- f in nl News. Tiie Selma News. HE 1 p. JVEUY THURSDAY S-pV THE ArlrtrtiiiHg 72a tew rXTS PUBLISHING CO. l TtXK. 1XU. I en It m. 'I 1 li-h.. a - 7 . 1 9 f i -!.! m om 10 .! is on IS oe i is on? . tm is n 00 so VI 45 Ml tSO Established April 14th, 1887.1 ovpteci to -tlxe X torei iton County. (Entered in the Pntonce at Secono-CUss Mail Mattel T 0i .rr'v;" ;; so IS no w ou! so mi as oa VOL. 1. is w SELMA, . C., SEPTEMBER 29, 18.87. KO. 25. , , nnn rear v cij rf 5 yearly uhcrlbn.. rear to erery person tiajx!t!0 It Tt Urn irtid An mrnl tyf mal t (om i ptaru . , . v j IS DIRECTORY, TO". O. IENTT FOB REFERENCE. ,frs orilie Town : Affi fTllr-. H. Hood, J. Rains, "r.il ind P- II. Price. Creech, and Charles ",J C . n 1 n jr1onr J- H. Parker. "'PAnl. P. D. PreacMner4h ch month. Free Pew- Put-. tit 9 A. M-. BarHntendTit oMhur.lson. J Morn'nflr S-rvtreii a ,nlne f5--vl.ce. 7.30 P. M. Strangers Tlev. inr(!fl!li!S : E. Chnrch sonn ra-Mr, , Howell. rriMin'i " nd 7-.3n. m. rre r-w r.i-hool 9 a ra. Mr. P. H Oraves 4 Bold Theft. Stranr Invited. l"7 r 4 - - n.t, . ha nuntiilt. every - - Mi. .... Lhnat. NP. 32f, A. anl nlt twfore the Fnll ,'jnhn the EvaujrelUt. and St. John Arrival r Trains. L...,rf Air Line. Mall and Express, fcyiNnr h. 4:25 p. m.. 8oathj3:3 p. ra. h M' P- Soath, 9:33 a. Agent. ff. Harrw. - 1 v ; .'. .r,nt !ndv Vorth. 10:17 a. m. L,..f,rht.. Soath. Trl-weiciy, o:ib p- im'M. P. Hortd, Postmistress- W. H. Wini AcaflenVy. C A Smith, Principal, s Hnnfl. dealer In General Merchan- i RiilroHrt s'reet Dr. W. B. 'rawf .rd, Drugirtst, opposite, r.Riiiroai wi'ot.. , o rropnh. ainral Merchandise, op- UiV North Carolina Depot.' r nn. G-oceris nno Oiacare, ji'th corner RaP mart and Wehh streets. Olivr ft Fnrren. General Merchandise, mth HMroad street. i ti Parker. Genenl M erehandls. pthwegt corner P.al'.road and Batford V Peele. Or-eerle,ontheast corner Jiiltnad and Ralf--rd ntreet,. IiWcMnHmi Pmejrlst. Railroad street, K N. C. Railroad Dept. j. Klns, General Merchandise, sontli lillroad street. Km .8 C Waddell Sawmill. Wett) street, Wth-ast of N O RaMroad T epot. Will & Allen, dealers In Wines. Llqnors, IiM?rt, Groceries, etc. RaKord street, Webb, Tti1 & Co.. Gene rut Merch"r II enmr of Kallroad and Wetb streets. T H. WhHtey Wine and Beer Saloon. Wimton Kros, . Genera Merhandlae, h troil street, near N C Railroad depot. Hums Edertoo. Ice Dealers, near the ! r!h Carolina Depot. Kob e Rouse Capt A M Nohle, P-onrle-br,Rail-oad 9tr et, north of N C Depot. Oa of the boldest thefts ever known to this section was com mitted hew last Monday,- M. Wm. Peele, of Mar'boro, drove in town and hitched bid horse at the end off. Main street. Afte transacting his basinesa, he re turned to get his horse and bag gy to go homeland to bis utter astonishment both . were gone. He was soon informed that a very black: negro boy, apparrent ly about 18 years old, was seen todeliberately bitch hi horse to the buggy and drive off and the same chap with his tarnoat was met at Springfield by Mr Job n Livingston driviog for life, the horae already lathered with sweat. OF A Big Steal A Jlorae Thtrf Captured.- A YOUNG PAINTER. IIE GOES TXTO BUSINESS BY STEAL ING AND IS APPREHENDED. Arm BaJlij Crushed. Appointment of Railroad Police. away 'ally The Governor yesterday ap pointed J. A. K ?L aehl in, J. M Goddard, W 0 D dson and W. H. Peuberron as special railroad policfj tor toe ' Cape Fear & Yai kin Valley Railroad. Tttese ap pointments are made nnder sec tion 1988 of The Code, which provides that the Governor ma? appoint ench persons for this pnrpose as any railroad corpora- J tion raav des'g iate. They ar required to take oath and have the same powers