% rnURSDAY, MARCH 19, 1964 THE PILOT-^outhern Pines, North Carolina Page SEVEN PILOT ADVERTISING PAYS Itart’i good ntwt for you I Exduthe nm *Hord-cort" SYNA-CLEAR Dtconiattont tobloti Ml liutantly and contlnnovaly to drain and alNr all nasat-alnui uvlties. Ona "hard-cora" lablat glvas vp to 8 houra rallef from pain and ptltiiira of eongaatlon. Allows you to braatha aaalty —stops watan ayaa and runny noaa. You can buy SYNA-CLEAR at all Drug Storaa, ndtbout naad for a proscription. Sailafactlsa taarantsad by maksr. Try ft today I CRAIG DRUG CO. 107 Sycamore St. Aberdeen. N. C. VASS NEWS & PERSONALS WALL-TO-WALL CARPET • BIGELOW • MOHAWK • ALEXANDER SMITH QUALITY INSTALLATIONS Select From Free Decorator Se: Central Carol: Largest St< 'Select Your Ca: We Install i inLac/i^^ Sanford.. N. C. BY MRS. CHARLES CAMERON Woman's Club Meets The Vass Woman’s Club met with Mrs. H. A. Borst at her home last Friday evening. Mrs. Howard Gschwind presided and conducted a business session. Mrs. P. A. Wilson was in charge of the devotional. Mrs. H. M. Klingenschmidt, chairman of the Home Life De partment, was responsible for a most interesting and informative program on “What’s New In Home Economics.” The leader discussed articles suggestive, of the home, giving helpful hints and aids. Members contributed with related articles of new pro ducts on the market. A social hour followed with re freshments served by the hostess. Community Events There will be a community covered dish supper at the Vass- Lakeview School cafeteria, Fri day evening, March 20, at 7 p.m The event will honor the girls and boys basketball teams and Coach David Page for their fine season. The girls teEim was cham pion of the Moore County Tourna ment. Fish Fry The MYF of the Vass Metho dist Church will sponsor a pub lic Fish Rry, Saturday, March 28, at the community house, from 5 to 7:30 p.m. Bake Sale A bake sale sponsored by the Ladies Auxiliary of Vass Rescue Squad No. 2, will be held Satur day, March 28, in front of the theatre building. The sale will begin at 8. Presbyterian Circles Meet Mrs. Karl Schweinfurth was hostess to the Jane McGill circle last Tuesday evening. Mrs. C. G. Crockett presided and Mrs. W. E. Gladstone moderated the Bible Study. Mrs. Dallas Jackson pre sented the monthly emphasis. A social hour with refreshments served by the hostess was en joyed. Circle 1 met Wednesday even ing with Mrs. George Laubscher. Mrs. Herbert Caddtell presided. Mrs. Pete Mashbum was in charge of the Bible study. Mrs. Lenwood Patterson was program leader. At the close of the meet ing, the hostess served refresh ments Birthday Honors Master Mark Bullock was nored with a party on his th birthday, Sunday after- ^t the home of his parents, Mrs. Lane Bullock. In to his sister SUe and Kent, Mike and John, grade classmates of Mark tended. Twenty-one guests en- joyer iced drinks, birthday cake and potato chips. To Celebrate Birthday Master Ernest Evans, Jr., will celebrate his fifth bSriiid'ay Thursday, March 19, at a special dinner at Doug Kelly’s Holiday Inn Restaurant, Southern Pines. Guests will be his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Evans, his sister Jeanie, and his grandmother, Mrs. Clayton Evans. Attend Worship Service In celebration of Girl Scout week, the local Girl Scouts and Brownies with their leaders, Mrs. Robert Coffey and Mrs. James Hudson, attended Sunday morn ing worship services at the Vass Methodist Church, in uniform. Special musit! by the children’s choir was presented, under the direction of Mrs. Si. R. Smith, ac companied at the piano by Miss Louise Leslie. Personals Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Beal ac companied their daughter Sharon to Pembroke College Saturday for registration. Sharen, a senior at Vass - Lakeview High school plans to enter following gradua tion. Jerry Smith has accepted a po sition in the accounting office of the Amerotron Company at Aber deen. Jerry returned to the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. T. Smith in December from Vandenberg AFB, Calif., follow ing four years’ duty with the Air Force. Mrs. M. B. Clayton spent Tues day and Wednesday of last week with her son and daughter-in- law, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Clayton and children of Aberdeen. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hinsley and children, and Dock Hinsley, of Rock Hill, S. C. visited Mrs. Marie Hinsley and other relatives over the weekend. Mrs. Douglas Blackman and children, of Sanford, called on Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cameron and family and Mr. and Mrs. George R. Blue and family Sun day afternoon. Mrs. O. M. Bullock was accom panied to the home of her son-in- law and daughter, Mr .and Mrs. C. D. Painter, of Fuquay, by her son Russell Bullock, Monday, after a visit in the home and with other relatives here and in Lakeview. Dr. White Speaks At Meeting Of Home Demonstration Clubs’ County Council By AMEMLIA S. CAPEHART Home Economics Extension Agent (Negro Work) Dr. F. D. White of Carthage was guest speaker at the educational program of the County Council of Home Demonstration Clubs when the quarterly meeting was held in the Moore County court room March 11, at 7 p. m. A film on cancer, “Time and Two Women,” preceded Dr. White’s talk about cancer. A ques- CARPET SERVICE Room Size & Wall to Wall “We Bind Carpets” THOMASSON FURNITURE CO. S. W. Broad Street Southern Pines. N. C. In North Carolm after bowling, beer is a natural i^ter you’ve bowled a game or two, or when you’re winding up the evening at the neighborhood bowling center, it’s good to relax with friends and compare scores. What better way to add to the gort and the sociableness than with a refreshing glass of beer? However you take your fun—siding, skating, or at your ease in the game room-beer always makes a welcome addition to the party. Your familiar glass of beer is also a pleasurable reminder that we hve in a land of personal freedom—and that our right to enjoy beer and ale, if we so desire, is just one, but an important one, of those personal freedoms. h North Carolina...beer goes with fun, with relaxation UNIRD STATES BREWERS ASSOCIATION, INa 1005 Ralaigh Building, Raleigh, North Carolina Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Autrey, Jr., and family of Asheboro, spent Saturday night here with his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Autrey, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Simpson were Sunday night supper guests guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lane BuL lock. Wednesday guests of Mrs. A R. Graham were Mrs. A. E Smith an ddaughter, Jennie, Mrs Dot Price and Mrs. Valley In^ gram, all of Fayetteville. Mrs. F. R. Smith returned to her home Sunday following few days visit with a son and daughter-in-lay, Mr. and Mrs Pete West and family, of Ben- nettsville, S. C. Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Autrey, Sr., were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Ray Swink of Fayette ville. Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Alexander and children joined them for dinner. Mr. and Mrs. P. T. Smith and Miss Louise Harris were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Larry Smith and children, Lynn and Jo, of Greensboro. Mrs. Gilbert Womack and children and Mrs. David Hoff man and children, of Sanford, spent a day last week with their mother, Mrs. Sara Womble and grandmother, Mrs. George Situtts. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Cooper were Sunday viistors with Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Evans and Mrs. M. B. Clayton. Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Thomas and Mr. and Mrs. Joel Thomas and son, of Sanford, visited Mr. and Mrs. Delmus Kimball Sun day afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Lane Bullock and' Mr. and Mrs. Preston Boggs at tended a GE sales representative suppef aat Raleigh last 'Tuesday evening. Mrs. L. L. McLean of Southern Pines wa sa Sunday dinner guest of Mr. and Mrs. N. N. McLean and a Sunday night and Monday vis itor with Mrs. A. M. Cameron. Mrs. A. M. Cameron accompani ed her sister. Miss Martha Mc Kay of Fayetteville to Winston- Salem for the night, Saturday, where they attended “My Fair Lady” at Wake Forest College. Mrs. Cameron’s granddaughter. Miss Susan Irby, a student at the college ,had the leading female role in the play. MAYTAG Sales & Service Parker Oil Co. tfn ABERDEEN Civil Defense Is Topic Of Meeting Today, Asheboro County and municipal officials from eighteen central North Car olina counties are meeting in Asheboro today (Thursday) for an Area Conference on Civil Defense Responsibility. Keynote speaker for the six-hour session is Alex McMahon, general counsel for the North Carolina Association of County Officials, who was to ex plain the Civil Defense Program now considered a vital part of continental defense—^pinpointing the resposibility of local govern ment officials under Federal and State law. The conference is conducted by the University Extension Division in cooperation with the Depart ment of Defense and the North Carolina Civil Defense Agency. Other highlights of the program include a message from Governor Sanford, a report from State Civil Defense Director Edward F. Grif fin, talks and radiation shielding demonstrations by the Radiologi