aSSJB'JSL-:.jr VOL. 'IV -SMITH7lfiI) JOHNSTON CQUHTY N. C, DECEMBER 10, 1885. 0.-28 vKrl r2Z2 -r-rv "' .r 7S : rii-H-sr 'vsr' . v - v r sJ JL - r - r. , , : . J. : , ' . f, , " " - : - , J-'1 " - 7 : .-t ; L.JSjZL- . .. ... .1. . ,- . ; , - . . -i , 'i. - - - . ' Jt - - . r?.0FSI0.TAL C AK D3. ""O'auies " H." Pou, Attox'iicA'-At-Law,-- SIIIHKISLPJ JOHXTSON COUNTT- N. C, ( (,i Pet cn jlxst side of Court House Square in jail'din.j.formlg6ewpkdas LawffgieehyL. R. W ill Pr no t ice in fiic Cfs f tlsc ..i. l,. hVal District. WiH attenu Mffis? rates Courts in any parti 'f JobBston CBantJ. V(,AT TO LKM OSGOOD SECURITY. Sprral ittmtlcB to tkc Calltfttsa f ClaiMS. " EDWAl w TPOfFJr, r (o) ATI'OSNST and COUNSEtLCS ': AT. LAV, SMITHFI EI, N.rO -o- VTU1 Attend the Courts of Jolmsca and Ad oining Counties. OflifP C"ourl House- J. H.AlBEIjIj, t rO;'NEY-AT--I A'.V, SMI T H FI EIJ. N. "C. OFFICE IX THE COL'RT HOt'SE. SacciftI attention paid to collections and set tlins cstases. PTuciioe io the Courts of Jolin?ton Wake E- V ti)r. St. pou T MA?EV ASSEY, & At:ani37at-Law and Ssat Estate Agents, S Mil IT FIELD, N. C. If ron wish to tvty lifld r io sell land, per ha;; t nidyou. . . .' , i"e can actwte Uns, foe long or short terms on real esface in Johnston county lVrons wibin to lend asoney r to liorrow mouev t.n mortgage of lauI may find it t their iutere: to call n ns - , " ED- S-i ABELJL, SMITH FIELD, N. C. Ppffciil atteu-ioit paid to pvactke in (.'uiafy f i-wm urtiie Tec-cel lianv portioi. of J hW tie a Couuty , 41-6dw S.R. aM J. A.MOSGAN, Carriage laniitactiirei AND - UNDER TAKERS' YSHICLES a! Rock Bottom Prices. Denlrs CfIa!i!riij an' Cinciiinati I5uv r.,i.rr -mi Va-T.-(i IfiirrK?!":'. Saddle. jiv-. 1 . - - C?.Ens au i Burial Ces fui uihel on snort Consult your interest" and kiTe them a call ul xa:ninc their Stock before purcLa iag tnvuliert Satisfaction yurante.l. MARKET STXXBET, SMlTflFtELI), K. C. I Lav eH'd a tirst-cl!s r:eaarsT5t (THE CIul Houe aai proreie those who fivjr nie with iheir patronage that my taMes p'na"! hs supplied with theliest the market af fords. Metis f-erred at all hoars of the dny r cistht. I shail keep Oysters on hand for t!e, cooks I or raw, daring the season. Come t j see me. " He? ;eet fully, A. Thain, Ed Frfsr-t, pposite New Druj Store 10. Imyr rtant I and Pale ! Vy rirtue of &a-t!t-rify confered on w by a trust deed ex ecuted 1-y r ni. Minnai-t an.1 . C. Hinnat, and reg;sterel in the office bf the Kegister f deed- i-f J iluttf c nnty, N Ciw boon N . 4. on pa,es 28 and 5ft t we wels stlh . - 1 Oa Saturday 12th clay of leeembr. 188-5, At Mf-uoa, fur e-tsh, on the premises, nea . Sel-a-i. that vert le-iraMe home and farni on wfckh Wui. itiiint itw live eoiitaiiiiiig2o r. ini kr.o-A ii as the Jahn rditch i ,r jdaet; !'e to sin at ltf n"eiock f- 2 .4"oiiy t!ie ue ;!rify, we will se!l os r.J:iv, ITlh i -e-mber, 15: sn terx? tj v- s.riiS- s! on dy of sale, at the farmer lfnie ff ia. iii.iint. it Wilder" a township: -T' a:r r.f . trrtc which Hui. inn-tn for- rjn-rlv lived, t'.tesnmeb il of his farmer". esce-pi l'iicrvs. in.-Utim.2 nouses, tr.Li.rJs eti. Tins Xoviuber lvMh. i.S5. u'VKi'X S' 1 Trustees. Selma Academy, Henry Louis Smith. Principal. A Hiti ch .!, d. sicrnad to prepare Koys id Girii for ColUve or tlie'uraciieal duties of , an Li l - i b-F i re? L't i!i:Tra2emiat-ilie Pelma r A rtS lTJ V l i... rrv. .-or ' .". -1 it V j " J C. ' " 9 1(11 UUCAliayil ru j in tin riders" and ' Inf.aene. A!thngrrTrr the liiidt f th Cftton-psckine season, and in '"F'i'eof the fict that. only about a half crppof eottoa has Vs?n matle, the aTeray daily ftt" ten imee i nw higher than at any previous periji in the hwtory of tbeSeLool. . I3rfllcl 030 'e obtained at froari G to 10 lobars per mouth, fuel anJ l.glit furnish jd. 'VL-thenie. luicrintinjr, iiook Keep iBjt. Latin Greek, French, l'Lypiolofy, and lifther .Vatli9inatie emtiraeexl in the course. iiic!i will prepare for any College desired, or r ihe .State University. 