IT HUT1 H1 .ELD ERA VOLUME 5. SMITHFIELD, JOHNSTON COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA, MARCH 26, 1887. NUMBER 41. 'CAROLINA CAROLINA, HEAVEN'S BLESSINGS ATTEND HER. M-W DYF.RTISEMEXTS. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. FRANK THORNTON GENERAL XEWS. Sill - OFFERS- HIS PESIW MEETIIW, F Til K 1WST FKW WKF.KS I liavo Won in' the Northern ami Eastern Markets m-kine o aruf -rthc PPKIS AXU Sl'MMEU TRADE. I am at home apiin, nd my ar? il.iuy .-irrtviui on every train :uul sieamer. v ." i t!iO 't-o of any U. stereotyped phrase, I will simply enumerate some of the Xov- feaiied From Our Exchanges in EiiflVi'cnt Sections of (lie Counirr. The town of Blackville, S. C, almost entirely destroyed by fire. Ex-Yice-President William A. Wheeler is seriously ill at Ms home in Malone, X. Y. HENRY BLOUNT'S IMUl JUUti 1U AilMlVllU" Published By Request. We had occasion recently tt make a journey through the coun try to Nashville, and it was nec essary for us to start some time before day. We shall never for- ; eret the delifjhtf ul and thrilUng St. Patrick's day was obser- . sensations of that ride, and never way m many j will the glorious transfiguration ved in the usual of the large cities on the 1 inst. 19th DRE3S GOODS. 0; v ifi'l Vo.!sn will be worn (a in anv color os and "speei-jlly early in ilie season, material lesired. Here I can show ere- ! escaped A colored boy in Charleston, S. C, was stabbed and killed by four other negros ; the murders COLORED DRESS SILKS. !. k i Ic I to tUi-s irt:cui:ir department until the assortment i v,i j th-v.i to able to get esactlv wha: jou waut ? ! Xew men taking the places i of striking railroad brakemen 1 in Ohio were assaulted bv the perfect. What more j strikers. j Mormon proselyters of Bay- : port, Mich., are creating or caus- ; .i lull lint' of these goods in all the qualities that we have always been familiar !eMo ush new nit-kes as French A -mures, Sa'ia in Iuch$, Satin Riia lame Trico itlicr novelties. A'xvcs. .Ui IVack Cahmcres from the cheapest to the best, md old fashioned Raven Black occasionally wanted. I have the -r'""is of the dav. Spanish Netted Xuns r. r.ati-tc Cloth, Italian Cord French Nuns Veiiing, Catch Long. Silk Wrap Henrietta at I isVrian Ornve. WASH FABRICS. the splendid translation of night into day fade from the tablet of recollection. It was a scene for heart nursed reverence ; for beauty and glory, and splen dor and awe and God was there. When we started, everything seemed wrapped in slumber. Prof oundest silence reigned. The breezes had stilled their sighs uliU DiCJJV , CliUU tJLLt ICtl CO seemed dead. It was a mild, se- 1 illC"illcli distil rhnnrp tlmt Tilnnfl ACJ1 21 iTt fJi ' only amid a midsummers night. ; The sky was dotted here and It is proposed in Kentucky to there with smallest clouds and make prohibition thorough by j while not big enough to dim a extending it to include the man- ; single moon beam, or shadow the ufacture of jugs. j radiance of the smallest of the One-fourth of the milk deal- twinkling worlds around them, ers in Boston -are set down by sti11 they threaded the scene with the inspector of milk as profes- ! variegated colorings of beauty sirmniiv- ieiirtnf ; ana suDiiimty as tiiey noaiea STATE NEWS. MR. REECi'ER'S SUCCESSOR. !K G Is are sawn this season in greater variety than ever befor?. and promise to be -v vo-:v.i'.a; Falludc to Toil? da Nord in iIaids, Checks and Solid Colors. Ratiete Cloth i. i l-iir, an I S-sire 1. Criukled ecrsuckers in ripes. Checks jnd Solid Colors, anu the new ateeus a-i-l oiuqrliams. sr. v,id s rr. it. Foil- is an entirely new production in dress material for Summer Wear, vc'.r ;i I I want everv Lidv to se it. li is just perfect- j A most rebellious excitement prevails in Newfoundland against the British government because ! of the latter's action in the colo ny's fishing laws. "DTJ ill ti it iLliliViiVli 7 I A C every s: s, Towell. ; in ( urt u all popular makes. Gloves, bisery, Underwear, Table Linens, Goods and everything else. BUTTERIGKS DRESS PATTERNS. noislessly and gracefully away, like those white-winged birds of ocean which fly on waves. The ; moon, though in its last quarter , and having spent much of its mellowing light and tranquiliz- The Coimcticut Legislature intr charms was still sprinkling i has passed and Gov. Lounsbury j down its chastened beams to min- lias signed a bill restricing rail- i gle with the glory of the blink- road traffic in the state on Sunday. ing stars, which now were not It goes into effct next June. j ashamed to test their powers with ! mi . . i -- , ; thfir nncfi brighter rival. And proceeding spell bound with The sheriff has seized the of Xew of York while we were thus T t v . v w n t -i . . ! on our lonrnev. . . - .... . t - r . i i ........ . i ; 1 1 n. r.. iju nn. tii tn tfrfi in t iif : ' iAM sole .vrci'.J lor inese wieorajea i anerns. ana can supp.y a iy wuu any pauern ue- t - - , 1 ,.1,. .... v,f c:in0 ,t Afui.cieteaniperfectiineaiwavsonhind. i fertilizer trade; he has flisap. the eloquence of that silence and fiTii mrinff Gl11nc f i thatscene whichpreached so beau- ORDERS AND SAMPLES BY MAIL iSS. e large sums of fwmthepuipit mght ; oi uoq ana iis iory, we were special eat ire of this Pepartmeat. Orders for samples are selected and The Hoil. Arthur Mac Arthur, nonrino- nnotlier TfPnP still more !! f.w.l-.ll d orders far -roods, are accorded the sam attention as if the r.. . - ' ncanng anoilier feCene, bUH more - - t-- - i IlSSlTWlM Tf lllSrifP ilT Tllfk C1111P111P I -i i.n Li; S ' " granu, sua more suuiiuie, atiii I court, oi ine iiisinci oi iomm . ior were preterit in person. FRANK THORNTON, FAYETTE VILLE, W. C ; bia, ha tion to forwarded his WHERE TO BUY YOUR DRUGS .. ( r JL O R. HOOD more beautiiul : lor it was ap- resigna- : nroaehini? dawn, when a struirirle President Cleveland. toi 4.. .. V:.. n take effect April 1. , terv would beffill Tlie smaiiest Fifty thousand dollars of j of the stars, like little timid the contributions of the Knights ; children, crept out of sight and of Labor have been expended in ' hid. The deep blue of the sky fitting up a sumptuous office in j now began to assume rosier tints, Philadelphia for the sreneral olfi- I and steadily, for a few moments, j cers of the organization. i the magnificent panorama went i Aiin.r01 ,T,r,.,i.. jon, as angels glory crowned and i a . v w v. vi 9 with fingers splendor tipped stood on tne crimson stage oi etner, 7HI 0LD3ST LHUG H;OTJSS IN niilTHPIELI) ! Vt ,M remind n.v friends that his house is now filled with a select stkof disagreements be- i " r,. . a r . n . .t o IHCCIl .UCCCIO. JIUUUCJ illilL Oilll- of the Woman's Christian Tern- and shifted the gorgeous scenery oM.nn,,;nntrti,v-.i..Ar of theskies. Along the eastern j one of Mr. Moody's coadjutor rimlfof liorizoii the spray of 11 A i .i ' molten srold flunir ud from the i i r--7i i mii iii i ii I urTuru rn rna cup. ' ' ! cess of the evangelistic move-' I fast rushing stream of morning's I wit an j ii I'M'r M A U l Mill I VIA i iVH il i ill. il M i i h u uinj unuiii f ment in Chicago. lOiLET ARTICLES, BOOKS, CIGAR3 AND TOBACCO, ICECOLDSODA AXDVARIOUS MIXERALWATERS, :o: I HAVE THE AGKXCY FOR THE CELEBRATED I. B. SEELEY RUBBER TRUSSES! I i:rRVTEE A PERFECT FIT IX THESE GOODS. -- liwf fl sr rt-f "i 5 rrli 4" foil nrinn i the star sprangled folds of night's A number of suspicious look- ; receedinc dranerv. while high in ; ing men have lately been makiiig ! the widening blue. the moon to frequent visits to the vaults of pale silver turned, as brighter I the treasury at Washington, D. C. arrows, more rosy barbed went during the hours allowed for flying across the way. The wild public inspection. They have, flowers opened their dewful been notified that they must not ; petals, and fresh from sleep, come again, and the officers in breathed their sweetest perfume charge of the vaults have been instucted to keep a sharp look out on visitors in future. PERFECT FIT IK VOJ' ARK THINKING OF PAINTING SOOX. CALL AT MY STORK AXDGKl A COLOR SHEET AND KXA.MIXE .MY LARGE SiOCK OF as an incense to morning. The grass, kissed by the sun beams, began to sparkle with the jewels the night had left. The river over which we at that moment I Considerable excitement has I arisen in political circles in Xew I York City over the appointment I passing glistened in the reflected ! or Jas. C. Bavles as resident of i glory, and with a ruby ripple, WUIT17 T 1? n OIT AVrri010PQ I the board of health to succeed j poured its waters onward to the HI 111. IjVj A L, OI Lib Aj.M VluKJlS !General shal on tlie ground sea, while o'er the gilded tree tops a nooa oi glory usnerea II. I). BLAKE of Williamson fc Plake, Smithfield, X. C. JOIIX Ii. HLAKE, Late of Dewar & Blake, Raleigh, X. C. that he is a Knight of Labor. Mayor Hewitt said that he did in the God of day, upon whose smile BLAKE BROTHERS, 1 not know or care what organiza- the eyes of man can never gaze, j tion Bayles belonged -to. If he j And thus ended one of the grand I had