m. m i n " sr. i : I :.uvi whh electric the llEKA!l i . j:'." O t ... w c are to have tfro Gaibill give vc r.i;:-t- ?s hear ot tit illness of i 1 .... , . f ri.tvtun Towustur. bv. J. K. U-weneour.neticeda pr :r uu-wting t ShiUi Baptist Church !a" Sunday. IV.hif g at the Baptist Church Sun .;iJ uioruiag&ai iugbt by the pastor, Rev. J. U. Jones. Oar pressman, Wright Allen, colored, had the inisibrtane to lose his infant child Tuesday Mr. Burk.t Brwu, of Bon feh Townshtp, predated us with a turnip that weighed nine rounds and uine ounces, the largest yet heard of. The G-ldsborv IW'Jm. after a short nspeu-wu, has resumed publication under the management of Mr. Joseph A. Cohidon. Long may i Ii,re Mr. W. L- Kiley has an ecelVnt fam ily horse, rockavy and harness nearly wvr. atid other articles for sale. Head Vu? advettiseiuent in anotlier column. There is talk of he establishment of a to warehouse iu SaiithScld. .Wo liope tAik will not be all. Let the merchants sec to it that the warehouso is built. Then was a r uth uan in town Sau- Jnt dressed in a variety color. He w...' rr.n nt. blue cat, brn vet. ui , - ueA-tie, w!u: anibla-k h it. New Rive Oters. tho Uvt s,.Uli -n be ikruished to parties wanting thorn ;n three days u ti?e? by Mr J I, -arbor-t-u-fc atS15U l- r pVoa. S-adia ordvrsat ituv tir the hi lays. ir. ld ud nut arrive Friday, a? wr exneetod, ht-uce there was uo preach iu town Sauday. He will arriv- here i m.rtw, aud wtll fivai-h iu the Metho uii Church uuday uight. A fiwh supply o! that woederful rem edy lr. Kings New DL-jvery Dr cou- uitiptira has just beca received at T. II. Uoh1 & Co". H yoa suffer from a lung trv-ubU yuu shca'd uot fail to try if town authorities should hn.k will to the til.. walks f our town, as in many places tho water stands several days to the annoyance of iWt passenuvrs, espeei d'y at ut.ht. y.r. Alvin S-phons.n. an old atsd nsfi-cricitisenol" Idecsant (VeT-.wn- slop. ,ckknta.ly Uisctiargeu m.' vf a shot pin into his leg about the knee, J H few days ago. wYw-ii caused a iainful but not serious wound. The John A. Mi?ekiner hme place, rituatednear Sc'.ma, sold at auction Satur day lor $:i.5C0, which was very cheap. The bondsmen of ex-Sheriff Ilinaantwere the putxhaicrs. It is oue of the best farm in the county. The freight shipments over thebranch road between here and Goldsboro since it went into the hands of the W. & W. Rail ruad CouiiaBy has been heavier than since it was built. The Agent tells as it pays the Company handsomely. Oranges arc plentiful in oar town mw. The enterprising finn of T. R Hood k Co has made arrangements to pet them direct from Florida every two.wevks. They are retailing them at two and one half cents each. Give them a call. Mr. D. II. Grave will close out his handsome stock of dry goods, boots and hfs and notions at greatly reduced prices It is his purpose to go exclusively into the heavy and faney grocery business, which line of Uade he will run on an extensive baaii. Mr. James N. Barbour, a first class boot and shoe maker, ot several years ex perience, will open a boot and shoe estab- lihneat in Mr. J. C. Bingham s store, corner of Railroad and Third streets, in about two weeks. Mr. Barbour's many patrons in Elevation Township will be pleated to learn tht3. As soon as the W. & F. short cut R. R. L completed U this point the Wilming ton ( Weldon Railroad authorites will LuiW a handsome passenger and freight de- pt, near waere the old depot now stands. The old one will be toru down. It woald W more convenient to our eitixens to have thd depot located nc&rer town. A ne assortment of I. B. Seeley & Go's Hard Rubber Trusses and supporters, can b seen at T. K. Hood k Go's who have scoured the ag-;ucy for these goods in our town. They can be used in bathing. Ua aJTootcd by time, use or climate. Quality f material, practical construction, high finish never equaled warranted. Santa. Clatxs. Santa claus is oa his way to Smitbfield with a nice liae of Ladies Misses and chil dieas Cluaks; Newmarkets and Circulars hare already arrived at M. SurHocv&ld A Go. ark yray. ' - C ; -- j -Tre rise m the river has cauacd'tho fork n tho raihwi bridge across V!