'Filitioil in English course from 2 to 3 (MUrs per mouth. The schwl i well supplied witb .Maps. Realin. Wriiin, and i hy biological 'art. Fractional Apple. C be-root P. lock, tc ele. For f-irthcr particuhirs, send to the Principal fur Lata r.ue. X'TIv;E! 7aving qualified as Administra t of t'm estate of J. I. Levisttr, deceased, 1 ""eby notify all per?oa owing said estate to jke irfiiaiiate payuient ; and all persona ""meckims Mid estate, to present Utem to n, by the 10th of Deeendier, 1880. iliisthe 1st day of Deeemhsr, 18S5, . i;. 31ice, Adm'r. FLORIDA IS TOE S54HE IFI THE GAR Or in gome Man's Boots f r Umatilla, Fla.y Nov. 3rd, 1835. Xfr. Editor: As you publislied the eonamacication of "Tai-Hcel," prcscntibg his views of Flori da, we think it is nothing more than fair ness and justice to our Stitc, that you pub lish our views of this "land of flowers." We arc told that there once existed, truly, a garden of eden, in which were placed two persons, mrrdended by all that was calculated to. conduce to the happiness ot man, but that they weie not even then satisfied, but had within them that same spirit of dijseonteut merit, and longing for the inijKit-silde, that so pIutEly sliow itself in their rvmote, but true dceendaut "Tar Heel." Alter reading bis couimuniealion, we felt prompted to advise Tar Ileei" to con sult a physician at once, Jor no man, ex cept he have a "terribly deranged stomach,' could pojssibly be the author of such an epistle. You kn vw, that dyspeptics al ways look on the gloojty side otHfc, and if you would present one with a beautiful pictnie, he would look sin the back of it, and tell you that he didn't s'C anything beautiful" about it. He h scarcely respon sible for this, for the whclc thlrrg is due to bad di gestion., : . 2 Such is the cas-V We thiuk? with "Tar Heel,' by some - stroke of circmnstanees, he lias leea thrown here in this "fond of flowers','' -but "on account of his Jyspcp:ia, he is forced to close his ey&s, and shut out the beauty of it all. Thii is by lar the most charitable view to take of his case, for.tvc' sVmld Ik: soitv to hink it was due to a waht of appreciation on his' part. This section h;is severrd families from the "OM North State," and We have yet to find the first who say they have n5t fully realised their expectations, nd not pleased arid satL-jied with this southern country. They are living easier and mating more money than (hey ever di4 before, and that too, without tbeiug subjected to any of tho hard-ships that sr-em to surround "Tar- iied." " - ,; : In his communication, "Tar-IIei-i" wisely admits that, at least, some portions I of Florida may bo c d'ed aEHraIo, but adl. that we must have plenty of money toenjnyit. The amount of money it take?, depends altogether on the individ ual, and his motives in eoming here. If he is a "fashionable" young rjan, from up the country, and wishes to spend his winter at some of the f&dunnabie winter resort-of this Stat?, where hs eau attend balls, hops, and en era ire in all other kinds of amuse- j . . . , f it, for here, as well as in ad other places, n-u n ' i ii j it ' , ' ! cc-s, must pay the fid Jler." It would be nice to spend the summjr at Saratoga, Long Brauch, Atlantic f'ity, Greenbrier Whie and other fashionable summar report., but would one exp3-jt to live there at the same cost he could at home? So with Florida. One can find these fashiona ble resort?, where he can spend from four to ten dollars a day, bn. leaving them out of the question ha can live here about as J.e sply as he can further north. " If a young man of encTgy and good habits, will er ni? h re with the dctenmnatiox to work, with purpose hi will, rind muscle in his arm; not cxpcefi?:g to gather . money from the tree.