as municipi! police. They ara req aired to wear badges and are p-ii i by the r ulro-d" corporation which they serve. On j yesterday a yoang white maa m the employ of Mr. S. M. Parrish, who ba3 the contract for painting the new Etora of Messrs. Tucker & Co.. was m rested for stealing. The younsr man tad been, painting on the mtrior for several days, and it sems ' had been carrying on a Hyutejn of steeling various arti cles every day until ho had accn mnlated a considerable stock. As the articles wer taken they were carried to a womau'f house in Eait It le';;h and : stowed bean Killed in a Cane Mill The young man was un apprehended by Mr. Tuck P. Kcad, head of the alios depart ment1, from whom a pair of shuts - i . had been taken. After missing ; the shoes he made inquiries and learned from some' of the sales men -that the young painter had wearing the shoes, aod said that Mr. Pescud had given them to him. Mr IVsoud at once pat the matter in the handd of the police, who made Mearch and astonished him by reportiog the ifiuding of a large quaritity of goods in the paint er's possession, inclnding valises nmbrellas, pants, patterns, shoes Some weeks ago. a requisition was made by the Governer of Sooth Carolina for one Owen Manning, alias Obed Maredy, a notonons horse thief. It was found that be had stolen a great deal of property of the sort in this State, and so the Governor when Manning was arrested, refused to give t him up. He was arrested in a swamp in Beaufort county after many shots had been fired and after he had been wounded severely. Manning's track acros the State from Eebesoo county to Beau fort was marked by horje, steal log, whila other kinds of prop erty were also bagged. Tuesday he was tried at Lnmbeiton, in Robeson county, convicted, and sentenced to ten years imprison ment in the penitentiaiv. He said, on being granted permis sion to speak, that ire was thirty- five years old, and that up to two years ago he had lived a good life. He began his crimes by taking 6toIen goods, and la ter horse stealing became a pas sion with bim. He had etclen horses in a dozen counties. He is by birth a Suth Carolinian. Tho?, ends for a time, the career of the most notoiiou horse thief in this State in many1 years Raleigh Correspondent Rich mond tJiep&tcb. Ol.i Weduesdajr evening three colored men came down from Greensboro to join a force of railroad hands j at work here. They did not gojto work at noce, but took qnaterjs in the train Chanty" for the t'me and wen to sleep. At. night the bed bogs. which had commenced war ear- y in the night, proved too much jr one of the men, aid he got tut of the shanty witb the iuten ion of finishing Ihw nap on the ground. He lay Idown alongside of the lar, and by a sleepy "roll arm across the o'clock yeatePr Late Telegrams. over tnrew his track. About i aid other various articles. A liUle twelve-year-old son. of 1 About $33 worth of goods were Mrs. EUzibeth Hill, in Gasfon recovered. The extent of the county, met with a honib'o steal is not known. It ia vary death yesterday, by having his probable that a considerable head caught io a cine mill. Tne qaaotity of the goods had been boy was standing in front of the disposed of before the de jvery upright cylinder-, through was made, which the cane U parsed, when The young man was tried be- Knights of Labor. We are in receipt of a letter from an officer of the Wilson Assembly, Knights of Labor, in wh en he denies that tue negro cotton picker's ' strike is the work of the Koight3 of Labor He says the two white men wool urn trf.inrr nrnnrifl rwsra n'.rri n rr tho CULLED FROM OUR DAILY EXCHANGES. SOME OF THE WORLD'S DOINGS BRIEFLY STATED FOR THE BEN- . -V .