Page TWO THE PILOT—Southern Pines, North Carolina THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1964 ILOT Southern Pines North Carolina “In taking over The Pilot no changes are cimtemplated. We will try to keep this a good paper. We will try to make a little money tor all concerned. Wherever there seems to be an occasion to use our influence for the pibUc good we will try to do it. And we will treat everybody alike.” — James Boyd, May 23. 1941. Birds Of A Feather... Starting to comment on the transfer ence of allegiance from the Democratic to the Republican Party, by Sen. Strom Thurmond of South Carolina, we find that we are rewriting our editorial of last week, which noted that when the Wallaceite segregationists, also defecting from the Democrats, found a home in the Grand Old Party, it was a measure of the subversion of that party by Gold- waterism. We said last week that we could not imagine the “Dixiecrats,” in 1948, break ing away from the Democrats to join the Republicans, because the Republican Party, at the time “did not imply the inconsistent, impetuous, assertive, irra tional mentality” that it does now, be cause of Goldwater and his corps of jingoists who have taken it over. All this applies equally, again this week, to Thurmond who, of course, was the Dixiecrats’ candidate for President in 1948. Can one imagine Eisenhower or Rocke feller or Scranton—or indeed, any Re publican leader of the past 20 years— welcoming Thurmond into the party? He is simply a different breed of cat, as for that matter is Senator Goldwater: out of tune with the times, in rebellion College Plans Pose Salary Problems The recommendations made this week by the State’s Community College Advi sory Cormcil—on operation of the new two-year institutions, one of which will be located in the Sandhills — seem eminently sensible, although there ap pears to be a threat to faculty quality in the low salary scales that have been set. It seems wise not to involve these day-, student colleges in an elaborate athletic program “for public entertainment or the training of a few selected persons,” as the Council put it, but rather to con centrate on one “geared to benefit all students.” The elimination of expensive, non-essential items like student “annuals” is also commendable. As to salaries, the Council recommend ed scales “in line with the lowest faculty salary ranges for state-supported, four- year institutions,” according to the word ing of a report on the Council’s meeting in the Raleigh News and Observer. While this poses problems in recruiting a first-rate faculty, we can’t share the N'& O’s later - expressed high degree of Improving Rural Law Enforcement Compared with the frequent violence and the prevailing personal insecurity that are characteristic of many large cities in the United States today, this area seems peaceful indeed—yet there are enough assaults, break-ins, disturb ances of the peace and other law violat ions in Moore County to call for some comment. This is not a new subject for these columns—and we are aware that there are no easy answers. Crime of any kind is a sympton of a society’s inadequacy— usually in several respects—and the pro blem calls for a coordinated and diversi fied attack involving employment oppor tunities, youth recreation, adequate wel fare assistance, availability of skilled counseling and, of course, more and better law enforcement. While law enforcement officers fre quently get the blame for occurrences of crime whose true causes lie elsewhere— and are preventable only by action else- ■vvhere—there is no doubt that prompt and vigorous action by police and sheriff’s personnel, and by the courts, acts as an important deterrent to crime, drunken ness, hoodlumism and nuisance-creators. The rural location of much of the law breaking in this county makes it difficult to control. A limited number of sheriff’s deputies—vvhose province is the whole county outside the towns—cannot be everywhere at once, nor can they work both night and day. Night break-ins at rural stores and filling stations, bootleg ging and shootings at back-road juke joints, brawls in and around rural and suburban houses, with discharge of fire arms and other disturbances of neighbors —all these are to a great extent uncon trollable under present law-enforcement procedures. We have two suggestons: 1. We would like to see the county, as Sheriff Kelly suggested to the commiss ioners some time ago, put on a night patrol car, manned by two deputies work ing only a night shift whose business it would be to keep an eye on trouble spots, suspicious persons and rural road drivers (where many of the fatal wrecks take place) and generally make their presence, or the possibility of their presence, felt anywhere and everywhere. 