known that he was a Knight est panoramas that mortals ever SUCCE-SSOIW TO WILLIAMSON AND BLAKE. Will continue the grocery and provisiion business at the old stand. Hfavy and fancy groceries, liardware, tin ware, crockery, &c, inoat, meal, flour, lard, sugar, coffee, molassas, star lye, Hors fords bread preparation, all grades chewing and smoking tobaccos, Rail Road Mills, Gail and Ax, Ralph's and Egerton snuffs, at wholesale or retail. TJT saw a scene wnicn self did paint. God Hini- the itisuiuniEiis' TAX. Shovels, Hatchets, Ilames, Traces, Iiackbands, Hooks, Single Trees, Cotton Rope and a thousand other things the farmer is bound to have. iit.s for tlie Following Reliable Brands of Fertilizers PIEDMONT "SPECIAL" for Cotton and Corn. WEDMOXT GUAXO, for Tobacco. I'OCOMOKE, EDDY STOXE, L. & R. ACID A: L. & R. Amoniated. L BRAXD. of Labor before his appointment, he might have asked him if he favored strikes and labor meth ods of coercion. If he had favor ed theni the mayor would not have appointed him. j The state Treasurer is daily A panic occurred at the Ro- : receiving letters from various man Catholic church of the Xa-! parts of the country in regard to tivity, corner of Dashill and 39th i the recent decision of the U nited The amount of home-made manures used by the famers this year will be double that of any previous year. This a step in the right direction. M urfreesboro Index. A number of men from Ohio contemplate locating in Xorth Carolina will probably settle in or near Xew ton, as they have an eye on this place and surround ing country. It appears that another rail road will soon run in two or three miles from that place. It will cross Roanoke River between Xorfleet's Ferry and Palmyra, and go on South..-8cotland Neck Democrat. For the week ending March 5th, the combined sales of leaf tobacco at the several warehous es amounted to 324,281 pounds a decrease of 243,816 pounds compared with the previous week. Durham Plant. While a Xorth Carolina jury was "hung up" on the case of a thief, whose trial they had heard the criminal, at large on bail, committed other thefts, was ar rested, indicted, tried before ano ther jury and sent to prison for eight years. On account of the low prices of tobacco, many farmers are dis couraged, and will raise more bread stuff this year than here tofore. Let every farmer make his meat and bread first, and then give his attention to cotton and tobacco. Lexington Dispatch. While over at the Court House a day or two ago, the Reg ister remarked that he was then registering a deed, the value be ing 10,240.00. To record a deed of this amount in Cumberland, is something beyond the usual custom. Fayettetille Observer. We understand that a disease has made its appearance in the eastern portion of Burke and within a few miles of Hickory, which resembles small pox. Sev eral have died of it, and old army men who have seen small pox, can see but little difference in the appearance of patients having either disease. Piedmont Press. Mr. Julius Poovev, who lives about a mile beyond the Hickory toll bridge, showed us, last Sat urday, a white rat, rather a rare animal in these parts. He says that he has seen as many as half a ddzen at once in his barn pick ing up corn irom the horse troughs. They are game fellows and whip off the grey rats. Len oir Topic. Mr. Chas. B. McMillan's three year old child,an intelligent bright-looking boy, can tell you without hesitation the name of any State in the Union, and can also point on the map any place you may ask for. He does it so easily that you would think he could read, but he does not know a letter in the alphabet. It is truly wonderful. Faijettemlle Observer. Last week, on the 7th inst., Mr. C. W. Westbrook had aspara gus for dinner not merely a stalk or two, but enough (of this finest and best of spring vegatables) for a large family. It is very early for it, and shows something of what we may look for in that line in the near future. An ex change says he has seen the Mammoth asparagus sell in Bal timore for 1.00 per bunch. Ano ther says it will pay as much as $800 per acre. Fayettemlle Ob server. Wheat is looking very fine. There were 243 instruments The Mule Murderer of Miss Tur lington 8a id to bu a Suicide. There has been considerable Xew York special to the Phila- j talk in Raleigh, X. C, for a few delphia Press says : At a meeting days past, about the case of Wal of the officers of Plymouth ! ter Bingham, the murderer of r. Ljinait Abott ?aid o be I lie Clioce of llie OfSicer of