- 1 : . - " efit of our i:eade::s. Was hi veto n, 8cp. 21. Tho De partment ot State farobhes the fjllow- icff f r puVic.tio-: - Mctnoraniam or an agreement be tween tie Givcrnmnt of -the U.itted States of America end the Gjrern- naent of Spaia, for the reciprocal and day morniag a construction train complete snFpoosiorj of all discriaiinat pulled in and side-tracked with ing duties of tonnage or imposts in the the 'shtnty" carl In backing struck the "shanty" car and and Porto Rico anJ-all other cpuatries moved it iast -far enough to I belonging to the Croaof Spain; upon make the first whfel roll on the the Pr the rpectie counirie? anu their cargicf. L it is posit ively a?roeI th at from this date an zbsil ito equaUzitnn of tonnage dues and impost duties shall r I ai uuco uc appiicu io lue prouuu' mos oi to a sou jaiiy ana wm prouaoiy articles procociics from the United mu's arm and stop on it. II s yells of fright and piin brought assistance and toe car was mov- edback. Ilia arm was crushed be amputated. The accident was purely the reaulj; of the man's imprudence, butjthe company is bacing him caraa for News and Observer. The body of Tombs" was bur ton a short while ego in the pre sence of a large "Uuola Billy ed in Washing- nnraber of the States or any other foreign country when carried in vessels belonging to citizens of the Uuited States and under the Amexivjin flig to the itfard of Cuba, Porto Ric and the Phillipino-, and also to all other countries belong ing to the Crown of . Spiia. and that bo higher or oter; tonnngo dues or iaposts shall ba levied upon said ves sels and goods carried in tfcera as rorc fia'd than are paid by Spanish vessels Dcnus, Sc t 21 Tho wcxklj tiom1.t papers throujit Irclaod pub!i"h the uutl reports of the pro ceed. Df of the various local branchci of the league, de-pito the fact that ucder tho terms of the now crimes act the editors are liable to imprisonment fjr pabHhiog the reports, which tceut ith TWeotlenaaaatbas of the go ercment .. j . i' . 'MMNuraus, SerJsO A Caotnn (D ik ) special to the J urnal eaj s thai t'ie east tound pascr'ger train on the Chicago, Mil trankee tc St. Paul rail-- i road ran into the rear of a freight train at 4 o clock thu morning three roles eaf t of herr . The trail vas switching at Iowood, Towa, and (he rear part breaking loose, tore down the,; grad toward Canton foreveral miles, fiaa'y pollidni with the pa5CDger traia. Tvro bodies era still in iho wreck and the wrecking trains are now at vork. Thirty rassccgers escaped unit jared. LyxcuntTao. Sn, 20 n Ad vance special from Fiocastle, Va, aayi a general. Gght' took place among a 'arge gacg of negroes near Wihon, Bjtctourt county yesterday, in which macy were wounded, and one nam I Risa will die. The origtn of the diffi culty is not known. I- Si. best white citizens as well 8 and their cargoes under similar cir almost the entir colored popula- cumstances. tion. Prominent among those 2. 0 a the above conditions the Pres- present were th member of the ideot of the United States shall at once fAtnilc f the. lktft General Ri- issue a proclamation, declaring that . -i - - ,.- berc Tombs. Tjucle Billy was discrimination tonnage dues and im- Maytr Thompson yesterday, in default of bail was sect to Smith field Directory . OFFICERS OF THE TOWJT : Mivnr V M. Ives: Ciii'nisHt.mers-R. T. L'tnceford, H-nry niaito, F. ( . Ilymin, a. W. 8mllh, Calvtn 3w(s Chief of Police Miles Goodwin. M E Chu-rh S-MVth -Pastor. Rev. S. Pool, Highway Rolbery. the rswetp" struck him and fore knocked him down. Uoforrq a,ui narely, he fell towards the mill j til.UN-ws & Observer 22tid. aud the hair of his head' was caught between the 'cylinders. Before the machine couid be stoppped thQ boy's head had been dtavu through the machine h crushed ioto a horrible mass of bloody pulp. The Agricultural College Farfn. Mr. B. S. Skinner, of Herr fo d who was recently-elected, super: intendent of the Agricultural col ) D. Preachlnc 2d Sunday In each month. f h a : i ,An tulr,.n 'wPffa. sun.uy school n a., m. . super- lege larm oss wrivpu ana taKtll charge and is now clearing;-up the: timbered ror ion.