their place for the week end. Mr. Webb, joint master, with W. O. Moss, of the Moore County Hounds, will be riding in the Point-to-Point. United Church of Christ to Install Officers Sunday Women’s Clubs from 10 States Met at Pinehurst Last Week Micou F. Browne of Raleigh speaking at the closing session of the Southeastern Council of the General Federation of Women’s Clubs held last week at the Caro lina Hotel in Pinehurst, told women’s club leaders the rising crime rate among youths is a di rect result of lower moral stand ards in the home and community. A past president of the N. C. Junior Chamber of Commerce, Mr. Browne is first vice president of the Occidental Life Insurance Company of Raleigh and a fre quent visitor in Southern Pines with the James D. Hobbses—^Mx. Hobbs is agency manager for Oc cidental Life. The speaker cited “public in difference to organized vice” along with a decline in parental authority as the reason for in creasing delinquency. “Our na tional purpose should be to build strong families,” the insurance executive told the women. The immediate past president of Kiwanis International, J. O. Talley, Jr. of Fayetteville wa!? also a speaker at the meeting. Aberdeen Woman’s Club and Junior Woman’s Club members assisted in registering woman’s club leaders attending the meet ing from 10 states. The' Rev. Carl Wallace will speak on “Marks of Christian Leadership” at the 11 a. m. wor ship service Sunday at the United Church of Christ. The’ following officers have been elected and will be installed during the morning service: Clerk, Mrs. Dorothy Blackwel- der; moderator, Robert Cushman; treasurer, Harry Pethick; assist ant treasurers, Eugene Blackwel- der, Elmer Donaldson, Mrs. Susan Chatfield; board of deacons (three years), James Covey, Herbert Briggs, J. D. Sitterson, Stanley Austin, Jack Reid. Also, board of trustees (three years). Dr. Walter Sargeant, Mrs Hicks Keser, L. D. Guin; board of Christian education (t-wo years), Mrs. Dawn Leland, Wil liam M. Wilson, Page W. Choate Jerry D. Daeke. Elected to standing committees: music, Mrs. Harry Chatfield, R. W. Tate, Mrs. Royster Gaskill: ushers, Dwight Hoskins, Robert Leland; greetings and register, ,^i§s Hazel Shiring. Mrs. Stanley Au§tlfli ehufeh publieations, Mrs. Wllll&m Wigpi acolytes, Elmop BbhaldsOfil scouts, Harry Chat- field, Robert Henderson. The Youth Fellowships, meet ing at 6 p. m. in fellowship hall, will have as their program, “Is It Love or Cheeseburgers?” Ro berta Austin will be leader. The United Church of Christ of Southern Pines has been chos en the pilot church by the denom ination to help formulate work able procedures for the present United Church of Christ empha sis: “The Church, a Learning and Witnessing Community.” Charlotte Visitors Shown Sculptured Mural in New Bank Mrs. Isaac Woodell and daugh ter Vicki, who have been on ; weekend visit with the former sister and brother-in-law, Mr and Mrs. L. A. Kelly and thei: daughter, Beverley, in Charlotte returned home Sunday much ex cited over the highlight of thei visit. The Woodells and Mrs. Kelly were treated to a private show ing by artist-sculptor Lewis Mar tin of his mural which decorates one wall of the new North Caro lina National Bank. The bank had a grand opening Monday. The mural designed by Mr. Martin, a neighbor of the Kellys, representfe “Important Features of North Carolina—” includin; science and space, medicine and transportation, and is sculptured in clay and bronzed. Dessert Card Party Is Rescheduled'by Sponsoring Par Seekers Martha Ruth Camp, John Daley Scott, Married January 8 The marriage of Miss Martha Ruth Camp to John Daley Scott on January 8 at Mount Olive is announced by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Melvin O. Johnson of 360 Manly Avenue. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Alton Scott of Southern Pines. The young couple, both seniors at the Southern Pines High School, are living at the Pine Crest Manor Apartments. Hollywood Hotel Guests See Schweitzer Film Tlus Man Really IMd 'Drop In' for Lunch Going to lunch at Wedge Inn on Midland road yesterday, Charles Hardier local resident who flies a helicopter, really “dropped in” shortly before noon. He landed his machine between the restaurant and the big tee of the adjoining Little S golf course. Tom O’Neil, restaurant and golf course proprietor, said that it was the first tifne a landing had been made there. Mr. Harper didn’t have much farther to walk to the restaurant than if he had come by car and stopped in the parking lot. A film on the life of Dr. Albert Schweitzer was sho'wn Monday evening to residents and guests at the Hollywood Hotel. There was a bingo party Wednesd,ay and on Saturday, Mrs. Rufus Sprague was surprised with cake backed in honor of her birthday. OPERA SCENE—In this scene from the National Opera Com pany production of “Don Pasquale,” to be presented here Satur day night, January 27, Don Pasquale is bewildered to find that his “sweet” new bride has suddenly turned into a demanding vixen. But everyone else is amused. ^DON PASQUALE I (Continued from page 1) Dr. E. R. Hoskins, who is spending some time at the Holly wood, was for 30 years Professo: in Education at Cornell Univer sity. Others who have arrived dur ing the past week are Mr. and Mrs. Luther Martin, Westfield, N 'J.; Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Campbell South Orange, N. J.; Dr. and Mrs F. L Morse, Coraopolis, Pa., Dr E. R. Hoskins, Manasquan, N. J.; Miss Miriam Sanders, Randolph N. H.; Philip B. Thorenson, Need ham Heights, Mass. Lay Evangelism Urged by London A plea for wider and more in tensive personal lay evangelism, more participation by family units C in the church and daily use of the Bible was voiced last night by George London of Raleigh, speak ing to the Men of Emmanuel in the Parish Hall of Emmanuel Episcopal Church. Leone Hart Koster Luncheon Speaker at ^ort Bragg Wednesday Introducing Mr. London, fol lowing the monthly dinner meet ing of the men’s group, was N. L. Hodgkins. The Raleigh man, who is president of the London Oil Company and a past president of the Laymen’s Association of the Episcopal Diocese of North Carolina, is a former resident of Southern Pines. missed by the “grand” opera touring troops. Since it was founded, in 1948 by A. J. Fletcher, a Raleigh at torney and businessman, the com pany has delivered over 900 per formances of opera, all sung in English, in the belief of the founder that if opera is to gain the wide public appeal it de serves, it must be presented in the language of audiences. The amusing story of “Don Pasquale” deals with the intent of an elderly gentleman to find a young bride and his dilemma in ensuing developments. Tickets may be obtained at Bamum Realty and Insurance Co. in Southern Pines or at the audi torium on the evening of perfor mance. WALL PAINT No stirring, no priming. Dip in and start to paint! Creamy-thick—won’t drip or spatter like ordinary paint. Dries in 30 minutes to lovely flat finish. Clean up with soap and water! Choose from 19 decorator colors- Exactly matching shades for woodwork in durable “Duco” Satin Sheen Enamel. SHAW PAINT & WALLPAPER CO. Southern Pines BOOKS Wives of Special Warfare offic ers on Fort Bragg Wednesday heard a talk by Leone Hart Kos ter of Southern Pines following a luncheon at the Officers Club. The speaker and her husband. Col. Alfred M. Koster, came here to live in the ilate summer. Colo nel Koster, who expected to re tire after 30 years in the Army, was immediately ordered to Europ»e for a tour of duty, leaving his wife to settle in to their new home on Eeist Massachusetts Avenue. The author of over 200 humor ous poems and numerous human interest features on army life, here and abroad, Mrs. Koster edits a page “Parade and Review” which appears each Thursday in the Fayetteville Observer. “We are both the objects of Divine salvation and the instru ments by which Divine salvation is dispensed,” Mr. London said. “The Holy Spirit is a power that flows like a stream through your life to your neighbor.” BOOKS BOOKS Personalized Stationery Magazine Subscriptions A short prayer service was con ducted in the church before the dinner, by the Rev. Martin Cald well, rector. Studio Bookshop 105 E. PENNSYLVANIA AVE. SOUTHERN PINES ¥he dessert card party sched uled for Thursday, January 25 has been moved up to the night of Tuesday, January 30. The event is sponsored by the Par Seekers, women’s golfing organization of Southern Pines. The party will begin at 8 p. m in the ballroom of the Southern Pines Country Club, and is open to men and women. In charge of ticket sales are Mrs. T. C. Worth, Jr. and Mrs William J. Donovan. Tourney