- .V'Kte . Stop, , . i "V We tare a conimuaiciUou . from Mr J V rena, of Wsrrefitou It will ap- a raelius Corai, cobred lad, was t rroted We ueiry niht for-tcaltc aa 0Tcm)at, he property of Thomas Dona. Mosss 1 K Hood !t Vo has a beautiful liae of Christmas goods. Call alius drug store on third eireet and examine thetu. The atr!tt lamps re bvisg pat up, a:vl iustead of peticstuaBsin our town hav lUjr tojiropo their way it darkucss, thuuks to cmr ofileicut wmmisikiuuers, our jaih way is to be lighted tj. . f married. . Mr. F.J. S. AlHillone of oar promising youujr attcrneys and Miss Ircna Page, of FayeUoviiIe, wilI beuaiicd ia marriage in the hirtoric town of FayettcviBe to day. Mr. Walter Fuller acted as tbcst iuan.,s We extend oar coni-atulatioca to the youcg couple, aud with them a long, happy life. " t?uraltttr. . 20 Bedsteads aud ni:ittrescs,SG0 chairs and rockers, o0 Beauroa ix and washstands, oftered for the holidays at greatly reduced prices at M. SummorScld & Co. 4 II gt Cor3ploiint. The Winston 5r nftW says of Pr. Pool, tho new Methodist proacher for this cir cuit : s , " Pr. Solomcu Pol is the recipient of a purse of $100 temlfrei him before his departure for his new eld of labor by the citirens of Wtr.ston, by whom he is held In the highest esteem. He preached a fare well sermon in Browu'a Hall hist Sunday. The J)r. hss j-iaed tho iM. E. Corercncs and has hecn ajpoiatel to the Smithfield circuit, iu the Kahigh district. Winston l-vses a gtfedcitix-n antl Smilhfitld g:insan eloquent Red earnest mioLster." m'oasip: .'(leu. If you wish to look pretty .when you call n y ur sweetheart ia christcias day Le sure to gtt une ol th e?e fine Dress suits at M. SuraraorScid & Co. rtoneficctidii legended. The "follow iog resolution was passed at life last uieetirg of theBard of County Coaimissioncrs. uHesolrtJ, that tho puMieation of the annual stcmeiit for the county of John son in theiClavton'iJiitf was not intended ao are3ecru n oa the iriaithfield XIeuaLB." Tlien after making arrangements with us to do the county printing, then why was tho contract violated, We understand the county Commissioners are not to be bNuied ? IvditorJ II erat.i.) ... i. m mm r' ' For Xnsas Trait. 1. A fresh vapply of mince m?at, tran- berncs, etc.ttc, at Williamson & Blake's. 2. Just received a new lot of macaroni and Tarbells cheese. 3- Best Pecnsylvauia Buck wheat floor at Williamson &. Blake's. CI. thing for the Holidays at reduced prices at 31. Sarcasernekl v Uo. Raided Last'-week" a forco of revenne officers. sent out by Col . Y l rboro rgli, raided an illicit distillery in the corner of Harnett and Wake counties; destnyeJ .uow gauonsor . ... . r i beer and 60 gallons f singling. J.ae stui . ant . m deputies licit and Temple was seat out . . i to gtt up evidence ana Jouna tne aistu ery was being repaired and a new lot of beer made with a fresh lit of malt. l hey again destroyed the beer nd malt aad fired the Itouse. Deputy licit says he found at the distillery thj finest lot of blockade hogs he has seen since the rr. krunhcr lot of trnnka last roceived at Beaty & rdorgan's. TruaKa all sises and , - - Qnetivns. Ur. Editor-. What is the