- Th grounds atie to be puc in thor ough order, that experiment work may commence with' the opening of th C lh-g of Agri culture and the Mechanic Arts. No time has been set tor o'endnnt. Dr. .1. R. Ronfcwlth. Mis-ioniry Raptlat Church Pastor. Rer. I. P. Jones.' Proachlng Sd and 4th k'unday. ml 7 V M:, every 1st Sunday. Free Pewa. S'tnlav SaMiiwtl 9:30 A.. M. Superintendent, it. Julian S. ALlerman. Primitive Bantlst Paste. Rev. James A. T. '"lies. Preaching each 'st Sunday. OH r HOURS COW)UKD. MethoUst Vswtor, O. G. MeGee. Freach H( Sunday each month and every Tues ievenlns. Sunday School 9 P M. Baptist Pastor, Rev. P. T. Hill Preach U every 1st Sunday. . Sunday School 9 A.M. ?uperlutendent,Troy Stevens. Arrival of Trains: ' MH and Express, North (daily) 5 50 P.M. Mail " South, 10-.3O A. M.. Freight and Accommodation, (Trl-Weekly) "tth fi X.: M. . Freicht and Accommodation, (Trl-Weekly) 5"nih.7:30 A.M. Azont, James W . Morris Uutut, w. L. TUdtord. Postofflco: Mrs. M V; Sueed P.M. Miaa Julia Sneed. Assistant. Newspapers: .Christian Visitor, Semi-monthly. Editor, r; j. -t. tlarjter. Subscription price $1.00. 4 Smlthflld Herald, Weekly. Editor F. T. -'ker. Suhscrirtion, $1.50 per year. -Rectory ot the Cotmty of Johnston and Town of Smithlleld. Senator linn. Jas. H. Pou. Hiue of Representatives Edw. S.' Aboil l5l J"hn s-inders. -She-t(rD. W. Fuller, Supprt ir Court Clerk L. R. Waldell. Reierof Deeds T.D. Morgan. Trwisuror p. T. Masaey. kroner B. R. Hood. Surveyor T. R. Fulschum. BSuperiutenclent Board or Health Dr. J. O. we. t . CUairn an Board ot Commissioners D. T. H'Hieyeut. iwrintendent uf Public Instruction--Ira Turlington. Chairman of the Board ot Education J. C. Scarborough. ttomev tir County J. H. AbeU. KoUry P-ubUc-rN. Q. Oulley. Schools. ftee School, Prof. John C Scarborough, "incipoi; Mrs. i. v Hicuu, Assistant. Davis & Turlinzton, Principals of Smlth Oeia Collegiate institute, students prepared to enter any college. ! I.odgrea. FeiinwaViin t ra vn 84. A. F.& M.. meet t'J Saturday in each month, at 1 o'clock A and Thursday night ol the n.-st wees oi Spring and Fall Term each Superior y'urt a: 7 o'clock P. M. Wm N. Benton. M.; Ellas Rose. S W.;. R W Crumpler, J : S Powell, Secretary; 8 R Morgan, Treas. OlWe Branch Lodge, No 37. I O O F, meet rtday nlpht t each week, at 7 o'clock p m, Hudson, N ; L L Sasser, V O : T K. oo 1, Hecordlng Secretary; Joka Ivee, FlDAtt ew tiecmaryj E j Holt. One of the boldest and most dastardly robberies we have berd of was committed oa the i ' .- - Smrbfi-ld. road, leading from Wi!s u, about three miles from rowu last Monday evening. Mi. VVi liam Peele had been to Wil- . .. w ft . m TT son ana soia nis cotion. ne staried for his home in the even umlr and when he was about three mdefrom town near ,Great Hwaoip, no wasftoppeu oy turee rcirro men, taken lrotn his cart and robbed of $10 all the money e bad. Toey then let him go on home without molesting or disturbing him further. The three negroes negroes for that purpose are not members of the order. He oays also that the report f that the hands at the Cotton Mills intend ed to strike is false. They have enterta'ned no cuch idea. He