--, at least, until his orange grove bears, we predict f.rhim, not only ordinary success, but a grand fortune as the result of his labors, and that too without bis life being ail the time endangered by alliga tors, moccasins, rattle-snakes or mosqui toes."' "Tar-IIeel"' must have come to j Florida expecting t fea-t bis eyes upon her beauty, enjoy the best the country af I fords, and during the tim.e sit beneath the the shades of the orange trees, and accept :. . - . TI,M - f;, t,-k fl it: I t-3 vi -M. iita ao m tiiurj r iitjii God caused the ravens to care for one of tis chosen servants, bat- tie days when we receive without giving is past. Cut we do not mean to c harge our friend ith idleness since he came here, for hi calea'atious exhibited ia his communica tion, prove the contrary, for it seems that lie has spent his tiric counting alligators, gnats, rattlesnakes, gophers, chiggers and mosquitoes. If, when he waa counting them, he had killed them all, he would have been a benefactor, an 3 coming genera tions would rise up and call hirn "blessed," and his name would have become a house hold word. But alas 1 he let the go'den opportunity pass ! Wonder if be worild favor us with the process by which he reached tho defi nite results, fctatcd in bis letter ? True, we have alliatorii here; how many in the State, we do not know, for we have not counted them. We have never heard that they have done any harm, but we know, their hides and teeth ars a souree of con siderable income to some persons.. . In the more thickly settied sections, they ate rapidly disappearing? s"To e very lemon there are 10,000,009 gnats !" Comment is unnecessary. Rattlesnakes are sometimes found in rarely frequented .sections, but we venture the asssrtoin, that in proportion to the area, there are not more, if as many as are now in Carolina. t "For evry bananna there are 10,000 n.eccasins P There are a great, many ba- aanims grown in the State and we think-) otn friend,- in his estimate, ought, at least, allow room for the trees between the the snakes. We like fairness in all things, but see no reason why a picture should be overdrawn. If "Tar Heel',' - has been so journing in the heart of. the Everglades (and we can think of no other place where he could find anything like the statements of his letter) he deserved to have gnats and musrjuitoes after him.' as well as "'snakes in his boots," for it '.was never intended that man should go tlij-re. We do not claim that Florida is free from objections; no right-minded man would; but we do claim and without of succassful contradiction, that there, are as few objections to this State, all things considered, as any in the Union. Ofcourse we have sooie iausjuitocs, but don't think there has been used, in this town, during the last summer and fall, a sit-ele musqui to nctfc. That doesn't look like ;hcy would earry a aian off alive. Now if "Tar-IIeli will change his loeali- tv and come here, we feel sure, that in less than six months, he wi!l write you agtin to try to repair any injury, he may have done this country, by Lis former letter. Let him try it aad. if we are wrong, we will pay for tho '"'soda-water." , ? Oar little towa is situated on --the St. Jehu's and Lake East's R. R., twenty miles from Asto? on the River. It is one of the most ferale productive sections tif the State. as is shown by the immense quanitics of fruits and vegetables shipped from its depot. , , A short distance from the town are the famous "Yale Hammocks,"' one of the finest bodies of land in the State. The growing of vegetables, which here tofore, has been an experiment, is now be come a prood paving bufinessf n i our gar deners and truck -larmcrs are now preparing ,.., i - i- . i to plant for the early spring shipments. f . ! Cabbage plants are now being set out aad we Lave heard of some tomato vines that are cow more than six inches high. It has been fully demonstrated that a man can make more from one sere here, in small fruits and vegetables, than you can make in your State from five acres of ground. This section is interspersed with large clear-water lake?, tha are teeming with fish, as tineas can be found anywhere. Ourceuntryat this season presents a bcantifnl anpcBrsiiee. for all the growths ncaaly. being evergr, en, if does not have the cold barren appearance of the North ern States, where the trees shed their foleage aud bare their branches for the chining blasts of winter. Flowers bloom hcreal" the year, and it is no exaggeration to call this a "land of flowers and beauty." Then we say to energetic men, that there are inducements for you in Florida to be found no where else; but our advice to "Tar-Hell " is, to go back to "Calliny" and sp?nd the remainder of your days in scraping pine trees for turpentine. F. CaocKEB. Grod