2. Operation of the sheriff’s department against the essential philosophy of gov ernment—its function at home and abroad —that the two major American parties (not without extensive disagreements) have developed to meet 20th Century realities. The truth of the matter may lie in to day’s cartoon which tells its message with no words. For Strom Thurmond, both of the two major parties are masks, behind neither one of which he can find himself truly at home. Again, the same point applies to Goldwater who met the impasse by undertaking to carve the Re publican mask in his own image—with what success no one can yet fully tell. Somehow, against much evidence to the contrary, we are confident that mod erate Republicanism can still reclaim its heritage and that men like Goldwater, Thurmond, Wallace and all such throwers of wrenches into the machinery will find themselves politicians without a party, forced into a minority, extremist group by the resurgent common sense of the American people—Democrat and Republi can alike. The first step toward that great goal is a resounding, overwhelming defeat for Senator Goldwater in November. alarm in an editorial titled, “Planning A Failure.” It is obvious that new, two-year colleges are not going to be able to hire top- ranking professors away from four-year institutions, but we see no need for des pair. Careful, skilled hiring of a faculty should be able to recruit teachers with promising potential. We do think, however, that there should be enough flexibility in salary limits to allow the community colleges to attract at least a few high-quality, experienced faculty members. Rather than set salary limits, it might be better to establish a total budget for faculty that would per mit some higher salaries, some lower. Might there not also be retired or semi- retired top-quality teachers interested in Community College posts, particularly in the Sandhills which would offer an at tractive area in which to make their homes and who would accept a lower scale of pay than they could, in their former posts, command? LAG IN PROMOTION, FACIUTIES NOTED WhaVs Wrong With N. C. Travel? radio headquarters should be on a 24- hour basis, so that a call to the sheriff’s department would be relayed at once to the night patrol car and so that there would be somebody able to send out, at once, calls to any other deputies or other officers who might be needed. There is no complaint, to our know ledge, that sheriff’s deputies do not respond promptly to calls. Yet there are often delays in reaching deputies at their homes or wherever else they might be by telephone, in the night-time when the Carthage radio headquarters is not oper ating. Many persons, it seems, are un aware whom to call. Others call town police, not realizing their homes are out of these officers’ jurisdiction. This too: sheriff’s deputies, except in general em ergencies, should not have to be answer ing night calls frequently, after having already worked a full day. The present deputies are now doing more of this than they should have to do. If planners of break-ins, drinking driv ers, hoodlums, rambunctious teen-agers, bootleggers and other such night-time offenders knew that anywhere in the county, at any hour of the night, they might be confronted with two alert, arm ed, radio-equipped deputies, we believe it would be a mighty force for the peace, order and safety of the area. Our hunch is that such a patrol would get plenty of tips on trouble spots and nuisance places. What such places need is attention be fore, not after, real trouble starts. Certainly, those residents of suburban areas around towns and owners of busi nesses in places now without regular police patrol would find comfort in the knowledge that night-time officers were on patrol and that one quick phone call to a central office would send protection to them with a minimum of delay, when needed. The county commissioners should in vestigate these proposals. Of course, it would be expensive. But we think that the people of the county would back such a move. Security and protection are precious assets that we in Moore Coimty now enjoy in relative abundance. And we think most citizens would agree that everything necessary should be done to keep these assets at full strength and not allow them to be chipped away. Neither the State nor the travel industry in North Carolina is working enough people long enough in promoting travel to North Carolina and in hosting out- of-state visitors when they get here, the North Carolina Travel Council was told Sunday at its semiannual meeting in New Bern. The speaker was Charles B. Wade, Jr., R. J, Reynolds Tobac co Company vice president, who is chairman of the advertising committee of the N. C. Depart ment of Conservation and De velopment. Wade was the leader of the State’s 1962 travel mission to Europe. “Our food is not good enough,” he continued. “We have too few industry tours and too few history tours.’ We have not tried com- missionable tours in an effective way. We do not have enough con vention facilities, especially along the coast.” Oulspending N. C. Neighboring states are begin ning to outspend North Carolina in travel promotion, Wade said. “Our experience in regional ad vertising tells me,” he said, “that the State must help local com munity attractions and regions in printing design, advertising ad vice, and in marketing. We are allowing money to be wasted; and —perhaps more to be regretted— it isn’t even being done. Our ex perience in failing to keep tourists in the State tells me that the State itself must organize and coordinate this effort.” Only in recent years, he said. has he seen the whole tourist in dustry cooperate in much worth while promotion. Much more needs , to be done by the travel industry itself, he said, and by the regional development organi zations and chambers of com merce. More Advertising He urged an increase in North Caroina’s travel advertising pro gram and the promotion of both in-season and out-of-season vaca tions. “But let’s be a vacation state,” he said, “not a bedroom state for people in transit to vaca tions elsewhere.” Tourists do not expect the Waldorf-Astoria at every cross road, Wade continued, but they expect cleanliness, reliability in rates, and dependability in reser vations. Discussing the food available to tourists, he said: “Here and there we offer outstanding dining ser vice; but generally, we do not have a great many places to rave about in North Carolina.” He quoted Beth Tartan, home econo mist for the Winston-Salem Jour nal, as writing recently: “People from all over the world rave about our scenery and our people, and why not? But we aren’t sending many away raving about the meals they have here.” North Carolina does not have an adequate number of good qual ity properties in its resort areas, either in general accommodatons or in convention facilities, he said. “When the North Carolina Bar Brilliant Fall Color Expected; Tour Suggested Readers of the Greensboro Daily News welcome ihe oc casioned comments of its edi tor, H. W. Kendall, on out door matters — scenery around the state, what the birds are doing and reports on wildlife, down to and in cluding d.oodlebug9 andi "ant lions." Mr. Kendall, like any editor, likes to share his in formation. Pilot readers planning a Fall trip to the mountains of Western North Carolina may find the fol lowing of special interest. By H. W. KENDALL In Greensboro Daily News Mere mention of the mountains reminds that the fall colors are on their way. While summer lushness largely remains, with an unusually rainy season respon sible for keeping the foliage fresh and green, a few of the trees along the Blue Ridge Parkway are beginning to turn. The su mac, as wont, offers the first low- hanging clusters of brilliance. One lone maple stands out in a reddish pink tint which is incred ibly early. Never do I believe I’ve seen the leaves thicker than this year; and if heavily-leafed, full-blown foliage is a test, the chlorophyll show this fall should be of unsur passed beauty. What sort of me teorological co-operation we have, on the mountain tops and in the valleys these next several weeks, will determine how the now favorable outlook evolves. I’ve another suggestion to make for the annual fall pilgrimage to Doughton Park area. Start early enough in the morning to go down to Glendale Springs at least. If you can make it on nearly to Boone, so much the bet ter and so much more reward ing the day’s outing will be. Then turn off onto a network of wind ing twisting mountain roads. ■West of Divide Just which road to take I wouldn’t attempt to say. 'They’re mostly state routes, 194, 113, 88, 221 16, 18 and 93, to mention a few. But they enable you to criss cross Ashe and Alleghany Coun ties and to get an entirely new picture of North Carolina west of the “divide.” It looks more like ■Virginia, with pastoral plateaus, cattle that graze on a thousand hills, corn and ha ycrops attest ing to increasing tendency to be come self-sufficient, red and yel low studded apple trees that bend under the weight of a bump er crop; its neat, well-kept homes, where flowers which have long since wilted under lowland sun linger on; and its country churches, close by their graveyards. The past merges with the present and a sturdy, independent people face the fu ture fearlessly. You’re in the land that gave North Carolina its Doughton family and leaves no doubt as to whence came their strength. Association meets at Myrtle Beach or the Tobacco Warehousemen meet at Jekyll Island, Georgia, something is wrong with North Carolina,” he declared. “Are our operators willing to publish their rates and stand by them?” he asked the group. “The summer of 1964 has been referred to as Sleeping Bag Summer. Could this be the result of our rate structures?” Many of the State's tourist faci lities are meeting only the mimi- mum standards of the Department of Health and other inspection agencies, Wade said. Management people are not aert to promote longer vacation visits in North Carolina or to sell the nearby attractions in their own areas, he said. Must Coordinate “Our experience in promotion tells me that the State must co ordinate its promotion with local promotions,” he continued. “How else can it be with the Coastal Historyland Trail, or mountain specialty tours, or industrial tours? When textile, furniture or tobacco tours come from Europe, the State must help—no single in dividual or company or unpaid travel agent can keep up with it or promote it.” Wade challenged the Travel Council to double its membership each year for the next two years, to employ a