proper name of the plant commonly called M ay pop? What are Sun flower seed worth. Will It not t)8V DCiier V mans uirni, m" w , .. . i .1 . make cotton or toUcco? Do Frocs drink water? We would be df d for some one to an swrr these Questions ia the next issue of i i the II EitAI.D" L. A.F. A F . A M. At the regular monthly meeting of Fel lowship Lodge A. F. &. A. VM., last Sat o r-! dayj the following officers were olecUd to serve the ensuing year. W. M. T R Youngllood. S. W. Elias Rose, J. W. C S Powell. Treas, D W Fuller. See. T. S. Thain. - At Auction. Messrs. Seth Woodall & Co., will sell A.t tbeir stark of ?oods at Wehatct. ia T..t;,. Tnshin at auction Decemhc 21st and 22ad.acd at Smithfield December oqj A oih A onod chance to bay " , - Mr. N. -0-. MvaW aSlfStfT iSffcr hci?, tsopt ."fjttly' M!i!, in Wake county, the first of the week. Mr. George A. Minor, the deter trav eling biloiiiian or tle Messrs ItyUnd & Ice Binsii hon.erl?ehiaond, Vpaid cs a rlcusant visit Wednesdays i?; W A V ' etght was in Hcv. G. B. Perry is ia town. IIcTjves for kis new field Friday ' . V- Miss HolUnd who has for the past few days besn on a visit to Afrs. J. W. Talton, left for her home ia Wayne Tues day. . cSirtstmau TrecK. Tle Methodist Sunday iSchool will have its Christmas tree Christ aias-eve night. AH of the uccstisarv arr:ininaiits hnvo been made, and a rloasant time may bo aatieipated. The Baptist Sunday School will have theirs L'hrisimas night, and it too, promises to afford much pleasure to the scolars. Rov. J. R. Jones and Messrs. Johu Ives and C. R. Guy is the committee to buy the presents. Married. At the rostd a e of Mr. Toomas Coats, iu Pleasaut Grove Township, Dee 9th by Elder J. AT. Jones officiating, Mr Al&ort Steveus and Miss PattUsCoata were united in mrriage. Tae IIekau) extend coa giatu!at.ous and wishthw newly wedded couple much r.appoicss in their wedded estate. A Good Worker. gmirhfield, X. C.,Doc.l4lh 1SS5. 'Mr. EJiior: Allow me space in your columns to re turn my sincere thanks to M iss Lillis Ben ton, one of the committee to solicit contri butions for the Orphan Asylum for the neat little sum of 4.50 andonc pair of shoes, turu-d over to me oa the 12th of Decem ber. Liliie is a good worker and has done the work assigned her well, and I hope she will meet with generous hearts while she continues in this field of labor. Mr. Editor, I will again ask space ia you columns when I hear from the other mem bers of the committee. Wo havo aa ex culeut commit tee. and as it is for a noble and glorious object, I hope they will meet with a gcurouse respoase. Roepcetfully, J. W. Talton, Ch'iu Committee. PubCc Debate. December 25th, at the Poplar Spring School House, the P. S. L. Society will give a public debate. The query is ; "Which has the greater influence on hu man couduct the hope of reward or fbar ot punishment?" AErmiative J. M. Surles and N. T. Ryals. Negative n. C. Morgs and J. V. Morin. Firt Declaim sr J. II. Rose. Sxnl Declaicier W. R. Strickland. First Reader B. Broughlon. iS'eeond Reader L. R. Tdurray. Orator John M. Morgan. Exercises will commence promptly at 9 a. m. The public generally invited. JuitN M. Morgan, See'y. C0U1TTT CCXHISSI02T1BS. Board met according to adjournment, of ue Commissioners being present. jolirnal previous meeting read and aprroved. 