HesTilts in Oyery Case." I). A. Bradford, wholessife paper dealer of Chattanooga, Tenn., writes that be was seriously afflictel with a severe oold that settled on his lungs; had tried rsany -remedies without benefit, ' Being induced to try Dr. King's New Discovery for Consump tion, did so and was entirely cured by use of a few bottles. Since which time, he has used it in his fatuity for all Coughs and Cjtilds with best results.5 This - is the ex- perience od' thousands whose, lives have been saved by thia Wonderful Discov ery. Trial Bottles free at T. R. Hood & Co., DruK Store. I;ts llad Similar Feeling. , " -, Jiogton Glohe. s Thd New, "-York Tribune continues to 'support .Logan for the Vice-Presidency and says it sees nothing against, that gen- tieman's election to the - office to the fact that the people expressly voted not to have him there. Well, that's what we should have expected from the Triljhne At felt, jast the same wayj'jijboar. Hay e& id IfaicJi, 1877. In the treatment of fhenmfitism, gout neuralgia, .tie , douloureux, semi-crania, sciatiftd, kc, Salvation. Oii soul j hd ap plied jtt the prats exacted, aad Jicrottghly rubbed in, so as io reach the seat of the disease. It kills pain. Price 25 eents a bottle. Addrm f Irof. U.XV. Yotiiis:. Thepooplo ia the Leaehburg section celebrated TSianksgi fiug day at Mt. Zion Church in becoming style One of the events of ihc address of Professor B. W. Young, one of the very best citizens in the county: Ladies and Gentlemen: ' . Having b)eii selected as chairman of the day by a committee of arrangements, under the airect'oa cf ? the- ""Sunday School at tJiia -rslaCfi. ifc is naturallY5! 'xreeted that j fi,0uU say sbinethinguftablQiQ the oc- caisidaV have- nfe1ny friends under pceuitar circuaisiauews. ijver -uciorc, within m"rollectio,,-;not perhaps within t he memory "of the 'pldest person here proseat hjwj e tbiep;ie -of-this remote section ftssottsbleata min ilc oar voices .mtE-the rratidns veice ft-- Thanksgiviier and praise to the Ruler of the universe for the graat blessings which he hai vouched safed unto us. ; And hence, I any, it is with peculiar emotious, .that I stand befoi-e you to attewpt to say something in refer ence to this anniversary; indeed, I think, that it is eminently appropriate to cele brate the day for several reasons. ; JSeed I allude to the last 23 years of gloom and sorrow, from which Ave have just emerged years, a part of them, years of bloodshed and civil strife, of sadness aad ' bereave ment, the immense loss of life, liberty and property, the dreadful "reconstruction acts" which followed, the odious and op pressive carpet-bag rule, the great revolu -tion aad upheaval of morals, society, labor and almost everything else, there are many other evils even but too fres'i within our memories. For more than 20 years, I say, we were under a clou J; darkness brood cj ai around. A little raore than a year ago, these clouds were . dispelled and the glorions sun of liberty shone forth once morCj in the. election of Orover Cleveland to the Pr?sidenoy of this great nation; this was a great relief to us all; such a re lief that we have now assembled to-day under his proclamation, to celebrate the National Thanksgiviug day. jet us pause for a few moments and contemplate the great blessings which we enjoy -our country, her institutions, our liberties, what intellect can guess the theme, what roind can bomprehend such a country? Stretching out from the frozen region of the ''lakes to the sunny climes of the gulf, extending east and west from the Atlantic to the Pacific, embracing an area of about 4,000,000 of sqauro miles, with a population of 60,000,000 millions of souls, a climate nnsrpasscd ia selubra ty and health, a soil adopted to every pro duct necessary for the comfort and happi ness of the human racf.. (Texas alone un dar a hia'a state of cultivation could feed tne wiioie wu:iui.i nuui'jiistj jorfsii Bureau - ' c -i- v out in cveryuirectton, turmshing timbers .i. . 