full-time staff, “and become truly the voice of the self- policing and self-promoting travel industry in North Carolina.” There are spots where you’ll wish to loiter—such as Mount Jefferson State Park; the not long ago quite active copper mine; the once popular Shatley Springs; the Upper Mountain Re search and Experiment Station; the reinvigorated Glade "Valley School; the State Fish Hatchery at Roaring Gap, on your way home about fish-feeding time if !you can work it out, and others that you’ll have to search out or stumble upon yourself. At some point while driving along the South or North Fork of the New River, I’m sure you’ll pull up to the bank and make certain that the stream, in all its mountain beauty, is rippling north. Well, it is; you’re beyond the Blue Ridge Divide and the water sheds in what Tom Bowie oratorically described as the “Lost Province” by circui tous route become part of North Carolina’s contribution to the Father of Waters. Rewarding Day It’s an easy—and rewarding— day’s swing, provided you start after an early breakfast and don’t mind having dinner a little late or stopping en route for a meal which the distaff side of the party would like to get out of preparing at home anyway. Hope for a bright fall sun, for there’s nothing like its gleaming rays and their pattern of shadows to bring mountain scenery into its full glory. "With a wad Surmise. . " The two ladies from Boston walked into Hie restaurant. The food in San Francisco was good, they had been told. 'They were looking forward to their meal. Together they scanned the menu. “These fish dishes sound very nice,” said one, “Do you think we might order some, fish?” The other raised a warning hand. “Oh, my dear, fish? I really don’t think we should.” She shook her head. “It wouldn’t be quite safe. Don’t forget: we are 3,000 miles from the ocean.” D-D-D-Duh New York is still being dug up. That’s the drills going: they jitter your teeth: the clamor sends hammer-blows ricocheting through the air to pound against your ear-drums: the men hang onto the desperately shuddering drills and shake to the shattering concussions. New York is still digging up its streets. And so, we read, is Lon don. But New York digs to un cover leaking sewer pipes; Lon don digs to find the remains of Shakespeare’s Swan Theatre. But no D-D-D-Drills shatter the atmosphere of London’s dig ging. It’s done by the British ar cheologists, bit by precious bit. Tongue-Twister The Washington Post said a mouthful in one of its lead-story headlines recently: “INSCRU TABLE KHRUSHCHEV.” Sounds just like him, especial ly after one of those big parties of his. Students and Cars “Should high school students have cars?” asks a new book about teen-agers (“What to Do Until the Psychiatrist Comes” by Father Joseph McGloin) and ans wers this question thusly—and provocatively, too, if you ask us: “A high school survey revealed that 80 per cent of the failures drove cars; 71 per cent of D students had cars; 41 per cent of C students had them; 15 per cent of B students drove and not one A student had a car.’’ Nuff said. Conscience Stuff A new switch on adults and young people—in contrast to the pose of righteousness usually adopted by adults in relation to youth which is regularly lambasted for this and that— ap pears in a Chapel Hill Weekly item. Let the quoted letter, which was sent to Chuck Erickson, athletic director of the University at Chapel Hill, speak for itself: “Dear Sir: “My husband and I were talk ing about people stealing govern ment property yesterday—when out of the blue I remembered something I had taken from the University in 1944. While on a fraternity hdyride, I was given a football sweatshirt (grey, with hood, number 35) to wear by one of the team managers. As a girlish lark, I kept the sweater eis a souvenir and STILL have it. But it suddenly dawned on me today that I was actually stealing my school’s property—and I certainly can’t condemn the young people this day for THEIR foolishness. “So enclosed is a check for a new sweatshirt for number 35— twenty years late. If they cost more, let me know and I’ll send it on. “I know that money doesn’t make everything ‘all right’—but I dp hope that you realize this is merely a token of my true thoughts and regrets. Mainly it is a small love offering to the young people at UNC now who have so many brickbats thrown at them by us ‘older generation.’ ” Commented Bob . Quincy in whose “Weekly” column it was published: “It makes us feel the older generation is going to turn out all right.” THE PILOT Published Every Thursday by THE PILOT, Incorporated Southern Pines, North Carolina 1941—JAMES BOYD—1944 Second-class Postage paid at Southern Pipes, N. C. Editor Associate Editor Gen. Mgr. Advertising Advertising Business Business Katharine Boyd C. Benedict Dan S. Ray C. G. Council Bessie C. Smith Mary Scott Newton Gloria Fisher Mary Evelyn de Nissoff Society Composing Room Dixie B. Ray, Michael Valen, Thomas Mattocks, J. E. Pate, Sr.. Charles Weatherspoon. Subscription Rales Moore County One Year $4.00 Outside Moore County One Year $5.00 Member National Editorial Assn, and N. C. Press Assn.