says there never was a more contented or better treated set of hands than those in the Wil son Cotton Mills. The Advance was glad to re ceive this -letter and to give its contents space in our columns. could recogn'za the rascals if he Our col urn 8 are always open to cement a fraternal feeling be tween capital and labor. Wilson Advance. . rtAf.a in TTmt a1 Qntsa ' n en born eighty-seven jers ego the pcnde(j aod diaconlioucd &8 rcgards siave oi major ioaus anu as Spaniah ve9gel6; and produce, mana- 11 years old wueo ice major s json Kobert, va4 born. Billy was assigned as boy in waiciug on the baby, and took great inter est in Li development When young Mr, Toctbs grew up and married, his father made him a present of Billy, and ever at- Mr Peele says he had never seen commencing work on the build- before, but believes he would be inga hat it is very probable that ble to recognieatbe rascals U be work will begtu this fall aud couia ever lay eyes on inem that the college will open next again. ' ... ' J Tnrt A ipjnno rf (Yinrca liao spring. TUe commnee wr pre- - , vented from commencing work nv "tue nope inai tue conci- last August as was intended, by rndeless villians wdl be caught, circumstances that could not be but it sincerely hopes they may belaud that the severest penalty ot the law may be visited upon them. Wilson Advance. ( if ; A Dangerous Accident. ter the closest friendship exist between the two. BUly accom panied t hi- maker to Washing ton, to the fashionable watering places and to Europe. overcome. A Colored Man Arrested for Forger;. Sorrie time since a warrant was issued for the arrest of Lewis Andrews, colored, who had for ged an order of the school com mittee of Pender county. Yesterday a man named H. L. Andrews, -commonly fcnown as Wilbert's Body Found. The body, of James Wilbert was found yesterday afternon about 5 o.clock, noatingin the Cape Fear river, ab ot fifty yards from the Navassa Guano factory. Tbe body was first seen by Sir. Boone, an employe cf the tac tory. A boat Was immediately ! sent out and the body was tow ed to tbe city; but owin? to the atenexa of the arrival the in quest was postponed until o'clock this morning. Toe body was identified by ssveral as Wil bert's. A large wound, mad- by a bullet, was found in hip bead, but it is a matter of sur mise whether this causod bis - I x : death, or whether be was drown. ed while atttempting to cross tho river Wilmington Star. Mr. Thomas Ba nes had a dan- get one accident to happen to him las: Tuesday. He was at ork on the dwelling house ot Mr. John Hutchinson, aod the Lewis' Andrews, brought in a scaflolJ gave way, throwing him tUt load of wood, and while at to the ground. A deep gash the wharf was arrested by Mr. cut in his head one in his leg a r. Mnore who bad been dep- and bis arm was considerably " T - I u izt-d bv the -.sheriff of Pender, I Druisea up. xne acciuent ws quite a dangerous one. fit was lucky tor bim that be escaped wth his life. He tried th scaf fold in the morning and it was all right. Wilson Aii vance. We are prepared to do job : work on-short notice. to arrest Lewis Andrews. Au drews was not able to give a jas- ified baud and was carried to jiti. Andrews made no Veis- 4nce, Hnd c'auitH mat be is nor the man, hw tber say - hat he s the partv bo cmuiitted . tbe oCLVViliuingtouS -ar. Iu this wav he became familiar with many distinguished people. Before the war Billy bad an intense hatred for the Abolition ists, refusing to countenance them in aoy way. When the war was over aud tjie Tombs farni ly had gathered once morn at the old family in u-4torj, Bill re turned there foo, as well a the rest. 