the CUiircIi. Church last night, the question of a successor to Mr. Beecher was discussed. It was decided that an offer be sent to a promi nent Congregational clergyman in this city. Although the name is withheld from publication until his decision is announced it is currently reported that Dr. Lyman H. Abott is the man. Dr. Abott would not be seen to day. A member of the church and a near friend of Mr. Beecher said that the question of a per manent pastor in Plymouth church is still unsettled and likely to remain so for weeks. The trustees will hold a meeting on Fridy night. The same even ing a public meeting in behalf of the projected monument to the late Henry Ward Beecher, in the Brooklyn City Hall plaza will be held. The arrangements are not completed, but well known speakers are expected to be present, and there is every promise of making a successful start for the movement. Dr. Tower, secretary of the Foreign Missonary Society of the Con gregational Church in this city, will fill Mr. Beecher's pulpit temporarily. T45E WORK OF TIH: FORTY ft kX I II C.G R i:ss. Miss Turlington. Bingham's fam ily have gone into mourning, and his mother and sisters say he is dead. Bingham's mother has written to friends that Walter had taken his own life, and she letters stating that lie committed suicide at Xiagara Falls, by jump ing from a train as it passed over the suspension bridge. It is claimed by the family that the description of the man who thus took his life agreed with that of Bingham, save in one respect that being, that the man had on a light overcoat. Walter, when last seen at Raleigh, had on a dark overcoat. Only one mem ber of Bingham's family, it is said, admit that Walter was in sane, tnougii tnere is a streaK or enu- as the by to insanity in the family. Most of its members make a point of never admitting this. Great sym pathy is shown for the family, particularly for Bingham's moth er, who is a Christian woman of the highest moral and social standing. WHY IT DOS'T PAY. The Xew York Herald merates the following most important bill passed the late congress : 1. Settling the succession the Presidency. 2. Regulating the counting of the electoral vote. 3. Repealing the tenure of office act. 4. Forfeiting and restoring to the public domain about fifty millions of acres of land. 5. Prophibiting the ownership of land by aliens. G. Effectively dealing with the crime of polygamy. 7. Referring all private claims to the Court of claims. 8. Ordering a thorough inquiry into the affairs and management of the Pacific railroads. 9. Authorizing tlie President to deal with the fishery troubles. 10. Regulating inter-State com merce. 1 1 . Reducing the fees on pos tal money orders. 12. Extending the free delivry system to cities of 10,000 inhabi tants. 13. Relieved the merchant marine of a number vextaions and needless burdens. 14. Redeining trade dollars. 15. Prohibiting the use of con vict labor on public buildings. 16. Ordering the adjustment of railroad land grants. 17. Allotting lands in sever alty to indians. 18. Authorizing the issue small silver certificates. 1 9. Giving money for congress ional library. streets, Chicago, on the 17th inst., the church was crowbtd and out side on the steps leading up to the church was a vast crowd, un- States Supreme Court concerning the tax on drummers. Until the full text of the decision is investiirated, it is the intention Supplies will be nients are made. idvanced on crop time where suitable arrange Very Respectfully, able to gain admission. Suddenly of Treasurer Bain to abide by there was a shap crack, followed j the existing law of this Stafe on by a grinding crash and fully 200 the subject, and parties entering men, women and children were I this State as commercial agents nrecioitated ten feet, the front j within the meaning of the act j door platform having given way. i will be required in all respects to i Twent -three in all received j conform to its provisions. If, more or less serious injuries. Airs, j however, it shall be found that Kern, an acred woman had her ! the decision of the United States back broken, and P. O'Connor ; Supreme Court is in conflict with had both legs broken. Many the law of this State, then it will people were injured by being cause such a deficiency in the ap trmapled on. People inside the propriations for the agricultural church were at first inclined to j and other departments as to rush for the doors, but were calm-; necessitate an extra session of ed owing to the words of the of-1 