» Page B THE PILOT—Southern Pines, North Carolina THURSDAY, APRIL 19, 1962 hop to CRAIG'S for We have them for Kiddies & Adults Milk Chocolate RABBITS and SQUIRRELS Chocolate EGGS EASTER BASKETS EASTER EGGS NORRIS CANDIES Stuffed EASTER BUNNIES COSMETICS A' For Baby we have inflatable Easter toys that “squeak” Craig-Walgreen Drug Co. Aberdeen, N. C. WE GIVE GREEN STAMPS A BIG FREE EXTRA ALL GARMENTS CLEANED AT Parkway Cleaners Are Mothproofed at no extra cost. We not only carefully clean your garments but also make them mothproof. You pay not one cent extra for this wonderful service. Sanex Moth Protection is odorless and colorless. Wear your Clothes at any time. FREE STORAGE (FOR CLOTHES) RUGS and CARPETS CLEANED PICKED UP AND DELIVERED FUR STORAGE Insurance Coverage $3 per $100. PHONE OX 5-7242 Parkway Cleaners ■ ■W ..;. r S * 4 A, 4- ... ...... 1U ABERDEEN NEWS CLASSROOM BUILDING—A new classroom building for Sanford Business College is shown here in a drawing by the architects, Hayes, Howell and Associates, of Southern Pines. It Work Begins on New Building for Sanford College Construction has begun on a new classroom building for Sanford Efusiness College. The building will be eiiected on U. S. 1 bypass between Wicker Street Extension and Carbonton Road, near San ford, Merritt Robinson, school director, said today. Designed to accommodate more than 100 students, the new struc ture will have five classrooms, a library and office space. Addi tions may be added from time to time as the growth of the school requires. Fully air conditioned and out fitted with the latest classroom and office equipment, the new work represents an estimated in vestment of over $70,000. Construction will take about five months and is scheduled to be completed September 15. John William Brown is General Con tractor. The new building will enable the school to expand the courses of study. Present general courses of study include: Stenographic, General Business, Secretarial, Junior Accounting, and Business Administration. Special courses in a number of business subjects are also offered, Robinson stated. will accomodate more than 100 students. The college has many Moore County graduates and young people from this county are almost always numbered among the student body. Mrs. W. C. Neill, and Mrs. Frank McNeill were among a number of persons from Moore County who attended the inauguration of Dr Ansley C. Moore as president of St. Andrews Presbyterian Col lege in Laurinburg last Thurs day. Mrs. Mobley toojj, part in the academic (procession, Mrs. Mc Neill attended the Alumni meet ing, held Wednesday morning at the College. Miss Jo Sue Wallace and Miss Jo Anne Welles of New Britain, Conn, will arrive FViday for sev eral days visit with Mr. and Mrs. Mack Wallace. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Watson an nounce the arrival of a baby daughter born Monday, April 16, at Moore Memorial Hospital. Lee YDC Planning Rally at Sanford Officers and steering committee of the Lee County Young Demo crats Club have revealed plans for an Eighth Congressionitnal District Rally to be held at San ford Wednesday, April 25. The event will be held at the Lions Fairgrounds and will be gin at 7 p.m. with a barbecue supper. Announced speakers include Rep. A. Paul Kitchin and John KJennedy, Congressional Demo cratic candidates from the Dis trict. Governor Sanford and the Council of State will be invited, as well as Lee County officials and candidates. JACKSON SPRINGS NEWS SALE + SALE Friday, Saturday, Monday Fancy Prints, were 89c.. 59c yd. Prints, Stripes & Solids, were 59c... <3 #C yJ« Sportswear Solids. 49« yi Dacron & Cotton 89c yd. DRAPERY SPECIAL Large Pieces, good colors.... 39c yd. ONE TABLE 25c yd. Bargain Fabric Center Hy. 1 Vass, N. C. Funeral Held Funeral services were held on Sunday afternoon at 3 o’clock for Webb Sherill, 73, with the Rev. W. A. Brown officiating at the services held at the Jackson Springs Presbyterian Church. Burial followed in the ERerbe cemetery. Mr. Sherrill died on Saturday morning at his home near Ellerbe. Survivors are his wife, Mrs. Lulan Rankin Sherrill of Ellerbe, one son, Woodford, Jackson Springs; three grandchil dren, two sisters, Mrs. Eula Gib bon of Derita, and Mrs. J. P. Har- vel of Cornelius, and one broth er, M. Johnson Sherrill of Tampa, Fla. Circles Meet Circle III of the Presbyterian Women met Monday night with Mrs. Arthur Thomas and 5tos. Robert Henderson gave the Bible study from the Rook of James. Mrs. Carlyle Clark was hostess, to Circle IV. Mrs. John C. Blue gave the Bible study and Mrs. Paul Cole had the program. Personals Miss Ada Doughtery spent sev eral days last week with friends in Raleigh and attended the meet ing of the Pioneer Club to whi^, as an employee of the Carolina Power and Light Company, she belongs. In Rocky Mount on Sunday as dinner guests of Mrs. C. J. Blanchard were Mr. and Mrs. K. A. McLeod, Mrs Henry Bone, Miss Lelia McLeod, all of Candor, and Mrs. Geneva McLeod. The Rev. and Mrs. Lacy Mc Duffie are spending the Easter holidays in Chipley, Fla. as guests of members of his former Church. By ANN J. McNeUl Virginia Little Symphony The Virginia Little Symphony Orchestra will give a concert at the Aberdeen High School audi torium on Friday night, April 27, at 8:00 p. m. Principal C. Wade Mobley has announced that ad vance tickets may be obtained from high school glee club mem bers. Curtis Lawhon Honored Curtis Lawhon, a member of the Aberdeen Volunteer Fire Department for