THE PILOT—Southern Pines, North Carolina THURSDAY, MAY 17, 1962 Womens Activities and Sandhills Social [rY EVELYN de NISSOFF, Editor Events TELEPHONE OX 2-6512 mi f Churchwomen of Emmanuel Attend District Meeting Tlie Spring meeting of tbs Episcopal Churchwomen of the Richmond District was held Tuesday at Calvary Church in Wadesboro. The Rev. Martin Caldwell, rec tor of Emmanuel Church here, and eight members of the parish, attended the service of Holy Communion at 10 a. m. and the meeting afterward, conducted by Mrs. James E. Parks, of Southern Pines, chairman, and Mrs. Hugh Carter of Pinehurst, secretary and treasurer of the District. Mrs. Chadwick Smith, Diocesan secretary of Christian Social Re lations, gave an interesting talk followed by noonday prayers conducted by the Rev. Mr. Cald well. A workshop, with suggestions for work of the coming year, was directed by Mrs. Harry S. Cobey, District secretary of Christian Ed ucation. The Rev. Harry Cobey installed new District officers. A luncheon in the parish hall followed the business session. Members of Emmanuel Church attending the meeting were: Mrs. Parks, Miss Lillian Parks, Mrs. Thomas Kelley, Mrs. Carter, Mrs. Sherwood Brockwell, Mrs. Roy Grinnell, Mrs. Norris L. Hodgkins and Miss Louise Haynes. June Wedding Is Planned by Elaine Dabbs, Lamar Smith Mr. and Mrs. Jack Weingarten of 351 Churchill Road, West Palm Beach, Fla., announce the en gagement of their daughter, Elaine Dabbs, to Lamar Killings- worth Smith, Jr., whos.3 parents live in Rocky Mount. The bride-elect attended the Southern Pines School during the years that she lived here. Her fiance and his parents were for many years residents of Aber deen where Mr. Smith was Chief of Police. A late June wedding is plan ned. jM < PVT. AND MRS. HARVEY WHITE •w 'SI mm I* I DR. LIGON OFFICIATES AT WEDDING OF MISS MASON AND PVT. HARVEY WHITE Brownson Memorial Presby terian Church was the scene Sat urday of the wedding of Miss Alicia Ingram Mason and Pvt. Harvey R. White. The" church’s former pastor. Dr. Cheves K. Ligon, now executive secretary of Fayetteville Presbytery, officiated at the 5 o’clock ceremony. Mrs. John McPhaul was organist and the soloist was Robert Mat thews, A reception followed in the church parlor. The bride is the daughter of Mrs. J. K. Mason of 355 East Indiana Avenue, and Mr. Mason. Her husband’s parents are Mr. and Mrs. Harvey White of Pine- bluff. Mrs. Richard Lawhom was her sister’s matron of honor. Miss Patsy Gamer of Niagara was a bridesmaid and Oma Ruth Law hom, the bride’s niece, served as her junior attendant. Given in marriage by her father, the bride wore a street length dress of white silk organza with boat neck, cap sleeves and bouffant skirt. Her full elbow length illusion veil was centered at the forehead with a self-rose and valley lilies. She wore elbow length gloves and carried a Bible topped with a white orchid and valley lilies. The matron of honor and brides maids wore short dresses of blue satin with flirtation veils of the same color and carried blue and white feathered carnations. The bride’s mother was attired in an aqua silk sheath; the bride groom’s mother wore a dress of the same shade, in linen, and both had gardenia corsages. After a short wedding trip, Mrs. White returned to her home here while her husband went back to Fort Jackson, S. C. where he will complete his advanced Army training, after which his wife will join him. A graduate of the Southern Pines High School, Mrs. White at tended Campbell College and re ceived training as a beautician at the Southeastern College of Beau- ty Culture in Charlotte. She is employed at the Style-O-Rama Beauty Shop here. Her husband graduated from Aberdeen High School and at tended Western Carolina College. He joined the U. S. Amy in January and completed his basic training at Fort Jackson. Sandhills Republican Women Will Hold Installation Tuesday Mrs. E. W. Simpson, president of the North Carolina Federation of R.epublican Women, and Mrs. Barbara Rixon, both of Charlotte, will be on hand for the installa tion of officers of the Sandhills Republican Women’s Club. The ceremony will be held Tuesday evening at 8 p. m. in the Plantation Room of the Jefferson Inn. Another guest, Mrs. William Wood of Pinebluff, will tell the group briefly of the history of service of the Republican Party in this state. Officers to be installed: Mrs. William