cal Safety Officers from Duke University and North Carolina State University, Raleigh. Counties participating in the Asheboro Conference comprise North Carolina Civil Defense Area D. They are: Stokes, Lee, I Rockingham, Caswell, Forsyth, Guilford, Alamance, Orange, Davie, Davidson, Chatham, Rowan, Randolph, Montgomery, Moore, Hoke, Richmond and Scot land. tkm and discussion period follow ed. Mrs. Amelia S. Capehart, Home Economics Extension agent, in troduced the speaker. One of the health goals of the County Council is for each club member to have a cancer examin ation during 1964. Mrs. L. E. Phillips, president, presided over the business ses sion. Voting delegates were ap pointed for the State Council Meeting March 25 in City Audi torium, Raleigh, Also delegates were named to the Farm and Homemakers Conference, A. & T. College, Greensboro, June 16-19. The Home Demonstration Club Sunday Program will be at 3 p. m., John Hall Presbyterian Church, Carthage, April 26. The president urged a large del egation from Moore County to at tend all meetings in and out of the county, and thanked the members for having a 100 per cent attend ance at this meeting, in addition to other visitors. The next council meeting will be June 15, in the Commimity Building, Addor, with the Lin coln Park Home Demonstration Club serving as hostess. The Veterans Administration processes 200,000 initial claims for disability in veterans compensa tion and pension cases each year, and an additional 400,000 claims from veterans’ dependents. WALL PAINT No atirring, uo priming. Dip in and atari to painti Craamy-thick—won’t drip or apatter lika ordinary paint. Driea in SO minutea to lovely flat finiah. Clean up witL aoap and water! Choose from 19 decoritor eolors- Exactly matching thadet Jar woodwork in durable”Dueo” Satin Sheen Enamel. SHAW PAINT & WALLPAPER CO. Southern Pines VO&ioM years... compared... -tkm bougie Wity Minnesota Quality House Paint actually costs you less. It covers better, spreads further and lasts longer than so-called “bargain” paints. Result; your painting cost-per-year is lower. Quality House Paint produces a full gloss finish that is self-cleansing and mildew resistant. Your home will retain its “freshly painted” appearance and sparkle for more years with Quality House Paint. COMPARE PERFORMANCE ^ You save 50 %,or more with Minnesota Quality House Paint The following typical examples are based on an average size home. EXAMPLE §2 using Minnesota exterior paint Life of finish, .at least 5 years Labor cost $330.00 EXAMPLE #1 using a “bargain” paint Life of finish.. .about 3 years Labor cost $440.00 Labor per year $146.66 Amount of paint: 12 gals $48.00 Paint cost per year $16.00 TOTAL COST PER YEAR .,.$162.66 Labor peryear $66.00 Amount of paint: 8 gals $56.00 Paint cost per year....r. $11.20 TOTAL COST PER YEAR $77.20 ONLY 6.45 MINNESOTA PAINTS Per Gallon sous* OPEN ALL DAY WEDNESDAYS Pinedene Supply Co. U.S. Hy. 1 South Ph. 695-8482 Southern Pines, N. C. Next to Jackson Motors and Southern Auto Parts MUSCULAR ACHES-PAINS Take pkuvo tablets when you WMt temporary relief from minor aches and pains and body stifif- ness often associated with Arth ritis, Rheumatism, Bursitis, Lumbago, Backache and Pain ful Muscular aches. Lose these discomforts or your money back. At all drug coimters. CHAIG DRUG CO. 107 Sycamore St. Aberdeen, N. C. BUSIN PROPS ON PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE AND U.$. HIGHWAY NO. 1-A SOUTHERN PINES. N.C. WED. MAR. txtnmtxmxttitttt 1st SALE 1:30 P.M. TERMS: 25% Cash: Balance on Delivery of Deed Within 30 Days. Consists of House and Lot, fronting on Pennsylvania Avenue. 4 Lots, fronting on side street. Zoned Business. Located across street from new Telephone Building. MR. AND MRS. I. W. GUNTER, Owners. 2nd SALE - 2:30 P.M. VALUABLE BUSINESS PROPERTY Hill Top Restaurant Barbecue House 1 Set Toledo Scales 1 G. E. Deep Fsd Fryer 1 Garland Gem Stove 1 Meat Block 1 Kitchen Table 7-Room Brick Home 294 Ft. Frontage All Restaurant Equipment Sub-divided TERMS: 25% Csish: Balance Within 30 Days. RESTAURANT EQUIPMENT AS FOLLOWS: 1 Exhaust Fan and Hood 1 Lot of Pots and Pans 1 Large Kelvinator 1 Refrigerator 1 Large Coco-Cola Box 1 Large 3 Compt. Sink 1 Toastmaster Toaster 1 10 Ft. Counter 8e 5 Stools 1 Large 16 Ft. Drink Box 1 Gas Heater 1 Cash Register 6 Tables and' 12 Chairs 1 Silex Coffee Maker 1 Large Kitchen Table MR. AND MRS. I. W. GUNTER, Owners. For Further Information and to See Maps, Contact Col. I. J. Morriss or Clyde E. Burge, Phone 775-3822, Sanford, North Carolina. CAPITOL CITY AUCTION COMPANY PROFESSIONAL AUCTIONEERS IF YOU HAVE LAND TO SELL CONTACT US SANFORD. NORTH CAROLINA