the past 30 years, retired from active membership with the department and was honored last Monday night with a ladies night supper held at the Firemen’s Shed, near Aberdeen lake. A steak supper was enjoyed by all present for the occasion. Mayor E. O. Freeman and Fire Chief Myrd Muse made fitting tributes to Mr. Lawhon and he was the recipient of gifts of ap preciation from the group. Lions Honor Team The Aberdeen Lions Club hon ored th.2 basketball players at a t-ecent banquet. Guest speaker for the evening was Dean Smith, head basketball coach at the Uni versity of North Carolina, who was presented by Principal C. Wade Mobley. Miss Alice Jean Robbins and Bobby Alpert were named the outstanding players of the year, chosen on the basis of attitude, ability, and cooperation, and were recipients of the Crucedale tro phies, donated by Crucedale Cleaners annually to the two out standing players. Gcirden Club Award Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Harrington have received the current Aber deen Home and Garden Club floating award for their lovely yard on North Poplar St. WSCS Meeting The April meeting of the Wom an’s Society of Christian Service of Page Memorial Methodist Church was held on Monday, April 8, in the Ladies Classroom, with 22 members .present. Mrs. R. M. Hooper, president, presided during the business ses sion. Plans for the study course on the subject, “The Meaning of Suffering,” were announced for Tuesday and Friday nights of Ipt week, to be under the direction of Mrs. H. W. Doub. Mrs. Brooks Patten, Mrs. Lee Buchan, and Mrs. Charles Pullen presented an interesting program. Pre-Easter Services The Rev. C. W. Worth, former pastor of Bethesda Presbyterian Church, and minister of the First Presbyterian Church, Whiteville, is guest minister for the pre- Easter services at Bethesda each evening this week. On Sunday evening following the opening service of the week, a reception was held in the Fel lowship Hall of the church in hon or of those persons who have united with the church during the past year. The Sacrament of the Lords Supper will be observed at the Thursday evening service. The Presbyterian Church will join the other church congregations for the 'oeciai Good Friday serv ice at the First Baptist Church Friday evening and for the Easter Sunrise Service at Bethesda cem etery Sunday morning. A special feature of the season was a meaningful rendition of the anthem “Hosanna” sung anti- phonically bv the Primary and Junior and Pioneer choirs Sun day morning. This anthem, sung with such dedication and enthusi asm, gladdened the hearts of all wdio listened. hostesses to the Junior Woman’s Club on Tuesday eve ning in the home of Mrs. Clark. Mrs. Don McCluskey led the devotion. Mrs. Frank McNeill, vice-president, presided in the ab sence of the president, Mrs. Ran dall Thompson. Mrs. Marshall Donathan, pro gram chairman, presented Patrol man R. R. Samuels, who present ed an informative talk on High way Safety, with special stness on the advantages of samety seat belts for automobiles. The hostesses served punch, cookies, and nuts during the so cial hour. Bridge - Luncheon Mrs. Lawrence Johnson was hostess to members of her bridge club for luncheon and an after noon of play on Tuesiday, April 9. j At the conclusion of play, Mrs. George Anderson was high scorer anH Mrs. Robert Farrell second hif'h. Others playing were Mrs. Sid Taylor, Mrs. C. D. McGowan, Mrs. Ralph Leach, Mrs. Norfleet Pleasants, Mrs. David Hobbs, and Mrs. Dan Farrell. Round Robin Club Mrs. Victor Grose was hostess to the Round Robin Garden Club on Wednesday afternoon. This being the height of the spring season of flowers in bloom, the arrangements brought by mem bers were unusually lovely. Mrs. Ralph Leach’s arrangement won first place and Mrs. Norfleet Pleasants’ arrangement placed second. A Round Robin discussion peri od of questions and answers was followed by a social hour when members enjoyed pie and coffee served by the hostess. Briefs Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Dona than and children visited rela tives in Candor Sunday after noon. Dr. and Mrs. Richard Reose and daughters spent the weekend in Boone with relatives. Mrs. John W. Copley and chil dren returned Monday following a week’s visit with friends and relatives in Greensboro and in Virginia, while Mr. Copley was on a busness trip to New York. Mrs. Gertrude Campbell has re turned to her home following sev eral weeks in Moore Memorial Hospital. Mrs. C. Wade Mobley, Dr. and The investment in agriculture of over $200 billion is three- fourth'^ of ths value of current as sets of all corporations in the U. S. and thrre-fifths of the mar ket value of all corporation stocks on the New York Stock Ex change. G. E. WATER HEATERS GLASS-LINED $10000 Choose TABLE TOP model in white or ROUND TYPE in the new brown - tan combination. SEE THEM AT CURTIS S. W. Broad Si. Radio & TV Service Southern Pines, N. C. PILOT ADVERTISING PAYS Junior Woman's Club Mrs. Vann Clark, Mrs. Johnny Green, and Mrs. Don McCluskey HERE NOW! The Ultimate in Television Reception! An Antenna Exclusively designed and developed by WRAL (Channel 5) and WTVD (Channel ID just for this area. Not 50.00 — Not 35.00 — But a low, low $14^5 See this Antenna in action at Western Anto Western Auto Store J. L. (Jim) Ritchie, Owner-Operator Southern Pines, N. C. Cornell's Radio & TV Service Bristow Motor Ct.. Manly, N. C. WATCH REPAIR SALE IS STILL GOING ON AT THE GLITTER BOX Main Street Aberdeen