'Yoa are tree now," said General Tom bn to hi:n, Pi never be tree from old mister," said be, bat I will foi'ow vou all my life.' To tha Gen. Toombs rc p!ifd: Very well, then, 'I'll take care of yon." Ever alter Billy ws the most devoted of . servants, looking af ter his mat't's interest? j an rhoagh they wetehis own. When Gn. Tombs two y-ar ao de left fall !rovii)n tor Uqole Bdiy's maintenance, aud juo naouruer at tMe General's grave -httl warmer jears than the fai h tat bid African, hn lin e:i there long after the crowd had melted awayJj Uocle Bdly will be remembered as o African who absolutely refused to aecepf his freedon.4-W7iUon Advance. ; AGood Story of Tom, Marshall. She Kiddleberger episode re minds me ot a case in which old "Tom Marshall was supposed to have insulted tue Gignuy oi ine court, and was fiued 850. Tom, on hearing this, rather added to tbe insult and was fined another $50. Tom was capable to the oc casion. Leanipg towards the bench he said: 'Ju a hundred dollars.'' t he court i xcl ai med : remit the entire fine is better able to lose dollars than I am.1 Journal. , dge, lend me Upon tbi Ur. sherifi The State a hundred Highland Chief Appin iti i -i-t?d a ne;gro named BiblWharton Suudav night. It was found that he pad been stealing flour, meat kod miscellaneous grocerif s. He Saras not tried he'te,- because it wag known th tffbe was an escaped convict Mr, Apple sent a mes sage to flalergh inqairing tbe a' mount of th reward tor Whar ton. The ans'wer was tba it was $10 and expenses paid. Mr. Ap pie left with his prisoner last night tor tb penitentiary where he arrived safely, turned the fel low over to the authorities, an 1 received bH reward. Yrhartou is a desperate character, and ran facture8 or merchandise, imported into the Uoited States, proceeding from Spain,lfrom the aforesaid possessions and Phillipino Islands, and also from all other countries belonging to the Crown of Spain or froia any other for eijzn country. , This protocal of an agreement is oflered by the Government of Spain and accepted by the United States as satiifaotory cotiGcation cf the facts above Etat d. 3. The United States Minister at Madrid will be authorized to negotiate was the Minister for Foreign Affairs, either by an agreement or treaty so as to place the cemmercial relations between the United States tod Spain on a per manent footing advantageous to both countries. ' In witness whereof the undersigned in behalf of the Governments of the United States and of Spain, respeet ivcly have hereunto eet their hands and seals. ; " Done at Washington this 21st day of September, in the year of oar Lord, 1887.-: .' LSI T. F. Batard, L S.j E. De Muruaoa. Cincinnati,, Sept. 21. The opera tion of the i lavr of last winter, which repeated the statute authorizing the establishment cf feeparate schools for olored pupils, U producing friction in ajaay p!ai2s. At Oxford, Ohio, the colored pu;il nearly all deserted their own Hihool and applied for ait&Usion to a white 8choxl. A publio meeting was held an 1 the school board was ask ed to order the colored pu pi s to their own school. The Board comp'ied witb the rcq lest, and the colored pcopl-j propose to apply for a caaa lamui. At Yellow Springs the School Board has ordered the schools closed indefinitely, or until the L?gtsltura nn meet and take tome aation at Bipley, OhioA suit in maQ'lama9 was eulercd to com pel the school board to admit colored pupils. Cuicago, Sept. 21. A circular 1 1 deep red Anarchistic tealcneie is bv tog circulated in Chicago. It is head ed, "To tho Working Men of the UYi ted States ot North Amei a,, and denounces the action of the Supreme Court in npholJing the decision