f?-E LEVEL ITEMS. ;llts - - ed" d 1 A . "3 March has ide a 11111 ?Uu [11 be strictly ? Business i.oi.nd wife were in - . first in'" i bulC*(s|WC|j visited our l.ates f,r Liicati ? 1 ( Godwin is attend r at Smithfleld. _ Oliver made u busi er*. | Vh Friday, lex to ^ 17 f r and family Jll0 MUir'ecotfrttiy. jjfcoe: ,as moved back r?mitlittre on Church street. I M i"?tbrook made a I k Mufddsboro Thurs jtfttcerie- etc ? y\ M.Niii'l 0j Qur Ktores ?MleuI'W.- .jj jH (]r;uvjn? Fur ? Bui Hi) '*' W- ley and son at TOV lt l nion Grove I. pou^ornt^?ay visited -'""sin Princeton I ?The gra. Ir" a"1' W'\l attended rrl a- ' Princeton ?n'.i-Fx-Contrr t jfteocky M' . .. i U'i/oi and Barber, ot . Mills were in our town Pud Sunday". Knocker and Master ker made a business "ileld Monday. a liitl ill , i "hit He?Vin and Mpb- M Lhr '-1 their millinery * I est styles, bis visiti' * PiS Ste- aiard and .Mrs. B. v, /ided the burial of ~ brown Wednesday. L "ubscijey and family, of i t moved in town L ^ ^ke this their future HL .lohnson went to Hlonday to see Dr. Bn> lit' will soon be Y wife of our post ~i Hurley, died Nlon interred in the 4111 U.',v 1(1 Tuesday. Jptianil, six children v -B friends to mourn ^hrull Major. renin lb iruui u Jliti?n?f the stom SuB)ati?n f'le bow '...ltwo of Chamber-; ^nd Liver Tablets 1 "ffese disorders and k).iu i'aeec Id by Hood |:W eight 8 of I>r. King's f>*' wholly cured me \f' oH pounds." It's Varanteed to cure I .a (irippe, llron Jl Throat and Lung f1 V 50c. and $1.00. ?free at llood Hros. GEN. HARRISON DEAD. Ex-President's Death Was Quiet and Painless at His Home in Indianapolis. Indianapolis, Ind., March 13.? ' General Benjman J. Harrison died at 4:4."> this afternoon with out regaining consciousness His tleatli was quiit and painless, there being a gradual sinking until the end came, which was marked by u single gasp foe breath as life departed from the body. The relatives, with a few 1 exceptions, and several of his old and t ried friends were at tlie for mer President's bedside when he passed awry. The General's condition w a;e,, bad this morn ing, after a ? a less night that the attending hysicians under stood that the nd could not be far off and all 1 jlletins sent out from the sick bo >m were to this effect, so that he family and friends were prt iared when the final blow came. News of the death spread quick ly through the city, and several of the more intimate friends-at once hurried to the Harrison res idence. The word was flashed ' from the bullet ins of all the news papers, and thus communicated to the people on their way home in the evening. The announce ment produced the greatest sor row. Withm a few moments, the flags on all the public build ings and most of the down town business blocks werfe hoisted at half-mast, and other outward manifestations of mourning were made. None of General Harrison's children were present at his death. Neither Colonel Kussell Harrison nor Mrs. McKee had reached the city, although both were on their way. Elizabeth, General Harri son's little daughter, bad been taken from tlii* sick room by her nurse before t(he end came. New York state and its politi cal divisions are now spending $47,000,000 annually for the maintenance of the public school system and the institutions of higher education. The expendi ture last year was as follows: Common schools, $33,421,491; i secondary education,$<),99(1,374; higher education. $7,063,037. Mr. J. Hill, of Brown Mountain, Stokes county, claims that lie has successfully solved the prob lem of aerial navigation in the invention of a machine that he] has just completed. He says it will flv to any height or any distance. He will not divulge the secret of his invention but his brother tes tifies to the reality of its exist ence. He if looking for men who will furnisl the cash to put his machine in[ operation. He pre fers to lmv men of the United States but i they refuse he will appeal to I i gland. Rheumatism. Xobody, knows all about it; uul nothij.g, now kjiown, will [' always cue it. Doctor try Scott's Emul sion of ( od Liver Oil, when :hev thinjL it is caused by im oerfect digestion of food. I ' ^ ! Vou can do the same. It may or may not be caused bv the failure of stomach and bowels to do their work. If l It is, you will cure it; if not. vou will do no harm. The way, to cure a disease is to stop its cause, and help the body get back to its habit of health. When Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil docs that, it urcs; when it don't, it don t ure. It never does harm. The genuine has this picture on it, take no other. If you have not tried it, send tor fr^t sample, its agreeable taste will surprise you. SCOTT & BOWNK, Chemists, 409 Pearl St., N. Y. ?1,00 ; all druggists. Mr. S. Klawansky HAS BEEN ON THE NEW YORK AND BALTIMORE MARKETS since February 24th, where he will spend much time and care in the selecting of an up-to-date line of GENTS' FURNISHINGS, BOYS' CLOTHING, LADIES' TRIMMED HATS, and a large variety of dress goods, Silks, Laces, Embroideries, &c. Shoes, Shoes. We Can't Describe Them. SHOE* FOR OLD FOLKS, SHOES FOR YOUNG FOLKS. SHOES FOR LADS, SHOES FOR LASSES, SHOES FOR BOYS, SHOES FO'.l GIRLS, SHOES FOR MIDDLE AGED FOLKS, AND SHOES AND SLIPPERS FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY, Tbis'imrr.ensejstock will begin to arrive in a few days and we invite you to come and sec tbe brightest, newest, and prettiest line of goods you will see this season. STANCILL & KLAWANSKY, KENLY. N. C. Ml-3t. UNDERTAKERS' GOODS. We keep a full line of Coffins, Csskete an^ Undertakers' Furnishing Goods, fron the lowest to the highest price. \\e Keep ai*o j)ry Goods, Notions, Groceries and General Merchandise. Call to see us. F- !W HOOD A CO. F6-tf I SELMA, N. C OUR CLUBBING ....OFFERS... \ ! Y For the benefit of our subscribers we V have made arrangements with the different publishers so that we are enabled to make j the following low'clubbing rates: The Herald and the Thrice-a-\Yeek New York World, one year, $1.05. The Herald and Home and Farm, The Greatest Southern Farm Paper for SI.25. THE HERALD AND THE COMMONER, W. J. liryan's paper, .$1.75. The Herald and the NationaLMagazlne for $1.50. These are excellent offers and our subscribers who wish to secure plenty of pood reading should take advantage of them at once. 6 l.adies, now is the tune to buy your diess goods, trimmed hats, cans and jackets, cheap, at W. G. Yelvington's store, as he has a store full of goods and must be closed out in order to make room for Spring stock. Cavenaugli & Co., Benson, re quest their friends see them be fore buying their fertilizers. They will not be undersold. Tobacco 25c. per pound at Peeiiin Bros. The Best 10c coffee in the world at N. B. Snipes & Bro., Selma, N. C. We have on hand a large sup ply of Short Form Lien Bonds tor advances and old debt. Send us your ordeis. The Herald." NOTICE. The undersigned having qualified as execu tor on the estate of Sarah Kelly, deceased, all tiersons ha\ in* claims against said estate are leroby notified to present the same to me duly verified on or before the 15th day March, IWrj, or this notice will be pleaded in t?ar of theii recovery and all persons indebted to said estate will make immediate payment. This tilth day of March. 1V01. N. r. POOL, Exccntor. Garden seed. millet seed and Irish potatoes, in good qnalitj ' and quantity for sale. \V. M. Sanders. Gents, go to W. (J. Yelvington': store for your nice spring dresi suits, shirts, cuffs, collars am tics, as he is receiving a nice lin< I this spring. Cotter. Underwood A Co., havi I just revived a large lot of can vass and guano for tobam ^ Ireds. | For high grade Fertilizers fo tall crops, see Cavenaugh & Co, ? Benson, N. C. 1 .. .. jjf ??OTHERS QUITS ^ jj But 1 Continue. \i 'ft \L .L During the many year* I iiave sold 8cvim Machines and while I have sold ? hundreds of them several other men at different times and in different parts of w the county have started and for a short time would sell some sewing machines* \i(it but soon they would quit and give the work up. It seems their machines would not stand the test and the people stopped buying them. Others quit the business ^ ^ but I continue. I am iu the business to stay. ^ jm AGENT FOR THE ^ t> NEW HOME AND DOMESTIC >* ^ And Other Sewing Machines. 'h ^ If vou are ready to buy a machine let me know. ?! J. M. BEATY, t 2 Johnston County's Sewing Machine Han, J KMITHFIKLD, N. C. CASH RACKET STORE. I have just received a nice lire of SPRING CALICOS, HOMESPUN and Gingham* together'with a good lot of Shoes. If you want a good shoe, try my "LOINE JACK." And you wili be convinced. Now in the time to luyyiur I.a A Patent and Half Patent Flour JV A * ' That is going as cheap as it it can be had We also ' ? ' ' have a nice line of Coffee, which we are sellinir at 10, ' * ' ' 11, 12i, and 15 cents. < ? ' i our Groceries art frcsn and Nite. < ? i 1 A SHOES. X 5' 1 r We lisve just received a nice line of Ladies' and Gents' Shoes that must S * , \ go at very little profit. We also have a few Notions, that we wish to A' f close ou' at cost. All we ask is a trial to convince < ou. ; * r Yours to please, if f Q W. PEEDIN & COMPANY, X A J 14-tf Smithfield, N. C. A INFORMATION. Several people have been in our store recently, and, upoB seeing our goods, would say that they did not know that we J kept so and so, that they had gone elsewhere and paid much higher prices for articles not as nice as ours. Below we give a partial list of what we carry. BED ROOM SUITS. FROM 87.5<) TO $35. Our $35 suits are as nice as you can buy in many places for forty-iive or fifty dollars. ' Bureaus from $3.50 to $15.00 Bed Steads from 1.50 to 15.00 Rockers from 75c. to $4.50 Straight Chairs (Solid Oak) from 48c. to $2.50 each. Window Shades, 15c. to 5 LOO We Garry a Nice Line of EXTENSION TABLES, Center Tables, Dining Tables, Wardrobe?, Trunks, Tin Safes, I Glass Door Cupboards, Single and Folding Loun.e*, Carpet, Matting, lings, Floor Oil Cloth, Etc. We also carry in stock _ _ _ theNew Roy?successor StWSItfl IHOCl^lllCS. > to the Royal St. John j Fully guaranteed at from ?20 to $35. ? He also curry tlie New No. 9 Wheeler 8r Wilson Sewinj Machine?ball-bearing and rotary motion. One-thirl faster e one-third lighter, one-third less noise, than any long-shuttle ma - chine made. The Wheeler k Wilson is positively the highest grade sewing machine made. Call and see us. Yours truly, " The Smithfield Furniture Co* - . - . . * - ? - -?