4. - j: j move in kind than can anywhere else be fi.und (Xort Carolina itself having 18 or 20 different sorts.) The earth filled with the precious met als and minerals the most useful to man, such as coal and iron in ieoxhaustib'e quaniiies; besides, many others too num erous to mention; O'urw-ater power is with out limit, observe too, that we are situa ted on the most favored section or zone of the earth, to wit, the North temperate z ne, free from excessive, heat or cold, free from the excessive droughts incident to other regions. As before said, what intel lect can grasp the theme, can fully compre hend such a countryeven in all ita physical aspects. Then look atour institutions, the church, the schools, the Sunday Schools, the insti tutions of the arts and sciences. How highly favored are we of this section, here under the influence, under the view of both the church and Academy, twin sis ters, you may call them reflecting light, mutually, the one upon the other; fortu nate tlve boy rr girl, who hai access to them both. It is this, after all, that con stitutes a State or county. It is her in stitutions, it is the noble men and women, the sons and daughters raised up in the nurture acd admonition of the Lord that make a country what it i,s; that givfs life activity and progress to all parte Should we not then rejoice in our chur ches and schools? that the bible can - f found io almost every rpjHsc; in tho ftet that we are a God fearinglid a God serv ing people. In the n-ixt place, look at our liberties, civil political and religious. "Where else can such fredom be found? Liberty of thought, liberty of action and liberty of cohscierco. Let ns cherish this tree , of liberty, seeing that, it has been purchased at go great a price, remembering that our pilgrim fathers tinder .better , persecution and suffering faced the stormy Ocean and amid hardship and truly determined to be free or die in the attempt, landed and be gan to rear and nurture the plant. . ()ax v revolutionary sires were their off spring, imbibed thejsaroe principles and established lor.n the bst form of Government in the World, a true representative, Democratic form of Govern men t. the admiration and wonder of the whole world. - : Let u of this generation duly appreciate such a Government, let ns profit to-day while meditating upon its grandeur and excellence, let us resolve that we will act worthy of Kuch fathers, that we will main tain, preserve and hand it down to future generations' pure and unsullied. If We be worthy, vigilant and gealous of this great treasure, we can safely predict that the glorious banner will never trail in the dust. We should rejoice too that we are at peace with the world, at peace, with each other. " - The bloody chasm between the North and South has been spanned, has been bridged over, and we can shake hands across it, with brotherly love. Whence this mighty change, this transformation from strife and hatred to such fraternal care and good feelings. Nothing human or carnal could have brought it abont. The spirit of the great I- am; moved upon the water3, worked in 'thernind and hearts of the people and Wrought the chansre. Char ity love, represented in Holy writ as the dose or virtues is conspicuous-in both sec tions. It il almost impossible- for the worthy poor now to suffer anywhere. Gods love to the world manifest an the: love ,'of his creatures one tomother,in true chari ty, and my friends, let us practice to-day ..r . 1 - f it. vt nut it e ie preaKiiiHg-yuy snowing Our loveour charity, to those worthy orphans at Oxford. Let us raise, for; them to-day a handsome contribution, .it will be a bless ing to them as well as to ourselves. ' A parneless man, amid a crowd, that u thronged the daily mart, ' ". .;j -t : : Let fall a word pf hope and love run studied from the heart. A whisper on the tumult thrown, a trans- ltory breath: : ? It raised a brother from, the . dust; it saved a soul from death, O germ ! O fount ! O word of love! O thought ct random cast." 1 '- " - Ye were but little at the first, but migh ty at the last; yes, "small begin ings often end in great results. A cup of cold water given in the true spirit is a mightier deed than the greatest victory wrought by war. It may be a little foreign to the subject and occaision, but is it not a matter of congratulation, that