0q motiotli p, j. C. Pupree was daly Cliairman for the ensuing year. R - jjTlllccfrji Register of Deeds, filed his ofas.ial bond ia the sum of $5,000 wit A. Mans and N. G. Gulley as sure ties. Iu R. Waddeil, Clerk of the Superior Court, filed his ofSrial bond in the sum of I and D. W. Adams as sureties. S. K. Morgan, vuntj xreas.rer, maa I . n m ft 1 I Lis county ooaa in me sura oi o,vfwv with D. W. Adams, D. H. Graves, C. 1 Radford and J. A. Morgan . as sureties; also his school boad ia the sum of $19,500 J with D. W. Adams, Iredell Godwin aad I D. H. Graves as sureties. I Romelous Lambert, Comity surveyor l fi..i m,: .Ktm.i ftrtmi in mo mini or is I imiii i uivu iwutuu - - j - with Aldridge McGee and J. T. Whiten Urn as sureties. - l Ordered that tho official reports ef R. D. Lunceford, Register of Deeds, b. R Morgan, County Treasurer, L. R. Waddeil, Clerk of theSaperior Court, Jevse T. El lington, Sheriff, be reseived, approved and registered as required by la m. Jesse T. Ellington, Sheriff, filed his of ficial bond in the sum of $5,000 with W. A. Smith and J. F. Ellington as sureties ; also his State bond for the collection of State taxes for 1886 in the sum of $20, 200 with W. N. Benton, D. H. Graves and G. L. Jones as sureties ; also his coun ty and school bond for the collection of coaaty and school taxes in the sura of $43,000 with J. T. Ellington aad A Home as sweties. Ordered that the report of the eommit- tee to settle with S. R. Morgan, County Treasurer, be received, approved and reg- I istered. f W. 'Kaea, ConrtaMe of Inam'a f 50(Vtth Gldcoit Eeea aad B.' W- Adaajs j as't-tiretiey. : v '--'-V.r TT;; Ordered that the 'magistrates of the county and th'eoasubles that have not filed their official reports and boads be al lowed uU the 1st Monday iai January, 18S6, to do so. ;; j The following accounts were allowed u., W. J. Smith, 510 for removing rafts from Hiotoa bridge. . -; ' I. V.T. Grictj, be paid 14.50 for repair in lha bridsre alros3 Swift Creek near "ST." II. Culloms, (deceased.) J 11. Beyttf, SI 82,00 tor rcpeairing bridge acrtss B. P. Williamson's pond. W. N. Benton, $11 as janitor of court house. W. N". Bcntcn, $6 for three days ss fi nance commit tee. . - ' '- L. R. Waddeil, Clork ' Supc.lcr court, U TO for stationery for office. R. P. Lunceford 5-. ior suuary serv?ea3 t c!rk of Board. Ashley Wallace, TO 85 for boferdiag paupers at poor house. Jehu R. Wedding, 12 50 foi publish ing itemize statement. Ed D. Ford, firboordiag prisoners iu jai oji0 9 20 for three days as commissioner, milage and 24 miles and one day as building committee. - Jesse Hinaant, 21 00 for. . six days as county commissioner milageJj&O miles: J. II. Toudin:am, 9 60 for six days as county com mission sr, inilaj 32 miles and one day at poor house. J. T. Ellington 6 60 serving notice on Win.. n innant and boadamea. " J. H. Abell, 100 00 for extra service as eoanty attorney ia case 3. R. Morgaa, County TreasuRer, vs. m. Ilinaant, ShcriiT, Seth Wocdail and other bonds men. " , '. Ordered that the bondsmen of Win. Hinnant, Sheriff and tax collector for be and are hereby allowed antil the first Monday in January, 1SS6, to pay the full amount f the judgment rendered at Spriog term51834, against Wm. Hinnant and bondsmen. Munroe Stroud, W. J. Baker, W. B. Johnson, Neslus Whitley, Neater Crock, Thomas Faison, J. J. Jackson, Dempsey Batson, J. E.Eason, Jerry Hartley, Hen ry Ciay, rcleived from paying pod tax for 1S85. Ordered that the following persons be relieved from double tax for the year of 1SS5, on pcyraent of single tax: W. A. Sanders, 145 acres vaiueuj at t. ifil ov.lnpd at ituu. 8 15; S. II, Whitaker, 3G acres valued at 3 CO; F. II. Busbec, Q. L. Johnson, In- ?is.na looh Ordered that Gideon Allen be relieved from paving tax on fifty dollars worth of lnnd f.kr 1S35. Ordered that Iscral Stephenson be and is hJreby appointed as constable ot Pleas- ant Grove Township, in tne pwee oi xay- mon Eauis who rclused to renewhis of- fiti-d bond. Ordered that P. H. C. Dupree, W. N. i