Winner Mrs. Worth won Wednesday’s Par Seeker tournament, a low ne; event played at the Southern Pines Country Club. New Heir-Rivals Mrs. Williams Leads Program at Brownson Memorial Church Meet The Women of Brownson Mem- oiral Presbyterian Church held their monthly meeting in the church sanctuary Monday eve ning. Mrs. C. C. McLean, president, presided. Mrs. Vern Larson open ed with prayer and led the devo tional. Following reports by various committee and circle chairmen Mrs. John F. Williams had charge of the program entitled Glorifying and Enjoying God in Our Vocation.” She was assisted by Mrs. Ed Gilliland, Mrs. M. B. Kellis, and Mrs. Dan McNeill. JOHN T. McDonald A second son, John Trent, was born to Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Mc Donald, Jr. in Raleigh December 6. Their son, Lyles Daniel III is five years old. The baby’s grand father is the recently retired man ager of the Southern Pines A&P Store and he and his wife live at 425 North May St . GREGORY M. WILSON Mr. and Mrs. William Martin Wilson announce the birth pf r son, Gregory Martin, Decembe’" 15 at Moore Memorial Hospital. The Wilsons live at 377 West Del aware Avenue. THURSDAY, JANUARY 18th Through SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 10th TOTS’ TOGGERY and MRS HAYES SHOP SOUTHERN PINES. N. C. ALL SALES FINAL American Legion Auxiliary Met Last Night in Pinehurst The Pinehurst American Legion Auxiliary met Wednesday night in the Legion Hut, with eight members present. Chaplain Mrs. Ralph Horner opened the meeting with prayer Following a short business ses sion, Mrs. James Garrison wa? honored at a stork shower by the members. DANIEL ANDREW ASSAD A third son, Daniel Andrew, was born January 12 to Mr. and Mrs. Daniel W. Assad of 340 West Delaware Avenue. The baby weighing eight pounds, 15 ounces was born at Moore Memorial Hos pital. His brothers are Kim, four, and Scott, one. Fletcher Adcox Celebrates Eighth Birthday Saturday i , Bar- can Pee to Rte OX Fletcher Adcox, son of Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Adcox, celebrated his eighth birthday on Saturday with a party given for him by his aunt, Mrs. Jesse Mallow of Hamlet. The honor guest and 18 friends were served ice cream, cupcakes and soft drinks by Mrs. Tom Sweatt of Rockingham and Mrs. J'ames Guinn of Hamlet. Mr. and Mrs. Lawton Hatch were hosts at a surprise birthday supper for Fletcher, and his par ents, that evening. Miss Mary Richardson is in Charleston, S. C. for an extended stay with her niece, Mrs. John Leland. Prize Winners in Tombstone Tourney Mrs. J. A. Ruggles was Class A winner in the Silver Foils Club’ tombstone tournament for indiv iduals, played Tuesday with ■ field of 32. Second in this divi sion was Miss Julia A. Ball. Mrs. Maurice B. Creem wor Class B; Mrs. William F. Hollis ter was runner-up in the Class and Mrs. Albert L. Sneed won the special prize of the day in the flower-planting tournament. Hollywood Bridge Club Lists Four Table Winners Hollywood Bridge Club table winners, following the weekly Tuesday afternoon meeting, were Mrs. L. K. Luff, Mrs. S. R. Jellison, Mrs. P. P. Pelton and Mrs. F. Thompson. Looking Ahead LUNCHEON MEETING The executive board of the Woman’s Fellowship of the United Church of Christ will meet at 12 noon Thursday, January 25 at the church. The general meet ing of the Woman’s Fellowship will follow, with luncheon sched uled for 1 p. m. CIRCLE TO MEET Circle 1 of the First Baptist Church will meet Tuesday at p. m. with Mrs. Sherrill Rush a' 225 West New Jersey Avenue. IN AND OUTS Mrs. John C. Ostrom returns home Friday after a week’s visit with her mother, Mrs. Mitchell W. Page, and with her daughter, Miss Patricia Blackmore, in New York City. Dr. and Mrs. Daniel AUenprase have returned to Baltimore, Md after a visit of several weeks with Mrs. John Mock. fvh, 2 uJeekA oviy! 30% OFF- 0% ■tkeAe-rWouA TPWLE S'T'E R L I N G These thirty favorite Towle Sterling patterns are being offered at reduced prices from January 15 through January 27,1962. Take advantage of this exceptional opportunity to start or fill in your Towle Sterling service today. Regular price 4 pc. place setting.. from *32.25 Sale price hrom 422.58 These are made-to-order patterns and are subject to delayed delivery. .S Bl{| ii! I JEWELERS

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