our sister common wealth, 'Virginia has shaken off her shack -es, has routed Mahoneand his coadjutors, has redeemed herself, has recovered from her lost cause, her fallen position, and starts forth now rejoicing that she is on an equal footing with the other States, represented by her fru sons. As the post, says, "truth crushed to oarth will rise again." And now how shall we profit by the day. I hope .we have realized and comprehended to some extent our many blessings; that we do owe a great debt, of gratitude to the "giver of all good gifts," that it is appropriate to "acknowledge Him in all our ways,' with Thanksgiving and praises not only to-day, but tomorrow and forever. Let us now then spend the day in social pleasures, in relaxation and mutual sympathy. Rejoicing with those who rejoice and sorrowing with those, who sorrow, if there be any such among us.Let us exercise peace and good will toward one and another, let our hearts swell with exultation gratitude that, we have been the recipients of so many favors. We have not alluded to the agricultural intcrc-ts of the coun try for want of time. These we all know to be of prime importance. These - feed and clothe tire whole world, but how de pendent are they upon the motive power behind them to wit: the form of govern ment, science, civilization and loligion. Some one may ask, what has religion to do with agriculture? I answer, more, great deal, than we think. Christ answered ,it when be said, "Seek ye first tin kingdom of God and all these things shall be added unto you." - . Yes, the Christain religion makes the farmer a better farmer, the lawyer a bet ter lawyer, the mechanic a better mechan ic, the man or woman in anyspers a better being. Talnable 'flodical Ts-eallse. The edition for 1886 of the stealing Medical Annual, known as Hosleltci's Al manac, is now ready, and may be obtained free of cost, of druggists and general coun try dealers in ail parts of the Un'ted States Mexico,- and indeed ia every tivii'xed por tion of the Western Hemisphere. This Almanac has been issued; regularly at the commencement of every year for over one fifvh of a century. It combines, with the soundest practical advice for the preserve tion and restoration of health, a large amount of mt cresting and amasing light reading, and the calendar calculations, chro nological items, &e;, . are prepared with great care, and will be found entirely ac curate. . The issue of Heetetter's Almanac for I88G will probably be the largest edi tion of a medt?al work, ever published in any coun try. The proprietors, Messrs, Hoa tetter ; & Co., Pittsburgh, Pa., on receipt of a two cent stamp, will for war j a copy by mail to any person who cannot procure one in his neighborhood. . . . j. h ; Mr: Eil it or; 3 Having some experience 1 f. rf. i .: n d dealer in hides, wool and fur, I will give your'read ers a few hints, that if ..observed by trap ptrs and Others, ma insure. high prices ready sales, save from losses through ig norance. - . , , ? "Cased." Foxes, Mink, Opossum, Otter, Skunk, must be : ca.d'?fhatfriot ent open. In skinning, cut at the rursip. and tartTthe ekin- iodide out (like glov) over tie body of the animal,, leaving the "pelt side but. ' Then . after scraping,"; - cleaning and drying, torn the fi kin back agaifi while it iaaoft and ettsity managed, leaving the fur side ut. Tlien put a thin boaret ip side the skin, cat the natural shape of it, stretching the skin to its fullest extent, bat not so much as to make the ftrrthin. Badgry ' Bear, Beaver", Cats, t Eaecoon, Wolves, Wolverine, iiiust be f'open;" that is, cut open, np the , be'dy from rump to head. After scraping, cleaning and dry ing, stretch a uniformly oblong shape, to the fdllest extent of the skin, but not so much as to make the fur thin. When thoroughly dry, trim, off legs, shanks Rip pers and any little . pieces tba spoil . ap pearance of skin. - Never stuff furs of any kind; -dry" ansfrctch as cxIaiiied.; J not stretch buTiJie .noseband make the and lessens value. JDj not cutoff" bead, ears j or noses, Any Wayt 'It lesrT sens valne and; injures saka Remove as much of bone from tail as possible, other wise the tail rots.