of th lower .Court ia the Anarchist eaten. The circular refers to Captain B JcSc' i as 'the notorious 'police bandit," acd villifies Judge Giry without stint The circular u cijned; "The Federa tion cf Trade Uuion," an l was print ed in Near York. Police Captain LnjnsvitLK, Ser. 21 Thii morn, ing Williim Thon:pfon conceded hi self near the house of A. J. Thompson, : eight miles from hero and shot jhnH memVers cf a fjrci'y one of thnn faa-, ly. The murderer also shot; a eche 1. Heacher. Ills victims were hw own cousins. He has not been captured. I ' '.. A Paris. Ssp. 22 Tl.e story is eon- drmcd that after the ex -cation of the murderer, Pracztni, a certain poli o official obtained a portion of the mur derer's skin from an attendant at th Medical Bchool and had it eoovertrd into a couplo of purse, of which ' nrescnted ono cacr to Wm. Taylor apd ' Goran, other police officials, as four -nirs. The facts leaking out, the latter delivered the parses Jto the Procurator General, who dismissed all concert ed in the matter. : ( ' . - 1 o iJar mnntha ftcnv IT fini,M 1 0'Donoed telephoned tbu morning all tarm fnr !atpftlin0WVl,afpr' over the city to haveacy pefEons found i Weekly, f aisuiDuting me arcaur ancsiea. - i WAsanaiON, D. C Sep. 22 Tr formation has been received at the offi-38 of the Surgeon-General of; the Marine Hospital Service that the y low fever epidemic" at Key"WBt is practically at an end. v No new cases have been reported daring the week, and only one death has occurred. - - , v ' -. ' New York, Sep. 22.s About two hundred men employed on forty build ings on 731. 75th and 76ditreets, the Bo.ulcvard and 11th Avenue, struck this morning because of s'x or seven plumbers who are non-union men los ing allowed to work after their dis charge had been demanded. A walk ing delegate of the carpenters union, Bjb Farrcll, entered one f the build- inps on 73a street and was arreied by a detective for trespassing. He was taken to the Harlem police court sod r arjled in tbe custody of his counsel. The strikers claim to number ooo thousand, but last Saturday's pay-roll dvs not bhow more than about 20 1 names. The strikers quit work a man as Farrsll was arrested. - Tlie bricklayers quit because they could h jt sjet Uitttrial, to go on. There are about twenty-five men ttill working on the buildings, seme of them Uoioa ojco. The contraetbr'rf agreement pro vid.s for a strike, tut be said be would put on lcw men as soon as postible. Losdo.v, Sep. 22. The British steamer Romeo, Capt. Williams, from New Orleans August 30ih, for ltocen: grounded ct Villcgiver and capsixed i'nd ii a total loss. Firemen Robinson, Hayes scd Davi, engineer Thompson it.d three other persons were drowned. London, Sep. 20. Baron Moock, Libera?, one cC the Lird Justices of ire I it!, and Fjparth Lind Commoner, h be 1 the lariilords of Irdacd to foi ' ow Archbishop Wal&h'i ad noe aod old conferences wil h the temots of Ireland, with a view of reaching better tlatioQs on the question of rents. Baltworz, Sep. 22, A fire - this oorniBg dettioye'd the paper war e toufC of DoUiT,' Sludge & Co. on tloriics place, Sharp streeC. The lamage ia eEtimatcd at 100,000, partly ?vrcd by insurance. The stock ot i enry S. Kiog & Co. , hard ware, ad i ncing. was 6omewhat damaged by cater, as was also that of 1 8. Levy, s aw goods. The paper warehoui tuilding ii owned by John King, Jr. atd was damged several thousand doi ' a i. It u aid Ito be iniixeJ. . - L 1 ..., . " ' i.v i i ; : i : i t - - f f ip ; -r - -Ml ' : s ' i -154 ' ! f 1 I -HI " - V: t! i - if 7i i r ; r 0 .. . 11. 1 k 4 ( I I 1 : 1 L- ! ' 1 1 i 1 i 1! .'!.! ,. 'V - i 4 -, f 4;: ' ; i- t ... ? r 'ft.