R. Bonsai, III, president; Mrs. James Garrison of Pinehurst, vice president; Mrs. David Spence of Pinebluff, secretary; and Mrs. Robert Leland, treasurer. All interested women in the county are invited to attend this meeting. Refreshments will be served following the installation. Peggy Worth Will Enter Meredith College, ’66 Class Peggy Worth, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Worth, Jr. of 310 Hill Road, Southern Pines, and a senior at Southern Pines High School, was a guest of Meredith College for the annual “Hospi' tality Weekend.” She has been accepted as : member of the Meredith class of 1966. Phillips Family Has Cookout, Attends “Pinafore” Saturday Dr. and Mrs. Charles Phillips entertained at a family cookout supper at their home on East Massachusetts Avenue Saturday, prior to attending the school per formance at Weaver Auditorium of “H.M.S. Pinafore.” Included in the family group, in addition to the couple’s five children, were her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry C. Olseng of Gr&sn Bay, Wise, who are here for a fortnight’s visit; also Dr. Phillips’s sister and brother-in- law, the Rev. and Mrs. James Cansler and their children, and his parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Phillips, all of Chapel Hill. Raleigh Rose Show Invites Exhibitors And Visitors May 19 The finest roses of an excep tionally favorable growing season will be .exhibited at the 14th an nual Raleigh Rose Show on Sat urday, May 19, from 2 to 10 p. m. The exhibit will be in the State Capital Life Insurance Company building at 2620 Hillsboro Street. There will be no admission charge for visitors or entry fee for exhibitors. Free parking will be available in two private park ing lots adjacent to the exhibit hall. ‘We urge all amateur rose growers ev.-’rywhere to enter the competition,” commented Col. Russell Broaddus, president of the sponsoring Raleigh Rose So ciety. “Entries will be accepted from 8 to 11 a. m. Uniform con tainers will be provided for speci men and exhibitors may use their own vases and accessories for ar- raneements.” Silver trophies, American Rose Society certificates, nursery stock and ribbons will be awarded in 80 classifications, including hy- ' brid tea, hybrid tea climbers, granddifloras, floribundas, poly- anthas, historic roses, minatures, collections and arrangements. American Rose Society rules and standards will be followed by the non-resident judges. Com plete rules and schedules are available through the Raleigh Rose Society. NEWLY-ELECTED OFFICERS of Moore Memorial Hospital Auxiliary are shown on the lawn at Mrs. James Boyd's home, Weymouth, following the annual meeting and tea there. Left to right: Mrs. Bruce Warlick, Mrs. John Read Burr, Mrs. O. Leon Seymour, Mrs. Paul Dana, president; Mrs. Edward T. Taws, Jr., Mrs. Mul- ford Horr, Mrs. Walter G. Robins, Mrs. L. Paget Rigby and Mrs. William Wadsworth. The offices they hold are designated in the accompanying story below. (Humphrey photo) MOORE HOSPITAL AUXILIARY HEARS REPORTS, ELECTS OFFICERS AT MEETING Bird Club Ends the Season with Picnic At Pinebluff Friday The Southern Pines Bird Club ended its season Friday with a picnic at Pinebluff Lake attend ed by 13 people. A list of 38 species of birds was made, including the rose-breast ed grosbeak, on its way to nest in the north. Orchard orioles were singing joyously and the blue-grey gnat- catcher, whose nesting site is near the same tree every year, had a narrow escape from the fire that burned the woods nearby. A list of 98 species has been re ported this season by the Club. SAVE THIS AD SAVE THIS AD Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Edwards of Vass announce their purchase of the Style-O-Rama Beauty Salon — _ , Southern Pines 172 S. W. Broad St. STAFF M. CATHERINE EDWARDS. MANAGER T-Fp: cole FAYE WAGONER ALICIA MASON WHITE Hours: 9 to 5:30 Nights by appoiiOment SPECIAL OFFER This ad is good for $5 on a cold wave costing $15 and up. from now until June 15 SAVE THIS AD SAVE THIS AD Miss Logan Honor Guest at Lawn ^arty at Weymouth Mrs. James Boyd and Mrs. Voit Gilmore were co-hostesses at a lawn party at the former’s home, Weymouth, Wednesday afternoon. The party honored Miss Mary Logan, and guests were members of the Southern Pines Elementary School and friends of the hostesses. Miss Logan, who for the past year has been supervisor of the Pinehurst and Southern Pines, elementary