- ,; :, . , Far bearing animals must' not be killed till they have at least: a fair4 'grciwfnf of fur. i " - "J 4 '"ji j,--.-. ; Stop trappingJ hs1 soon' W carry spring as the fur begins to slTcd o7 becomes thin, ;dr; ft 'little faded. "",' "" " 1 " , s xnese too early or too late caught furs I are a disgrace to fur rappees. "an'4 collect tors, and 'a wasteful, worthlelsa slaugh- ter. ? Cxw Jades, .slcep artd-gpatsskins fchotjl4 i i. n , , . . . aiwayg ue weu siretciiea and tured In tlief shade without salt.' Hides t& be soiil green should be well sidted with, grouud ulum salt and rolled up for afcw days before putting on the market. .: . , , "Respectfully, J. C. BlNOIIAM, Junkster. Smithfield, N. C. ; ' Hold to the truth, for it will serve you well and do you good through eternity Hold on to virtue, it is beyond price to you at all times and places. Hold' on to Dr. Bull's Cough Sy run. fW there is nothing like it to cure a coujih or cold. Samaritan Nervine, the great nerve conqueror is invaluable in Nervous Pros tratijn.' ' --'- ' - Mixed Stliools a.1 iitt; X&riU. . .V V World. yt. -,x A colored clergyman.of . Burlington, N J.r sent fonr of his children; to one of the public schools and met opposition thereto by bringing a . suit in the , Supreme Court reu4mg; m a decision critiipeh uajf njflie. school to rcceiye lire colored ' children Whereupon fifkH'.n of tlie puls withdrew from the school and the r;st are uevoting their Mergics to- making things generally nnxJ4Wtf '-nf 'Aft3& Ahil.lww .' ' , . " , .' whose father has been forced to nppral to the Trustees for their ' prytectioW from insult. It would " seam J as if Messrs 1 Sherman, Login, Foraker Co., had prematOTely abandoncif tlie missionary field and that there Was some thinjr to do for the colored 1 brother a Utile this side of the Sunny South. NIW STORE; Having just opened a first class stock bf HARDWARE, . ' . CONSISTING' OF- J FARM -IM PLIMENTS, PAINTS, OILS LIME, PLASTER, BUILlS- j j .;i ;;, ING MATERIAL j COOK STOVER r a d everything usually found, in a first class .. ... .. . .., . . ;;; 5,-.r.f . ; i ... ! JJAIilWAIiE S TORE. o- o o ... ;, ' We invite, fill who need, joods in. on' line to call and . examine out stock and j us quote prices E.jl& J.S. IIOITV j SO-ly. . i Smithfield, N. C, VALliA eHlEAND' ; . FOB, SALE- I have for sale . j .saiali . fana,; near Smithfield, eontaming 70 acres, 10 acres cleared, the balance in original growth. For further particulars apply at the Herai,t office, or see' me at my'store on Raihvail street. ; v v. t i , ':l i.v ;:, , '.W.-; L. .RlLtT.. , , THE .DUYTDH BUBii jit I fill ltf i Is one' of the Best anitoheapc!'f w"pj!l7 .... . iV-i .'!.' 's papers m North Carolina. n.n . e.ver,y citizen- In Job r.'ft on honnfy phonld fuhscribo S--t-' ' JT"ta-iti--.- ' THE BUD- Puce $1.00 per year. i',enl . - .. "- : ,":.'. for a sample copy, , ddrcss, ; . " , , JOTIOK t - Under thflrpfnrer eontrrincd iu m mortgage deii jpseBted m By lfeny Ken-? nett, and duly registered in look 'S , ' Jvo. 4,!f pages 3r and 3t, of the Heifltt-r's office of Johiraton fionaty, liU-a I t pV'biieuiirtion, for cash, at the court house dow gnithtiehi on the J4rb d-ty of Deeem'er next, a tnic. or parcel of l;nd lyiny ia Selim loww !Fp-, Jh n ston county, N C.r fijiaing the lands of. W. K.Creech, John Magsey and ethers, and, con taining H acres. TIfia Noveftrher tffi. h'M. t ii wvr.v 0.iiiigi(ii lift m i -.i.TTl m.-- T--j n .i..v'- " For sale by V, W. HiCtHtlJS ut - - lietaKcsm exenane lor ih pring nil kind? of CSnntry prodiicc lnut pays mar ket price. - n '. - -v4 : t HE BEFEKS I'OUTO 3. II.' W. Nr BENTON,: Mus, ;,.Jf . V. NEKI ,Ji, I. LNCKl"Oltl, hikI various, ether, persona in the Cbunty'wh'o have lKus;ht tliynj and tiev all ?ay t at a h jroou ."tpnnir. ' b'KiTliPlN 1 13 A 'ff 1 1 Pffii t , . Fe,tLera for sale a. W- Nn or - ? j:- tff S0i?4 Ok L...StifeKS!f and Retail, I f " my'AT'.! siiuiiiscniri ninvrc LLinillvJUil . IA. uUlliL u. in toroaiicl arriv- s- - i f ! iug' daily A, Jleavytock of Kverj tbing ; nice and Fresh in our Line. 150 -.Barrels Flour, i.J -fALLtGRADES.S -J if -!lii'Bife i M?. ISorsefofd's Rread Preparation t- at Factory Piice?i Lrss Fremht. 