the General Assembly to supply ficiating priest. ' the remedy. of SILENT SI I FEISERS. "Farming doesn't pay." Of course it dosen't. Why should it? That bank on the cor ner won't pay either. Present your checks at the counter and the teller would politely tell you that there is nothing to your credit there. Why? Because you haven't made any deposit. For the same reason that farm of yours won't pay you anything. You haven't kept your account good. You have been drawing on it constantly, and making no deposits, until now the farm, like the bank, refuses to honor your checks. You can't fool the old mother earth. She conducts her affairs on business principles and expects to get value received in the shape of industry directed by good sense and correct judgment, before she responds to the call for dividends. Farming does not pay, nor does anything else pay until you give it something to pay with. Western Plowman. SIR. RELIE?. admitted to probate in this coun ty during the month of Febru ary. A gentleman in the low er end of the county informed us a few days ago that he planted last year 5 acres in peanuts and on the same farm thirteen acres in cotton, and made more money on the peanuts than on the cot ton. He sold his peas for 73 cts a bushel. They are now worth 81.30. He also told us that the farmers of that section would diversify their crops this year mora tnan ever before. Roanoke News. Senator Edmunds was recently asked by a reporter what prom nent Republicans he considered were now at the front, but he declined to answer. Modesty is a delicate flower, and appears oddly out of place on an iceberg. In many human bosoms an ocean of trouble is rolling and tossing its billows in fiercest fury, forcing its spray out at times through the evelids in briniest tears : but so bravely and so si j v lently and so unmurmeringly is it borne that no one dreams of the trials that are surging and roaring in the hidden deeps with in. That beautiful calm of for titude, which mantles the brow in such lovely serinity, and that soft mild light of cheerfulness, falling like sun beams from Heaven and playing over the features in such a glimmering sheen of beauteous lustre, would seem to whisper that all is peace and rest within the grief-reefed caves of feeling. But, oh, not so. We cant dive through the shining surface and see the rocks on the bottom, against which the waters strike and foam and surge and seethe in all their terrible fury. Xo,that is hid and it is given unto the heart alone to know and feel its throes and its agonies. Many a smiling face beams over a heart whose brightest dream is broken and whose sunlight has gone forever, even at a brilliant sky sometimes droops its irides cent beams of radiance above a dark and sobbing and moaning sea. Wilson Mirrdr. The sermons on evolution preached by Air. Beecher attrac ted the widest attention. To Rev. George Morrison, of Baltimore, he wrote : "The formulated doc trins, as I hold them, are: A personal God, creator and ruler over all things ; the human fam ily universally sinful ; the need and facts of conversion ; the divine agency in such a work ; Jesus Christ the manifestation of God in human conditions; His office in redemption supreme. I do not believe in the Calvinistic form of stating the atonement. I do not believe in the fall of the human race in Adam and, of course, i do not hold that Christ's work was to satisfy the law bro ken by Adam for all his posteri ty. The race was not lost, but has been ascending steadily from creation. I am in hearty accord with revivals and revival preach ing with the educating forces of the Church and in sympathy with all ministers who in their sever al ways seek to build up men in to the image of Jesus Christ by whose faithfulness, generosity and love I hope to be saved and brought home to heaven." A 8TRAiJi: WIL,i; Edward Kuehl, of Omaha, Xeb., 69 years old, was found lying dead in a bed at 319 South Tenth Street. Kuehl was a well known eccentric character about Omaha, He was shoemaker by trade, but made a great deal of money by telling fortunes. In his will he directs that John Baumer take charge of the re mains and see that his body is cremated, and all his expenses and debts paid, and then that the residue be offered to the Franciscan Sisters. His ashes he desired placed over a certain bar in the city, where he was ac customed to drink. It is thought that the money and property will amount to $3,000. Mr. liaumer will take the body to Buffalo and have it cremated at once.