a Benton, Fiuanc? committee aaa A. ju. Noble be and are hereby appointed a com mittee to examine all the old county or ders and other old papers ia the office ot the register c-f deeds and burn such as are not w orth anything to the county. The following Justice of Peace filed their official reports: J. H. Cauady, Robert Sanders, A. M. Noble, Thomas T. Thain, B. R. Hinnant, John Sanders, II. B. Tarner, CasWtll Zangdon. Concluded next week. Srlma Items. Pecember 9th, 18S5. Mr. John A. MUhener, a former citizen of Selma,returaad fc his Florida home last Thursday, carrving with him Miss Annie Waddeil. one of our most popular young ladies, who goes topend tho winter with her sister in UuKitilla. Some of our young folks look decidedly blue .since her depart ure. We see ia the last Herau that a Roller Skating Club has been organixed ia "Smith field. Good lack and a long life to the or ganization. Skating is quite a favorite a- ruusenient here, though we are debarred from its enjoyment at present for want of a floor. Some Friday night we ht pe to go over and visit your rink. Work has been begaa on the new store which Mr. T. T. Oliver, of Pine Level, is putting up near the 6ite of the new depot. We hear that he intends making Selma his future home. If the repartis true, he may feci sure of a hearty welcome. - Mr. J. II. Parker is making prepara tions to build alitery stable, which will be quite convenience to citizens and drummers like. Rev. Mr. Brooks, of Wilson, who hap pened to stop over in Sclma oa hi3 way home trom coaiereace, , preached last Thursday night in the Methodist church Lois. The cradle in which President Clevelaad was rocked has been foond ia Tennessee. It was made by his father when living near Batavia, O., was sold to a seller who went to Pulaski, Tenn., aad when the place wrs sacked daring the war it was pitched into a creek. It has just been found and the President has written a letter asking' for a photograph of it. This is the latest and most ingenious yarn of the knaves, who sell stories to gsllible newspapers. ! inocratii. Vihjroitlee "of lrchmflnd YiKaia, rais "Redded 'fuyt to have any de- mori.strat.ion on the oucanon of his inaugv ration as Governor ofr Virginia Jan a- ary 1. - ; ' . . Tle long-lost sixth iano-fort- concerto , jBtKthoTen KaV bean' - discovered ia a f v Carinli&aC village by" Friedlandr " ; while seatcb for SchabsrtVwork8. The man useript 0'almt at completely finished,' aud is aateil805. ! I ' V: Got toil Market. Reported "bv JET. 'Graves Good Mipdhng. Middling Striut Low Middling liow Middling,...;.....;.... .....S THE JUNK HMKET. CCItRSCTED BY 1 . ,T. O. IBillfrliaUT, a dry anJ green hiden, aal all ki ad of skin a and furs, rags aid country preduco AND Th bargain house for low prices ia sujear, Coa'ee.SnutT.Tobacco, Meat, Meal and Hour, etc.. ec. t'-np. Kail Road and Thirtl Streets Siuitli ficld, N. CDeccm- ber9th.l8S5. iflDKS, diy flints good, Hides, dry salt good, Hides, green eslt go;d, heT skins dry wocled Hi 25 a 50 Shep skins green wooled, Goat ski as preen aad dry (good) 25 a 4!) FURS' nink. gol, iiO a 5 Iir3, Raccoon good, ; Furs fox, god, , Furs, imiFt rat good, RAGS, nice mixed, l'eiwax jood, The above are cash prices. a 40 30 a 50 02 a 05 la IV ,2d IS a 20 NOTICE ! The undersigned having quaiitied aa Administrators on tha c?tete l N It Godwin, deceased, will 8ell at public auction, at thelato residence of said docaased, on the j'w.. A-. f io.-aniXAi- 1 Rft.'i the ucraoiial property fsaid deceased, consisting of the following arthles, vl.