25 Barrels Surar, ' 25 Bags Coffee,. 25 Boxes Cheese, 10 Boxes f Jakes, ' ' 2 Car Lni-d.s Suit, 0. R. Sides, - Hams, Breakfas Strip:?, Corned Beef, 3Ieal, Molastes, Fish, Etc., Etc., I0'I3oxcts Tobacco lrom Cents Up. Smokihg Tobacco, CIGARS, SNUFF ALL KINS, Kerosene Oil. Etc.," Crockery, Glasw and Tin Ware, Wrvxl and Willow Ware, '.. Axes, ani fVotton Rope, &c. Wc would call the attention of Country i, Jcrchauts .and.Fai inoi-ii buying in Large Lots to "our facility ftr handling .oods. Wc :;s Grocsis a Spcialj arc always on thelpokout for bargains and can give inducerneiits. Come to see us and we will convince yBu. 1 Very respect fu'.rv, '"WILLMON A BlAKE. 1 -jOTJirlJ ! .The undrsignca haviug quail rTied .is ext cu'ors of the 'will oT Blake Bar- field, deceased", h"toW notifies all persons havintfe'a-inis arftiiBr5i aetata .'to present thein to itlier of theni on or before the 1st day of December, 188 R, or this notiee will he plead tin ".jar of thir-rssetfwyftnvr"a!i r-eron? indeht- ted ixj said enUxto w:fl pleie make nuwemate poymeht. Tlwl'tst Noveuihor, .1 M;-w 2 " Tl. J.5Vi' vF ;'' NvlfJCK! -Thos- fliveWc iub forr .piofwa- tonai services are respect !u!1y requested ,to 46me ad softie; ail aftonns'n- satiflictorlly adjusted within the B3.vt .:SO days. wU) he ! ve.rtised for Sti dayf iii th.,-:.i!ithfifl'" IIkbau. :ni;T sold at t.tie'cavt, ttonr, ' the liijih .est bidder tor I Ixmd mUhHoUt, PT.-t? , Novem ber, ; . , , A Song of" Grat itucl : Im. Weir timei Bcthw-.Ia'a pool Wip fiKirl JM-' uttaUdweMe ' . 4 O.nce plunr.r jier.'.: i!i ijr w.ttiyx eod, fcSEaeh evif.-rfa'ifi :ihd !i?Sn.4;4 ccasA. i 1 In-Dwdcrn dy?sve fin" a. oweV' - ; . .Of w.K.i.u.aj-e, iw nmeU dcaerviog. A WiiiHily wiie." qniek-and anrb, " " if Dr. Kiehinob!' ,Kr(t Fit ,n NeV? -te. ' -F'ep---y( :TfvMi.ajr Fevei s, Oott?(f,. nmpa, ott'i-s. . tXufbl Mvr any kind of riithysic, Ftr? merit as" a leader stanVpi '" ' " It f.;v ahovc all phy:d8. ' o " ft m at onc v'htVo t!ie pofjV - f . Where Jurka ;iso danpyr. TKwer swervlng. Trt HU flie wol-Id j e-!.)ii;f: there's not A"eurft lik" t;Bi rfemi,af "fervfn'a. - "' As in the-Mood-di vfte5 ri. '' ' ''4 ' ' " Each artery each vein . eaeh eiirve ia. ' . There's nii-.kee ill humor fly, Like ilia Samaritan Nerin, 'For old o- young, for rich or fo'vr. - - Wlntt'Ser elafi of lue yoii s. rwi in, vo health wiae oen is te door, ... ' the 5ma; ITerviue. th '' do ym'v)iT:ii'?t'ii:i!; and health, 'Awl thi n k. Uicm W .isi n'j wort h preserving. Belter than all QuUorM a s wea'th, ; la Dr. rH:hmond"s t-'amaritari'Nervine. A. VonlefFul Jloolc. Ju:- t . puMi. -h fell, and for shIc by ; the aaedical b'ek dealers, or may be had direct frem the authorr - : '. ' - MA.NflOOBr WOMANHOOD! . ' An ' exhaustive 'treat w on Sexual Excesses, tie Jifcfms ttn.iiwsr frotw them, and rfieir treaf- I iuert afd cireu-lau a Uriel' e-turo Ef-ile.- syanuojuer j.ei-vojj! is.ti, snowir. nig relaiit n-Mp exiiHWf. Wwrts the'estal nM Nervor.s.i'astfcm VD.. -w Rilinond, Ft. Joseph, Missomi. :.i-icc ?l.-"0. Fully 541ns 4ratl and- le!Btly Ixmird, Coiitiiinia'T 6Vv.r 25,0 Pscs, ,v j :. Tt : "Thla jWonderfid . ok rTeb th innennat 1$e&ffrf?Tiiir:. ndi, in Tact, a kry which opfns-J.4le -tKtk,.f .knoIcae. ad pluck "raives ofjiealiii; froia i!i; tree of.Iii"s. It frat'of Subjrt-i w!rkrf .ift if immense vVlV-to-jHVSjj nsyftv wojimar RJid.ct.iid m f j1n, jmV-witl, mail nrol.alijJity, MTejojrsof ick st(t'-ftH-.-rnrHfrd-efr' Kill. A'ent yrisnic& eyefjrwktrrr, fcth male' ' femn. fifend at onctan Wx gnt'. 'ireuUr. - i'rjis. .5-' ijJ : '' ,'rria; i.Tirm nf tliartnriiy .lined y.k nrt agti dl. exeuKet to me ' the irOtfi '.day of M-t-'o. hy John ,J. Datigfj try' 4nd-iie. fiffidy i drrly ret.ti-rrdln tlnvCjji ir r' r. off: co. c f Job s?to ettttntv in bok .""So. g0 iV, liA fiiall sell af pp b. l4-aaioi,-tri,stj4t at it firif "do.r tfi i i jtary. lVi. at-e:tin I ra-t of Ia:;i in- .VIin of Jen. Wil: 1" il no-.-'et.t; Wf, iloiW a- I t.., ... r,i;. : ... -it i ",'ipr-- vnta.uK-. l u.-auM t'u ! ' y stn ibud in wiid mortz.ire. Tiis il'th 'l-.iv 3 JNt(MtKN . !f9f roj TUB . J In i m: . , . . .lC3SIi 3!liOUS Gompl&JRtil A moss, u k f 7