schools, will go to Mars Hill College as Dean of Women next fall. She plans to leave here June 9 and will enter the University of Colorado for a refresher course this summer. Pat Starnes Dance Group to Present Review May 25, 26 The Pat Starnes School of Dance will present “Around the World in 80 Minutes,” a fully cos tumed dance review with over 60 students participating from Southern Pines, Aberdeen, Pine hurst, Robbins, West End and Carthage. The admission-free show will be given two nights,—on Friday, May 25, at 8 in the Aberdeen School Auditorium, and on Sat urday, May 26, also beginning at 8 p. m., in Weaver Auditorium, Southern Pines. The public is invited to attend. 3ush-Brindley Team Wins 1st in Sandhill Duplicate Club Play Dr. E. W. Bush and Fred Brindley teamed to win first place in the Tuesday evening meeting of the Sandhill Duplicate Bridge Club. Second place winners at the party, held as usual at the South ern Pines Country Club, were Mrs. C. H. Bowman and Mrs. Wil liam J. Burke. Tied for third place honors were teams comprising Mrs. B. W. Dickinson and Mrs. Lena Fetner of Hamlet and Mrs. M. W. Hitson and Mrs. Jean Ed son. Mesdames Willis and Patteson Are Two- Time Bridge Winners Mrs. Harry Willis and Mxs. George P. Patteson, both winners at the Hollywood Bridge Club party May 8, were again among those winning table prizes at Tuesday’s Hollywood Bridge Club luncheon. Other bridge winners were Mrs. Eric Nelson of Pinehurst and Mrs. F. M. Trimble of Charlotte. Mrs. Frank Hale won at Mivia. The luncheon preceding play was attended by 20 persons This will be the last luncheon meeting for the club rmtil fall. Week’s Arrivals Listed At Hollywood Hotel; Guests Entertain There R. H. Valentine of Stafford Springs, Conn, has arrived to join Mrs. VMentine and their daugh ter, Mrs. Hugh Kabler, who are spending some time at the Holly wood Hotel. They are entertaining Dr. and Mrs. James Healey of New York City for a few days. Miss Florence Manning had guests for dinner last week at the hotel. Mrs. Warren C. Edwards has re turned to the Hollywood, after a pleasant trip to Philadelphia. Oscar Steinmetz has returned from Moore Memorial Hospital, where he has been a patient for the past month. Mrs. E. H. Hookes of Smith- field and Mrs. R. S. Stevens of Smithfield, and Mrs. L. A. Col- trane of Raleigh arrived this week. Other arrivals were: J. B. Jones of Hampton, S. C.; D. Gil bert Lee and Zack Bair of Char lotte and Scott Venable of Raleigh. Mrs. Paul Dana of Pinehurst' was reelected president of the Woman’s Auxiliary of Moore Memorial Hospital at the final yearly meeting here May 9. Serving with Mrs. Dana for 1962-63 will be the following slate of officers: Mrs. John Read Burr and Mrs. Mulford Horr, Pine hurst, first and second vice-presi dents, respectively; Mrs. William H. Wadsworth, and Mrs. Bruce Warlick, Southern Pines, record ing secretary and assistant re cording secretary; Mrs. L. Padget Rigby and Mrs. Walter G. Robins, Pinehurst, treasurer and assist ant treasurer; Mrs. O. Leon Sey mour and Mrs. Edward T. Taws, Jr., Southern Pines, correspond- ing sBcrGtsry snd assistant corrG- sponding secretary. Mrs. Du- wayne D. Gadd was chairman of the nominating committee with Mrs. Harold A. Peck and Mrs. John E. Dixon. The meeting, held at Wey mouth, home of Mrs. James Boyd, had a full hour of business prior to the social hour which followed. Besides the election of officers, a change in the by-laws, the award ing of pins, bars and certificates for volunteers, and reports from all committee chairmen were on the afternoon program. With the reading of the min utes by Mrs. William H. Wads worth, several important and nec essary changes in the by-laws, which were recommended at a board meeting, were explained by Mrs. Dana. At the conclusion, the auxiliary voted for the changes as written. Mrs. Rigby gave a detailed ac count of receipts and disburse ments for the past year .in the treasurer’s report. Reporting on last week’s Hos- nital Roundup, staged at the Southern Pines Armory as one of the main fund-raising events, Mrs. Fred C. Pollard read a let ter from the general chairman of the dance, Mrs. James Tufts of Pinehurst. In expressing appreci ation to all the women through out this area who worked so tire lessly for the event, Mrs. Tufts said. “While we cannot consider the Hospital Roundup a large fi nancial success, it was neverthe less very gratifying to find the interest shown amoung the mem bers of our hospital community in this endeavor. We had wonder ful support from Carthage, West End, Aberdeen, Robbins, Raeford, Southern Pines and Pinehurst. The good will incurred does have its value and for future benefits, I know we can count on many new friends for support.’ Mrs. Duwayne D. Gadd, chair man of the Dunes Club dance given earlier in the Spring, re ported a net profit of $2601.61 The auxiliary purchased $1711.31 in much needed equip ment for the hospital last year- one suite patient room furniture; resuscitator for colored nursery, oxygen analyzer for nursery and Stryker turning frame. Mrs. John R Burr, special projects chair man, reported on these purchases which will unquestionably make possible better patient care. A Hot Pack Steri-Warmer for the Nursery, which has a 24-bot tle capacity for heating formula bottles, was purchased ty Mrs. Alex Roberts and Mrs. Stuart Patterson of the volunteer advi sory committee. Another was needed at this time, but the com mittee felt it could not go to fur ther expense this year, as the Auxiliary had already made substantial commitment to the hospital fund-raising. Mrs Edward Schneider, whose favorite project is the Auxiliary’s Birthday Club, said that many needed improvements had been made in the Nurses’ Home last year, expenses for same totaling $322.’86. Among them were new carpet and padding, painting en trance hall and sanding and re finishing floors and several small er items. The auxiliary has 245 paid members, 10 of them new this year, according to Mrs. Lawrence Johnson, membership chairman. There are 86 volunteer members, 111 associate and 48 contributing. Mrs. Robert McMillan, chair man of the volunteers, spoke of the many new services her work ers have instituted during the past year. Among them are the visitor’s control desk; the floater, who works for Physical Therapy lab, fills in where needed and also delivers the suggestion let ters to the patients; ministerial service; home ladies, who do all types of hand work in their homes when it is difficult for them to come to the hospital; Girl Scouts push the cart and work one afternoon a week in the linen room. A total of 9,317% hours of volunteer work was done last year—1,569 more hours than the preceding year. Mrs. McMillan and her sub-chairmen, Mrs. Har old Peck, Mrs. Leon Seymour and Mrs. Alex Roberts will try for 10,000 hours next year. Mrs. L. D. Guin and Mrs. Drew- ry Troutman reported an excep tionally healthy financial shape for the canteen under its new managership. New products have been added and much stress put on good service to the customers. Mrs. Dana read a report frorn Mrs. Boyd on Maternal Welfare, stating that Tag Day throughout the county would be held Satur day, May 12. Duncan McGoogan, hospital ad ministrator, a special guest of the ladies, expressed his appreciation for all the work accomplished by the organization and its tireless volunteers. He presented the awards for the year, which in cluded pins, bars, stars and cer tificates. Mrs. Stuart Patterson and Mrs. John Burr served punch at the social hour. Assisting Mrs. Mul ford Horr, who had charge of the tea, were Mrs. Mangum Webb, Mrs. Charles Phillips, Mrs. Norris Hodgkins, Jr., Mrs. William Hol lister, Mrs. Paul Butler and Mrs. Lament Brown. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wilder of Ra leigh were visitors here Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. Glen Rounds at 380 East Pennsylvania Avenue. Here’s what the CHARLOTTE NEWS says about John P. Kennedy: “Kennedy showed his per sonal ability in the minimum wage fight... . and the 66-36 vote indicates it.” (Julian Scheer) May 18,1961 Elect John P. KENHEOr Democratfor Congress Paid for by Kennedy for CongreM Cemntitiet NOW IN PAPERBACK The Rise and Fall of The Third Reieh — 1.65 Studio Bookshop 105 E. PENNSYLVANIA AVE. Personalized Stationary SOUTHERN PINES Magazine Subscriptions C2 / Im Juffoccdin^ uv tfuA k&tciaet oZ kont&. 'Pick/ nve/ up AtO>VQ^&. Whether you own a precious mink or an ordinary mouton, it should be in storage where sumnmr heat, moths, dust and thieves haven't a ghost of a chance to damage it. We feature a complete fur service by ex- perist STORAGE — FURRIERS' CLEANING REPAIRS AND RESTYLING OUR BOX STORAGE FOR WOOLENS is like having an extra doset at home. PICK-UP AND DELIVERY A1 Cruce Ph. WI4-1600 Aberdeen