- Household J J- aa iuiuitav f ' two mules, fat and steck hogs, 6 head of cattle, sheep one lot of seed cotton, corn, fodder, po t&toeVand other articles uanecessary to men tion. TenaB made kno-.vn on day of Bale. " N. B. All ptrions indnbted to t!ie estate cf said deceased are hereby notified to make im mediate payment, and ail persom. having any c'aims aeainst sjtid estace will exhibit tliem U ua oa or before the 10th day of December, 1$S3. 'Ihia, the ttth day of December, 1885. V ' -B R?Godwis, 1 lAdm- J W Gonwis, EOR SALE CHEAP FOR CASH. One horse, in fine condition, (excelltnt ior iamuy us.;, oUC ,VuacV . ..u... , , - gooa conaiuon, uuggy. in goou conaitioo, iiy, """i wawn and harness, saddle and bridle, all harness, saddle and bridle, ai hicjh can be bought? then p for cash Appply at once to W. L. RILEY, Smitbfieid. N. C. 29 lm. 9S9.000 bushels cotton sced,tor which I will pay 16 eents per bushel delivered at my store in SmithScld. Kerrey ArTIi ULAR. PEWiSrurtrfri." - NCVF.rt obTor op. c Eft. e) AS w.o rct -ri 30 UNION SQUARE MEW YORK. &Me0 ILL. MAS. FT R SALE DY CA. -AYJT'ft io Uoraa Sarik-ArTS'?-r Portable K-giue has ut JO000 ft. f Pino Hoard in 10 bow, bariuog alab ixotm. U9 M in eight foot Imgtha. Our 10 Hbre We Gwsrantisfi 4 fttrnfeh lo MW g,acr fot of jsamiooa w , nM. W W & Mill JE.LiH to farnlU a horse -power oa leeu fuel and water tliaa ny otfeer EusHna nt Coa wth an AHUsotlc Cut-On. If yv mat i. Btattonary oz porUtila Eagisa, Boiler, Or cuter Saw UiU. Shafting or pnliioa, Kber cart or Meddrt' fstsnt Wroragiit iron PH. end for or taastmted Cnte for informaUoa ul Tii-s arw'. PATKE & SONi Ooraii. K. X- Sx8f mrrrurm & CO.. of ti ScTEPrrric Axroc KV.vm- t.nt mm SoUdt ra fr itei , oiTCnu. xra Mirk. OoiMrrtebts, for tho SJtca Bttitej, ln.he 8riVTt-ic AMKBlOA.v. tho laFgejt, Lest, nt Vi01. Tl1" i-i, ' r. . 1 th-h and int"ftath in- city v Syiftoct ww Iff nw it. b a V NEW DRUG STORE, Third Street, Next Door to Williamson & Blako. Smil&flelf JoHiistbtf "dowity; 1J. 0.5 My Store is Headquarters for S ANTA ' -' : . . . : ,Jl ' -' , . - Best Felcctioa of Christvias Presents ever seen ia Smithfield. Call and cxaraiaor them. From oae dollar up to teu dollars in price. Sunday Schools anticipating having CHRISTMAS TREES, should not fail to see us before purchasing. We will make it their interest to do po. FRESH DRUGS daily arriving. Call early and'makeyourseleotion. before the stock is picked over. rr my And a great many have aot yet bought their snpply of Wiater Goods. People eay that MONEY IS' SCAgCE AND Times are Hard.r - Everybody seeai? to want money to go just as far as possible. 'and far the bog efit of oar customer we have mada MWEEPfflu-EEDDGTION la the Prices of some goods. We iavite everyboby tp ealland find oat foar Price. We mean business when we say We are' going.to offersm SGENUINEiBAIiGAINTS during tho month of December. . Gois Bite Millie Saysis Tra YOURJFRIENDS, Dealers in Dry;Goct!s,NotionsBoots andQShoes, Hals and Clothiug, SMITHFIELD, N. O. II OLD RELIABLE Al LARGEST HUH) and Organ Warehouse in the South. RYLAND &LEE . RICHMOND; VITGINIA. want Write' to All.Iil Ml Ryland&Lee, 9 IS Main Street, RiliBaoncl, Vlrsfinia GEORGE I MINOR, we are now receiving by every freight in every liae, and by the next issue this volama I will tell you what I have 3 CLAU3 ALL TUB BEST MASSS OP PIA1T03 AND Organs, at the lowest Factory Vices. Cash or Installments. Pav ties in Johnston county contemplating ti$ purchase of a PIANO OR ORGAN wrll fh a-. a.l in it to tneir interest to correspona witn us ucio&i . fcYing orders. No matter what instrument ys.j us and tell S of this paper my stock will bi edtaplete, atsd J and what I eaa do for you' ,4 RespectfallVj. a i 1 ' 1

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