Page EIGHTEEN THE PILOT—Southern Pines, North Carolina THURSDAY, APRIL 19, 1962 CLASSm ADS THE F*IEOX P. O. Box 58 Phone 2-7271 CLASSn ADS RATES: Light face capitals and lower case, 4c per worn. BLACK CAPITALS. 5c per word. Minimum price per ad, 50c G.E. APPLIANCES Sales & Service Vass TV & Radio Call Vass 245-7781 DRESSMAKING - ALTERA TIONS: Hours 11 a. m.-3 p. m. Rear entrance, upstairs apart- ■ ment, 170 North May. al9p FOR RENT: 4-room furnished house at 740 North May Street. Dr L. M. Daniels, 0X2-6382. al9tf RE-WEAVING — Bums, moth holes and tears. Call Mrs. Wade Walters, 303 Summit St., Aber- den, WI4-1660. sl4tf FOR SALE: Small house consist ing of four rooips and bath situated within easy walking distance of Broad Street stores. Good refrigerator and electric stove included in very reason able price. As an extra bonus - modem private swimming pool. For further information caU Robert M. Lewis at OXford 2-3081. a26p WANTED: ELECTRIC PLAYER PIANO AND MUSIC ROLLS. CALL SOUTHERN PINES 692- 7411 ANY TIME AFTER 9 A. M. FRIDAY. APRIL 19 OR THEREAFTER. al9,26p EXPERIENCED COOK DE SIRES LIGHT HOUSEKEEP ING WORK. CALL 692-7293 AFTER 5. a26p FOR SALE: 1954 Chevrolet 4-door Bel Air sedan. Day phone OX 2-3551, night OX 2-8662. al9c FOR RENT: 4-ROOM FURNISH ED COTTAGE, 342 YOUNGS ROAD. PHONE 692-8921. al9c LOST: DIAMOND WATCH AND DIAMOND RING ABOUT 1:30 p. M. TUESDAY VICINITY | CITIZENS BANK OR BROAD STREET PHARMACY. FIND-' ER CONTACT 0X2-2791 OR EOX 749 AND RECEIVE FINE CASH REWARD^ a26c ENGRAVED Wedding Announce ments and Invitations. Quick service, reasonable prices. Pilot. FOR RENT House: 3-bedrm unfurnished. Apts.: 2-bedrm and 1-bedrm furnished. Store bldg, for rent FOR SALE 3-bedrm house, $400 down Take up payments of $45.43 per month. Margie Nanopoulos 565 N. May Si. OX 2-3851 Legal Notices notice of PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHERN PINES. Pursuant to requirements con tained in the General Statutes of North Carolina, Chapter 160, and by direction of the Town Council of the Town of Southern Pines, notice is hereby givenithat a pub lic hearing will be held in ^e Council Chamber of the Munici pal Building of the Town of Southern Pines at 8:00 o’clock P. M. on the 8th day of May, 1952, on a proposed amendment to the Zoning Ordinance adopted for the Town of Southern Pines on the 12th day of January, 1954. In case of protest against such proposed change, in writing, signed by the owners of twenty (20%) per cent or more either of the area of the lots included in such proposal, or of those immediately adjacent thereto, or on either side thereof, extending one hundred (100) feet therefrom, or of those direct ly opposite thereto, extending one hundred feet from t^e street frontage of such opposite lots, such proposed amendment shaU not become effective except by favorable vote of three-fourths (314) of all members of the Town Council of the Town of Southern Pines. The proposed amendment is as follows: BE IT ORDAINED AND ES TABLISHED by the Town Coun cil of the Town of Southern Pines at regular session assembled this the 8th day of May, 1962, that the Zoning Ordinance of the Town of Southern Pines adopted January 12, 1954, as amended, be and is hereby further amended as fol lows: That Article II entitled Boun daries of Districts, Sec. 1.8 Busi ness II District, be amended to include a certain tract of land fronting on Pee Dee Road more .particularly described as follows: That certain lot or parcel of land in McNeill Township, Southern Pines, Moore County, North Carolina and beginning on the easterly edge of Pee Dee Road at the northeastern cor ner of the intersection of Pine Street and Pee Dee Road con tinuing along Pine Street to a concrete momunent on the westerly edge of Fairway Road; thence in a northerly direction with Fairway Road, as it curves, to the junction of Fair way Road and the easterly edge of Pee Dee Road; thence in a southerly direction with the easterly edge of Pee Dqe Roa^. to the beginning. This Amendment shall bbcome effective from and after the date of its adoption. Adopted this the 8th day of May, 1962. JOHN S. RUGGLES Mayor MILDRED p. McDonald Clerk A26,M3c For Sale by Owner Business Location Super Mart Appx. 250,000 Sq. Ft. where So. May St. intersects with Morganton Road. Exclusively Ideal-now-for. Lucrative. De velopment (Outside City lim its) Brick Bldg. - Business properly centrally located - Downtown . Spacious Lot - Supplies liberal off St.. Parking Area - presents. Lucrative. Income Potentials in conversion to. an Office Bldg. - Efficiency Apts., or What? If interested - see Owner R. J. HUGHES 225 No. Bennett St. Southern Pines, N. C. M22,29 PINECOE CHEMICALS: BOX 1293. "EVERYTHING SCIEN TIFIC FOR THE AMATEUR." CHEMICALS-APPARATUS. al9tf FOR RENT: Four room furnish ed house, bath. Lakeview, N. C. Phone 245-7701, Mrs. Lillie Mae Mitchell, Cameron, N. C. m29tf DEWEY MOORE UPHOLSTERY, DRAPERY AND CARPEl WORK. PHONE NIAGARA 0X5-7772. jl3tf NEW ROOFS NO DOWN PAYMENT FREE ESTIMATES CALL MOSS & CHAMBERLAIN WI 4-2380 Aberdeen MOSS and CHAMBERLAIN WATCH OUR ADS . . YOU'LL FIND IT! ABERDEEN Phone WI 4-2380 LOOK Four low cost Gold Modallions xiovi undor construction in Southern’ Pines. All FHA financed with small down pay ments. GOLD MEDALLION START ING TODAY on North Page St. 3-bedroom brick home. $300. down, $62.50 per month plus taxes and insurance, $11,000 GOLD MEDALLION START ING TODAY on North Saylor St. 3-bedroom brick home. Clean electric heat. Nice lot. Down payment $300. Monthly payment $62.50 plus taxes and insurance, $11,000 GOLD MEDALLION UNDER CONSTRUCTION on East Del aware Avenue, 3-bedrooms. 2- full baths. FHA financed. $14,300. GOLD MEDALLION NEAR- ING COMPLETION on N. Leak Street. 3-be